Have you heard the word is love


Just a little plug from Sunshine. It Heroes themed strip number 21. Enjoy.

Some interesting sites.
Godtube. First place I am going to post my first flash video of JesusMan! Also, Conservapedia. And unlike Wikipedia, they aren't all up tight about my webcomics. Well at least not yet.

Burt Rattan Rocks.
I can't wait until he builds a spaceship we all can ride in.

Want to see something scary?

How to use Wikipedia.
Hey kids, only use it to research background info. It is not entirely accurate at all times.

Hey Piper, here's a trick for you.

Giant Calamari.

Tommy Brady.
Seriously dude, the Brady Bunch?

Monday Monday.
Could be very interesting.

I used to have one of these when I was a kid.

Malach's Quote of the Day

I am Malach, and I love my Uncle Muscles


FreeOscar said...

Students who reference Wikipedia for school are all artards.

They're as studpid the shampoo camera guy. If you're good, you don't get caught.

AngryMan said...

Of course Wikipedia isn't accurate. It's all part of the liberal media and their lies. Fight the system, vote Republican! Oh, wait, it should read, "Be a turd, vote Republican!"

Toyi said...

do we still live in a world where men still wants to check out women?

Men will always check out women, it is in their instict and hormonal development.

That is why JesusMan! is in Conservapedia and not Wikipedia.

Toyi said...

yeah but not all of them admit it...

Joey Polanski said...

I usta have one o THESE when I was a kid.

For what? Research papers, or relieving ones sexual frustrations?