It bears repeating . .


But first the plugs.
Sunshine number 23 is up.

I hate to repeat myself.
Malach went on a bit of a rant at the WoW today. But since it will elicit more comments here, I reprint here. Comment, especially those of you I am aiming at.

The Problem with Generation Y
Malach is from Generation X.

I can recall things like no internet, nor cell phones, no PC's is every home, no Cable Television, Rotary Phones, the Cold War, The USSR, etc. The first time I was required to write a paper on a PC was my second year of college (1992), before that I used a typewriter. I remember my parents first cell phone, it consisted of a huge ass phone, with an attached battery briefcase. I remember when MTV only played videos and the NBA Dream Team always won the gold.

Perhaps I am just at that "When I was your age stage". But I have a real problem with Generation Y, or as I call them the "internet generation", and I only figured out today what my problem with them is.

Malach runs a men's softball team, and on this team there is a group of us who are my age (35ish), and then there is another group that is 18-25. We are all friends, or friendly enough with each other, and mostly get along. Malach basically manages the team, does all the administrative work, and handles the team money. He is actually the one teams founder. Every year, we have a pre-season meeting, to go over administrative stuff, new rules, new teams, collect team dues, and brainstorm about the team and team issues. So, Malach gave the team 3 weeks notice to show up to this usually hour long meeting. Some people informed me they would not be there, fine.

Now today was the day of the meeting, and the wife informs me in the morning that all of the younger portion of the team was not going to the meeting. They did not call or e-mail me. So basically the 6 members of the team around my age showed up, and the rest of the team, again who had 3 weeks notice, did not, only telling my wife, and not me, the night before. Now granted, this is not life or death, or work, but still . . .

I look across at those that are 25 and younger and this is what I see. People who don't care about responsibility, and if the situation interferes with "playtime" they aren't interested. At my full time job, hardly anyone working there under the age of 27. Those under that age who have been hired have all been terminated because of the exact above issue. They don't care, they don't take responsibility, and do stuff like the above. They don't know the proper protocol for interacting with real people ... they are so used to the internet, e-mail, text and instant messaging. They are so used to socializing over technology, they don't know the rules of real socialization. And it is not just locally, I see it everyday from a very young MySpace generation.

And it is not just softball and work. Look at sexual relationships, men and women have this "hooking up" attitude about sex. One night stands among those under the age of 25 are very common, and girls are as bad as the guys. It is really sad. I see it to, the partying, the stuff I did in college, my just out of college friends party like they are still in college. Think nothing of drinking most nights of the week, and think nothing of drunk driving.

I don't know, maybe I am just pissed cause I feel that people older that 18 should have more responsibility for themselves. It is all instant gratification with little care for other people. I see it in this generation, i see it my younger clients. Maybe I am just getting old.

You are Listening too . .
Here, There, and Everywhere, by the Beatles off of Revolver. Again, just show how interesting the album is, the Beatles slipped in a song that was more remiscient of their 1963 hits that other things off their album. The Beatles themselves freely admitted infuence from Pet Sounds on this song, and were attempting to recreate The Beach Boys with the song. McCartney also states it is one his favorite Beatles songs.

The song is know like most of the songs in this part of the Beatles timeling for it bittersweet melody and harmonizing voices. It also feature McCartney singing at his highest range, McCartney admitting he was going for Marianne Faithful. McCartney's vocals are also multi tracked.

This is also a reflective relationship song, obviously referring to his rocky relationship with Jane Asher at the time. The song to me is a very classic late 50's doo wop style song, with the obvious Beach Boys style harmonizing and the vocal recording tricks added. I also has a quick 70's style Chicago ochestral burst at the end. Another song off the album, Got to Get You into My Life, could have been done by Chicago.

The Lettermen had a huge hit with this song, it was almost perfectly written for that style of band.

Hey Mahmmoud.
Dubya's almost as nutty as you, and being lameduck, he don't have much to lose.

They got Google.
Remember the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" Hill Dog was talking about?

Hey Undocumenteds
Remember how being homosexual used to get you out of the military, well, it might get you asylum.

Can someone please tell me . .
Is Newt Gingrinch really still relevant?

Dumb, da Dumb, Dumb.
I don't know, this seemed to be a win/win to me.

I wanted one of these in my Easter Basket. My Sweet Lord, what a riot!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
So blind is the curiosity by which mortals are possessed, that they often conduct their minds along unexplored routes, having no reason to hope for success, but merely being willing to risk the experiment of finding whether the truth they seek lies there. ... I do not deny that sometimes in these wanderings they are lucky enough to find something true. But I do not allow that this argues greater industry on their part, but only better luck. - René Descartes

I am Malach and I am everywhere


Toyi said...

Genration Y is being raised by Satan unless they aren't raised by their good caring parents... pray for your kids... pray so that you have the precise words for them.

Can you just imagine Generation Z?

FreeOscar said...

I'm a Generation Yer. I agree with everything you said.
I'm at the older end of Generation Y, but I'm more scared of the younger end of Generation Y.
Four college girls live down the street from us. The house was full of trash & beer cans. Some cadets from the military college next door to the other college were always hanging out there. The landlord told me that the girls &/or the cadets trashed the house. They also had a chalk board in the kitchen with the name of the girls and a list of who & how many times a blow job was given to the cadets.
That frightens me more, & it's no prudish. It's the lack of respect & responsibility.

Parenting has a bit to do with it, but that is no longer the major issue.

As for college, we were all screw ups in college for some period of time or another, what I am seeing though, is a large majority of these kids are coming out of college, with the same attitude of partying, and lack of caring.

FreeOscar said...

There's a difference in having a good time in college & the lack of respect/responsibility.
Of course that attitude will continue after college, because it's not the enivroment that's making them act. It's just the way they are no matter if they are out of college or in.

Yeah I can agree with that, I wonder what in not breaking this attitude out of this generation

AngryMan said...

I was actually responsible for the Snook in the sniz. Sorry!

I tawt it was a snuke

Cash said...

You lie AngryMan!

That was my plan for my Revolution!

You probably use AskJeeves!


I think the Angryone would eat the puppy for brunch

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