Malach rarely drinks.
But when he does he has a tendancy to overdo it. You see, alchohol. To me alcohol is pretty rediculous. No one drinks it cause it tastes good (although there are some wines and beers, I will drink on occasion just to drink them). When Malach generally drinks, he drinks to get drunk. Again this is maybe 2 - 3 times per year, other than that he is stone dry. This was not always the case, but I am not going to get into college days stories. So on a whim, Malach decided to get drunk with a few friends, and finish draining the keg from the past weekends party. Well Malach over did it, paid for it until about 4PM today (another reason Malach doesn't drink, it wastes the next day). On the plus side, I did get my latest painting finished, and started on a commision. I apologize of course to you guys and anyone else who was at my house that I offended, and don't remember much of the night. I do remember posting here , I don't remember if I went anywhere else while on line and posted anything (again sorry if I did and you did not like it). . . man I am pisspoor typer in that condition.
The Latest Painting.It is finished. Or it is finished for now. Malach has in the past, months or even years later gone into a finished piece and done more to it. There is not a huge difference between this finished piece and the last time I posted on it. The biggest part I added was the hearts and the heart strings.
So this painting is entitled Kate IV: Past Tense. That is all I am giving for now. I am going to try and do a series of these, same type of subject matter. Guess all you want.
Now the Commission.Malach has been commissioned to do a rather large wall piece. The only request is that is have some type of Asian theme. The piece itself in 3' by about 5'. Now the person who commissioned this reads this blog, so I am not going to post updates on it regularly, but I will post the finished product. What I know post at left is the intial stage of the piece. It is one piece of cavas, gessoed. Now, I decided to give it an Asian feel by glueing rice and grass paper all over the canvas. Since one was darker than the other, I did a really translucent white wash over the whole thing, and coated it with a satin gloss. Voila! I am looking at a lot of Chinese brush art, and Japanese wall murals. Should be interesting. BTW, you want a commission? Email me.
You are Listening too . . .
Cold Blows the Wind, Ween. Also check out Malach's MySpace for a Johnny Guitar Watson classic. Also, 2 friends short of 2000.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gonzo with a error loses the game for the Sox? Never thought I'd see that!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The city of Townsville. A city that, while being a city, is for some inexplicable reason called "Town." And not only is it called a "Town," but also a "Ville," thus making it a city, town, and village, which seems to me to be redundant and repetitive, which can be quite annoying if you ask me, which you have no choice but to do, for now I, Mojo Jojo, am in charge of... the city of Townsville! - Mojo Jojo.
I am Malach, now clean and sober.
About Last Night.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:45 PM
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lol you drunk!! lol
oh I like some drinking once in a while, like once a year, but never overdue... few things in consideration.
1- I have to bring myself home.
2- I am a woman, I will never be stupid about drinking, never specifically because of it.
1. I was at home.
2. I can and will and was.
I assume I didn't get an invite because you know I'm back on the beer fast, right?
It's not because you don't like me, right?
It's not because you thought I might drink the whole thing myself, was it?
You seriously don't think I was trying to seduce your wife, do you?
Why Malach? Why didn't you invite me? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???????
I didn't get an invite either. Then again, Murk is a notorious 'stay at home drunk.'
And Mrs. Dr. Murk is motally enemies with his social life. VETOED!
That new painting looks like it will be interesting.
Spur of the moment thing.
It was a great night!!!
Keg, good conversation, and funny jokes…
even though i was the only sober one it was a goodtime...
oh u didn't offend me at all =)
Hey Kernsie, you have been invited to WoW. PLease join our madness.
sure thing dude
So reply the email, you need me to resend it?
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