25 things you may or may not know about Malach.


1. I absolutely adore my wife in kids, they are the only things in the world that would make me kill someone. I would even kill someone if my wife asked me to do it. As the kids say . . . w00t!
2. My heroes inculde: Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Chairman Kaga (Iron Chef), and my Parents (and no they are not there just cause they read this).
3. One time, in college (at Band Camp), shoplifted a tube of paint, from Ames Department stores, because the store was packed and there was only one register open. I had the money, but I did not want to wait in line. I think this is the main reason Ames is out of business.
4. I figured out I detest working for other people. I am not sure why. And it is not like I even hate my boss, actually, I very much like and respect her.
5. I am very low tempered. It takes a lot to get me angry. My hot buttons tend to be intolerance and hypocrisy. I am also not mean, I am sarcastic.
6. I own 1600 comic books (I have not collected since 1990). I recently valued them at $30,000, of course I could probably only get $6,000 for reselling them. I last valued them in 1996 at $10,000. So what should I buy now?
7. I love role playing games, and have been playing Dungeons and Dragons since I was 6. I have never joined the Church of Satan or sarcrificed a cat to Nyarlthotep even despite that fact..
8. I have a secret fantasy of become a professional Mixed Martial Artist, yes, I know I would be one hurting bucko. It looks like fun though.
9. I love to watching Cartoon Network, and the History Channel. I also love Deadwood, and the Sopranos.
10. I am avid daydreamer, and have a very active imagination, like a 6 year old.
11. I never have any trouble falling asleep, if I find myself not falling asleep, I make up a story and am out in minutes.
12. I hate driving and can't wait for the day when cars drive themselves and I can sleep in them.
13. I have never left the contiguous United States, in fact the farthest I have travelled from MA, is Marco Island, FL (which by the way had the best Chicago style pizza, I ever tasted). With the way the world in now, I am never leaving the US . . . Ok I might do Canada, but not Quebec. Quebecians are nuttier than a fruitcake.
14. If I ever won the lottery, I would create a full production entertainment (Film, Music, etc) studio, in New Bedford, MA . . . I have already picked out the land and have several projects in my head and I would buy the rights to the entire internet.
15. I have a secret dream to buy either Marvel or DC comics, and fix them. Is there really a market for Captain America in this day and age?
16. I work harder on my website and webcomics, than I do my real job.
17. I have a secret fantasy to find a immortality elixir, and live forever. I am not afraid to die, I am just afraid the afterlife in boring. And I want to see all the cool stuff in the future.
18. Speaking of boring, I find "going to the beach", mind numbingly boring. Don't get me wrong, I like to swim, but I don't find hanging out at the beach enjoyable, or laying out in the sun. And bring a book, I'd rather read at home. I am good for about 15 minutes, then I try to find something entertaining. And relaxing? Lounging out at home is much more relaxing.
19. Not counting my brother, there are only 4 people I attend High School with that I active speak :

The Angry Piper
The Angry Veteran
Theresa: Ironically, I attended High School with her, but we did not become friends until many years later.
Tracy: Whose husband I play softball with.

20. I think Cable Guy is Jim Carrey's funniest movie.
21. I am technically Catholic, but if you have read my blogs, you know I am very loose in that definition.
22. I think modern pop culture will greatly contribute to the fall of man. It is the 4th sign of the Apocalypse.
23. I detest Jorge Posada, and could not tell you why.
24. I run an advice column, entitled "Dear Malach" on a forum. At has over 11,000 replies, 780 pages, and 50,000 views. Here is the link. http://invisionfree.com/forums/Cartoon_Orbit/index.php?showtopic=1567&st=0. While I don't expect anyone to read it, it is rather funny. If you do read it the column has evolved, where Malach is a demi-god, with sporadic whims.
25. If I could be anyone other than who I am, it would be a person of my own imagination (and not JesusMan).

I am Malach, you are not.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

A secret fantasy to be immortal? Sounds like a plot for ruling the world when all of society crumbles...

That is part of it too . . you caught me.

Anonymous said...

OK: In order:
1: You should. They're three cool folks.
4. Me too. Although I can't say the same about my boss.
7. Give it time.
8. It hurts to get hit.
12. Not the way it used to be, old friend...up the ave...down the ave...up the ave...down the ave...
15. Sure there's a market, when he's done well. Turning him into an avenging terrorist-buster was a dumb idea for sure.
16. I have no doubt about it.
18. Ditto. Ditto, ditto, ditto.
19. Who the hell is Theresa?
20. Jim Carrey is funny?
25. I WAS a person of my own imagination for quite a long time. It gets more and more embarassing as you get older.

I'm glad I'm not the only comic book freak. Heheheheh! We haven't prices ours in awhile but we have about 5 big bins of them that weight about 90 pounds each. Fun stuff huh?

Theresa was about a year or two ahead of us, I got to be friends with her and her husband after college.