Malach is promoting other shiite tonight!
Check out the latest Fetus X Comic, funny and biting as usual, all about prolifers. Actually since Eric Milliken is like me with updating, I reprint it here, since he might remove it from his main page at a minutes notice. Since it will be hard to read, I will reprint the writing for you:
I Explained Pro-Lifers to the Dead
Millenia old undead often have trouble keeping with our Orwellian buzzwords.
For example a few weeks ago I confused Anal Ho Tep, by using the term "pro-lifers". So for the benefit of undead everywhere, I have created this handy quiz:
1. Do you support the execution of convicted criminals?
2. Are you against improving health care for the dying poor?
3. Would you like to relax the laws against polluters who kill millions?
4. Do you support "pre-emptive" wars instead of diplomacy?
5. Are you against an abortion that could prevent a mother's death?
If you answered "yes" to the above then welcome to our conservative culture of death known as "Pro-Lifers".
No wonder I have a man crush on the guy.
The Wand of Wonder has taken off! Check it out, funny and interesting weird stuff. More contibuters coming soon!
Murk, the Ladies man.
Wow, Dr. Murk gives out advice of women? I wish I new this in High School!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Red Sox Nation Bi-polar disorder begins today . . ."THEY'RE RUININ' MAH SUMMAH"
Malach's Quote of the Day.
When I say your dumb name, please stand up briefly, but then quickly drop to your knees and forsake all others before me. - Ignignokt, ATHF
I am Malach and Crystal claims I am in Wikipedia, but I don't find it.
Fetus X, more propaganda to distract us from the fact that no one in our government really represents us...
Malach, when are you going to learn that pro life and pro choice are terms made up by the same institution? There's a group of global citizens that know which buttons to push, which hit words will set us off, which issues will blind us with emotion.
Fuck healthcare for the poor, there's no healthcare period. In America, you pay to die slowly. Whether that money is paid in taxes to fund public health care or paid out of your salary through privatized health care, you are still have a 500% surcharge or more on all procedures or prescriptions.
What is the government doing about that?
Fetus doesn't hide the fact it is left wing and anti-republican
Okay, you're missing the point...
Democrats and Republicans are POLITICIANS. Professional people who get paid to promote a social agenda. The social agenda of either party doesn't matter because they never actually PROVIDE us with anything. So, they need to distract us by BLAMING the other side.
Then they go laugh and have drinks.
You seem to think that Democrats will solve many of Americas problems by instituting social programs to help those you are concerned about.
They won't. They'll provide a bit and then they'll have the mean old Republicans pull it away.
Ever wonder why the Democrats never succeed?
It doesn't PAY for them to succeed. Without the Evil Empire to fight, they'd get no money for their campaigns, no loyal followers. No sacrifices to the alter of secular eithics. The Democrats are a religion in disguise.
The Republicans are theives and liars.
Together, they create a self perpetuating 2 party system that pulls as much money as it can while giving as little back.
Vince McMahon uses the exact same formula in pro wrestling. It took you a long time to admit that was fake as well, if I remember...
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