Any plugs?
Just one, a Deck of Many Things update from the one and only Dr. Robert J. Murk. That is all.
So what did Malach do today?
OK, many of you know how Fat Bug destroyed Ctrl+Alt+Del (warning mature content in link)several months back. Malach has been "attacked" CAD fans for the strip, especially it's veiled references, and recieve one email for someone claiming to be Tim Buckley. I have never published it cause I am not sure it is him, but the gist of it was that I was going to be sued for using CAD characters in my piece of crap. My response was "Dude, parody, bring it on" and I never heard from the person again.
Well, Digital Overlord was this weekend, as well as my wife's Autism conference in the same building. She was one floor up, so of course Malach felt it his duty to create a little mischief, which I did, passing out close to 150 flyer for the comic. We will see what happens there.
Funny story. According to the wife and co-workers, they could of serviced half the kids there as person's with Asperger's Syndrome, and after seen these bottom of barrel no lifers, it was most interesting. In addtion, the wife got hit on by a large group of gaming geeks, I told her to mention she was the wife of Malach the Merciless, but she was too afraid too. Seriously though, take every sterotype of geeks, nerds, locked in the basement, all nighters playing World of Warcraft, lap tops under arm, playing card games to wind down. I think I saw one female in that hall . . . and she was working there. Is this what our world has come too?
The Beatles.
I have gotten a lot of good feedback on my Beatles articles, and history. Many comment from older fans who are surprised someone from Gen X is writing articles about it. I am going to republish them as a interactive essay for Third Option Media, as I redesign that site for Elias.
If I were early man.
I would make two of them, side by side . . . you see where I am going here?
Don't forget.
Turn the clocks ahead tonight and watch your PC explode!
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach, and I am a Digital Overlord.
Fat Bug v. Ctrl+Alt+Del part duex
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:27 PM
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You stole that idea from the start of The Naked Gun, admit it.
Which Idea, the flyers to harass Buckley's Nerd crew?
Okay. I set my clock ahead.
Now, how many minutes to Wapner?
Sorry to break this to you, but uh, Wapner's dead.
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