This short blog is to recognize our worthy affiliates and allies to RubberSuit Studios. Please support them as you have this site, learn a few things, be entertained.
Cartoon Orbit: The Complete Guide. If you are into Neopets or Cartoon Orbit, this is the only place on the web to be. 1200+ members very active. The membership there is high quality, and fun, and the site caters to much more than just Neopets/Orbit. RPG's, a 713 page Dear Malach, lively debate, and general subjects. I am also a moderator there and can be found there quite often.
Dr. Murk's World. The good Dr. is in to answer your question to anything you might have to ask him. Very funny blog, a host of dedicated readers.
The Angry Piper. What do you get when you cross a liberal martial artist, with a fetish for large women, and bag pipes . . . need I say more. A very funny, well written, moralistic blog.
The Angry Veteran. Another blog from a veteran of Iraqi Freedom. A lot of truth, vehemence, and insight. The writer was a Lt. Colnel, and a high ranking Military Intelligence official. A very Good Read.
Palmer's Corner. A random rant from a teen anarchist. Also has something to do with the creation of Super Ned: Man or Psychotic Maniac.
You can meet all these people at the Minimum Security Forums, and fan forum for this site and a general discussion forum.
Thank you again for this site support, and spread the wealth.
Affiliates and Allies.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:30 PM
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I wouldn't call it a fetish-more of a preference. And it's been years since I was a martial-artist. Now I just pound beers and seethe.
Yeah, but if you had to take out a Mall Security guard, you could still do it . . . I apologize for the fetish comment . . . that was a bit unfair. So play any horseshoes recently?
Thank you for the promotion old friend. However, I just have to clarify that when I resigned from the Army, I was the rank of Captain. And "high ranking military intelligence official" is subjective. Some people would think my position was high ranking, others would not. The thing I like about blogs is that the writing and the logic that supports it is what matters. For those of you who visit my blog, I hope you enjoy it. If you agree with my posts, please forward them to everyone you know. And if you disagree, I hope you can articulate the reasons why. Thank you.
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