So where was Malach this weekend?
Special Olympics MA, Unified Softball Tournament, facing off once again against my mortal enemy Gene Hackman. I gave a little preview of it at WoW, but now for a more complete story.
For those of you unfamiliar with Unified Sports the basic concepts is that you team up a "normal" adult (Partner) with a Special Olympian (Athlete). For softball, that is a 1 partner to 1 athlete ratio, 5 Partner and 5 Athletes on the field and batting as a team. There are several division (I believe 7 in MA) and teams are divisioned based upon the physical skils of their team. My team, Rick's Ranger's is a division 1 team. Most team in division 1 could be fairly competitive with most regular men's softball teams. So of you may recall we won the gold last year . . .
Different story this year. This year we lost our two best athletes. Both could play regular men's softball, and both have power bats. One is up on a Murder Rap. Luckily we added a pretty good athlete at least as good as the guys who left, but not a powerbat. So we thought we wouldn't do to well this year. Well we won the bronze. And knocked off one of the undefeated teams. We also played to a 8 inning 17 - 17 tie with another team, after one of our partner's broke a collarbone in the second inning, and we had no sub, so we played with 9. We almost beat the gold medal team (and would have won the gold) if not for a uncharacteristic bad baserunning play, losing the game by 1 run. It was a fun 2 day, 5 game tournament, and we were scrappy and held our own. I am going to try to recruit back one of the guys we lost this winter.
Gene Hackman, was Gene Hackman, and went 5 - 6 against me. He is my krytonite, I bow to his power.
To top it off, Malach's regular men's softball team had their first playoff game to day of 2006. We won 37 - 9.
You are listening too . . .
Back to Basom, Ween. This Ween album White Pepper is arguably their best, very Beatleesque.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Will be recording this Wednesday with a special guest host. Send us your questions via email or call.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So everyone jumped back on the band wagon after this weekend sweep. A damn, Laurence Maroney looks like the real deal for the Pats.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Let us glaze our asses to the queer old Dean" - William Archibald Spooner
I am Malach and I hit a home run today.
Like and Dancer who has lost her legs . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:28 PM
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ES also have Special Olympics, the soccer selection has been unbeatable in 4 consecutive worldcups, they are veterans from war, people that lost a leg in combat, is very interesting that most of them are Civil victims, ex Guerrillas or ex soldiers, all sharing the same situation, they are brave.
US special Olympics is Mental Disabilities only, for physical ones there is the Para Olympics.
oh I see...
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