The WoW True Hollywood Story.
It seems the Angry Piper is doing expose' on all the WoW members. Malach was first. And I must say, it is all true.
The Podcast.
Murk is VERY close to finishing it, might be ready tonight, might be ready tomorrow. We will see.
Fat Bug.
Is moving along and I have it 50% pen and inked. It will be until at least next weekend when it gets finished.
You are Listening too . . .
One more ditty from Cake . .
The West Warwick Fire.
Well the criminal part is resolved, we will see where civil litigation goes. As an aside, Micheal Derderian used to be a beat reporter for Channel 7 . I met him once, he is REALLY short.
Not bad for 3.3 million years old.
What, she was 3? Whoops.
RIP, Dr. Phillip Melanson
Phillip Melanson, and professor of mine, and a person who opened my eyes to the great conspiracies of the US government (along with my father), passed away today. I will miss you on the History Channel! If you ever take a visit to the campus of UMASS Dartmouth, take a look at the RFK Assassination archives. Their stuff is amazing.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
At least Schilling is pitching tonight!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Rock" [music]. . . is the expression of elemental passions, and at rock festivals it assumes a cultic character, a form of worship, in fact, in opposition to Christian worship. People are, so to speak, released from themselves by the experience of being part of a crowd and by the emotional shock of rhythm, noise, and special lighting effects. However, in the ecstasy of having all their defenses torn down, the participants sink, as it were, beneath the elemental force of the universe." - Ratzy!
I am Malach and I know for a fact that Ratzy is a huge fan of the 2 Live Crew. Me Love You Long Time.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Malach.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:26 PM
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Now they only need to find that stuborn ape that never developed and kept the ape specie up to today's date.
I thought Jeff Derderian was a reporter for Channel 6. I didn't know that Michael was also a reporter. You always give such great info.
Doc: You might be right, now that I think about it.
Toyi: When I find it I am going to name it Toyistralithicus.
^ eh eh eh that was funny after all, you earned it man.
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