I'm Only Sleeping


One plug today.
Tainted Love Erotic Stories updated. The new one is called He Says, She Says. As always, TLES is rated 18+.

You are listening too . . .
I'm Only Sleeping by the Beatles off of Revolver. A very interesting dreamlike song, that has a lot of recording tricks in it. Many people thought the song was about drugs, but in acutuality it was about Lennon's joy of staying in bed and being lazy. Third song off the album, the song makes extensive use of multiple voice recordings, one of the first beatles songs to do so, creating the dreamlike state. In addition the rythmn guitar is Lennon on acoustic, and highly compressed, the lead is even more interesting. Harrison wrote a solo, then played physically backward, and on top of that, the recording was also reversed creating the very strange guitar sound, again very dreamlike. In addition McCartney's harmony vocals are highly compressed and dualized.

In addition before the second bridge, you can also hear a barely audible voice, probably Lennon's say "Yawn, Paul" and then about 2 seconds after, a slightly more audible Yawn. This was a part of their early experiments in ambient sounds withing the studio.

Also interestingly The Backstreet Boys, did a cover of this song which happens to be an extremely unpopular cover.

Ahh, what a nice waste of money.
So, they basically send astronauts up there to fool around? Sign me up, I am way behind on my webcomics.

So, what did Malach give up for Lent? It wasn't MySpace. I tell you what is was. I gave up, giving things up. Take that Ratzy!

Malach's Quote of the Day

I am Malach and Merry Christmas


Toyi said...

Ewww... that was awful

What the song or the video?

Toyi said...

the video.

Thats Uncle Muscles

AngryMan said...

Way to shaft our Lord and Savior!

Hey, I ain't blaspheming Nyarlthotep