Didja Vote?


If not, you still have some time if you live out of the Eastern Time Zone.
If so, you are Malach friend, if not, don't bother to complain. Go vote, and kudos if you did.

Of course, we can't forget the plugs.
So, I know have a Wand of Wonder catalogue in my 99dogs account. It can be linked to from the main store, via a popdown menu at top. Ain't it cute. A colored version of the shirt will be out in a few days. There is also a link in the sidebar of the WoW.

Some site updates. CRISIS! episode TWO! has been updated. In addition, Space Ghost Comix has updated with an strip called McDoom.

Tomorrow, I plan to spend the day on Fat Bug. We will see. I really think I will get it done by the end of Friday, I have both Wednesday and Friday off this week.

Also there is something going on with the galleries, they keep switch images, I am going to fix it tomorrow.

Well I can tell you.
I look like Malach candidates are going to win for once. It has been awhile. Congrats Duval Patrick.

We will see how this play out not only in Central and South America, but the world.

Here's a shock . .
Hey Piper, guess who's back on the market.

Why not use LSD?

Another new JesusMan! villian?'

Malach's Quote of the Day.
If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal." - JFK

I am Malach and I don't kiss on the first date.


stickboybob said...

hell yeh i voted!

Toyi said...

wow getting married is easy but keeping it is hard specially with today's society.

Malach is going to put up an analysis of the mid term elections at WoW.

I agree with Toyi, even more today with the advent or the internet, Instant Messaging, and such, you can easily have a "Cyber Affair" and never physically meet the person you have this affair with.

Toyi said...


certainly purposely or not, internet and some technology is separating families under the table, is fun how a teen now can be text messaging locked in his bedroom and parents be watching TV, all living in the same home and all so far away from each other.

Anonymous said...

of course i did!!

VOTE OR DIE bitch.... lmao