Let Malach Bore You!


Evidently I Bored Spacefarmer Today.
With my WoW post on Homelessness that's ok though, I don't think he has seen this WoW post yet. How's that for boring. Wait until he sees my next post on immigration.

You are listening too . . .
Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy), by Ween. You can see some of the huge influence Ween has had on Tenacious D with this song.

You are going to see more and more terrorist attacks based in foreign lands, will American care? Doubt it.

Engineering Disasters.
Hey History Channel, I have your next one.

RIP Syd Barrett.
RIP Milan B. Williams.

The Power of the Internet.
Wow, bet this becomes the new fad. Ok Seriously, I want to try this, I have the original art for JesusMan! 1.5. What will you give me for it. EMail me.

Another interesting Internet story . . . kind of scary.

I got your black hole mystery right here . . .
In my pantaloons, though I prefer the term "Rusty Dirt Star".

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
The world in up in arms about Manny Ramirez skipping out on the All Star Game. We got a saying here in New England . . . . "That's just Manny being Manny".

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"High above the Mucky-Muck, Castle made of clouds, there sits Wonderboy, sitting oh so proudly... Not much to say, when you're high above the Mucky-Muck..." - Tenacious D

I am Malach and I am down in the Mucky Muck.


Christopher said...

Hey, sorry to post here but my emails seem to be blocked...

Could you please take down the theme song at the WoW or change it up. That song is making me crazy...

you didn't hear?
Muppets are like Murk Cryptonite
he can't handle it
big man
scared of muppets
whiney baby

Christopher said...

That's not even funny in an insulting way. That's just dumb. Look, find your own personality and stop copying mine!

Seriously? Um, don't you have access to the FTP?

Christopher said...

Yeah, but I didn't want to do it without your permission and without making a big fuss.

Everyone loves public discussion or boring web details.

Toyi said...

Oh wow terrorism attacks everywhere, nice that ES is not rebouilt yet and nice there there is no metro.

No seriously, wow Spain and India, was there something like this in England too?