Chuck Norris is the most powerful force in the Universe.
But is he more powerful than the one knows as K-Fed? I do know this, a Sting Ray would not dare touch Chuck for fear of a round house kick to the face!
So can we go back to the days of $1.00 per gallon?
It is kind of nice how the GOP held this one secret until election time.
So what?
Malach can send minds bullets over the phone
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
What the Hell, this is old school Red Sox, play with the emotions type stuff.
Malach's Quote of the Day
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is, "Probably because of something you did." - Jack Handey
I am Malach and I love to do that to the Catholic School Kids.
Phone Thelepaty? oh what a ridiculous thing, you could think about many people durung the day and one of those call you and there you acknowledge that there is thelepaty lol when I think about guy I like, they never call me lol
Yeah, kind of like talking to Jesus.
Yes, Malach is funny.
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