It's a Holiday and me got a date.
So, one big plug, the latest in The Murk and Malach Show podcast is now up. This is our long lost XMas show, which Murk calls the biggest piece of crap he has ever heard. I don't know about that, I have listened to the first 15 minutes of it and laughed my ass off. Listen to the rest of it at work tomorrow. It is show number 13, fun stuff, Interview Jacko, give out presents, have a nauseating egg nog drinking contest, and find JonBenet a new playmate.
President's Day.
Anyone really take this holiday seriously, I mean besides a day off from work, for some? Seems even this country has no idea how to react to it.
Prince Harry is off to Iraq.
So what will be the reaction of England, Europe, Canada if he is killed?
This is gonna be interesting. We'll see if we get a monopoloy out of this, or the option to bring down terrestrial radio.
Lets see.
So a bunch of these appear on E-Bay in what, maybe 2 days? Ok since Malach told a tasteless dead baby joke yesterday, against his better judgement, here is a tasteless Holocaust one. Hey I am a equal opportunity jerk!
What is the difference between a Jew and a Pizza . . .
A Pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven
Oh man there goes my Hebrew demographic.
So this guy in trying to make Revelations seem right?
So let's see, Malach will be 64 by then? I wanted to live a bit longer. I do agree though, the UN should take much more responsibity in world affairs . . . of course the US hasn't paid their full UN dues since 1995 and owes about $1.3 Billion is dues.
Check it out.
MSN got the Britney Spears head shaving gallery! We'll at least she is getting the publicity she craves.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach, Cowabunga Dude.
Early Blog Tonight.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:02 PM
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I don't know why you're so freaking worried about that asteroid. It's not like an asteroid ever hit the earth before.
I want to live forever
Re: "de Jesus" I was visited by Angels in dreams? what is that suppost to mean to reality? a dream is a dream & should be treated as a dream, NT is not about dreams...
well hello I have dream with Angels too, AND THEY HAVE SLAPPED ME TOO!!!!!
So what I am supposed to do? get depressed??? lol
No, get a 666 tattoo
I won't say after you cause is useless lol
I don't like tattoes and I don't like NUMBERS!!!
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