Eventful day.


But first the plugs.
There were two 8 1/2 by Eleven updates. Hit the link and then click to comic for the previous. Also a couple of WoW plugs. First, WoW member Horatios and myself are going at it about Mitt Romney and Gay Marriage. First, I read this diatribe by Horatio on his blog, which in turn brought about this rant from Malach, which is turn brought about this counter rant and subsequent debate initiated by Horatio. What fun. And after a bit of a dissappearance Hobbs returned with this interesting piece of information.

Malach's Day.
So, by a previous post, you know my wife threw out her back. So, I get a call at work today about noon, she cannot get out of bed, too much pain, and numbness. So I head home, and to make a long story short, we had to ambulance her to the hospital. Well several pain killers later, were home, and scheduled for an MRI on Sat. I got good practice for 50 years from now.

This is pretty shocking.
How do you even find a Doctor who would do something like this? Oh yeah I forgot. The Disabled are second class citizen to most in the medical profession.

Malach has a good arm.
Yeah, it was me. I threw it from MA to NJ.

Yeah, tell me about it.
So, we had no snow here in Southeastern MA since one day in October. For the most part it has been in the 50's everyday except for a 3 period when it was under 30. Today it was 58, tomorrow supposed to be 63, and Satuday, close to 68. Yeah and it January in New England.

Goodbye Bill Cowher.
Not a PIT fan, but the man was a heck of a coach. And dude, are your sure you are not related to Sgt. Slaughter? Art Shell on the other hand . ..

Malach's Quote of the Day.
~ POPE ~
So please Treat Him Right
GOOD FOREVER - The Pope Card, Principia Discordia

I am Malach, and I am a Aries.


Toyi said...

"grow breasts that might develop breast cancer, which runs in the family".

^ oh Doctors Make a Snapy on that one, a doctor told me that developing Cancer has nothing to do with heritage....She told me this because I commented that almost 90% of my family die from Cancer.. she said.. that is BS never believe that, now I read the statement above and so what?

oh yeah the weather is going nuts, its snowing in some Mexico areas causing fatal accidents (Cause people don't know how to deal with snow) same thing happened in Spain few years ago, no plowing trucks, no salt, cars neglecting snow and speeding to crash...

well around 50 people has died in Mexico under cold temperatures, these people is getting below Zero temperatures while they live in carboard homes so you can imagine, that must be like hell...

Joey Polanski said...

Well ... I dont kno whats more disturbin -- that hell is freezin ovr, or that hell is jus souf o th bordr.

Is that fence up yet?

(P.S. Yer linkd, ol chumski.)

Toyi: The Problem with what the Doctor did, was the breast were removed, and the female sex organs to retain the child as a child, hence making here easier to care for. As for preventative measure against cancer? That is aslo rediculous. I did not get my balls removed cause I might get testicular cancer.

Joey: Thanks a bunch. Never realized I was the first.

Toyi said...

I understood the procedure, uhmmm is really controversial why they did that, yet it is true.. is harder dealing with an adult impared person than a kid, but IDK if I myself would go that direction if I had a kid with problems.

Joe... lol uhm I guess they are still woring on that wall... uhm the other day I heard Mexico President and I sort of like his idea of... "not presing US to approve immigration laws, instead he wants to focus in Mexico tourism, to generate internal sources of jobs, so Mexican can find a great alternative to their economic problems, well IDK if that will work but at least is a plan to develop. I wish that all the other Latin American Govs would do the same, El Salvador is a tiny countri and the tourism is not very well developed cause Gov don't care, yet ES has great attractions like "Joya de Seren" and Beaches too.