Do you really want to know.
When people can't make a decision about what they want out of life, and decide that they want something different after comitting to someone or something. I mean what the Hell? Now what used to be important to you is no longer important, and you treat that thing like dirt? I pisses me off to no end. Make up your mind.
The Murk and Malach Radio Show
Recorded today! Should be up soon. Some highlights? Interviews with our favorite anti-semitic movie star, Buttsexman, a telmarketer called, and an announcement.
In Soviet Russia
We never reported things like this . . . Or at least didn't for several months.
Ahh Mitt fuggin' Romney.
C'mon Mitt, you had to have known better. This guys wants to be your next president. Did ya all know he was Mormon too?
Holy Crap!
How old does Metallica look?
It is coming.
And you will watch it. DO YOU PEOPLE LIKE COFFEEE?!?
Don't you just love the insane?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
No trades! Second year in a row!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You wouldn't like me when I give a SPEEEEECCHHH! - Brendon Small
I am Malach and cakeeaters fear me!
You know what I hate?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:14 PM 10 comments
Voodoo Lady
Shaking that stick, driving me crazy.
Ok, so I lied, and didn't finish Fat Bug by the end of the weekend. Sue me. Life, and web design got in the way. I guarantee it will be finished sometime this week. To tide you over, Palmer sent in a new "cross over episode" of Necromancer Ned, Ned 17. No I am not sure how this fits in the whole continuim of Palmer's World. Well see ten years from now when we get Crisis on the Infinite Palmer's Worlds. Ok, that might of been a bad idea, I can see his random mind working now.
You are Listening too . . .
Voodoo Lady, by Ween off their album Chocolate and Cheese. This song was a minor hit. Piper will like the album cover. This album has several good songs on it, and several hilarious ones, I will mix em up. This is one of my favorite songs of all time.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well, Schilling sucked for once, games not over but it is. Yanks made a big trade. But they are doing what the Sox always used to do.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
We cannot fail, GIR. Even as a small Irkan shmeet my dream was to pass probing day like a Slorvys passes her young... Jiggly! And full of juice... - Zim
I am Malach and I ask, no demand, that you wipe your feet.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:16 PM 6 comments
Days of our Lives . . .
Starring Mel Gibson . . .
Man we love Mel over at WoW, check out some of the exculsive Shiite we have on at WoW! What a nut! And if you want some "real news" check out the CNN article here.
The RSS, COTCG, Create a Comic Contest is in full swing, already have several entries!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
If Big Papi walked into this room right now, and wanted me to service him sexually . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. - Karl Marx
I am Malach and I am the face of communism.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:40 PM 5 comments
And 12 hours later . . .
So, one down.
Malach basically spent the entire day to get this website up. One down, two to go. Everything is done except the databases, which the site share, so I will tackle them last. And I had take a couple of breaks so I did a few more panels of Fat Bug. That leaves just 4 panels left to render then putting the 30+ panels in a canvas. It will be done by the end of the weekend. But I am not gonna do anymore with this damn computer tonight. Gonna go lift and go to bed.
Just Becuase a lawsuit from Dan Brown ain't enough.
We going for one from Mel Gibson now.
The Murk and Malach Radio Show.
We are recording the next one on Monday. Send us you questions, for your Mailbag sketch. In addition, I believe we will be annoucing a big project at that podcast.
Plug Alert!
I really cannot say enough about Trumba. It has made my life easier as a webdesigner . . . I think I might even start paying for it. Check out this page. Trumba . . . I can't quit you!
Dr. Mantodea is smarter than you.
An he's a mantis. Check this article out. Kudos!
The CoMANdments.
How many have you broken?
You are listening too . . .
Buckingham Green, Ween. The last song I will play from Mollusk. Can you see the influence in Tenacious D here?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Rain early, but they are playing.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Feels like an Arby's night. - David Puddy (perhaps the best sitcom character ever).
I am Malach, STOP LOOK AT ME!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:05 PM 2 comments
Fat Bug
Ok. For all the e-mails, MySpace messages, and forum posts. The latest Fat Bug is almost done. I realize my updates have been few and far between. But I don't make a living on webcomics, and business has been really busy. Now, if you guys want to pay me to do Fat Bug, show me the money. Addtionally I still have not recieved a new JesusMan! script. Hex, whip one up. As for the other webcomics, Palmer seems to be the only one coming through. Some of the titles might be going bye bye.
Another titanic Malach WoW post.
This time on Malach's 10 favorite fictional villians.
Yeah . .
What happened to those town meetings telling us why you needed this kind of profit? This is essential extortion.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Sox and Yanks off, History Channel tonight!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Floor tastes funny. - Cheese
I am Malach and I bring you . . . .. FIRE!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:20 PM 3 comments
Poppies and Hollyhocks with Sparrow.
The Commission.I spoke with the person who comission the latest painting, and since it is not for him and a gift, he does not mind if I post a few pics of it as I paint it. He has already seen this one, and states "It's Perfect". It is on the left. This of course is much different than what I usually do, but not too different either. I have done a couple of Asian based illustrations in the past, but never a painting. I must tell the person that commissioned this that the wife, friends, and family have seen this and love it, so I might have to put an alarm on it. This has about 1 - 2 hours of work done to it. It right now is all acrylic. I have been looking at Chinese watercolors and Japanese Prints.
You are Listening too . . .
Waving My Dick In The Wind, Ween. No real comment on this one, except you can probably see how their music switces between individual songs on an album.
I know you won't believe this, it shockes the hell out of me, but Lance Bass, from N*Sync . . . . HE'S GAY!!! Damn, next thing you will be telling me is that Clay Aiken is also gay.
No, serious.
I am acutally shocked that any jury in Texas would find Andrea Gates not gulity by reason of insanity. I thought they loved their capital punishment out there.
His Name was Castro.
Controlling Cuba
He's gotta a really shaggy beard
and his politics are weird
But he's Castro
Castro fromCuba
Missles and Elian
Boats with Illegal aliens
Don't fall in love!
OK, help me out.
What does the BIBLE CODE say about this?
A halbred? Hey, they say "Virginia is for lover's" no?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Hoping the Curse of A-Rod is in full swing tonight.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Hemingway hated me. I sold 200 million books, and he didn't. Of course most of mine sold for 25 cents, but still... you look at all this stuff with a grain of salt. - Mickey Spillane
I am Malach and I hate you too Mickey Spillane, you created that evil man, MC Hammer.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:00 PM 11 comments
2 posts in a day?
Yes, lucky you.
As you see below, Malach made a long post about Ryan Jones, the accused murderer of his manager at the Old Country Buffet in Dartmouth MA. There has been some interesting reaction to it so far. Thanks for reading. Additionally, I have heard some more things about the woman killed, that I care not to share right now in this public forum. Again, this case is going to be interesting, and might make national headlines when all the facts come out. Malach is very angry at the whole situation, and of course guilty for that anger because of the death involved.
I sent you an email to join WoW, do you need me to resend it?
That a book this old could survive like it did. I always love when they find these things, and compare them to what we have in the modern day. Especially the stuff from Ireland, Africa, and the Middle East, which tend to be more gnostic and Apocrphya.
There is also sort of rude sexual innuendo to be made here, but Malach is much to classy for that.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Another night up until 1AM.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." - P.J. O'Rourke
I am Malach and I give you sanctimonious!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:34 PM 4 comments
Ryan Jones
What led to this?
Now that a bit more has come out about this case, I feel I can now comment on it. Read the latest from today's Standard Times. Before I begin, I need to stress a few things. I know Ryan Jones personally. I have had him as a client; his family are friends with my family; he plays on a Special Olympics Unfied Softball Team with me; I have known him for 12 years; I consider him a friend. I am by no means defending the reprehensible actions he is accused of, actions he understands that are wrong. I also don't want to downplay the death of Valerie Oransky, a woman I also knew through business contacts, charity events, and in my previous profession and a job developer for persons with disabilities. Her family has my condolences.
I will be reposting this at two other blogs. The Bristol MA Free Press (a psuedo news blog centered around Bristol County, MA), and The Wand of Wonder (a multi-contributer, free from blog, with 25 or so members of different backgrounds).
Ryan as stated in the article "was a special needs student". While not getting too much into here personal medical diagnosis (or lack there of), Ryan is a person with disabilities; slight cognitive development issues; and some mental illnesses (probably some undiagnosed). Ryan as a person is very quiet, almost painfully quiet, reserved, and lacking good social and communication skills. He is the type of person, that if you asked him how he was doing, he would respond in a quiet monotone "fine", and not expand on it. It takes him a while to warm up to you, and you need to be very direct and to the point talking with him if you want to find out information from him. He was known to have some anger, and possible explosiveness, but in the decade plus I have known him, I only saw it once, and it was easily redirected by myself. He does not do well with criticism, nor does he like to fail. He is a big guy, around 6', maybe 230lbs. Fairly strong (I have play wrestled with him and played football with him) but not overso. In the field, he would be labelled as "Very High Functioning" and is one of the most capable of the person with disabilities I have worked with. Ryan is one of those clients who falls through the cracks of this state's system, as told in a previous article I wrote.
Ryan graduated school as a 18 year old. In this state that can be the kiss of death for person's with disabilities. Becuase of his intelligence level (high boderline) he did not qualify for DMR services. He also was not "mentally ill enough" to qualify from DMH services. Because he gradutated early (or on time), he lost the chance for some services. He spent next few years floating around until he qualified for CBES services. The plus to CBES is that they are long term services as to opposed to regualar MRC job placement services which last about 6 months (but can be reopened). They pay a hourly rates based upon service hours to the program that is award the contract. Quickly, MRC contracts out assesement, job development, placement, and support services to a local program who is exepected to carry out the needed services. As I stated, most of the time those services are temporary, unless it is a CBES client. Luckily Ryan was one, and even more luckily, Ryan came to my former employer, The Opportunity Center/Work Inc, and worked with me, someone he already knew and trusted. He came into those services sometime around 1999 - 2000.
So Ryan came to be my client. His first year with me was spent assessing his skills, and he was eventually placed in a seasonal job at a golf course, which he more than successfully completed. It was during this time period, Work Inc. absorbed The Opportunity Center (OC). What occured that last year of my employment at the OC was a travesty, and Ryan was part of that. Beyond the acutual destroying of the reputation that we had built up by the OC, other things occured. At that time I was servicing 10 - 15 CBES accounts. Doing all the job counseling, development, and billing. I would bill the local MRC office, and the check would come to the OC. The VP at Work Inc who was responsible for "changing the OC to the Work Inc way", came to visit, and met with me and my boss. She wanted to know, refering to the CBES clients, why I was servicing clients for free. It was pointed out the her, that we were getting an hourly rate, and we were billing locally. Of course they were upset they were not getting the billing, but the contract was specifically for the OC and not Work Inc. The next visit was to complain about the hourly rate. You see MRC CBES contracts are front loaded, you get the higher portion of the contract for the beiginning services. Big money comes first, and then it go down to a $25 hourly rate for long term supports services. Work Inc was not happy with that rate, and compared the DMR clients hourly rate of $60 an hour.
These were two different programs, DMR paid you whether or not the client was even in the program $60 an hour, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for the entire years. DMR clients also were lower functioning so tended to need longer term and more extensive supports. CBES paid $25 for each hour you spent with the client, minimum of a hour. I was told, that this option was not finacially viable. So imagine this, $25 per hour, from an average of 6 hours per week, for each of 10+ CBES clients. That comes to $1,500 per week. That almost $80,000 a year. Work Inc was at most paying me half (including benefits, mileage, etc.) of that. This does not count the initial payment of $1000's of of dollars per client from vocational training and job develoment. That $40,000 was not worth it? Free money? For at the time a organization that was fincially strapped? Well needless to say, a six months after Malach left Work Inc. for greener pastures, they gradually dropped all the CBES client, including Ryan. Since no one else locally was contracted to do CBES, those clients who could not get other funding, no longer had supports.
So that leaves Ryan, who was now working at Old Country Buffet, with no support. No job coach, no counselor, no ride, no nothing. And here we are 3 years later one person is dead, several lives affected. Ryan is the type of guy to hold his emotions in, he will not actively tell you his problems. He will hold them in until he explodes. Again, if you talk to him and counsel him, this you can get the issues out, this type of behavior can be redirected and you can help solve his problems. He did not have this support any longer. According to his co-workers ha had been talking about killing Ms. Oransky for three weeks. No one informed anyone, or took him seriously? There was no one to inform, he had no support. He might no longer have even been labeled as a person with a disability, there was no longer an association with services. Might the prep cook have told someone who was coming by the work place to support Ryan once a week?
If there were supports, would this have occurred. I cannot say no, but I can tell you this. If Ryan had been saying this for about a month, he might have told me, or another counselor a year ago how unhappy he was. In this field two of the most serious things are suicide ideation and homicide ideation. They will immediatley get the things causing this ideation to stop. I am confident that any decent job counselor would have caught this early, nipped it in the bud, and perhaps Ryan would not have even been working there.
Again, I hate to place the blame on other things . . . Ryan is still responsible for his own actions, but I am very angry, this probably could have been prevented. I am angry that a human service organization (Work Inc.) put money ahead of helping a client. It takes some dying or getting maimed in this state, and the ruining of several lives for the issues to be addressed, and that has become much too common. Ryan will probably end up spending the next few decades at Bridgewater State Hospital. Time will tell. Watch this case, there should be some very interesting things that come out of it.
I am Malach, things need to change.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:43 AM 3 comments
It's Gonna Be Alright . . .
So Malach might be taking a unpopular stance here.
Malach is going to write a special blog here, at WoW, and the Bristol MA Free Press about Ryan Jones. Again, I have known Ryan for plus 10 years, as both a friend, a supervisor, and counselor. Ryan is a person with disabilities. That does not excuse what he is accused of doing, but there is a lot more to this story that needs to be address, especially about the state of MA human services, a former employer of mine, and thousand of persons like Ryan who fall through the cracks. Again, I do not defend nor excuse the actions, and the Oranski family has my deepest condolences, but I hope some of the light I shed on this will piss you off too. Tomorrow my friends.
Malach just got a phone call . . .
From some schmo named Phillip. I was busy and did not answer but he left a nice 2 minute long message about his excapades with me into the world of gay sex (though he did not mention me by name). Perhaps you recognize the phone number (ut oh, will Malach do it?). Well lets see, I'll make it tough on the Buckos. It is(EDIT). Malach has more power than you! By the way, saving the message for the next podcast.
The Best Laid Plans.
Murk and I will soon have something big to annouce.
Malach went on a rant today . .
About Test Messaging, IM's and Cellphones, check it out.
Check out the Shiite Hobbs posted today.
Faking elections?
You Are Listening Too . . .
It's Gonna Be (Alright), Ween. Another strange Ween diddy that could be a hit. Of course the next Ween song I post will probably be Waving My Dick In The Wind.
Dubya ain't the brightest bulb in the Chandlier.
We should all add things and addendums to the rule we make.
Ever Been Spearfishing?
Sound fun, no?
But where's the real one?
Dubya, the ladies man!
Look at the intense look of pleasure he gives the German ladies. Nice to see he is going insane.
Dipping Dots.
I would up for the challenge!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate late night West Coast Games!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
That's right, Mr. Martini. There is an Easter Bunny. - R.P. McMurphy
I am Malach and I am Coo Coo for Ca Ca Puffs!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:36 PM 5 comments
I always feel like somebodies watching me . .
Ahh the perils of the internet.
Someone is spying on Me. Check out one of my incoming links from yesterday. Interesting no? Someone is trying to find out, through the back door, who Malach is. Perhaps the FBI? Perhaps a secret admirer? Perhaps a stalker? There are easier ways my friend.
Something serious, very serious.
This suspect is one of my former clients, a member of my unfied Special Olympics Softball Team, and a friend. I will comment more on this at WoW in the coming future (I need to protect Ryan's privacy and defense). I do not want to defend Ryan's actions, becuase they are as wrong as it can get, but there are some reasons. That is all I will say on this for now. To the family of Valerie Oranski, who I have met a few times because of past vocations of mine, you have my deepest condolences.
The Ten Commandments of being a Man.
This is what Dr. Murk does best, make you life better. Check it out.
bennie goodman
Hating Paris Hilton, now that's something I can support.
Have you been reading Fart Party?
Hey Julia, dammit girl your gonna make me cry!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
That Beltre In The Park Homer was as piss poor a defensive play as I have seen.
Malach's Quote of the Day
(while cutting off his evil hand) "Who's laughing now? WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!" - Ash Williams
I am Malach and I am not left handed.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:12 PM 9 comments
About Last Night.
Malach rarely drinks.
But when he does he has a tendancy to overdo it. You see, alchohol. To me alcohol is pretty rediculous. No one drinks it cause it tastes good (although there are some wines and beers, I will drink on occasion just to drink them). When Malach generally drinks, he drinks to get drunk. Again this is maybe 2 - 3 times per year, other than that he is stone dry. This was not always the case, but I am not going to get into college days stories. So on a whim, Malach decided to get drunk with a few friends, and finish draining the keg from the past weekends party. Well Malach over did it, paid for it until about 4PM today (another reason Malach doesn't drink, it wastes the next day). On the plus side, I did get my latest painting finished, and started on a commision. I apologize of course to you guys and anyone else who was at my house that I offended, and don't remember much of the night. I do remember posting here , I don't remember if I went anywhere else while on line and posted anything (again sorry if I did and you did not like it). . . man I am pisspoor typer in that condition.
The Latest Painting.It is finished. Or it is finished for now. Malach has in the past, months or even years later gone into a finished piece and done more to it. There is not a huge difference between this finished piece and the last time I posted on it. The biggest part I added was the hearts and the heart strings.
So this painting is entitled Kate IV: Past Tense. That is all I am giving for now. I am going to try and do a series of these, same type of subject matter. Guess all you want.
Now the Commission.Malach has been commissioned to do a rather large wall piece. The only request is that is have some type of Asian theme. The piece itself in 3' by about 5'. Now the person who commissioned this reads this blog, so I am not going to post updates on it regularly, but I will post the finished product. What I know post at left is the intial stage of the piece. It is one piece of cavas, gessoed. Now, I decided to give it an Asian feel by glueing rice and grass paper all over the canvas. Since one was darker than the other, I did a really translucent white wash over the whole thing, and coated it with a satin gloss. Voila! I am looking at a lot of Chinese brush art, and Japanese wall murals. Should be interesting. BTW, you want a commission? Email me.
You are Listening too . . .
Cold Blows the Wind, Ween. Also check out Malach's MySpace for a Johnny Guitar Watson classic. Also, 2 friends short of 2000.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gonzo with a error loses the game for the Sox? Never thought I'd see that!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The city of Townsville. A city that, while being a city, is for some inexplicable reason called "Town." And not only is it called a "Town," but also a "Ville," thus making it a city, town, and village, which seems to me to be redundant and repetitive, which can be quite annoying if you ask me, which you have no choice but to do, for now I, Mojo Jojo, am in charge of... the city of Townsville! - Mojo Jojo.
I am Malach, now clean and sober.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:45 PM 9 comments
Was in control yesterday . . .
Not so much today . .
Malach is quite innebriated right now, so we will see how cognizent this post is. Man it took me 15 minutes to write the previous line. So not too good. Went to the beach today.
I am Malach and I love you man!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:22 PM 3 comments
OK, I am a bit more in control
So what does that mean.
Well, I hove done quite a bit and I am ahead of schedule of the number of projects, commissions, and websites I am doing. I am also catching up with Fat Bug. I will really try to get it finished by the end of the weekend, then perhaps put all my webcomics on a bit of a hiatus, or maybe even drop a title. We'll see.
A few reminders . . .
The Create a Comic Contest is in full swing. Sign up buckos. Silent Auction, Pats tickets. Money benefits a good cause. For the same cause, upcoming walk-a-thon, meet Malach, he'll be there. Be afraid, very afraid. Actually the "Feshta" as it is colloquially called is fun. Two fast facts. Guiness Book of World Records. The largest Portuguese Feast in the World is this one. In additon, the Feast holds the world record for the most alcohol consumed in a weekend. Gotta love that Madeira Wine.
You are Listening too . . .
She Wanted To Leave. Another of those weird songs that could hits by Ween if not for the weird lyrics. Piper should like this one.
If you get the chance . . .
After you read this article, got to YouTube and look up some of these videos. Defintely interesting. Of course the Bush Administration will never show you the disgruntled soldiers.
And if you want something scary . .
Check out Paris Hilton's latest piece of crap . . . ugh, is it legal to shoot her in the head?
Speaking of Dubya . .
Spoke to the NAACP today. How scared you think he was?
I thought Macauley Caulkin would be the first one in this situation.
So Malach no longer works Fridays.
His work went to a 4 day work week. Cool huh? So this is the first week of it, family decided to go to the beach. . . . If I don't post a blog tomorrow, call out the Coast Gaurd.
This thing is cool!
I guess he was lucky?
At least he didn't try to eat an alligator.
Kudos to Marriot.
Quite the brave move.
Neanderthal Man.
No, don't do it! Your messing with the natural order!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Back on their winning ways. Psyched the singed Beckett to three years. It is pretty impressive to beat a team like Texas, when Schilling has a mediocre game, Ortiz sits (welcome back Willie Mo), and Lowell has the flu, so Cora play third.
Malach's Quote of the Day (Dedicated to bennie goodman)
I think it's the fact that I do something different and that I actually have some success with it. That bothers a lot of people... especially comics. - Carrot Top
I am Malach and smell my codfish Maria.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:17 PM 2 comments
Quick and update.
Mike the Disembodied Anime Freak has updated. Episode 1.6 is up. Kudos to Palmer for consistent updates.
Malach posted a bit about immigration over at WoW. Check it out buckos.
The Pope
Is at is again that nutty bastard.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I love the Kansas City Royals.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
It was so gnarly, dude, and I'd been on his show a couple times, so I basically figured we were homies. I yelled over to him, and I was like, 'Yo, Reg, what up?' And then get this: He called me the Red Onion! Dude, it was so epic. It was totally rad. - Shuan White.
I am Malach and I am totally rad.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:17 PM 4 comments
I'll be your Johnny on the spot . .
Patriots tickets.
Silent Auction begins Aug 1st! Good Cause! Check it out!
Fat Bug.
I am slowly but surely working in finishing Fat Bug, when I can. Ton of work right now. 3 website, major updates on another, and a possible new client for a website. Perhaps I can soon retire. I hope to have it finished soon.
You are listening too . . .
Johnny On The Spot - Ween
I love Billy and Mandy.
I expressed that love at WoW today, along with a video. So beautiful!
So if this goes through, how much will pennies be worth?
Horray for the Gays!
One more step to equal rights.
What Did I tell you.
Big Dig, meet History Channel's Enginering Disasters.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
DAMN! This Pitching lineup will be frightening in the future.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"It is only the inferior thinker who hastens to explain the singular and the complex by the primitive shortcut of supernaturalism." - HP Lovecraft.
I am Malach and I will be your Johnny On The Spot.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:01 PM 3 comments
Come one, come all!
See the greatest bitch fest ever!
Go over to WoW and read the Cap'n Vs. Dr. Murk internet fight. It is like a blog version of Jerry Springer. They spew forth at each other, sometime incoherrantly. They try to get Malach to join in, but Malach plays stupid. I mean this one has 40 comments, and this one 30 something. And while there check out my post on Who Wants To Die Elmo. The Cap'n actually put up a well thought out post too.
Free Cruise!
Just Move to Beruit!
OK, I ask . .
WHY? Really gotta get the crack out of the 'hood.
This Rocks.
I bet this crustecean is a real ladies man.
Malach will be putting up a WoW post on immigration tomorrow, here's a sneak at some of the stuff I will be touching on.
Why are we all desperate . .
for stupid news like this, I mean, Dubya is still a primate.
Anyone in the room?
Ever been shot accidently twice in the course of two years? I mean beyond the people who hang with Dick Cheney?
You really want to drive them crazy?
I get better stuff than Manilow . . . try Crap Vacuum.
I hate motorcycles.
But I would ride this.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
YO! MLB! Can we play the Royals more often?
Malach's Quote of the Day
The Government of the Reich, which regards Christianity as the unshakable foundation of the morals and moral code of the nation, attaches the greatest value to friendly relations with the Holy See, and is endeavouring to develop them. - Adolf Hitler
I am Malach and I just quoted Hitler . . . . Oh My!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:47 PM 4 comments
Mutilated Lips. . .
Malach was a redneck for a day.
This time of year around these parts is festival season. Big, small, eclectic, artsy, musical, ghetto, ethnic; in the course of two months they are one weekend after the other. Well, ending the season (sort of) is Malach's favorite. The Wesport Fair. Farm shows, Animal contest, carnival, bar-b-que, TRACTOR PULLS, Truck pulls, hoedown, pig races, antique farm equipment show, chaisaw sculpture, country crafts, I LOVE IT! I could stay all day. The kids love it too. If you are ever in the area during that time of year, you will love it, and look up Malach's buddy, Clint.
You are Listening too. . . .
Mutilated Lips, Ween. I love this song, sing along:
Of the worm like tips of tentacles expanding
In my mind, Im fine, accepting only fresh brine
You can get another drop of this, yeah you wish...
Mutilated lips give a kiss on the wrist
Of the worm like tips of tentacles expanding
In my mind, Im fine, accepting only fresh brine
You can get another drop of this, yeah you wish...
Mutilated lips give a kiss on the wrist
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Not good, I see a swift death via hanging.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world. - Einstein
I am Malach and bring those sexy mutilated lips here.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:25 PM 7 comments
Very Quick
Got a party going on, so I will leave you with this.
Party for one of my myspace stalkers at the old abobe. Check out the invite Malach made:
Yeah, Malach is too old for keggers, he bought his own beer. I also found out from the Angry Piper. who was in attendance, he is trying to seduce my wife. Also check out my new myspace theme. Check out my WoW post. GIANT UNDERPANTS!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
IDK, did they win or lose?
Malach's Quote of the day
A likely impossibility is always preferable to an unconvincing possibility. - Aristotle
I am Malach, and cowboy, on a steel horse I ride.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:52 PM 3 comments
Happy Birthday Pepere!
Happy Birthday.
To Malach's Dad! Thanks for everything!
The 2nd Annual Cartoon Orbit: The Complete Guide/RubberSuit Studios Create-a-Comics Contest is now open. Read the about it here. Looking for some donations for this one if anyone has something they want to give. Email me.
I have been told that the line is feces that I am eating. Good job bucko, you art talents will take you far in life.
Plugs Galore.
Malach hasn't plugged some of the stuff he likes in a while. So here it goes.
The Wand of Wonder: A wild multi contributer blog.
Hill-TV: Funny stuff, look for the Pope's blog.
The Angry Book, Booze, Bagpipes.
The Angry Veteran: Angry doesn't describe it.
Butterflies and Demons: A must read blog.
The CAB: From the Artist Formerly Known as Spacefarmer.
Hobbs: The nutty old man who knows what's going down.
Eat the Stupid: You know you want to.
Fart Party: And it is a Fart Party.
Weekly Webcomic Reviews: Even though he hardly posts there anymore.
Yu + Me: Did someone say lesbians?
The Magic Inkwell: Cat's funhouse.
81/2 by Eleven: It better than For Better or Worse
Fetus X: MMM Fetus.
[[Comixpedia]]: Screw Wikipedia.
Religious Learn youself.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Man Beckett your turning into Clement.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is! - Yoda
I am Malach and don't be embarassed about your home.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:24 PM 4 comments
I love you . ..
You set my soul of fire .. .
and for that reasons, I am posting a piece of an image from the latest Fat Bug, Fat Bug destroys CTRL+ALT+DEL. I edited this pic so it won't give away too much of the plot. Enjoy. You like? Direct CTRL+ALT+DEL here.
You are Listening too . . .
Ocean Man, off the Ween album, The Mollusk. You can see especially on this album some of the weird popiness they began to explore.
Happy Birthday.
See what happens when you piss off the Heebs!
And it seems the rest of the Middle East hasn't learned from previous modern confrontations with Israel in the past 50 years. And Toyi, please stop with this bullshit about the Children of Israel. Israel is supplied with weapons and technology from both the US and Europe, including nuclear weapons. That is why they can wipe the floor with most of these Arab countries. So what happens now? Unless they can difuse this situation it becomes more of a Middle East vs. the West war. It will be very interesting to see what side place like Egypt and Saudi Arabia align with.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Were Back! I am still trying to get Red Sox Fan classified as a mental illness.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Well maybe if you didn't make your babies so delicious, Dracula wouldn't have to eat them! - Dracula, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
I am Malach and I eat babies
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:27 PM 13 comments
Some Interesting Stuff.
Check this stuff out.
Spacefarmer is having a contest of sorts to rename himself and his new blog, should be fun. Check out Murk's World. He is posting the 10 commandments of being a man, is seems so far he is expanding on each one in a daily post. I like it, I like it alot. How's this for a fight to the death? I also asked a few larger blog celebrities to join WoW, well see what happens. Oh, and I worked quite a bit of Fat Bug today . . . looking sweet.
Have you been watching Pee Wee?
Well start. You can read my thoughts on it here.
I don't know about you, but I feel much safer since 9/11. Especially now that Israel has gone nuts (idea: let them march all the way to Iraq, and take over), and what can one say about North Korea!
Lil' Dickie Cheney vs. Lil' Vlady Putin pt 1.
Vlad: You're a bad shot.
Dick: You're a tummy kisser.
Hey History Channel.
This has Engineering Disasters written all over it. You think Putin and Cheney are bad you should check out Mitt Romney vs. Matt Amorello. Cat Fights galore! Amorello was even on Sports Talk Radio this morning. It's sad in this town that you can get your message to the people faster with EEI.
How many Polacks does it take .. .
to kill a million Jews? Yeah that was a bad joke . . . I got worse ones about the Holocaust . . . someday my children.
Mixed Martial Arts.
Malach is a huge MMA fan, or both UFC and PRIDE. The UFC will take up the void left by boxing, which has become a joke. If you have not seen MMA, or only recall the stuff from the early 1990's give it a shot.
Where's Steve Irwin when the world needed him?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Feel really good about taking the division.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
“I never told a joke in my life.” - Andy Kaufman
I am Malach, and here I come to save the day.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:42 PM 10 comments
Let Malach Bore You!
Evidently I Bored Spacefarmer Today.
With my WoW post on Homelessness that's ok though, I don't think he has seen this WoW post yet. How's that for boring. Wait until he sees my next post on immigration.
You are listening too . . .
Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy), by Ween. You can see some of the huge influence Ween has had on Tenacious D with this song.
You are going to see more and more terrorist attacks based in foreign lands, will American care? Doubt it.
Engineering Disasters.
Hey History Channel, I have your next one.
RIP Syd Barrett.
RIP Milan B. Williams.
The Power of the Internet.
Wow, bet this becomes the new fad. Ok Seriously, I want to try this, I have the original art for JesusMan! 1.5. What will you give me for it. EMail me.
Another interesting Internet story . . . kind of scary.
I got your black hole mystery right here . . .
In my pantaloons, though I prefer the term "Rusty Dirt Star".
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
The world in up in arms about Manny Ramirez skipping out on the All Star Game. We got a saying here in New England . . . . "That's just Manny being Manny".
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"High above the Mucky-Muck, Castle made of clouds, there sits Wonderboy, sitting oh so proudly... Not much to say, when you're high above the Mucky-Muck..." - Tenacious D
I am Malach and I am down in the Mucky Muck.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:40 PM 6 comments
Busy, busy, busy
Lots on the plate.
Malach has been contracted to re-do three websites. Complete redo, and contracted to maintain and update them. This one, this one, and this one. Malach is also in negotions to provide the illustrations for a 300 page book on autism and autism program. This means, Malach will be very busy, and Malach is one step closer to becoming a full time artist. Malach also has to do a major update for another client.
This mean of course more delays on JesusMan!, The Wraith, and Fat Bug. I am going to try to finish up the Bug by the end of the weekend.
On the plus side, Malach will be going to a 4 day a week work schedule starting next week, extra day to do this stuff.
The Transformers.
More than meets the eye.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Ortiz to win the HR derby, would be amazing after a 19 inning game.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You should show courtesy and be cordial with each other, so that nobody should consider himself superior to another nor do him harm. - Muhammad
I am Malach and I am the Master of the Universe.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:48 PM 3 comments
My Dirty Weekend.
So where'd Malach go?
Malach went camping for the first time in about 15 years. Not "roughing it" camping in the woods on a mountain, but to a family campground. You see Malach and his family used to camp every weekend give or take a couple at Peter's Pond Park or Maple Park. I have fond memories of treking to both places, and essentially spending long portions of my summer there. Summer friends, romances and hideaways.
So we went to Ellis Haven. Similar to both Maple Park, and Peter's Pond at least as I remember. Had some fun. Some impressions. First, this was the "dirtiest" campsite I have ever been too. I don't mean dirty as in filthy, I mean dirty, and in dirt. This was the only camp ground I have ever been too, that had no pine needles on the ground, it is like they vacummed them up. What was left is the powdery, dry, Cape Cod dirt (those of your that have been to the Cape will know exactly what I mean). And it got everywhere. Also, the sites were very crowded together, and not too private. On the other hand, extremely nice staff, excellent beach. Lots of fun stuff to do.
Some events:
- Malach, being the bastard step son of Bill Dance was the only one to catch a fish, and a pretty decent sized 3 - 4 pound large mouth (good size for MA).
- Malach will NEVER sleep in a tent without some type of mattress again, took me about 1 hour to walk out the stiffness this morn, and my ribs and hips are tender.
- Super Malach saved one of his own kids from drowning.
- On the beach (before the potential drowning), and I am sitting there reading Good Omens. People around got their music, the Soxs game, or the Soccer game going, when suddenly, this loud music takes over the shoreline. It sounds like someone is singing Bob Marley, Karaoke style. Malach looks around, and sees acrooss the pond these two huge black amplifiers. Looking further, there is a bald, middle aged, fat man in a wife beater, with a MIDI mixer, a bass, and a mic, singing covers of Marley, Billy Joel, Jimmy Buffet, and the like. He is playing them all in reggae style, singing them like a lounge singer. It was so awful it was incredible. He is my new god.
- The camper next to us, had a family, from somewhere in Southeastern MA. You could of dropped this family in the middle of the most backward part of Georgia, and they would have fit in, they were funny.
- The camper next to theirs had a woman who was personally trying to bring back 1980's glam metal fashion. I named her "Pour some sugar on me".
- Most weird is this campground had a 2 story sports bar, open all night . . . it was called Campy's.
So, Malach impression of camping now as compared to 20 years ago? Well, everyone has an RV. Pop up's and tents are in the vast minority. It used to be the other way around. I will always remeber at Peter's Pond, right behind the store they had a parking lot of about 10 pay phone booths (yeah were talking early 80's here). If someone needed to contact you, they would call the office and then the office would leave a message for you on the message board, then you called from the payphones. Well everyone has a cell phone now. Camp weekend dances were always so Dirty Dancing . . . they still are.
Superman vs. the Hulk.
Who will win?
You are Listening too . . .
Were are still in some early Ween. There early stuff is much more experimental, and in a way silly. This song, The Stallion PT 03 shows some of the direction they would head in on later albums.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Man, I never thought that 19 inning game would end. Too bad they lost, but they took two of three, from probably the best team in the league.
Malach's Camping Quote of the Day.
1.)"That's the problem with nature. Something's always stinging you or oozing mucus on you. Let's go watch TV." - Calvin (that was so me this morning).
2.) "NOBODY PUTS BABY IN A CORNER" - Johnny Castle
I am Malach and I am going to bed. But before I do. Malach fast fact number 569. During the birth of Malach's second child there was a Dirty Dancing Marathon, that for some reason the wife watched the entire time.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:45 PM 6 comments
Gone for a couple of days.
I will be most unavailable from Friday night (7/6) to Sunday (7/8).
You can contact my e-mail and I will get in touch with you. If you really want to get in touch with me, you can call, but I will have NO COMPUTER access until Sunday night. Next Blog update on Sunday.
The Latest Murk and Malach Radio Show Podcast.
Is published. This is our big interview retrospective. All our previous interviews are on this one, as well as a new one with none other than God himself. This one is absolutely funny, I hurt myself laughing. There is also a Angry Piper Remix at the 35 minute mark that is absolutely hilarious. People who heard it have said it is the best one yet. I clocks in about 15 minutes short of two hours, so be prepared. In both Real Media and MP3 format.
You are listening too . .
Hey Fat Boy (Asshole) , by Ween. This is one of those weirder Ween songs, of course I wanted to dedicate this to the Angry Piper, but he's shedding the pounds.
Well now, someone should put these kids "journals" together with Sirhan Sirhan's.
So Putin's on a webcast?
So you think the webcast was sponsored by NAMbLA? I am Valdy Putin, I like to kiss me boys. It is the Russian way to make the boys your toys.
Radio Free Europe.
Unless you are Russian!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I would do ANYTHING Big Papi wants me to do, ANYTHING!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours. - Hunter S. Thompson
I am Malach, and I will catch you in a day or two.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 1:32 PM 2 comments
Apologies to the Buckos
I am getting real busy.
I have the upcoming jobs of doing 4 websites, and few logos, and possibly a couple of illustrations. That mean, the webcomics are gonna come slower than usual. In addition, I will be gone Friday to Sunday, so there will possibly only be one blog post in the next couple of days.
Fat Bug is a huge update, and is looking real sweet, I would post something I have done, but it would give away too much. I am 99% sure it will not be done until next week. Sorry.
No one wants to touch the Gays.
This has become so contentious, that the legislature tosses it to the judiciary who tosses it back to the legislature. PEOPLE, this is a civil rights issue . . . It has nothing to so with Jesus, Mohammed, Morality, or your opinion of marriage.
You knew NJ could not last with the Casino close.
There too much money to be lost, for the state government.
Well we almost all died . . .
We would have missed the Rapture!
AOL Sucks.
They want to give you their suck for free.
Wikipedia Sucks.
But this is funny.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Time Wakefield is a Devil Ray killer . . . . We need a win.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Well, they are people, just like us - from within our own solar system. Except that their society is more highly evolved. I mean, they don't have no wars, they got no monetary system, they don't have any leaders, because, I mean, each man is a leader. I mean, each man - because of their technology, they are able to feed, clothe, house, and transport themselves equally - and with no effort...Why don't they reveal themselves to us is because if they did it would cause a general panic. Now, I mean, we still have leaders upon whom we rely for the release of this information. These leaders have decided to repress this information because of the tremendous shock that it would cause to our antiquated systems. Now, the result of this has been that the Venutians have contacted people in all walks of life - all walks of life. [laughs]' Yes. It-it-it would be a devastatin' blow to our antiquated systems - so now the Venutians are meeting with people in all walks of life - in an advisory capacity. For once man will have a god-like control over his own destiny. He will have a chance to transcend and to evolve with some equality for all. - George Hanson
I am Malach and I am V'ger.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:13 PM 2 comments
O Portugal!
And lost the fuggin' French. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The Greater New Bedford area is being flooded with tears as I speak! Kernsie ain't gonna live this one down. At least the French don't have to play Germany, they would give up . . . (don't blame me, Murk joke, I laughed).
You are Listening too . . .
Now that I have coverted the Piper is the world's greatest Tom Waits fan, it is time to move on, on to a band called Ween. Ween is a bit hard to describe. Ween is basically Crap Vacuum is Crap Vacuum had the musical talents of the Beatles. You will see what I mean, as over the next few weeks I will play some rude silly songs, and stuff that will blow you mind. For now, I will ease you into Ween, with what can be termed their only real hit. Push th' Little Daisies, off the album Pure Guava. This song tells you a lot about Ween, and yet tells you nothing. We'll have fun with this.
Recent WoW Activity.
WoW has gone nuts, and is pulling in tons of readers. A new theme song, recent funny post, and the return of a Dropping My Daily Stool Sample original.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I really cannot take three losses in a row.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Just because you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you gotta do porn. - Kumar Patel
I am Malach and I once hung a horse.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:07 PM 7 comments
The 4th.
Merry Independance Day!
To the USA. I had some wishes yesterday, and there are several theme posts at WoW, including the obligatory "On this Date", the stupidity of the proposed flag burning amendment, and a comedic post based upon that sentiment. So enjoy those, that's all I have to say on the subject.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
2 losses in a row? What? Confusion . . . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
For this July 4th, we have a special quote from a great American Forefather.
A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing. - Alexander Hamilton
I am Malach and Murk and Malach National Debt will not be excessive.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:13 PM 2 comments
Happy Birthday USA!
What I Love about this Country.
What do I love about the good ole US of A? I love the fact you can be anti-American; say anything you want about this country, and it's leaders; post at blog like this; do webcomics like this; burn the flag; and post songs like this one on July 4th. I also like the fact that if you want to be a crazy Jesusfreak; an athiest; a racist homophobe; a nerd; a conservative; a liberal; a Satanist; a pagan; or whatever hell the else you want to be (as long as you are not breaking the law), you can.
That is what makes this country great, that fact that you can get a whole mess of different races, opinions, politics, religions, and social classes under one roof, and debate, protest, yell and scream. This country mostly works this way, and from what I have seen, there are none in the world like it. Even ifnfree parts of Europe you cannot wear traditional Muslim garb, nor talk dispairingingly about the Holocaust.
I love the fact we can debate and argue over whether the Iraq War is correct, whether "In God We Trust" should be on our money, I even love the arguments about putting Creationist Theory in science text books.
USA, I love you so, becuase you let me use you, spit in your face, kick dirt all over your name, and you welcome me back with open arms.
Dr. Murk, Piper.
WATCH THE GODDAMN VENTURE BROS. Last night's episode was funny as HELL! And here is last weeks episode. Can I make it any easier for you?
You are Listening too . . .
America is . . . the Violent Femmes.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
They done this all year, give up three homers in a game, all solos, and the offense comes back to win it. We'll see.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Oh Shit! Mall Cops! - The Monarch
I am Malach, and If I were a costumed supervillian, The Monarch, would be pretty close.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:23 PM 1 comments
A Quickie.
Fat Bug.
Hopefully I can get Fat Bug done by the end of the week. It is all set to be colored and about 50% done at this point.
Johnny Cash.
MySpace is previewing Cash's new Album, American V: A Hundred Highways. You can check out the whole thing here. Unfortunately MySpace disabled the buttons that would allow you to go from song to song, so you have to listen to the whole thing if there is a song in it you want to hear. So if you got some time, put it in the background, and the Gordon Lightfoot remake of If I Could Read Your Mind is worth the listen.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Papi homers again, Lester pitches well, Papelbon to wrap that puppy up . . . . I love those team.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Pop music is about saying "fuck me". Rock and roll is about saying "fuck you." - Chrissie Hynde
I am Malach, and If you could read my mind . . . Love, what a tale my heart would tell.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:22 PM 7 comments
WoW has gone nuts.
Well it seems that WoW is becoming more popular than Stool Sample Webcomics!
Check this 460 unique links (not better than my best day, but better than my average. I also put up a review of Trumba's calendar software, and Trumba pointed it out. Damn, should of put something up here. Well, since this blog generally has more readers. Webmasters, awesome interactive calendar software, as easy to use as most blogging software. Check out one of my client sites, play with the calendar, you know you want to. You like that don't you. It is free, unless you want their ultra cool stuff, and Malach give it two thumbs way up (look at me cheating for a link).
Malach found the most beautiful serene place today.
Malach went for about a hour long walk, and decided to take a walk of Riverside Cemetery. It is down the street from my house. Malach has lived in Fairhaven most of his life. 27 or so of his 34 years. He knows that Riverside is supposed to be beautiful, has some very old, and some fairly famous graves. Never been. Well, I must say, beautiful 14 acre site, mostly wooded. It was like walking through a nature perserve, only with graves. Saw a skanky fox too. Very serene. Some very old graves dating from 1920's and earlier. Some graves of some famous families, like the Rogers, and the Delano Family. The Delano crypt is absolutely breathtaking. A lot of freemason graves also. I will bring a camera next time I go. Wonderful place.
You are Listening too .. .
I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You, by Tom Waits. Fits Malach's mood. Piper got you hooked yet?
Some more of the Latest Painting.Worked another hour or so. As you might notice as compared to the last update, quite a bit more detail and color have entered the piece. The piece is pretty close to being done, it is a matter now of knowing when to put down the brush.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Man give Papi the day off and he goes nuts. 2 homers, Manny with 2 homers . . . it is also ironic, that after breaking the MLB consecutive without an error streak by one game, they got 2 today. I can say enough, this is a very good team.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
4. F*ckball - a.k.a. soccer, a.k.a. European Football (figures). A sport where grown men writhe in pain when tripped like a fourth grader. This is what all the kids who get cut from the previous three sports play when their moms refuse to let them take karate. - Dr. Robert J. Murk
I am Malach and I just quoted Dr. Murk.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:12 PM 6 comments