Think for Yourself


Some plugs on this fine night.
Let us see, there is a new Tales of WoW, straight off the press from the Angry Piper. This one is called The Thirty Minute Murk-out. Also, Sunshine number 19 was published today. Happens to be a fave of mine, so much so, I inked and colored the puppy.

Happy St. Paddy's Day.
If you see Whitey Bulger anywhere, toast him a guiness and turn him in for the reward! Honestly the wife is Irish, but I really don't get the idea behind the holiday.

You are listening too . . .
Think for Yourself, by the Beatles. First and foremost of a couple of Harrison penned songs off of Rubber Soul. Within the groups itself Harrison was a weak song writers, and as the groups matured, became a bit proficient, cumulating in Something years later. Someof the distinct aspects of this song, that differ from their earlier stuff, the extensive use of fuzz bass by McCartney, and hallmark sound of the later 60's, this being an early recorded version of that. In additon, some organ can be heard in this song, another early use of that. The song, many people think is about Harrison first wife Patty Boyd, but this would have been penned when they were dating long before they were married and long before the Clapton, Harrison, Ron Wood, Boyd love affair (LAYLA! YOU GOT ME ON MY KNEES!). Not to get off the subject here, but those Boyd sisters were something else in the 60's and 70's. Her sister Jenny got into this rock and roll love triangle with getting in between the lead singer of Donovan and Mick Fleetwood.

Harrison himself had stated, he couldn't really recall what the song was about, but thinks in was some type of veiled anti-goverment thing. Again, not the Beatles best work at the time, but you can see the experimentation with music, instruments, timing, and of course lyrics, which would lead to other things.

How many Pollacks does it take . .
to make a thong? Joey Polanski, you have the floor.

There could be something to this.
I have a very high tolerance for pain. And I can take injury with the best of them. I also find physicality in sport invogorating.

With that being said, I am also a very fast healer.

Interesting article.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
This one is for Toyi, this is the original "video". Notice Mick Jagger in the crowd. Filmed June 25, 1967. Worldwide broadcast 350 million viewers.

I am Malach, and I figured out how to solve the Iraq thing. Force them all to get high and listen to the Beatles.


Joey Polanski said...

A hard Polish sausage woud make mincemeat outta such a lacy thong.

AngryMan said...

I think that we should force the Iraqis to eat the same low-quality, unhealthy fast food that we eat and drink two gallons of soda a day. This will make them too fat and tired to blow themselves up and too tired to fight us. Think about it!

Joey, I know their is some Polish joke in there, I just can't pull it out of my mind

Angryman, well, if we get them all into pot, they will get the muchies, contributing to your comment, and I have never met a violent pothead in my life.

Toyi said...

Thanks for the video, I had never seen it in my life lol

So, the hardest part of your solution will be the toughest... make "Iraquis to listen to Beattles... "

Well the Beatles have seemed to appeal to the whole word, it would just be a matter of time

Joey Polanski said...

I woud nevr stoop so low as t tell a Polish joke.

But a dick joke ... Thats a cmpletely diffrent mattr.