Nothin's Gonna Change My World.


A few today. First, there is a new Sunshine, and this one is extra mature. It is number 49, and feature full frontal male nudity and references to pornography. Also the next Chapter (3) in The Story of Jade from Tainted Love Erotic Stories is now loaded. Tainted Love in also mature.

For the kids, there is a new poem from Christopher, called Travail Son. And a new 8 1/2 by Eleven (551). Also, CJ Owen has sent me a draft of his latest 3500 word short story, it pretty good, that will probably be up soon.

Some administration.
I am going to be slowly redesigning my site to be easier to navigate, which also mean some links will change. I am now getting just over 1000 unique visitors a day, that is up 100% for the begining of the year.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well it is currenly 13 to 2 good guys in the 6th. Also congrat to Hideki Okajima for making the All Star team, Red Sox Nation loves you. Mood: What did Malach say, at least a 12 game lead by the break.

Is this the end?
For the Mars Rovers, we will see, but kudos to NASA for these two robots.

And in Local News.
Why? Seriously dude, you ain't gonna survive long in the jails around here, this I know from working with that population.

Great now I will have to watch Sarah Jessica Parkers dog ass face on a 50' screen.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
My confidence in venturing into science lies in my basic belief that as in science so in Buddhism, understanding the nature of reality is pursued by means of critical investigation: if scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims. - Tenzin Gyatso

I am Malach and nothing will change my world.


FreeOscar said...

S.J.P.'s face is more like a foot, a dirty ashy foot.

Yes, how did she ever become a star?

Christopher said...

Your quote sucks. Science validates or proves nothing except that humans perceive things.

What if our senses and our equations and our scientific equipment are all just constructs of our own mind our something higher?

Don't get me wrong. I'm a scientist by nature. But science can never trump faith because faith will exist in spite of any proof science offers.

Look, Bro, I've done enough things in my life to realize that the human senses can be made to see anything, even entire false realities.

Plus science, like religion (not Faith, but religions in general) always turns out to be wrong and is changed.

That guy you quoted needs perspective....

I don't always nessecarily agree with the quotes, I just present them for consumption, dude, I have quoted Hitler in the past.

AngryMan said...

Lay off the mind control for a few minutes, dude. It'll help your blood pressure.

Last time I checked, Malach liked Buddha.

Sure, I like Jesus too, but that doesn't mean I like the religions formed around them.

By the way, Blogger is all screwed up again, 7/6 blog is written, just not published.

The Angry Piper said...

In local news, I fervently hope that son of a bitch who bit the girl is assraped to death over several long and painful months.

And don't get me started on the mother.

Obvious question, I know...but WHY?!!

Joey Polanski said...

Checkd out yer new blog. Tryd to leave a coment. It insistd I leave my email address.

Joey dont do email address.

Requirin email address from comenters is th default at WordPress.

Im hopin youll disable that.

Whoops, All set.