I don't . ..


Just one plug today.
Once again Lucas is a machine and has updated 8 1/2 by Eleven. As for JesusMan! I have gotten no work on it in the past 2 days cause of the wife's injury. I have barely had time to update some client websites. Also, Murk and I usually do a Playoff Preview Podcast, but since his pnuemonia, and my wife . .. sorry.

The Wife's injury.
Well she feels a bit better today, still pain, and still issues with weakness in the legs and some ambulation issues. She did get up the stair today and take a hot bath. She has an MRI tomorrow, and then we will see. If I am out of work for an extended period of time, we just might get ALOT of webcomics.

You are listening too . .
Went back in time for this one. Out of Step, by Minor Threat. This song in the mid 80's. Still focusing on the forefathers of emo here. Ian McKaye's first real band before Fugazi. As you can hear, this pre-emo was pretty hard core, but shows where some of the early subject that seperated this from straight out punk. Boy do I wish emo was still like this.

Yeah, there's no racism left in the US.
Yeah sure.

It took YouTube 3 days to approve The Dudes.

NFL Playoffs tomorrow!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Creativity takes courage. - Matisse

I am Malach and I am Creative


Joey Polanski said...


You n th famly got lotsa shit t hafta deal wit.

Whood you piss off?

(My best to yas.)
