Yes, a bit of a Halloween Themed Blog.
First the truth about Vampires
Remember, scrap and lick.
And to address the issue of the Great Pumpkin.
And know, the real truth about Santa Claus
That is all you need to know about Halloween. Mine was fun, the kids had a blast, I will have candy until June.
Space Ghost's Gallery is now up (how appropriate, being Halloween). There is a link for his comix, they will be up tomorrow or the next day. Ghost has some nice stuff, some of it is animated so click the pics. A lot of it is also scratch work. Talented.
Tales of WoW, has been updated, with the latest episode Meet Your Figure Heads: The Angry Veteran. Another top notch tale from the Angry Piper
bennie goodman has returned to the WoW. And while you are there, check out the Halloween wishes.
NASA announced today they are going to fix the Hubble Telescope. Kudos to NASA, The Hubble telescope has revealed more about this universes origns and produced some breathtaking pictures.
Does anyone really care? And why is Cindy Margolis the most downloaded woman on the internet? Let's beat that. I give you permission to download this;
Now Malach can be the most downloaded woman on the internet.
This guy is a freak on nature.
I think most of us would be dead if we did this.
How many times do you think this idiot got away with this before he was caught? Let see, he was arrested in Arkansas, so maybe 50 times?
Google slowly but surely taking over the internet. This is very interesting manuever. Imagine now what they can do with this . . . the possibilities are endless.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
It seemed to be a sort of monster, or symbol representing a monster, of a form which only a diseased fancy could conceive. If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings; but it was the general outline of the whole which made it most shockingly frightful. - H. P. Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu.
I am Malach, and I await Cthulhu.
Happy Halloween
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:19 PM 126 comments
To get you in the Halloween Mood
Happy Halloween, Hail Satan!
Halloween is a favorite of Malach's, it allows me to openly and freely practice worshipping the Devil, or so some would have you believe. Many a Fundamentalist Christian denounces Halloween as just that, a way for the man in red to convert you. Just ask my buddy Jack Chick (man Jack, sell your domain name, a porn company would pay huge money for, just think of all the money you would have to save our souls). So with that being said the video below will set the mood . . . More tomorrow
What is this?
The Angry Piper has published a new book review? It must be Halloween Magic.
I know I promised you new galleries and webcomics today, didn't get the chance to put them up, tomrrow, I promise.
St. Louis, Gateway to the West . . .
and the most dangerous city in the U.S. I knew there was more than one reason I hated St. Louis.
Hey Wal-Mart.
If I wanted chic, I would go to Target, and I hate Target. Sell me the cheap stuff.
Jack Chick, Buddy.
So, you think Adam and Eve lived here before they Garden of Eden or what? Wow, pick on the chick day, btw, I have the Cthulhu Chick Tract. I am still waiting for the legal threats.
No comment. Well none beyond they should have saved this for International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
A Moat Around Israel?
I don't know about this one. I mean where the Hell are you supposed to find Kosher crocodiles these days?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. - Edgar Allan Poe
I am Malach and my delemna this evening it try to watch the Patriots game and Heroes at the same time.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:48 PM 7 comments
The Whole World.
First the plugs . .We will begin hosting the art of a one Space Ghost. I am working on not only his gallery, but also a series of one shot webcomics he has done. Expect them up tomorrow or Tuesday. Space Ghost is very talented at both manipulating images with Photoshop and a pretty good drawer also. Here is a sneak peak at left. You all know how partial I am to the cubist movement. He also gave me a good link for some tutorials to improve my skills. You will love his stuff.
Other plugs, still plodding along with Fat Bug, but since all my comissions are done, I will be working on that pretty consistently this week. I would guess I am 65% done.
A WoW plug? Sure. Always look on the bright side of life.
You are Listening too . . .
The Whole World, Outkasts.
RIP Red Auerbach
Red Auerbach passed away last night. Red, was one of the greatest basketball minds to ever live. For you young'uns, look up his career. Without Red, basketball is still a obscure sport. And I don't even think that is biased being a New Englander.
The Joy of Doomsday Economic News.
It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. Right now the US economy is so tied into the world economy, and finacial collapse will bankrupt much of the world. I also like how this story is not to be found in any of the major news outlets.
Malach's Quote of the Day
What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist. - Salman Rushdie
I am Malach and I take Freedom very seriously.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Mal B. Sure
So, some of you are gonna freak out . .
When you see the Deja WoW, I posted today. And you might enjoy the Halloween based joke, Memere sent me.
More plugs? Beatbox Productions (formerly Aleague's Gallery) and Andy Randall's gallery have updated. I have gotten a lot of request from prices of images in some of these galleries, especially Andy's Gallery. Don't hesitate to shoot me an email if you have a question about them.
Also, Malach has broken down and opened a Cafe Press account, it will just be easier to sell t-shirts and stuff via that (at least for now). Personally I hate Cafe Press as their prices are overly expensive, but I don't have the type of space to store t-shirt, posters, packing supplies and such (at least right at this moment). Will be opening soon.
Daylight Savings Time.
Set your clock backs, for the man.
Don't forget tonight at 9:30PM, Cartoon Network.
Congrats to the St. Louis Cardinals.
Yeah I am surprised. Congrats.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Why did Jesus go 'round with all them reindeers? - Ali G.
I am Malach WESTSIDE!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:59 PM 2 comments
Everybody go to the back of the bus!
Some more site changes.
Well, I did a bit of work today on our art galleries directory, and you can see that here, interestingly enough, I am now the number search hit for the phrase "Stool Sample" and MSN, number 5 at Yahoo, 7 at Google, take up 5 of the top spots at Alexa, and 6 at Ask (and as usually their results are months behind, idiots). This could be good or bad. RubbberSuit Records is next on the list, then just minor update across the site. By the way, I love Dreamweaver.
You are listening too . ..
Rosa Parks, Outkast. Did you know that Rosa Parks sued the Outkast over this song? I am glad she dead, she'd probably sue me for playing this.
The World Series.
Well slap my ass and call me Charlie, I had the Tigers in 5 . . . Suppose they blew out their best pitching in the AL playoffs.
Goodbye to the Ford Taurus.
The Ford Taurus is no more. Unfortunately 2,000 workers had to lose their jobs cause of it. Let us remember, the Taurus and what it did not only for American cars, but the entire car industry. Taurus was the first real production car with modern aerodynamicing, full front wheel drive, more fuel efficiency, and brought an end to the "boxy American car". Even went with a pretty kickass, SHO model. Taurus lifted American cars into the modern era . . . American cars need something like it now.
Wow, them feds are smart.
See, hang out with Snoop Dog, Willie Nelson, or any band from Seattle long enough, and you will meet your arrest quota.
NFL week 8.
Sometime this week we will look back on my preseason picks and be amazed. Such is the power of Malach.
I Invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad . .
to write a script for a webcomic . . . I will illustrate it, and post it here. Would that not be fun? For that matter, I invite Kim Jong Il, and Hugo Chavez also. Dubya, he got his own web resources. You know what, It can be anything. Porn, racist, insane, whatever.
Malach has Manlove for Sacha Cohen.
I wrote a bit of a WoW article on him today. I also dicovered the joys of Borat's MySpace.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If there is one more item of Uzbek propaganda claiming that we do not drink fermented horse urine, give death penalty for baking bagels, or export over 300 tons of human pubis per year, then we will be left with no alternative but to commence bombardment of their cities with our catapults. - Borat (you did not see that coming).
I am Malach and I am your secret internet friend.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:23 PM 1 comments
Yeah so Blogger was down again last night
So, then why do I use it?
Personally I like Wordpress better, and someone recently told me I can covert my entire blog to Wordpress, so I might look into that. The reason I use Blogger is the ease of use, and uploading to an FTP. There are none easier. But sometimes you got to put up with the crap like it being down when you want to do you daily post.
So what did you miss?
Of course plugs, and that leave you with double the plugs today. First, there are two updates to Tales of WoW. Both are in the Meet Your Figureheads genre. The first of course is myself the second Dr. Murk. Enjoy.
Speaking of the WoW, here are a couple of posts from the past couple days by your truly. The first about Television, and the second about voting for Deval Patrick
Fat Bug. Well after several days of no work on him, I got a lot in in the past two days. Of the approximate 40 panels, 12 are done, and it might be finished by the end of the weekend. In addition, I spoke to Murk yesturday and he stated the podcast should be finished very soon.
Bush OK's fence.
So it seem Dubya has ok'ed a 700 mile fence to "protect" our Southern Border. OK, let Malach explain something. Malach works with tons of immigrants, many of them undocumented. A fence will not keep them put. Here is the issue.
Imagine if you will, you live in a hovel, and there is no work, and you need to feed you family. Would you not risk life and limb crossing one of the most inhospitable places on Earth to get to a place where not only they would pay to work, they would pay you 500x any salary you could make at home. So you leave your family, to cross a desert, with the chance of dying and a fence in gonna stop you?
What the Bush administration need to do is work with Mexico, turn it into Canada part II. The you won't have these issues.
Daylight Saving Time.
This weekend, set you clocks back. Before my rant, read this upcoming change to Daylight Savings. Now my rant. What is the purpose of Daylight Savings? What is it Saving? Methinks it is a huge conspiracy to make us pay more to light and heat our homes. It already gets dark early, so you make it get darker and colder an hour earlier? Think of this. The Electric and Fuel companies get an extra hour of fuels and electricity use out of you for 6 months. REPEAL DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!
NJ approves gays rights to marriage.
Join us NJ, we love everyone in MA.
Some more stuff about Mexico.
Seems they found some 10 - 15000 year old footprints in Mexico City. And they say the cradle of modern man began in Mesopotamia and Africa.
The plan make the Angry Piper angry once again.
It seem the Piper ain't so angry any more. Well, RubberSuit Studios is sponsoring a Piss Off the Angry Piper Contest. Here my entry. Oh and for good measure, he is a transvestite.
100 Million year old Bumblebee.
Them's good eating.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Go back to Massachusetts, Pinko! - Homer Simpson.
I am Malach, and what exactly is a pinko? Oh see, I should of just asked Wikipedia, they will tell me anything, including good racial slurs, you fuggin' Spud Islanders
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:54 PM 6 comments
Shake it . . . Shake it . . .
Shake It Like a Polar Bear Picture!
Hey, quick plug, some shiite at is coming together a bit. Check out my experimental .swf page that i am fooling around with. I might go completely flash with this, I am not sure yet.
In some pluggage update, there is another Tales of WoW up. Just Another Night at Dr. Murk's House. As for the podcast, Murk reports very soon. He is back track. Fat Bug on the other hand. I worked on it some more today, first time is a few days, sorry. Life's busy. Also I am not sure what is going on with all these other promised webcomics by our contributers.
You are listening too . . .
A request from the kids, Hey Ya, by the Outkast. Outkast are one of the best things going in modern rap/hip hop/R & B, and I am gonna play a few by them. My daughter adores this song. Also Andre 3000 has this Cartoon Network, cartoon coming out, Class of 3000 which looks to be really fresh. My kids a VERY excited for the premeire.
This is really amazing. Who would have thunk it? I guess my generation is winning this battle with the Baby Boomers. By the way, out of my entire catalog, this is my most popular image, the image that drains the most resouces from my site, the image I constantly harass people AROUND THE WORLD about using without my permission. You know what, I need to make a print of this and sell it.
I guess they had worms . . . And is this about the most rediculous argument against Dinosaurs you have ever read?
The image of Googlezon, was not that far off.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Hope I die before I turn into Pete Townshend. - Kurt Cobain
I am Malach, Rough Boy don't walk away . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:18 PM 3 comments
I swear it wasn't me who took your Thetans.
I got enough problems with all these Audits.
I get wierd search hits. My favorite up until today was: what do I do if I find black bugs in my stool, todays though was even better. Todays: DAMN! A Honkey stole my Thetans. I posted a bit about it on the WoW.
I also posted this at the WoW.
But you people really need to know how popular I am. Know you know, and as we know, that is half the battle . . . I have always wondered what the other half of the battle was.
It is nice to see there are still grammar nazis out there. This new internet based world NEEDS IT BADLY.
IBM, you dare threaten the All Might AMAGOOTUBE?
I really don't care, what I do care is Amazon's patent on one click shopping, bastards.
Damn, not Nelson too!
First it was Fall River's own Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf, now Nelson "Mini Pedro" DeLaHoya! Is there no place in the world for a 2' man?
Gonna do some HeroScape on Wednesday.
Otis Serungis, Hot Rod, maybe Murk, and doubtful on the Piper. I will take pics, and do and overall review. Some Heroscape info click it.
The Next Podcast.
Episode 12, I don't know, stop asking me, that is Murk's Department, email him
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. - Phillip K. Dick, Valis
I am Malach and I have never read Valis, I am reading next after Anansi Boys.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:17 PM 6 comments
Did you miss me?
Sorry about yesterday.
Blogger was down most of yesterday, so you got no blog, did you miss me? Nothing major, I was busy any way with a few things. Website client updates, and a new major website project I am working on. I am working to make a plave for former orbiters, that will perhaps relive some of the greatness of orbit. I am working with a internet pal of mine, Chris, the brains behind the Massive Cartoon Orbit Archival Project (MCOAP). Last night we loaded up close to 10,000 Orbit .swfs like this for example, or this. This week I am going to build some major galleries for this stuff. Eventually we are going to put the entire MCOAP site on CO:TCG. I am going to develop the remainder of CO:TCG kind of like Orbit, mixed with MySpace. Stay tuned. BTW, I am starting tomorrow paying for the hosting on this site. There will be ads and a DONATION button to help me with the costs, especially if this site goes massive. Also if you want to help with this, get in touch with me. I am really looking for someone with some pretty good .php/cold fusion skills.
So, any plugs?
Yeah, just one. Aleague's Gallery updated.
You are listening too . . .
Lipstick. Imperial Teen. A bit of a gender bending song.
Halloween is in the air.
Carved pumpkins with the kiddos today . . take a look
Here he comes . . .
Hey, hey it's Obama! IDK, Obama/Clinton ticket could be fun.
What week is this?
You heard it here first, Ben Roethlisberger will be dead by week 10. And Michael Vick, you still overrated.
This is proof the Armageddon is near! The Wal-Mart, so good with their employee benefits.
Damn Harry Potter is the Anti-Christ!
I was hoping when I read the headline it would be the fat red headed kid.
SHHH, be very quiet.
The Patriots are slowly sneaking up on the rest of the league.
Hell Boy.
The first of animated movies will appear on Cartoon Network Oct. 28th at 9:30PM. I am excited.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Toki: Yeah but checks dis out! I can force all the bloods to my face and gives myself a real cool blowjob! Dat's what I'm talkin' about!
Skwisgaar: mean nosebleed, not blowjob. Idiot...
- Metalocalypse
I am Malach, and I messed up the elbow this weekend.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:49 PM 7 comments
More Plugs for you face!
The Reading Room is now open!
Stool Sample presents The Reading Room featuring hosted fiction from Twisted Darkness, Choas Dragoon, and The Angry Piper. As in the past we are hosting Lying . . . and Twisted Swears he will get around to finishing it (BTW, Twisted, you are pissing off my wife). Added to day Choatic Thoughts , featuring the fiction and fanfics of Choas Dragoon, the first, Armageddon is already up. Very interesting short story, possibly a continuing one; a fanfic based on the X-Men. Additionally, I have begun to add The Angry Piper's WoW pieces under the nom de plume of Tales of WoW. Part one and two of the WoW Family Picnic are up. At least 5 - 6 more to come there (and yes, a webcomic based on it some day, or maybe a flash animation).
You want more plugs . . .
A little birdy told me to expect a new page of Fumble Pit perhaps tonight.
GooTube back down.
Man don't mess with the Japanese, you should learn from this North Korea. At least they have yet to delete this puppy.
Oh, can't forget . .
You know me, can't keep my nose out of a debate with a fundamentalist Christian . . . have fun with this one. Yeah my last post is bit over the top, oh well.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
At last, an encyclopedia by potheads! - David Attell (in reference to Wikipedia)
I am Malach and I was going to add this quote to his Wiki page, but there was some stupid comment there about not adding that quote anymore, stupid Wiki Nazis!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:18 PM 5 comments
Plugs galore to start.
Where to begin? Well start here it is coming along a peice at a time; expect pages for both the galleries and fiction in the coming days, expect also the addition of writing from the Angry Piper and Choas Dragoon. I do have some minor client update to do, but I should have some time to work on that and the latest Fat Bug. As for when the Fat One will be done, I ain't promising anything.
Now, there is some awesome stuff up at WoW. First check out Malach's article about Bill Buckner. Then check out Choas first posting of some fan fiction. And then, check out the WoW family Picnic part one and part two. Those last three are going into the fiction pages here.
And finally, a lot of Cartoon Orbit fans have been on this blog the past few days. If you have not seen my pal Chris's website, The Massive Cartoon Orbit Archive Project, do you self a favor and check it out. You won't be dissappointed.
You are listening too . . .
The Beginning, Imperial Teen.
Nice job.
A hoax. Stupid, that like posting on the internet you are going to kill the president, which by the way Malach has NEVER done.
OK, stop me if you heard this one.
So there's preist, a Congressman, and a group of Congressional Pages, and the all walk into a bar . .. OK seriously, they took naked Saunas together and messaged each other in the nude, sorry Padre, that's not normal.
Speaking of Abnormal
Child porn is bad enough, but infant porn?
This was shocking!
It's only half?
Ahh Microsoft, you can't win. Give up now.
Wal-Mart, the world's largest lobby.
This is extremely scary, you see the people who work at Wal-Mart?
I bought one of these on EBay the other day.
And it works, you can't see me right now.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Billy F'n Buckner and his dual curse.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Tina, you fat lard! Come get some dinner! Tina, eat. Eat the food.. Eat the food! - Napoleon Dynamite
I am Malach, I gotta go watch the fights.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:41 PM 1 comments
He's Dead Jim.
Orbit is now officially dead.
As I posted in yesterday's blog, there were some back doors to sneak into Orbit. Well Orbit got smart and either changed the directory the site was in, or shut down the server it was running on (I might add, after I went off on their stupidity in a forum this morning and suggested the do that). Goodbye I will miss you, now I am moving on to something else. There are still those diligently trying though.
Malach = Satan?
I would just like to stress I am not Satan, nor do I want to be Satan. Satan is a loser. He is the King of Hell, and according to all the Holy Text destined to lose. Why would I want to be Satan?
Now I bet . .
The cat set the fire. I have alwasy liked cats better anyway.
Yes, Rose Rock.
If you hadn't noticed the name of the restaurant is CRACKA' Barrel. Sad part is, Cracker Barrel has settled out of court for crap like this in the past.
Watch it!
Vince Vaughn might punch you. By the way, I saw Vince Vaughn passionately kissing Clay Aiken.
Oh man . . .
Just give it too me, I will fix it.
What did Malach tell you.
THEY ARE OUT TO GET US! It is RED DAWN all over again.
So um . .
Blowing up the Miami Dolphins, might not be such a bad thing.
Malach's Quote Of Malach.
Death is the only god that comes when you call. - Roger Zelazny
I am Malach and I am not Death either . . . . or am I.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:18 PM 8 comments
Cartoon Orbit, finally dead (?)
Well Orbit finally shut down it's doors today, or did it? Evidently there are some back door entrance using cache pages. Thanks to Ðãrk_Ångê£ for the plan. It works sometimes, sometime doesn't and seems orbit is cracking down on persons using it, seems both my accounts are now deleted. Well here goes:
1. Go here
2. Open a seperate browser window for this.
3. At the first link type is a active code like "8004", a pop up window will come up asking for you orbit name and pass, enter it.
4. Refresh the second window (step 2).
It worked for me earlier and seem to be working for others . . . the Cartoon Orbit Black Market. Have fun while it lasts. I also leave you with this final Orbit Memory.
You are Listening too . .. .
Yoo-Hoo, by Imperial Teen. Since I had been focusing on Faith No More, Mike Patton, and Mr. Bungle, take a listen to Roddy Bottum side project and post FNM band. Interesting no? Gonna play a couple off of this particular album from 1998. You will see the influence on modern emo and bands like Jimmy Eat World.
So Wesley Snipes.
Most people think he is the blackest man in the world, I say no. You need to meet my friend Vinny.
Viva Las Vegas.
Women, booze, gambling, and now pot? Sounds like Toyi will be moving West.
Damn, I feel claustrophobic.
Look on the bright side, sooner or later a large group of Baby Boomer will all pass on, then the population will go back down . . . after they stip away all our retirments. Sorry Dad!
Hey . .
The amphibious car is back in style!
Name one after me!
I want a super heavy element, name it rubbersuitium.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
All we are is a lot of talking nitrogen. - Authur Miller
I am Malach and I am talking rubbersuitium.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:19 PM 6 comments
Yeah, stupid game . .
But I played it and here are my results:
I will live in Shack, drive a A little yellow school bus, marry PJ Harvey and have 0 kids. I will be employed as Dr. Murk in Dafur, Africa.
Yeah, sound good, your jealous.
Everybody laugh at the funny joke.
Malach tells jokes now?
Cartoon Orbit.
Yeah, was supposed to shut down today, but not only did it not shutdown, they realeased a 15 count ctoon which I got a hold of, add "You Stole My Points" and "I will kill you effers" to their chat menu, and added stuff to the cmart. Not only can Orbit not run it's site properly, it cannot shut down properly.
Man, I got to get this guy to advertise.
C'mon, JMK! You want a Stool Sample T-Shirt.
Interesting stuff.
I have always felt their was some genetic link in ASD. This is a interesting study.
Bindi Irwin.
Living on to carry on her father legacy. If you have never seen Bindi, she is perfect, cute and well spoken, I am glad for her.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor. - The Sandman
I am Malach and do two half wits make a full wit or just 2 half wits?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:26 PM 2 comments
Sarah Jessica Parker
So, have you seen the WoW?
Well, you are in for a treat, first, check out Malach's Halloween Costume. Yes, Malach, the wife, and her two sister as the ladies from Sex and the City. Yes, now the world is massively in love with me. If you not sure, I was the shows whore, Samantha Jones.
While at the WoW, check out the Fat Bug, sneak preview.
As for the title of today's blog.
Sarah Jessica Parker. Opinions? Most people either think she is gorgeous or ugly. Personally, she is UGLY. Most of the men I know think the same thing. Most of the women, the opposite. To me, not only is she unnattractive on the her best days, she is so very homely on her worst days. What do you think?
The Podcast.
As the Murkster stated, he got behind on a few things, so it will be delayed, but should be up soon.
And if you are sick of Jack-Ass.
Check out my MySpace for another of my favorite all time tunes.
Barack Obama.
The Hope of a revitalized Democratic Party, watch for this guy. There are several young Democrats that will make waves in the coming decade, Obama will be the main one. Keep an eye on Deval Patrick also.
Howard Stern.
I miss him of free radio. This is interesting. Expect some type of deal, where his show is rebroadcast on terrestial radio, too much money here.
The Pats.
I believe I predicted they might clinch the AFC East by week 10. Looks like that might be the case . . . oh and look for them to give Chicago their first lost, if they are still undefeated by then.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. ... Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. - Barack Obama
I am Malach, and it suprises me Barack has been pick up as a person of interest under the Patriot Act.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:23 PM 6 comments
Early blog tonight.
Going to a Halloween costume party, to debut the Malach costume of the year, pics tomorrow, be VERY afraid.
You are Listening too . . .
Jack-Ass, by Beck. I really don't need to say much about Beck and his amazing music, I love him even though he is a Scientologist. This is one of my favorite songs of all time. If I ever get remarried, this will be my wedding song.
After multiple issue with my latest client webhosting services, their new site is up. I also redesigned a page explain the new Stool Sample concept, look for more gradual updates.
RIP Gerry Studds.
He broke down a lot of barries and was very good for the state of Massachusetts. Goodbye Gerry Studds.
15 - 0
Wow, that is about a clear message as one can get. Even China agreed.
The continuing Saga of TO.
When will teams learn?
Malach's Quote of Day.
I am here to educate you about the single biggest threat to our planet. You see, there is something out there which threatens our very existence and may be the end to the human race as we know it. I'm talking, of course, about Manbearpig. It is a creature which roams the Earth alone. It is half man, half bear, and half pig. Some people say that Manbearpig isn't real. Well , I'm here to tell you now, Manbearpig is very real, and he most certainly exists—I'm serial. Manbearpig doesn't care who you are or what you've done. Manbearpig simply wants to get you. I'm super cereal. But have no fear, because I am here to save you. And someday, when the world is rid of Manbearpig, everyone will say, "Thank you Al Gore—you're super awesome!" The end. - Al Gore, South Park
I am Malach and I will give one hint on my Halloween Costume . . . Mannequin.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 3:17 PM 2 comments
It is here . . .
May God be with you.
Palmer's latest masterpiece is now published. CRISIS! Episode ONE! is now up. With this, you can now get a bit of a preview of what the Stool Sample Webcomics redesign is going to look like. Much cleaner, much easier to navigate. You may want to read the short interview earlier this week about the series.
You Can't Do That on Television.
One of Malach's faves . . . Check out today's Deja WoW to bring the memories flooding back.
Unfortunately, it seems money talks, before landmarks.
I still hate Target.
A new one has opened in Dartmouth. I have never liked Target, but decided to give it another shot. Well, I still hate it. Why? For one, they are more expensive on a lot of things, by dollars than Wal-Mart. A 2 liter of soda? $2.49. $1.15 at Wal-Mart. That is insane. A box of Captain Crunch? $4.29, try a $1.89 at the big W. What I also hate about Target? They try to do this hip stylistic stuff in there store, and charge a bit more. But even if you paint flower on crap it's still crap. Wal-Mart, man they keep them prices low.
Yankee's Curse.
What did I tell you guys.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Crown the Tiger World Series Champs now.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
There's a lot more business out there in small town America than I ever dreamed of. - Sam Walton
I am Malach, and I DON'T KNOW!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:49 PM 1 comments
Ain't That a Bitch
Tomorrow . . ..
Ahh yes, tomorrow, I have some clients site updates, but they are pretty small. Tomorrow, you will get CRISIS! Tomorrow you will get some new fiction, tomorrow some new site design. Ain't That a Bitch!
Read all about it. Aint That a Bitch.
You are Listening too . . .
What else, Ain't That a Bitch, Johnny Guitar Watson. Now Ain't That a Bitch?
The Morbid side of Sports Illustrated.
So today, ran a interesting little graphic on sports star who have dies in plane crashes. Of course there is Lidle, but then there are the ones you forget: Payne Stewart, Davey Allison, Thurman Munson, Roberto Clemente, Rocky Marciano, Knute Rockne . . . perhaps Sports Illustrated will start putting out a Dead Athletes issue instead of a swimsuit issue. And those damn Yankees, have 2 seperate incidences . . is this part of the Yankee Curse? Ain't That a Bitch!
At Least No One Died?
What? Dude what are you in third grade? Ain't that a bitch. Hey at least thousands of soldiers weren't killed looking for WMD's.
Our little Jupiter . . .
Finally hitting puberty! I wonder if Uranus has some intense red spots (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - ain't that a bitch!)
This isn't new!
I have like 200 of these in my yard right now . . . . AIN'T THAT A BITCH!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Happy Harry the Bartender: Ruh. Ror. Ror. Rorschach! Har Har How are ya doin', fella?
Rorschach: I'm fine, Happy Harry. Yourself?
Happy Harry: Fine! I'm fuh, I'm fine! And I'm, and I'm, and I'm glad you're fine too! And uh, and uh... Oh God. Please don't kill anybody.
- Watchmen (Ain't that a Bitch!)
I am Malach and I know who watches the Watchmen, ain't that a bitch.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:34 PM 6 comments
Cory Lidle, Google, and various other nonsense.
The Yankee Curse?
Most of you know what occured today. First, I have proposed in the past, that the Yankees are suffering from a curse, perhaps tranferred via the Sox in 2004, perhaps it is the curse of A-Rod, but something has not been right with this organization since the last won. As for Lidle, condolences, but this also prompted something interesting. When it first occurred of course everyone thought of 9/11. With that in mind, I created a new thread at TCG called "Breaking News" with the basic premise, when news is breaking to get reactions to it based in real time. I worked well; you can view the thread here. It is very interesting following the conversation from the intial reports to the final outcome.
Misc. Debris
I got some time in and redid the Misc. Debris directory. Look for some more stuff to be added there in the future.
Johnny Guitar Watson
Many of you know, and by the song playing it should be obvious, I am a huge Watson fan. Murk and myself discoverd him through our Father. Watson is one of the most underrated and overlooked musicians of all time. Explore some of his stuff, he made over 40 albums between 1950 and 1994. All have some really good stuff on them. Many people are rediscovering him, his music appears in some commercials now, and he has become a favorite to sample. Info of him on the web had been hard to find. Well it seems that his daughter has put together a half way decent website.
One thing bothers me. On the page about the company she and her brothers have formed to market him, there is this couple of lines:
She is also responsible for creating, developing and implementing new and existing ways of exploiting the music and image of her father. Ms. Watson is trying to not only keep her fathers legacy alive, but is working with her two brothers DeJon Watson and John Jacob Williams to maximize the profit potential of the catalog.
Well now, nothing like "exploiting" your fathers music and image to "maximize the profit potential". Why the Hell would you toss that on a public website?
For another underated band.
Check out My MySpace for Make Up.
What is going on with Google?
Malach posted a eye opening article about Google and their future over at the WoW. Interesting no? Some of the reaction of the rest of the internet world is interesting. Yahoo is getting all nutty. It reminds me of Red Sox, Yankees trying to out do each other. And guess what Google announced today. All that pressure from my WoW post. Hey, I am for sale!
And speaking of WoW posts.
Hobbs outdid himself this time. This is about the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. And I ask again . . . WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE JAPANESE? Take anything you want! Take anything you want! Take anything you want! Take anything you want! Take anything you want! Take anything you want! Take anything you want!
This site is kind of interesting. It tracks MySpace members who have died, and how and when they died. It would be interesting to see the stats on how people died, see if their is a correlation.
North Korea
Man they are justlooking for a fight.
Hey, give her some slack, this is about the best thing she has done in 30 years.
Yeah . . .
Back during the Vietnam War, the estimate of number o Vietnamese killed was like 200,000, nowadays the estimates are close to quadruple.
This is interesting also.
If this is possible, high speed connections will go down to $10 a month.
The shape of a pill?
Yeah well so in the Angry Piper.
Now them . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I hate broccoli, and yet, in a certain sense, I am broccoli. - The Tick
I am Malach and I don't fly my own planes.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:39 PM 5 comments
Help a Brotha out!
Malach is looking for some assistance.
Most of you know, I have been remodeling Stool Sample Webcomics. I have gone a slightly different direction and am now hosting webcomics, art, animaiton, fiction, and music under the name Stool Sample. I have a brand name for the webcomics. I also have a brand name for the music section, RubberSuit Records, which I am in the process of redoing and adding 2 more bands. As for the art/fiction area, I am also redoing that section. Here's the issue. For the life of me, I cannot come up with a brand name I like for it. I am looking for suggestions. If you got one, post one here or e-mail me, maybe their will be a prize.
I have already got a couple of good ones, and one I am really leaning toward.
Site update
Coming this week (give or take) to Stool Sample (beyond the revamped and redesigned directories).
Stool Sample Webcomics:
1. CRISIS! a new series from Palmer. To whet your appetites, I have posted a exclusive interview the other day.
2. A new episode of Notched Blade (I hope).
3. And perhaps if I get a lot of free time the latest episode of Fat Bug. This is the longest Fatbug I have ever made about 35 panels (the next closest is only 25 panels). I have completed my latest website clients site, beyond a issue with his crappy hosting service .
Our Fiction Page:
1. A redesign into a new directory (hopefully).
2. Hopefully the next installment of Lying . . .
3. A reprint of of all the Angry Piper's WoW accounts like this one (which I am going to eventually turn into a webcomic or flash animation).
RubberSuit Records:
1. A new directory
2. The addition of at least one new band.
As always, you got stuff you want me to host? E-mail me, I'd love to discuss it with you.. My site is getting more popular by the day, and I am finally doing 20K+ in bandwidth per month. I still got a lot of space and bandwidth to play with so come one what you waiting for? When Google buys this stuff, we'll all be rolling in the dough.
Ahh, Nuclear Weapons in control of the mentally ill.
It wasn't big enough? I hear Kim Jong Il has that problem in many places.
So what?
Who hasn't slept with the Green Bay Packers?
Joe Torre.
I am glad to see he is staying, but can he stand another year under that maniac? I would have killed him by now.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Bring me my monocle. I want to look rich." - SPACE GHOST
I am Malach, the Truth of all that is False.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:29 PM 7 comments
Columbus Day
Or celebrate THE MAN day.
Our latest podcast was recorded today, with a special guest co-host (the Angry Piper). It was our Kill Whitey Show. It was special for today's holiday, Columbus Day. Why Columbus, he did not discover the New World. But Whitey tells us he did. Should be up soon.
I got an e-mail today from BUG.
I am going to work on him about getting some more Notched Blades. Hey BUG if you are reading this, Murk stated the some more will help speed his recovery.
You are listening too . . .
Superman Lover, Johnny Guitar Watson. This was the song Johnny was singing when he bit the big one on stage in front of 10 of thousands in Japan. Contrary to popular belief, this is not Malach's theme song.
The WoW.
I don't know if you have been reading any of the WoW pieces Angry Piper has been doing. Like this one. He has done quite a few, and I am going to collect them and publish them here. I am also going to convert them into a experimental cut and paste webcomic, stay tuned.
Very interesting.
This could be good, as google video has much more open policies about posting.
Keep it up Kim Jong Il.
You might just move to the top of Malach's top 5 craziest world leaders.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I think you've got to be [aware of everything around you], you know. You might get shot. - John Lennon
I am Malach, give me money, or some Google stock.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:54 PM 2 comments
From the twisted mind of Palmer comes CRISIS! a new webcomic to compete with his others. We recently caught up with Palmer for a exclusive interview.
Think of DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths or Infinite Crisis. The
continuity of my webcomics were getting messed up so this is a way to make it more concise.
Interesting, and random. Why Crisis, why now?
Why? I got bored, is that a crime?
Legally no, but morally your going to Hell. So is this supposed to be some continuation and cosolidation of Ned, the Series?
Yes in a sense, it is a continuation of everything I've done....even
the small cameos of other creations.....a certain robed man perhaps.
What about your other webcomics? Are they going to continue?
Maybe, maybe not. We'll see.
Well that was very clear, So are their going to be any interesting comic/webcomic crossovers with Crisis?
Dear lord YES!!!
What does the future hold for one David Palmer?
The guy from 24? He's dead man.....DEAD!
* * *
I also got some "off the record" stuff from Palmer, including a possible redoing of the Marvel Parody as a newly named Comic Book Parody and how "BIG" CRISIS! is going to be. Needless to say once again Palmer has answered no questions and created many more.
Speaking of new webcomics, someday Chickenhead will become a title here, someday. . . perhaps.
The Murk and Malach Show.
The Podcast will be recorded tomorrow, send us some mail!
Interesting links.
I have gotten quite a few link over from here. More specifically this page. If you scroll down to Cameos, Parodies, and References you will see a nice link to Fat Bug. Thanks.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Torre out and Pinella in? Yeah, I cannot see it.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I sucked - Alex Rodriguez - 10/07/06
I am Malach and I almost never suck.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:45 PM 5 comments
Happy Birthday, Dr. Jen!
A late comer as a bucko, Dr. Jen is a old friend of a old friend and a contributer to the WoW. Happy Birthday, unsure of the age.
The Curse of A-Rod?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Yankees lost!?! With perhaps the most stacked lineup ever. They are cursed. Since the have gone on this nutty spending spree since their last Wrold Series. Now you Yankees fans have a little taste of what being a member of Red Sox Nation was all about pre 2004. You know they want to blame it on A-Rod, but guys, there are plenty of high paid superstars on your team that have also not shown up for the post season. And the fact that their payroll is 80 milion higher than the second highest payroll (the Red Sox), makes it even better.
You are Listening too . . .
Fiesta, by the Pogues in honor of the Birthday Girl.
What we need . .
How the Worm has turned.
So now, years after the stupid Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Republican Party hads turned into a deviant, lying, bunch of scumbags.
1. Marc Foley
2. Inaction pre 9/11
3. Falsely started wars
4. Essentially breeding a new breed of terrorist with post war plan
5. Katrina
6. Suspending Constitutional Rights
7. Ostracizing 11+ million Americans, who don't have papers saying they are Americans.
8. Having a debt that would get most legs broken.
I want to be, a Republican!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
It doesn't feel different being here [at the All-Star Game]. I feel like I'm on an All-Star team everyday. - Derek Jeter
I am Malach and to quote a T-shirt you can buy outside Fenways for $5: Jeter has AIDS.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:45 PM 7 comments
Once Again, Thanks to you.
Wow, maybe I should space out my webcomics more.
Even with the lack of webcomic updates from moi (and for that matter everyone else), our traffic has steadily increased since the beginning of the summer. Back then, we were doing about 250 unique visitors per day. That has steadily increased and is now 400+ per day, consistently (3.5+ million hits since opening in March of '05). Most of the cosistent webcomics (JesusMan!, The Wraith, Fat Bug, Ned, MTDAF, Notched Blade) still get 20 - 100 hits per day, even without updates. And Fat Bug especially has a number of permanent links from the webcomics he's killed. In addition, I am going to make more money this year from commissions and website, than I have in any previous year. Thanks.
Additionally, I am about 75% finished with my latest commissioned website, so Fat Bug Won't be far behind.
Funny Keyphrases.
I am always amazed what search engines send my way via search text. Here some recent funny ones (edited for taste).
negro f*cking porn free sample video: No clue why I would get this. From Yahoo: Malaysia.
how do you become a professional mixed martial artist: So, first you need to get into a bunch of bar fights just to see how tough you are . . .
atlanta escorts blog: I don't live in Atlanta, nor am I an escort.
average wage at dicks sporting goods: Depends on the state you live in
black bugs in stool sample: Ok, I get a lot of hits for Stool Sample, and everything having to do with feces. But this one is new. DUDE IF THERE ARE BLACK BUGS IN YOU BOWEL MOVEMENTS, GO SEE A DOCTOR ASAP!
choose your own adventure establishment of the state of israel: Now this would make a intesting webcomic.
wierd gross: Yeah, thanks alot Google: Bolivia
As promised.
Some more info on I want to be a Republican over at the WoW.
Upcoming Projects.
Once done with Rocky Mountain Autism Center, I am done for the time being with commissioned work. But I have a number of projects lined up.
1., with Orbit being dead it is time to create something crazy there.
2. Redo all the archives of Stool Sample Webcomics, redo Misc. Debris
3. Continue with the revamp of the RubberSuit Studios Myspace (Check out my new song).
4. A number of things I am doing for friends to pad me portfolio.
5. A major redesign of TOM.
Speaking of Bolivia.
Hot Potato with Dynamite?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Go Tigers!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
That's my wife, Carolyn. See the way the handle on her pruning shears matches her gardening clogs? That's not an accident. - Lester Burnham
I am Malach and I can hear you.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:03 PM 0 comments
It Shouldn't Bother Me - NO!
I am almost finished with my new clients website and should be done tomorrow. Just so you can see the direction it is heading, delve into the nether regions. Once I am done with that I am pretty much a bit more free to work on my webcomics.
Oh man, I found some funny stuff today.
Check out my WoW post, The MA Governer's Race according to YouTube. Dad, you will love the first video. As for the first video I found out a bit more about the "band" who sings the song in it, that will be a WoW post for tomorrow. Let me just say . . . Drag Queen Barber Shop Quartet. So according to the YouTube vids, the Republicans are losing.
Some interesting stuff.
Murk's World, and his struggles with staying dry.
Life Could Always Be Worse
You be Rep. Mark Foley. Wow, who knew the Congress was exchaging trade secrets with the Vatican?
PLEASE George Lucas.
PLease tell me that for this you used the same creative team as this. I BEG OF YOU!
Windows Vista.
So, will it work, not crash, and be fairly immune to hackers?
Here be Monsters.
It is still scary that fossil really can only form in certain conditions and it is estimated we have only found perhaps 10 - 15% of all fossils.
All I want for Xmas?
This will be on top of my list.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from." - Al Franken
I am Malach and I want to be an anarchist
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:44 PM 3 comments
No News
No updates.
Been a while, but now updates for Stool Sample. I did win a couple of graphics contest though. You can read about that at the WoW.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Episode 12 will be recording this upcoming Monday. Get us some mail, voice or e, and we will make you famous.
Hey, I am sick of driving . .
So c'mon, I want teleport everywhere.
Harry Potter?
C'mon lady . . . be serious.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
“The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday” - Paris Whitney Hilton
I am Malach and I have a birthday gift for Paris, a knuckle sandwich, but it seems someone beat me there.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:19 PM 8 comments
Be Aggressive
Dedicated to the Angry Piper.
I am about 3 days away from finishing a clients website. I worked a little more on Fat Bug. Once I get the client site done, I need to do a major revamp on Stool Sample and put together especially now that Orbit is dead. Drix has also updated his gallery. I wonder if I can get him to do a webcomic?
You are listening too . ..
An Angry Piper request, Be Aggressive. This song is completed credited to Roddy Bottum, and you can see some of this song in his later Imperial Teen stuff (good stuff too). I know why Piper likes this one. He had this huge crush on this Cheerleader in high school. Now, yeah, he's just gay.
Went off on the NFL today.
It is over at the WoW. Also some more stuff that will give you some Deja Vu.
My top 5 favorite delusion world leaders
5. Pope Benedict the XVI
4. Kim Jong Il
3. Dubya
2. Hugo Chavez
1. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Hey kids, you too someday could be in my top 5!
Viagra may aggravate a sleep disorder?
More like it would probably cause lack of sleep.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Funny bumper sticker: I have two baseball team I root for, The Red Sox, and anyone who plays against the Yankees! Go Tigers!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
What they have implanted here, which is really a 'gringo' custom, is terrorism. They disguise children as witches and wizards, that is contrary to our culture. - Hugo Chavez on Halloween.
I am Malach and what Mr. Chavez said about Halloween is much better than what Mr. Chick has to say about it.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:46 PM 9 comments
Goodbye Cartoon Orbit
2000 - 2006
It was announced officially by Cartoon Network, that they were shutting down Cartoon Orbit. After a tumultuous year of limited updates, errors, scammers, and unfixed and broken bugs, they finally gave in, and probably in a effort to focus the attention on their MMORPG for 2008. I met a lot of buckos and internet friends through Orbit. I myself has stopped most Orbit activities a year ago, mainly using the points to run contests. And now you can all be jealous of my certificate of greatness:
There's a joke in there, something about years of my life wasted and all I got was this stupid shirt.
OK, I watched it Murk, you were right, very, very good show. I'm hooked. This will be the first network show I have been into in a LONG time. Since I have not watched the networks in a while, I am shocked to see the amount of gore and violence . . . catching up with cable? You can still catch the first two episodes online.
TJ Whosyourmama.
So the Bengals can't believe they lost. They sound just like all those other teams that feel to the Pats over the past 5 years. Big WoW post on this tomorrow.
And this idiot.
Albert Haynesworth. Dude, that is boderline assualt. You deserve the suspension and whatever other revenge is given to you by the other teams you play for this.
Just Wait.
Wait until you see Malach's Halloween Costume . . . pics coming soon! I am going to be disowned once again.
Stool Sample.
I spoke with Psychout today, and he says he will have not only new episodes of Sprite Worlds That Combine And Stuff, but he has a new webcomic, I will be hosting. Fat Bug is on a little but of hold again as I try and finish up a clients website this week. Drix's Gallery has been updated yet again.
Perhaps, he did not like the movies Kingpin? What too soon for jokes? Sorry.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
McGuirk: Give me those wings.
Melissa: No, I'll get in trouble. Coach, please.
McGuirk: No. Coach wants to fly away.
Melissa: Coach, are you drunk?
McGuirk: Yeah, that's why I came to the mall.
- Home Movies
I am Malach, and I don't advocate the killing of the Amish . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:09 PM 6 comments
Malach the Great NFL Prognosticator.
You should listen to moi.
Quote from my blog of 9/29:
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:00 PM 5 comments