Plugs quite a few, but none for my site.
Where to start. First I suppose you must read the exclusive interview with Mitt Romney over at the WoW. Good interviews, you get to see a surprising side on Mr. Romney. Also Malach opened a new blog over at Comixpedia, just promote stuff and annoy webcomic creators, he put first blog today about Hydrogen Fuel, and the future of Web and Print Comics. Feel free to read and comment.
Also, check out C.Rag's blog. Warning, she can get a little profane, but it is fun stuff and interesting. Some personal, a lot of opinion, Malach is probably going to start hanging there. I even subscribed to her feed. A few other place Malach has been hanging recently? Joey Polanski and AngryMan flat.
You are listening too . . .
One, originally by U2, done much better by the man. Every want get really depressed pick up any of Cash's American Recordings, and listen. You don't even have to know he recorded most of this right after his wife died, was practically blind, and crippled.
RIP Dennis Johnson.
Dennis Johnson, the all star point gaurd for the Celtics during their 80's hey days. Perhaps one of the most underratted players to ever play the postion, and should be in the hall of fame. Perhaps one of the greatest plays ever which Johnson was involved in with the late great Johnny Most calling.
Some more Ana Nicole
Evidenty this was filmed within the last month or two.
So when you see Britney dressed as such, you will know the warning signs. Oh yeah, and they are giving the body to her baby, and she's getting buried in the Bahamas, and man you got to see the judges ruling, he's nuts too.
This was not me. And from what I know, there were no Mooninites involved either.
Collossal Squid!
Hey calarmari the size of a tire works for Malach.
Is she in or is she out?
So I guess Britney's back in Rehab, but no clown makeup . . Hit me Baby One More time
"Now I feel stupid."
Well, that is perhaps Malach's quote of the year. AHH the mental pictures!
Dammit AXL!
You know, even if this is the biggest piece of crap ever made, it still sell 20 million copies, if it ever get's released.
Malach's Quote of the Day:
Good morning. I just woke up, I've been taking a nap for about eight years. - Axl Rose
I am Malach and I've been dancing with Mr. Brownstone.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:56 PM
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I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell this judge was doing. All he had to do was make sure that Anna Nicole had testamentary capacity AT THE TIME SHE MADE THE WILL, all this stuff that happened later should not have ever been part of the hearing. Insane.
And C.Rag isn't really that profane, she just act like she is.
Those are fighting out for a cripple fight.
Well my persona opinion about profanity, is not necesary, it's funny and sounds hilarious on certain people, in others sounds terrible.
Axl, uhmmm opps you did it again...
Ana Nicole.. uhmm what the heck her mother is thinking?
I was only warning sensitive viewers, and I understand people can come out with seperate internet personas and such.
Cripple fights, I've worked human services, seen a lot of them, they can be funny.
As for Ana Nicole, until Phil Spectors trial, best reality show on TV.
Im startin t think maybe Anna Nicole done a little bit o drugs.
Does that mean she wunt a natural blonde?
Next, weell probly learn next that her tits was fake too!
Joey Polanski, you are so in tune with what is going on! Can't wait to see your investigation!
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