"All New Yorkers should go back where they came from and fornicate themselves with an iron stick." I have found the real Peter Griffin, will the real Peter Griffin, please stand up? Please stand up . . . please stand up.
This man (to the left), I see a couple times a year. I do not know his name, nor do I care too find out. He is a EMT (TOO MANY JOKES), and volunteers for all the big MA Special Olympics events as a medic.Besides his physical appearance, the bucko sounds and talks like Peter Griffin. Same laugh, same quasi-New England accent, same over use of the words "sweet", "freakin'", and "bastard". Seth McFarlane owes this man some royalties.
WEIRD SCIENCE: HOLLOW EARTH!Ok now, there is still a group of people in the world that believe in the Hollow Earth Theory. Um, why? This is kookier than believing that God poofed the Earth into existent in 4043 BC.
They say that the proof is in the experimentations run by this psuedo-cult, the Koreshans (no relation), in the late 1800's. The Koreshans took a long straight rod, and set it perpedicularly on stands, exactly parrallel to the ground, from there they took accurate measurment of the lay of the land, and moved the rod along the surface of the Earth. After about 4 miles, they determined through their measurements that the Earth was getting closer to the rod, hence we live on the inside of the Earth.
Now that I think about it, it is more of a scientific leg than what Creationist have to stand on.
Anyone want to join my new relgion, Malachalism?
I MISS . . .
Wake up Buckos, your missing some quality stuff.
I still find it amazing that people have not seen or heard of the movie Bladerunner. If you have not seen this amazing movie, go out and rent it right after reading this. You will be amazed. Any type of cyberpunk owes a huge debt to this movie, and the movie still stands up today. It is amazing to see how much of this 1982 classic has become accurate to today. And Rutger Hauer is in it, and who wouldn't want to have sex with Rutger Hauer.
So you got some extra scratch lying around?
Donate it to Catholic Social Services, Community Autism Resouces, the Jimmy Fund, or give it to me, I will put it in the right place.
OK, You gonna kill me for this one.
I am a big Lance Armstrong fan, I very much respect him, and I am awed by his accomplishments, both on and off a bike. But why does everyone just assume the French are out to get him (OK they are). Why does everyone think it is out of the realm of possiblity, that Lance used performing enhancement drugs, especially in the time frame that ii is reported it occured. Athletes don't lie? AAA--rafeal palmeiro--CHOOOOO! I guess that is just being me just being Un-American.
OK now let's go after 9/11
Officials are now deciding whether to punish intelligence officials about 9/11. Why? Why not punish any who's job it was to protect this country from an attack like this up to and including the White House. This was a major breakdown in communications, there was also an attitude of disbelief this could happen. Use this as an example. You live in a quiet neighborhood, you wifes leaves her car unlocked, it gets stolen. Now you know better. Do you now divorce your wife?
Um, please don't suicide bomb my house, but . . .
Shiite . . .. hehe you said Shiite.
You and you goofy ideas about the shape of the Earth!
RubberSuit Stuidos Affiliates
We have a new affiliate, The Forums of Grim. If is a brand new fan forum pertaining to one of my favorite cartoons, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Join up and help this place grow. In addtion, Dr. Murks World has a new web address:http://www.hill-tv.com/Dr_Murk/murk.htm, So change your favorites and links. And as always, if you want more traffic, you can join our links exchange program or always advertise on this website. Remember, links are a major way to get your site noticed by search engines.
Perhaps a new JesusMan! tonight, if you behave. And don't forget to bump my webcomic buttons when you read this . . . right NOW! And Murkie honey cheeks, is this blog more cohesive for you? Don't get eaten by a bear.
I am Malach, and I have passed the test of the Gom-Jobbar!
My God, this blog is freakin' sweet!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:31 AM
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*coff*Pitr Gryphon*coff*
P.S.: It's actually a photo edit, no need to get all suprised.
That Dutch dude scares me....
Holy crap, is that a HS pic of this guys? At least mine is a real guy.
Palmer, which Dutch Dude?
Mr. Hauer....
But don't you just want to have sex with him?
Real picture, edited name. Yes, HS pic.
So you think my guy and yours are the same guy?
Well, the next time you see him, ask if his name is "Justin Blair Spaeth". That's the real name of the guy in the photo, see?
-Damn I need an account
You can actually just sign up a name and never blog. One of my EMT friends know him, I'll ask.
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