Quite a few plugs today.
Some more Sunshine, number 13 is now loaded. Series is getting weirder and funnier. Wait until 14 . . . Also a new Ben Byrd story, for some reason, I never read this one until today. This one is called Mirage, and was a very interesting concept, the kind of genre Malach likes. Also a new one from Twisted Darkness, the aptly named blah, blah, blah, internet. I am also speaking to another author about host her work. Soon, very soon.
Freakin' cold.
Yeah it has been about 10 degrees the last week, supposed to be up around 60 somtime this weekend though. You may have noticed, Malach has slacked off on the painting front. There are a few reasons for this, one being the cold (yeah studio has heat, but it don't normally turn it on, and it takes a while to heat up, also, the studio is kid of a mess with storage. But when the weather breaks, I have several people interested in lessons, if your interested in lessons, all ages, contact me. I also have experience with persons with disabilities, including Autism and Mental Retardation.
You better not raise my phone bill!
I've said it before.
Michael Jackson is transforming himself into a anime character. Hey, in Japan, you can all but rape kids on the street.
Man that Vladimir Putin.
He is turning, albeit slowly into the Anti-Christ. Yeah he's a Cold War kind of guy. Dead exKGB, now these two, and and all these dead Russian Reporters . . . He is a evil man, you can see it in his face. Some of this stuff is 1960's Cold War crap.
The 2007 World's Richest Person is . . .
Yeah, the black lollipops a nice touch.
Malach's Quote of the Day
"I'm loyal to nothing, General.. except the Dream." - Captain America (God I hate him)
I am Malach and I am UnAmerican.
You better not be hating on Captain America! If it wasn't for him, Vlad Putin would be running this country today! So show some damned respect, fool!
Cap would be the first one I would kill
Hey Poker Dick you been bitten by Fat Bug?
Vonage, you better don't rase my phone payment either!!!
Presdent Bush lookd right inta Puti-Putes soul.
An he liked what he seen there.
I think Putin has kissed Bushy on the tummy.
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