One thing Malach loves about MySpace.
He kind find songs he loves, like the one on his myspace right now! Check out the Fuggin's bassline of this song, I defy you you to attempt it without killing youself.
I LOVE WOW, and Toyi is joining tomorrow, should create some nuttiness there!
Check out this WLO article Hobbs and I tag teamed on.
Anarcho-syndicalism. Interesting stuff, Malach left a little rant at the bottom. It says:
Why the Hell do anarchist, Neo-Marxists, and Socialists, have the long silliloquoys on their views and revolution ideas, when your typical working class worker would shut off the TV or stop reading after the first few sentences?
Bunch of new article added, that I am going to clean out tomorrow, can't wait to tackle the one on Tarmacs. That the WLO BOOOYYY!
Another Strike on the Catholic Church.
Have anyone been following this story? You's think this preist was a product of the video game generation.
So Malach is gonna do a WOW article on his favorite delusional people.
This guys close to the top.
So add the 90210 zip.
Monopoly, it's changing . . . I'm scared.
Speaking of Malach favorite delusional people . . .
He changes diapers, aw what a Dad!
That where I left that dimensional portal, sorry about that!
Wow, and not the blog.
The GOP is really trying to distance themselves from Dubya's Administration!
They just won't let anyone into the Red Army nowadays!
Those bastards!
MySpace, slowly taking over the world.
Almost shut down Texas today. Thinking about that, not nessecarily a bad thing.
Take that employers.
So all the crap I do at work, you can't fire me for, HAHA!
Hey Honey . . .
Um when I die . . .
Hobbs had posted this video last week.
And I knew it had to be fake. Good job though.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Off day, for the whole AL East, so who cares.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The road to stupid is paved with good intentions - Mandy, TGAOBAM.
I am Malach and I am on the road to stupid.
Bob Dylan, wrote propoganda songs!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:31 PM
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Great! I'll make sure dinner is ready when you get here.
Dude-you can still be fired for surfing porn. So stop going to the hairy sailor men sites while you're on the clock.
JM, I get it, you live on the end of the road to stupid, funny.
Piper, I have never done the porn thing at work.
Oh I know you all think that I should wear a streight jacket every day, but that is just not the case
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