Starting to Catch Up . . .


Fat Bug.
I am close to back on track with Fat Bug and he should be finished by the end of the week. Anyone want to pre-warn Gluemeat, be my guest.

The WLO.
A bunch of new funny articles up. Check them out. Add and article, and don't worry about the formatting, I will fix all that at work (I need something to do).

The Boondock Saints.
Just saw the movie, highly recommended. I will write a WLO article on it tomorrow.

Dubya Says . .
We were all Oil Junkies. So Mr. President, how are you gonna ween us? Or are you gonna wait until we all go broke. I mean most of us hate your guts anyway.

Hey J-Lo.
Here an idea . . . how about you not get married 1,000 times before the age of thirty.

Hey MySpace.
Your evil, but damn, 15,000 hits a week from your idiotic site.

I already told you.
Experiment on me with your nanobots!

So how long before . .
we are mucking around Iran?

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
On top of the world baby! 5 in a row, pitching no one can hit, and rolling. Problem . . . Coco is out for at least 2 week, Nixon, tweaked a groin, that leaves Adam Stern and the most inpatient hitter in the world Willie Mo Pena (who gave a Home Run to the Jays today.) Best start since 1999.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Religions die when they are proven to be true. Science is the record of dead religions. - Oscar Wilde

I am Malach and I can be "drier than Oscar Wilde".


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Indecent exposure!

Who? Where?

Anonymous said...

J-lo OMG! is this the way celebrities handle their inferior fights? through lawsuits? so inmature... tk tk tk

The Angry Piper said...

Boondock Saints was awesome. All hail Billy fucking Connolly!!!! Hear tell they're making a sequel...

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