Sorry, I missed more live post, party got a bit wild.
So heres some more of the PiMP party Buckos!
Let's See, here Stab Master Arson showing off his Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout.
A couple of Mack Daddies Playas here, some big time Buckos! Just walked in off the street.
Eileen Weibech-Forsects, with her two goon bodygaurds.
Stabmaster, such a ladies man!
Carlito, Spectaculare! In da House!
Numbah one Crap Vacuum groupie, learning from the pro Eileen.
The rest is just to X rated to show!
You are listening too . ..
Another from Polly Jean, Perfect Day, Elise.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I can hear the Tobin Bridge calling!
Malach's Quote of the Day!
I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect! - Fredo Coleone, The Godfather II.
I am Malach, friend to Stab Master Arson.
PiMP Party Redux!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:02 PM 88 comments
Live from the PiMP part the uno!
Party Time! Dr. Murk meets the world ungliest HO! Crap Vacuum's director of Security Mr. Fingers!
A couple of Hos! Including Crap Vaccuum's Eileen Weibech-Forsects at rigth.
Stabmaster Arson taking a nutty, get out of my Fuggin' house!
They don't call him Mr. Fingers for nuttin'!
I am Malach, give me another Beer!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:33 PM 8 comments
Not much to say . .
Just getting ready for the PiMP Party.
While you are reading this read something more entertaining like Twisted Darkness post at WoW about gay marriage. Weigh in.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation . . .
Not good, lost three in a row, pitching and hitting has been awful . . . depression setting in.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I'd say 'Battlefield: Earth' was my favourite film, and not just because of my religion. I believe it has true cinematic and artistic merit. - Tom Cruise
I am Malach and I am sorry for this poor excuse for a blog.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:29 PM 0 comments
The Quickie is Back!
I hear you begging for it!
Ok, got lots of shiite to do tonight, so this will be quick. Gotta get the house ready for the PiMP party. I might do tomorrow's blog live from the PiMP party.
Notched Blade 2.9 is up. Third part of the Magic Scrolls series. I love this series by BUG!
Some interesting new things at WoW!. First there is this I Hate Vampires post by Choas. It has inspired me to do a werewolf vs. vampire post there maybe tomorrow. Also Malach posted something about WoW and Search Engines today you might find interesting.
JesusMan! is about 50% done, but because of the PiMP party, I don't think it will be done before the weekend closes.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
But Marge, what if we chose the wrong religion? Each week we just make God madder and madder. - Homer Simpson
I am Malach, and choose me for you religion, God likes me.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Go Daddy, I love you but you FUGGIN' KILLIN' ME!
You might have noticed .. .
Our forum is offline, well Malach screwed up and accidently delted the ENTIRE FOLDER off my FTP, and of course, he does not have a back up like he thought he did. OK. So Malach uses GoDaddy for all his hosting needs . . . my own site and my clients. I love GoDaddy. Why? They for one have awesome prices, and their customer service is amazing. So Malach thinks, well, they probably have a backup on their servers, and can get it back for me. So I call GoDaddy. Why of course, they an restore deleted files . . . but there is a flat fee of $150 to do that . . . . What? You serious $150 to restore one file? Yes sir, when you like us to start this now? Umm, no, I figure something out. I still love GoDaddy, just a little less.
Well needless to say that something is rebuild the whole thing. Or screw the forum. I am not sure at this point . . . .
Notched Blade
Another Notched Blade, Episode 2.8 Magic Scrolls II. This one too is funny. It is a bit of a knock on our buddy Fat Bug. There will be another up tomorrow and at least one more in this series. BUG is not too fond of some of these, but I like 'em.
You are Listening too .. .
Dry, PJ Harvey. The only celebrity in the world I am in love with. People often ask me why. A couple from PJ to come. She got this crazy nasty sex empowering type songs. So cool.
So they want to get rid of FEMA.
And replace it with another beaurocracy?
Gas Rebate.
FU. I took me $30 to fill my car today. . . . a year ago it only took $12. How's your $100 supposed to make up for that?
I suppose . .
none of you people who are upset by Flight 93, want to see this either.
WTF Nintendo.
I predict this fails miserable, who the hell wants to play video games like this? WIIsuck.
The Klan is still around?
How many people you think claim membership to the KKK nowadays?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Got to get the Bats going fellas.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
We thank God that our enemies are idiots. - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
I am Malach and I am an Idiot.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:14 PM 2 comments
Why there are so many Conspiracy Theorists.
Go to google and search 911 conspiracies.
And check em out, some of them make a ton of sense. You can even read a few at the WLO. Like this one, and this one. Why are there so many conspiracies from the New World Order, to the JFK assassination, to the Moon Landing, to the Roswell. This is one of the reason. Destroying evidence days after 9/11 is another. Lack of releasing information is yet another (do a search of "missle hitting pentagon 9/11", "WTC building 7 collapse", "Flight 93 shot down" and see what I mean). The government for whatever purposes breeds these conspiracies. I mean think about this. Suppose Flight 93 was shot down by the US military, would anyone of us be angry or mad? I doubt it. If all these cases, JFK, MLK, The Moon Landing, Roswell, et all, the government has done things like: Destroy evidence (sometimes minutes after the event), falsify evidence, strong arm witnesses, block documents YEARS after the events are even relevant, and just done a bunch of stuff that is out right suspicious.
A team building excercise . .
Huh? I mean that's the best you can come up with? Hey the 14th century ended a LONG time ago.
What a stupid waste of time.
Well, if we are gonna have capital punishment, I would think this hurts a lot less that the electric chair, no? Stupid debate, how does anyone know, that the second before you die is not the most painful experience of your life?
And I bet they have better grammar than most of the crap I see now a days.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation .. .
Josh Bard must die!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I'm not addicted to cocaine... I just like the way it smells. - Richard Pryor, RIP Brother.
I am Malach and I like the way your hair smells.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:03 PM 4 comments
You are all invited!
This Saturday, the PiMP Party!
At Malach's House! Not only will it be a large party! We will be filing the Crap Vacuum video for Master's of Crap! Meet all you favorite D-List Internet celebrities, Malach, Dr. Murk, Mr. Rubbersuitman, The Angry Piper, Tremendous Brunette, *Jennifer*, ~*Steph*~, Ken, Betty Number One, Hard to Quit me, Kim, Darren, Russel the Love Mussel, and whomever else stumbles in. Seriously, if you want to come, RSVP me. Saturday baby!
New Notched Blade.
Yeah you heard me right. After a little hiatus, The Blade is back with Episode 2.7. This is going to be a 4 or 5 episode sequential series called "the Magic Scroll". So far, this one is hilarious.
You got read the new Ben Byrd article at Hill-TV.
It goes real well with the song I am playing today.
You are Listening too . .
Something a bit more political by Ani Difranco . . . Fuel.
Check out Malach's latest WOW article.
My favorite Delusion People part one. While your at it, check out some of the recent other articles.
Some more new fun WLO articles.
TACMARS, Impeachment, Thermite, and economic systems.
Well it seems UN sanctions are on the way . . . only 3 years too late.
Bush and gas prices.
Y'know seriously, even if he is serious, how can you believe him? I mean that is like a drug kingpin saying he gonna lower the price of rock.
I got stop leaving those dimensional portals lying around.
Malach has comments for this one, beyond girlish giggling.
United 93.
Many people are not ready for this. I have heard this is an AMAZING movie. It is shot in real time, does not make heros, or leave a political statment. It doesn't explore conspiracies. It is shot very much like a documentary. There are no famous actors in it. I can't wait to see it.
Is this the lowest presidential rating since Carter?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gotta get back to the game, 5 - 5 in the 7th . .. check that Manny just cracked a 3 run shot!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless artifact, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies. - The Monarch, The Venture Bros.
I am Malach and I am part of a PiMP!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:28 PM 4 comments
Bob Dylan, wrote propoganda songs!
One thing Malach loves about MySpace.
He kind find songs he loves, like the one on his myspace right now! Check out the Fuggin's bassline of this song, I defy you you to attempt it without killing youself.
I LOVE WOW, and Toyi is joining tomorrow, should create some nuttiness there!
Check out this WLO article Hobbs and I tag teamed on.
Anarcho-syndicalism. Interesting stuff, Malach left a little rant at the bottom. It says:
Why the Hell do anarchist, Neo-Marxists, and Socialists, have the long silliloquoys on their views and revolution ideas, when your typical working class worker would shut off the TV or stop reading after the first few sentences?
Bunch of new article added, that I am going to clean out tomorrow, can't wait to tackle the one on Tarmacs. That the WLO BOOOYYY!
Another Strike on the Catholic Church.
Have anyone been following this story? You's think this preist was a product of the video game generation.
So Malach is gonna do a WOW article on his favorite delusional people.
This guys close to the top.
So add the 90210 zip.
Monopoly, it's changing . . . I'm scared.
Speaking of Malach favorite delusional people . . .
He changes diapers, aw what a Dad!
That where I left that dimensional portal, sorry about that!
Wow, and not the blog.
The GOP is really trying to distance themselves from Dubya's Administration!
They just won't let anyone into the Red Army nowadays!
Those bastards!
MySpace, slowly taking over the world.
Almost shut down Texas today. Thinking about that, not nessecarily a bad thing.
Take that employers.
So all the crap I do at work, you can't fire me for, HAHA!
Hey Honey . . .
Um when I die . . .
Hobbs had posted this video last week.
And I knew it had to be fake. Good job though.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Off day, for the whole AL East, so who cares.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The road to stupid is paved with good intentions - Mandy, TGAOBAM.
I am Malach and I am on the road to stupid.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:31 PM 4 comments
Small Hiatus and more Updates.
But I will begin in earnest working on JesusMan! for finish by the end of the week. This should be a good one, to end this episode.
WOW. That's all I can say about WOW. 15 contibuters with possibly 10 more or so joining the coming days. 23 posts in 2 days. This is gonna be fun, wait until search engines start hitting it! Check out my article I put up today about MySpace.
You are Listeing too . .
More Ani DiFranco (why do I feel like I am in a Star Wars movie? Ani, or Ani!) . Little Plastic Castle, a semi hit for her. I am going to play something a little more politically charged in a couple days. Then I been thinking about maybe a female artist month here.
Hey Murk.
That convo in yesterdays post, would make a good WOW article (hint, hint).
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Man, if they can keep this pitching at this level, they are gonna finished with 95+ wins.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I've been worrying about God a little bit lately. It seems as if he's been lashing out, you know, destroying cities, annihilating places. It seems like he's been in a bad mood. And I think it has to do with the quality of lovers he's been getting. If you look at the people who love God now, you know, if I was God, I'd need to destroy something. - Salaman Rushdie (I stumbled on this quote, this is about the best quote I have read in a while).
I am Malach and I have platonic love for Salman Rushdie.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:27 PM 0 comments
I'll make you famous
Malach is promoting other shiite tonight!
Check out the latest Fetus X Comic, funny and biting as usual, all about prolifers. Actually since Eric Milliken is like me with updating, I reprint it here, since he might remove it from his main page at a minutes notice. Since it will be hard to read, I will reprint the writing for you:
I Explained Pro-Lifers to the Dead
Millenia old undead often have trouble keeping with our Orwellian buzzwords.
For example a few weeks ago I confused Anal Ho Tep, by using the term "pro-lifers". So for the benefit of undead everywhere, I have created this handy quiz:
1. Do you support the execution of convicted criminals?
2. Are you against improving health care for the dying poor?
3. Would you like to relax the laws against polluters who kill millions?
4. Do you support "pre-emptive" wars instead of diplomacy?
5. Are you against an abortion that could prevent a mother's death?
If you answered "yes" to the above then welcome to our conservative culture of death known as "Pro-Lifers".
No wonder I have a man crush on the guy.
The Wand of Wonder has taken off! Check it out, funny and interesting weird stuff. More contibuters coming soon!
Murk, the Ladies man.
Wow, Dr. Murk gives out advice of women? I wish I new this in High School!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Red Sox Nation Bi-polar disorder begins today . . ."THEY'RE RUININ' MAH SUMMAH"
Malach's Quote of the Day.
When I say your dumb name, please stand up briefly, but then quickly drop to your knees and forsake all others before me. - Ignignokt, ATHF
I am Malach and Crystal claims I am in Wikipedia, but I don't find it.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:09 PM 3 comments
All sorts of Shiite tonight!
Murk and Malach are proud to introduce, the Wand of Wonder, AKA WOW! This should be tons of fun, and will have about 20 or so contributers, stay tuned!
Dan Brown.
Awesome review of DaVinci Code by the Piper, my thoughts exactly!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Gonna be a long night, but Manny's Back!
You are Listening too . .
Angry Anymore, by Ani DiFranco. For those of you not familiar with Ani, she is a singer, songwriter, folk with a touch of punk. Her music is usually very political or social concious. She fuggin' rocks. Check out her site. Probably play a few more.
How about all those alternatives to Fossil Fuel? Were addicts you know! And I hate to increase the bounty Iran has on my head, but I just want to slap Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Old People are funny part 3526.
I do my little German Dance . . .
So . . .
If your Billion Dollar baseball team was in last place, what would you do?
Ohh Shocking.
C'mon now, Diamond Dave for Howard Stern? That's like replacing Malach with the Angry Piper.
Look they are good for something other than whore yourself out to millions.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I'm sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don't think there's any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock. - Howard Stern, gotta love Howard.
I am Malach and I am a D level internet celebrity!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:35 PM 0 comments
L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology
Thanks to the WLO .. .
I am educated. I like to think of myself as someone who has a lot of knowledge about many different things. I am well educated, I am very curious, and I love to find out things. I also have the type of brain that tends to retain a myriad of facts; People HATE playing me in Trivial Pursuit. One time, I romped a Trivial Pursuit game, so innebraited, that I was essential passed out, someone was rolling dice for me and moving my piece, and people were yelling questions at me. They though it was funny until I won in like 8 turns, and then really passed out.
So, I have been writing and editing articles for the WLO, and have learned a few things. But what I learned today takes the cake. As a few of you know, I put in a extensive article about Scientology, so today, I edited the L. Ron Hubbard entry with some facts. It was kind of fun, I have not done this type of research since college. Well, read the entry. I tried to stay with a nuetral point of view, and just put in the facts. Man, what a delusion scam artist . . . between the inconsistency and outright lies of his military service, roaming around the Medditerranean with a "Scientology Navy" . . . how does any in their right mind fall for this shit?
Are people like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and such not only that dumb, but naive?
You are listening too . ..
Lovely Day, by the Pixies. This will be the last Pixies song. Now tell this, how can you say the Pixies were a emo chick band?
Now really?
How does one get the grants to do studies like this? Or even better, one like this? What's next, driving while innebriated leads to bad driving?
Don't you just love paleontology?
I should been a Dino Dr.!
Or an Archeologist!
Yeah, should of been one of those.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
It's gonna be one of those years, that Wakefield is gonna pitch lights out all year and end up 10 - 15.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
What year did Jesus think it was? - George Carlin
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:59 PM 4 comments
Last Night I Could Not Make It . . .
I tried hard but I could not make it .. .
Hobbs and I tag teamed some article for the WLO today one on September 11th, and another on the Conspiracy Theories of 9/11, both came out good and feel free to add to 'em, or expand on some of the red links. Several new articles have gone up , check 'em out.
Boxy's World.
Before you read this click here. It seems the Hill has put up new section called Boxy's World. Well, there seems to be a webcomic about Box sex, a Boxy Blog, damn and check out the Fan Mail Hill TV gets (warning nudity). Damn I all get is you idiots telling me how much I suck. I am so jealous!
Hobbs put up this video today . . . I wonder how real it acutually is, I mean, I like to whore out my website, but not enough to recieve deadly force.
The Mood Of Red Sox Nation.
911, it's me Malach, I hear noise in the basement, I think it's the New York Yankees!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
God created Arrakis to train the faithful. - from The Wisdom of Muad'Dib
I am Malach and yeah, I went there.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:35 PM 3 comments
I was looking handsome . .
She was looking like a erotic vulture!
No real updates, still drawing the latest JesusMan!. Actually I put together a nice article from a stug at WLO on Scientology. This was acually interesting research for me as I never reallly delved into the stuff . . . . very interesting. If you ever wanted to start you own religion, follow their business model.
You are listening too . . .
Subbacultcha, the Pixies. Awesome lyrics:
There is something about this song
this is a song about something there
we did the clubs what ass
i was hoping to have her in the sack
i was looking handsome
she was looking like an erotic vulture
i was all dressed in black
she was all dressed up in black
every thing was fine down here
what you call it here
call it what you will here
way down down down in this subbacultcha
her warm white belly in the life i'd lived had seen nothing
finer she shakes and she moves me or something
she's like jellyroll like sculpture
i was wearing eyeliner
she was wearing eyeliner
it was so good down here
saving for my scrapbook here
way down down down in this subbacultcha
now we live on the sea and relax and ride the tack
drug running on this panamanian schooner
she walks the deck in a black dress
and me i dress up in black
and we listen to the sea
and look at the sky in a poetic kind of way
what you call it
when you look at the sky in a poetic kind of way
you know when you grope for luna.
Like that, don't ya.
No, NO!
I think Gilbert Gottfried is sexy! But I like the weird ones.
Um, Mr. President . .
That would be "I'm the descision maker."
Too bad Neil Young in no longer relevant with the yung'uns. Don't worry Neil, I still think you are ON BALLS!
Dinosaurs are also On Balls.
Now look at modern carnivore behavior, doesn't this just make sense?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Screw you guys I am out of here, to watch the second most heated rivalry in sports, Red Sox - Devil Rays.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Pardon me, I only speak common phrases in French like 'I surrender' - Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog.
I am Malach and I am King of the French.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:58 PM 10 comments
Jefery with one "f"
Howdy Buckos.
The Angry Piper can quit his bitchin', I finnally tutored him on getting his RSS feed up. Subscribe to it now!
Malach also will have a piece in a upcoming article in the Conneticut Post that they are doing on Autism. Thanks for the work CT.
I started the next episode of JesusMan! today, and maybe if we are lucky by the end of the week, and the end of this current chapter.
You are Listening too . . .
Space (I Believe In), by the Pixies.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Welcome to Red Sox Nation Mark Lorretta! Add Nixon back in, get the offense back going . . . gonna be a fun year! And Manny seems to be getting started.
Malach's Quote of the Day!
I love restaurants. You're sitting there and all of a sudden, there's food. It's like magic. - Brian Wilson.
I am Malach and I planted a clematis today.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:24 PM 7 comments
Why do you look for Jesus here?
He is not here!
Happy Easter. Malach watched a fave of his, at least some of it, Jesus of Nazareth. If you can't tell, JesusMan! is based alot early childhood memories of Robert Powell as Christ.
Check it out at left. You see the connection?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Give the Cy Young to Shilling and Beckett this year!
Malach's Quote of the day!It took the Church until 1832 to remove Galileo's work from its list of books which Catholics were forbidden to read at the risk of dire punishment of their immortal souls. - Carl Sagan
I am Malach and I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg, I got an Easter Egg!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:20 PM 18 comments
Happy Easter Buckos!
Wow, Palmer is like under mind control.
A Necromancer Ned and Super Ned update! Necromancer is episode "Ned 15" and he is sticking with the Dark Knight and his Boy Wonder theme. Super Ned, is "2.8" and yes, still in journal form, is it genius? That is three updates from him in 2 days, now maybe well get a MTDAF update to keep Murk happy.
Wow part 2.
Fat Bug went off well, it got close to 400 unique hits yesturday alone. It also spawned Stef, the creator of the webcomic Sarah Zero to send and email, which I posted in our Fan Mail? Stef is begging for Sarah Zero to get axed, "Chop her head, slice her face, hit her so hard that her shoulders touch... whatever...", well she will get her wish, not next episode but the one after. Have never followed her stuff, but will have to take a gauge of it, do a review to from DCR. What I have seen I like the stylized art a lot.
You are listening too . . .
Distance Equals Rate Times Time, by the Pixies.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation . .
Well considering the two injuries, I am not that upset.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots. They do exactly what you tell them at amazing speed...even if you order them to kill you, so if you do happen to change your mind, it's very difficult to stop them obeying the original order, but not impossible!" - Dr. Who.
I am Malach and I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg, I wanna Easter Egg!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Fat Bug in the Hizzy!
Fat Bug 1.5, is published! In this one Fat Bug destroys Gluemeat. Also there is a bit of a plot twist to this one . . . also the next comic he will destroy has not been annouced, unless you follow this blog!
The WLO has taken off like wildfire! Some recent articles that are pretty good? Of Course Chuck Norris, the number 11, and St. Patrick's Day. Write one yourself or edit this one, or check out our wanted articles.
Now, Malach has quite a bit of client work to do this week, including something for the Connecticut Post, so that mean the next JesusMan! will be a bit late. Hopefully I can get some updates from the other webcomic creators! (HINT, HINT)
Oh and we hit 2 million hits yesturday. Nice a full month earlier than what I anticipated.
Malach is playing Doom 3. I must say, if you like first person shooters, and you like this series, go out and get this one. Very fun, very edge of you seat scary. I remember playing the original back in 1994 . . . scared the crap out of me.
You are Listening too . .
Trompe Le Monde, the Pixies. If you are sick of the Pixies, for shame, for the Malach's MySpace and listen to some Clutch. Murk you'll like this one, I don't think you heard this one.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Wells is done, Trade Clement . . . . actually if I calm down, 2 losses every 7 days? I can live with that.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
In the early days all I hoped was to make a living out of what I did best. But, since there's no real market for masturbation I had to fall back on my bass playing abilities. - Les Claypool.
I am Malach and I a right there with Mr. Claypool!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:10 PM 3 comments
Sorry about this blog . .
But Malach is feeling rather under the weather.
Normal blog tommorrow. Just updates tonight. Necromaner Ned has a new episode, episode 14a. Palmer claims it is a filler from the past. No I am not sure why Boba Fett, is screaming like a Dalek.
There is a new sticker in our store, this one is a What Would JesusMan! Do? and one. Check it out.
Wanna laugh your ass off? Check out two new WLO articles. One for "shit" and the other is in it's raw form, and I will clean it up tomorrow, The Chuck Norris Facts Mastlist.
I am Malach and I am going to bed.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:51 PM 5 comments
I smell smoke that comes from a gun named . .
We are only 3,000 hits from 2 million, about a full month and a half ahead of the anticipated schedule I wanted 2 million in. Good job. Fat Bug will be here by the weekend! Man join up and post at the WLO, just shy of 100 articles, a lot of good ones. Some examples? Barry Bond's Head, The Federal Reserve, and the Hitting Secrets of the Boston Red Sox. Intimidated? Don't know where to start? Try our list of categories or our wanted pages.
Take that Creationists!
Nyaa Nyaa Nyaa Nyaa Nyaa.
CREAM. If you don't know what that mean, look up Wu Tang Clan.
When Whitetrash become famous, part 2.
Hit me Baby one more time!
When Whitetrash become famous part 3.
Hey, give me some money, I'll put your crap all over my website.
What do you get when you cross Limp Biskit and MySpace?
Perhaps the most evil thing man has ever created.
Slaves make crappy money.
Y'all Texans . . .
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
We'll David Well's age has caught up to him. But one loss every 5 days? I can deal with it.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
A black C student can't do shit with his life. A black C student can't be a manager at Burger King, meanwhile a white C student just happens to be the President of the United States. - Chris Rock
I am Malach, and I am an A - B student.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:23 PM 6 comments
Starting to Catch Up . . .
Fat Bug.
I am close to back on track with Fat Bug and he should be finished by the end of the week. Anyone want to pre-warn Gluemeat, be my guest.
The WLO.
A bunch of new funny articles up. Check them out. Add and article, and don't worry about the formatting, I will fix all that at work (I need something to do).
The Boondock Saints.
Just saw the movie, highly recommended. I will write a WLO article on it tomorrow.
Dubya Says . .
We were all Oil Junkies. So Mr. President, how are you gonna ween us? Or are you gonna wait until we all go broke. I mean most of us hate your guts anyway.
Hey J-Lo.
Here an idea . . . how about you not get married 1,000 times before the age of thirty.
Hey MySpace.
Your evil, but damn, 15,000 hits a week from your idiotic site.
I already told you.
Experiment on me with your nanobots!
So how long before . .
we are mucking around Iran?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
On top of the world baby! 5 in a row, pitching no one can hit, and rolling. Problem . . . Coco is out for at least 2 week, Nixon, tweaked a groin, that leaves Adam Stern and the most inpatient hitter in the world Willie Mo Pena (who gave a Home Run to the Jays today.) Best start since 1999.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Religions die when they are proven to be true. Science is the record of dead religions. - Oscar Wilde
I am Malach and I can be "drier than Oscar Wilde".
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:42 PM 10 comments
The Angry Piper wants a friend . . .
So ask him Buckos.
So he has a new MySpace and is jealous of the 500 or so friends Malach has. So ask him nicely to be your friend. If you are not sure here is a nice description of Mr. Angry Piper. By the way, I found me a nice new song for the Malach MySpace. Got to love Ice-T.
You are listening too . .. .
Alec Eiffel, the Pixies. Nothing like a history lesson in a cool song.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate off day, but for you BoSox fans, check out this article by Dr. Murk, describes our offensive philosophy perfectly.
I laughed.
But this is probably my wifes, phone bill.
MySpace is Evil.
But man does it bring in the website hits.
Speaking of hits.
We are only 20,000 hit from 2 million. Nice job.
We this isn't a shock.
They are one of the reasons, this country is where it is at right now.
Welcome to Wal-Mart
Can we take more of your money?
Honestly, I perfer killing monsters.
Cyber sex is WEIRD.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Every child is an artist. It's a challenge to remain an artist when you grow up." - Picasso
I am Malach and I love Picasso.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:00 PM 4 comments
As soon as I get my head round you . . .
I come around catching sparks off you.
Quick Fat Bug sneak, you know you like it . . . over on the left. As some of you may know, Fat Bug will be destroying Gluemeat next . . . This one is very interesting a has a slight twist. You'll like it. Mr. RubberSuit Man did an awesome job on the art. As you can read "Blue Guy" is talking about how your truly allowed him to play in the Huge Ass Sandbox. Case Yorke, who creates Gluemeat has already mentioned something in his blog about Fat Bug coming . . . knowing his sense of humor, he'll probably like this one. After Gluemeat, it is not revealed who Fat Bug goes after next in the comic . . . . but I will tell my buckos now . . . Ctrl+Alt+Del. This should be rather interesting as Tim Buckley tends to get overprotective of his strip . . .
You are listening too . . .
Head On, by the Pixies. This is a remake of a Jesus and Mary Chain song, I played a while back. We had talked about a few weeks back, the Pixes and their almost anti-video attitude. This video is awesome. Since the Pixies refuse to lip synch even for videos, they shot a 1 take live version of the song. Check the video out at You Tube.
Check this out . . .
Anderson Cooper interviews Satan, funny shiite.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation . . .
A sweep of Baltimore (who we couldn't beat if we tried last year), 5 and 1 start, and the Stankees are in the cellar. Foulke looked awesome too. If this pitching keeps up, this will be a VERY good team. Ortiz and Manny have yet to really do anything too.
We are at least at this second winning the war! Way to go WLO!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table." - Dubya
I am Malach, and I support a war with Iran, just to get this bounty of my head.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:23 PM 3 comments
Early blog tonight . .
I will be out tonight so you got an afternoon blog now suckas!
Some updates. Evidently both Malach and Murks memberships to Drunken Comic Reveiws has been revoked after some kind of stupid upheaval. Well, they just lost all my buckos I guess. I guess the fact I was never really drunk . . .
Fat Bug is moving along nicely and should be finished mid to end of next week. In addition from what I hear there will be 2 new episode of Life Lessons very soon, along with a new title by none other than the Angry Piper, and shock of all shocks new episodes of The New West.
The meeting went extremely well, and we should have a HUGE announcement by the begining of May.
The nexy Podcast should be up sometime over the course of this month also.
You are listening too. . . .
Planet of Sound, the Pixies.
Something I don't understand.
George W. Bush. Is he not the crookedest president we have had since Nixon? The lies, the subterfuge, the bullying. Not only crooked, but sloppy. This adminstation get caught in lies, illegal activity, and nasty behavior all the time. And what has happened to this country? No one seem to care. Where are the protests? The Marches? Has the Internet made everyone lazy?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate rain delays . . . .I want to stomp some more Oriole ass.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
In a revolution, one triumphs or dies - Che Guevara
Malach promotes Revolution!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 2:23 PM 2 comments
Quick and Cheap
The world famous Malach quickie!
Sorry, late, just got out of the meeting, will make up for it tomorrow.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation . .
World Series here we come.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
We're terrible animals. I think that the Earth's immune system is trying to get rid of us, as well it should. - Kurt Vonnegut
I am Malach and I am Educational!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:57 PM 4 comments
It's Educational.
Big meeting.
Murk and Malach have another big meeting tomorrow, which will hopefully be followed by a huge announcement.
Fat Bug.
All inked and scanned, soon my pretties. This one is not only funny, but is adds a new element to the series.
You are Listening too . .
Dedicated to my Alma Matta, U-Mass, by the Pixies. This is off their last album before they broke up . . . this is an amazing album, and you can see the development from the first four. A good argument whether this or Doolittle is their best.
Dubya, Dubya, Dubya . . .
That's what you get for hiring a guy by the name of "Scooter". Seriously now, is this about the worst most crooked president we have had since Nixon? Or perhaps the least secertive . . .I slowly see the GOP distancing themselves from this administration. Nice graphic today Hobbs. Check it out.
We'll see if the Senate passes this one.
Homeland Security?
So who is supposed to protect the kids from them? I'VE GOT IT! The Catholic Church.
Jesus was Hispanic.
A nailed to a pyramid. And to top it off, they found his brother's gospel. What their are more gospels? Read on.
Take that!
Actually this is cool, and I am sick of fighting the ignorance that is Creationism.
And that!
Ok I am done.
Ok (Malach smackng forehead).
Your going to do a film on Mother Theresa, so one of your choices to play her is Paris Hilton? Think this through:
1.) Have you seen her act? Um, atroucious comes to mind.
2.) Wouldn't it benefit the movie to have someone play MT who you could at least believe wasn't a whore?
Just My 2 cents.
Effeffeffin' Crazee!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
First, if Beckett stays healthy, we could have one of the best starting rotations in the game, he looked amazing last night. Now . . . you have heard of Quarterback controversies . . . well John Papelbon, who will be the next big time pitcher, might be our closer sooner than later.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Art has got nothing to do with taste. - Max Ernst.
I am Malach and I have nothing to do with taste.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:59 PM 2 comments
Happy Birthday To Me.
It is Malach's Birthday.
So, I am doing a short blog, as I want to play some more of one birthday gifts DOOM 3. Thanks to all the e-mails, gifts, comments, posts, and such, well appreciated. Thanks to to Just Me for the fan art.
Malach's has enjoyed his birthday so far.
Crap Vacuum's latest.
Seems they either LOVE it of HATE it.
Continues to expand, funny stuff there, add you own.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. - Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.
I am Malach and I can have my cake and eat too.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:36 PM 4 comments
The Masters of Crap.
Crap Vacuum in the house!
Well, the "World's Greatest Band" have released a new single called Master's of Crap. You can hear it on their MySpace and on my MySpace (it's that good) or even on their new website (shhh it is not completely finished, but you can download this masterpiece on their music page).
You are listening too . .
Cecilia Ann, the Pixies. Might recognize this song from I believe Kids in the Hall. Yeah, it's no Masters of Crap, but what is.
OK, now really . . . why?
Are you that atheistic and anti-Jesus to come up with some hypothetical hyperbole like this? This is really kind of sad, there are plenty of other things out there, less reaching.
Those Nutty British.
But you look so manly in them.
This one should be fun to watch.
This is fun, I still need to do a blog on personal numerology.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Down 7 - 0, depression sinking in.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Depressing teenagers is like shooting fish in a barrel. - Bart Simpson
I am Malach and I am ticklish.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:14 PM 7 comments
For some reason yesturday's blog disappeared and I had to repost it this morning, so if you did not see it, it is here. Also I realized that because I post daily, some of my more cogniscient post, that could develop into conversations over the course of 20 or so comments, pretty much don't happen. So I decided to post the highlights of this blog at the WLO. You can find that here. Speaking of the WLO, many of you have looked at it, but not contributed. To make it easier, the software develops a most wanted articles page, this might give you some inspiration.
Fat Bug is moving along, this episode will be interesting . . . and feature a twist.
I did a redesign for our podcast page. Makes the whole thing cleaner and much more organized.
So . .
I got some fan mail today, actual physical fan mail, via the post office, that included a drawing, and I was unsure if it was for the Fan Art page, or if there was more to follow, so please contact me whether or not you want this on the Fan Art Page.
Pope's gotta new blog up.
I missed him. Check out his latest blog "New World Order".
You are listening too . .
Blown Away, the Pixies.
Anyone read Spanish?
I am getting a ton of links from this forum. Problem, I don't read or speak spanish, so I have no clue to look where the links are coming from, anyone wanna take this project?
Hi I am Russel Crowe.
I am rich and famous, which gives me every right in the world to be a ass and treat you peons like dirt.
Now that is Democracy.
Well, there goes the stability of Thailand down the toilet.
Give it to me now BABY!
OK, Mike Tyson, your a fruit cake.
Bu this takes it, you are my new favorite nutty celebrity, off my couch Tom Cruise!
The wonders of the DVD era.
Ice Age 2, obliterated the Box Office this weekend. Remeber Ice Age, BOMBED in the theaters. What happened. Well, they release it on video, and cheap. You need to entertain your kids, you find out it was actually pretty good, taa daa. Same thing happened to Family Guy, and probably gonna happen to Futurama.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Whooohooo, big win, Schilling looked great, the offense was on track, and beside FOULKE, we gonna win it all! 1st place baby!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Bears are Crazy. They'll bite your head if you're wearing a steak on it. - Space Ghost.
I am Malach and I love cheeseake.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:36 PM 6 comments
Free Porn
Well that title should get me some search hits.
So today in the paper, and on MSNBC, there is a big debate about the Porn Industry, it's ease of access on the internet, and the "damage" it causes. Check out the MSNBC article. Now, I am not a huge fan of porn, but I do partake of it every so often, with and without the wife. I also have heard of and know those who porn has replace real relationships and sex (and it is not the Angry Piper, at least yet). But those people are few are far between and have some real mental health issues beyond porno addiction.
The first issue around this is this countries Puritanical attitudes towards sex. We as a people can sit through any episode of CSI and see insane acts of violence, but Janet Jackson has a wardrobe malfunction and the we are in a uproar. First I am not advocating the world dive into depravity, like everything sex has a time and place (even if that place is a phonebooth). Using porn as an answer for your failed marriage, just indicates some other issues, the porn just exascerbated the problems. As someone who has been married long enough to feel confident enough to give advice on it, marriage is not always easy, and something that requires effort to maintain.
Now the internet, yes, it is MUCH TOO EASY to find porn on the internet. Google porn. Not only do you get 150 million links (not all of which is porn by the way) there are "sponsored links" (paid ads) that lead directly to porn. Thanks Google! Now, Google Free Porn, is this a dream or what? LOOK AT ALL THE FREE PORN! Even more interesting, I have done searches for things other than porn and gotten porn links; you cannot get away from it. There are even porn sites, that blocking software does not work on, places like Blogger, MySpace, and other "safer" things have not only easy access to porn, but posters who post porn with little regulation.
So, solving the problem. Well, you already have it. The .xxx domain. This would put ALL PORN into a domain class that would end in .xxx. For example Anything pornographic not there would be subject to prosecution. This would allow easy filtering of porn i.e no .xxx domains. This has a lot of opponents including both the porn industry, which says it limits it's ability to reach it's customers (yeah, hey idiots, we look for you, don't worry about it) and Christian Conservatives who say it will create a red light district on the internet making porn easier to fine and increasing the amount of porn on the internet (have these idiots even seen the internet, pretty good description right there). Me thinks if the left and the right don't like it, it's perfect.
You are Listening too . .
The Happening, the Pixies. This is a clear indication of the supernatual nature of this album, and how it continues into their next one.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Elation . . . the long winter is over, a new season begins . . . tomorrow the cycle of mental illness continues, 1PM EST.
Dr. Who.
Always been a fan, even as a kid watching the Tom Baker version on PBS. Well if you like the series, you need to watch the new Sci Fi Channel version, very well done. Even if you are not a Dr. Who fan, you might like this and become one.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I am Malach a man to solve all your problems!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:52 PM 2 comments
Trust me, I'm A Gynocologist.
New Crap Vacuum.
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. I went by the studios today, and watched Crap Vacuum create their latest masterpiece, man this one is going to set the internet on fire, and they even sampled your trulies voice . . . I got to say "Trust me, I'm a gynocologist", and they are going to use it throughout the song. FUNNY Funny, stuff. Should be mixed and out in the next few days. BTW guys, lookee here, your site should be finished by the end of the week, stop complaining.
I have been thinking that perhaps a video might be in order for this one, what do you think Dr. MurK?
Picture Pages, Picture Pages.Spacefarmer was in rare form with weird pics this week. Wanna see some of them? They are running about this blog. Keep an eye out for the tittle mouse impersonating Robert J. Murk. Also a special one from the newest Bucko, Prince Amir (Zombie Chick with the BBall at the bottom).
Continues to get funnier and funnier, post some articles.
You are Listening too. . .
Rock Music, the Pixies.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Nervous for opening day. Will the pitching remain healthy? Will they even score 85% of the runs they did last year. AL East is going to be VERY interesting this year.
Myspace Rap War pt. III
Well I posted a new song today waiting for Hobbs to post his.
Nice to see that my latest post at Drunken Comic Reviews got so many people talking. There is quite a bit of man love there for the whole lot of you.
I have always wondered.
How many times you have to say, "I am going to kill the president." Until the men in the suits show up? Perhaps an experiment? I wonder what would happen if I had Fat Bug kill him?
Get Your War On!
I must say, the latest page of Get Your War On! was funny as hell, check it out. And normally, I hate paste and cut webcomics.
Speaking of Other Webcomics.
Tedzsee took the entire week off from 8 1/2 by Eleven. Am I less of a macho man if I said I really missed it? And to top it off, some of my favorite less popular ones went on hiatus and never came back . . . What's up with that? Injustice Clown, Ambulatory, Yu + Me, and 5ideways came back, and got a little psychedelic. Well I still have Fart Party.
Sorry for the Romance . . .
Ah, God, the way your little finger moved
As you thrust a bare arm backward
And made play with your hair
And a comb a silly gilt comb Ah, God—that I should suffer
Because of the way a little finger moved.Steven Crane
Malach's Quote of the Day.
“Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live” - Charles Bukowski
I am Malach and I am a dying breed.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:14 PM 0 comments