
Some Plugs?
No plugs today, first time in awhile there have been none. I might get something up tonight, we'll see. I did load a new YouTube video though . . . rate it and comment.

You are listening too . . .
Your a Mean One, Mr. Grinch, sung by Thurl Ravenscrost and not like most people think Boris Karloff. Who is Ravenscroft, well for one, he was the voice of Tony the Tiger.

Oh the weather outside in frightful.
Well actually is sucks. New England, 55 degrees all day, right now it's 40. Now snow. Not like out in the Midwest. Global Warming sucks.

This is very interesting.
It seems police in Texas (of course it's Texas) obtained a search warrant to retrieve a bullet from some teens forehead. Of course this bullet will connect the teen to a crime he probably committed, but how far should police and investigators be allowed to go? And what is against the Constituion for unreasonable searches and seizures. Should be interesting.

Backpack, Backpack
New Bugee Backpack, to save the back of our kids.

Oh What a Feeling.
Toyota it seems is about to overtake Ford as the number 2 car in the US marketplace. Ford man, what do you expect? They make a better car, that is more economical, and they are getting into NASCAR next season.

Happy Festivus.
It's really kind of sad, that a pretend holiday (no I am not refering to Kwanzaa) can be more popular than other holidays this time of year. Ahh, what the Hell . . .SERENITY NOW!

The Donald vs. Rosie.
OK, this battle is kind of like two cartoon characters fighting one another. I hope there is a YouTube vid on this war soon.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am a witch, by which I mean that I am somebody who believes that the earth is sacred, and that women and women's bodies are one expression of that sacred being. - Starhawk

I am Malach and we are tigers . . . mighty, mighty tigers.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

They’re Grrreat!

What so great about it? HUH!!!!

Toyi said...

oh wow an intersting case of controvertial interests on that bullet.

Trum vs. Rosia, that is a great Deathmatch (i would like to see it)

Trump would lose, hair would get all mussed up.