No Plugs.
Yes, once again no plugs, sorry buckos.
Happy Memorial Day.
Dedicated to all those who served this country, including my Pepere and my Wife's Father who have passed on from this world.
You are listening too . . .
Don't Pass Me By, off The White Album. Another fave of Malach's, and a interesting song. The first solo composition by Ringo Starr to ever make a Beatles album, it actually became a number one hit in Sweeden.
Evidently Starr had been working on this song to get it on a Beatles album since 1964. During a interview, Starr was asked if he had a wrote and song and mentioned Don't Pass Me By, which the rest of The Beatles pretty much mocked. Of course the lyrics and music changed quite a bit over the years, but eventually it was deemed good enough to be included on The White Album. The song has a lot of little indosycracies to it, including Ringo counting the bars toward the end of the song (ending it with Oops), quite a bit of unintelligble shouting over the course of the song, and strange alarm bell going off at the 1:48 mark in the middle of a sung lyric, and a mistaken lyric in the last chorus; but it so much fits the song, and almost redneck drinking song, fiddle and all.
The song was originally recorded with an orchestral arrangement, which was later used in the Yellow Submarine movie.
The lyrics themself, are very strange, mostly straighforward until the last set, I reprint them for you.
I listen for your foot steps
Coming up the drive
Listen for you foot steps
But they don't arrive
Waiting for you knock, dear
on my old front door
I don't hear it
Does it mean you don't love me anymore
I hear the clock a ticking
on the mantel shelf
See the hands a moving
But I'm by myself
I wonder where you are tonight
And why I'm by myself
I don't see you
Does it mean you don't love me anymore
Don't pass me by
don't make me cry
don't make me blue
'Cause you know darling I love only you
You'll never know it hurt me so
How I hate to see you go
Don't pass my by
Don't make me cry
I'm sorry that I doubted you
I was so unfair
You were in a car crash
And you lost you hair
You said that you would be late
About and hour or two
I said that's all right
I'm waiting here just waiting to hear from you
Don't pass me by
don't make me cry
don't make me blue
'Cause you know darling I love only you
You'll never know it hurt me so
How I hate to see you go
Don't pass my by
Don't make me cry
One two three four
five six seven eight Oops
Don't pass me by
don't make me cry
don't make me blue
'Cause you know darling I love only you
You'll never know it hurt me so
How I hate to see you go
Don't pass my by
Don't make me cry
Now, fairly straightforward except for the last set of lyrics that begin "I'm sorry that I doubted you . . " . The whole section with the car crash, and losing hair, is one of the song the fueled the "Paul McCartney is Dead" urban legend that began spring up in 1969 (again more on that on a later date).
This song is actually fairly popular with the modern crowd, and many have done interesting remakes of this song.
The New Painting.Did a little more work on Livy in the Sky With Diamonds, as the kids love painting with daddy in his studio. Becuase of new blogger labels you can follow along with this link.
Did do anything really major except added a robe-like piece of clothing to the figure, added more color and detail, and the Buttefly. I will move into oils next.
As for this kids, they love the fact my studio has a ton of watercolor paper, and they find this easy to paint on. Between the two of them they must have painted 15 pieces.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Trot Nixon is back in Boston, but the Sox are 3 - 1 in the seventh, and Schilling is having an awesome bounce back game. Yeah and Youkilis just hit an inside the park homer, sound like my softball league (when you don't really play with fences . . ) Mood: Let's Go Sox.
RIP Marquise Hill.
Hill, was not a star, but like all members of the team, had his place, and from what I understand a awesome teammate.
RIP Charles Nelson Reilly
OK, Malach can remember CNR from the his days with The Match Game, which used to come on when I was a young lad. Always liked him and his comedy. The other things about CNR is he was a somewhat openly gay actor in the 1950's, 60's, and 70's when it would kill career to be fairly open about it.
His comedy featured gay themed double entendre's, his dress and sense of style pushed the boundaries of television standards. While he never came out of the closet until much later, he never intentionally or purposefully hid his homosexuality.
So, how many drinks . .
Do you think this guy had last night?
Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
I am Malach and I am a BLANK.
I was devastatd to learn o th death o Charles Nelson Reilly. I, too, remembr him on Match Game.
Seems like one day yer here, & th nex day ... POOF!
Well ... now that I think about it ... I guess CNR was kinda poof evn when he WAS here.
Plus CNR is like your cousin too ain't he?
OMG that was a leopard not his wife lol (I couldn't resist)
Perhaps it was his wife in some sort of animal print?
Let me preface this by noting that I really shouldn't say this but . . .
Randy Moss comes to town and members of the Pats start dying. Coincidence?
I don't believe Randy has ever killed anyone before . .
was that your mind bullets then?
Why would I kill members of my favorite sports team?
IDK you are weird, maybe they are taning your own team.... lol
I am not weird, I am eccentric
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