Good day buckos. I am moving my studios and my place of residence this week; this means, I will have a few days of no internet service. The longest this should be is from 7/1 to 7/11. What does this mean for you? Lack of my wit and wisdom in this blog, lack of uploads of webcomics, lack of the presence of Malach in you lives .
In case you forgot:
The Wraith
Notched Blade
and The Ned Series
Yes, I can see your tears now . . . But don't worry, isn't the saying absence makes the heart grow fonder? And bump those webcomic rankings buttons!!! You'll go to Heaven, no questions asked. Just ask Josef Stalin.
The wife and I are moving out of the City of New Beige (which will be my next blog), and to the suburbs (new contact information). Going from the small house, with a tiny yard, to the huge house, with a huge yard. I am very excited, especially since the property has a seperate building that is out fitted perfectly for a studio. The kiddies will also be estactic, huge yard, dead end street, kid their age in the neighborhood. My 3 year old son is also enjoying packing.
So keep RubberSuit Studios company while I am gone, and any clients, just call if you need help.
Before we part some things that Malach has noticed that make him laugh, wonder, and rant:
1. I like to cruise blogs, and use the "Next Blog" button quite a bit. I have found a number a really good, blogs, that are not "popular". Two examples, Butterflies and Demons and Recollection, Reconcilliation and Redemption. These two blogs are interrelated, and not to ruin anything about them, are very good reads. They are a bit upsetting, and are not for kids, but they have made me think about how good my life is, and I thank their writers for that. I am not sure if they like my voyuerism, but they have not sent me death threats yet. I really hope you two find the peace of a long happy life, just from what I read, you deserve it. The other thing I have found, is that there are a lot of ad blogs, and a lot of porn blogs, which is rather scary. Very easy to stumble upon. I do like leaving strange messages at them though.
2. I have always wondered why Superheros like the Hulk, The Flaming Torch (I was going to fix this in an edit, but it now entertains me), etc, never lose their clothing. Everything tears off the Hulk but his pants? The Torch doesn't destroy his clothing from FLAME ON!?
3. I also find it very interesting that people think they know you from stuff you put on the internet, and then make assumptions about you life, you morals, etc. You can get into these rediculously heated arguments, and then you think, this could be a 8 year old on the other end. I also find it funny, that people use the web to anonymously attack others, with out fear of reprisal. Methinks these tend to be 13 year old who get beat on at school. I mean what purpose does it serve to go into a chat room and just randomly post profanity?
4. I find it also very interesting that I seemed be in the minority the past 6 years in my Dubya bashing, but now I can hardly find anyone on line to debate me except for Dr. Murk. I even have had several people say to me, Bush has turned them into Democrats.
5. I have had some nice but brief conversations with Frank Dirscherl, of this site and comic. Unsure if this will be maintained, but it is alwasy good to have industry contacts. Interestingly, our comics have nothing to do with either.
6. Reviewing my site stats, I came across this:
1. rubbersuit 186
2. rubbersuitstudios 38
3. rubbersuit studios 17
4. jesusman 17 13
6. stool sample web comics 2
7. female rubbersuit 1
8. holocommunicator 1
9. ruinin 1
10. stool sample blog 1
11. rubbersuitman 1
13. learn to draw animemanga 1
14. family guy avatars 1
15. rubbersuit family guy avatars 1
16. equal oppotunity 1
17. 1
These are the phrases people have used on search engines and linked to my site . . . so how many you think were looking from latex fetish stuff? Funny also that if you Google Rubbersuit, my site is the first one that comes up.
Oh and one last thing:
Uncanny, is it not? Thanks to Codemaster for letting me steal his avatar.
See you suckers soon,
I am Malach and you are not.
HIATUS!!!!!! and some more random shiite.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:46 AM 22 comments
The Death of Rock 'n Roll . . .
Before I go on my latest rant, I want to make sure people understand a few things. I know that the music industry is about making money, I know pop music is not made for me. But this is my world, and I can bitch about it.
Modern Music. I have metioned this on a number of forums, but it bears reapeating. Creativity is dead in the music industry. Try to make groundbreaking music, and you will be poor and unknown your entire life. I am not a huge U2 fan, but Bono said something very true at U2's recent induction into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. First he went on to bash the music execs and the garbage they were force feeding the public, then he said (and I am paraphrasing) it is really sad, that a band like U2, would never get signed in this day and age . . Think about that, think about the new music you hear on the radio, U2, a band that has sold millions of albums, and been perhaps one of the most influential bands of the modern era, would not get signed today and if signed would get no airplay.
Music today follows a formula.
Pop: Find a sexy hot male/female (it helps if they can sing, but not nessecary), give them some cheese ball lyrics, and a funky dance beat. The lyrics must definietly either be about sex, imply that (not even subtley). I have gone of on this a bit on may last blog entry: Malach's to ELIMINATE List, and especially went to town of the ladies, but it is just as bad with the males. There is nothing I see creative going on in Pop music. Now don't get me wrong, it has it's place, but when you see how serious someone like Britney Spears takes herself, it makes me want to vomit. Addtionally, why does everyone over sing everything. Hold a note, no one cares to hear you go up and down you vocal range. You need help, listen to Aretha, Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Ross, Cindy Lauper, Robert Flack, Jill Scott, Lauren Hill, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye. And if you really need a hit get the latest in hip hop flavor (or Lil' John) to appear in you video/on you track.
There is also a large group of pop stars who have what it takes, but don't seem to have the guts to fight the system. Justin Timberlake is very talented, as is Alicia Keyes, but they are missing something.
Hip Hop/Rap: To make a Hip Hop/Rap song nowadays (their are one in the same don't fool yourself), get a heavy bass laden beat, and rap about how hard you are, how many guns you own, what you gonna do to fools that cross you, how many "bitches" you had sex with and what position you had sex with them, how much Mary Jane you smoke, and how much you drink. The more yelling of things like "WHAT"you add the better. Also just randomly throw profanity and racial slurs in it. It also helps to have every other hip hop artist in the world in your video or songs. By the way, what the Hell is this Lil' John guy but annoying. Is he just a weird looking hanger on? At one time this genre of music was the MOST vital in the industry, and now it is a joke. Take Eminem. Very talented, mired in this "i have to be controversial" crap.
You guys need to go back a few years and take a long look at early to mid hip hop: Public Enemy, NWA, Erik B. and Rakim, Boogie Down Prodcutions, Run DMC, Grand Master Flash, De La Soul.
Hard/Heavy Rock: Is pretty much dead. Most of the stuff here is screaming over guitars. Gone is a genre that defined a generation. Part of it's death was hair metal, the final nail was Nirvana. One band System of a Down is pretty decent. Much of rock and roll could look back on a few bands, and revive this genre. Helmet, Clutch, and Orange 9mm. Anyone remember the locomotive that was Guns n' Roses?
Alternative: Ok, this is a bit of a misnomer . . . and Alternative to what? At one time Alternative was underground music, then the 90's (and the explosion of underground bands)changed all that and now you have whiny emo rock bands that all pretty much sound that same, and suck. The other peice to this is the rock/rap fusion bands: band like Linkin' Park, Incubus, Korn. Again, boring teenage angsty garbage. They are all trying to be Nirvana with much less talent. . . There is some good stuff mixed in here . . The Foo fighters, The White Stripes, The Strokes . . . do me a favor and pick up and album by Ween, Cake, or the Pixies. You young musicians, make this genre vital again. Go back and study, old REM, Sonic Youth, and Lou Barlows various Incarnations. And listen to the Beatles and the Beach Boys.
R&B: no longer exists and hasn't since the 70's which is sad. The stuff they label as R&B is just pop music. Bring back real R&B. Buckos, check out Otis Redding, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, and those old school Motown bands. That was R&B. Aw Hell, even the Jackson 5.
Adult Alternative: When did they change the name from Light/Soft rock. There are actually some very good songwriters here . . . Sara Maclaughlin, Bare Naked Ladies and so on.
Country: See pop Music, add a country Twang and a Banjo. I can't even think of any modern Country I can stomach, someone give me a clue! Go back to the old days.
Punk: Pop music with green hair. Punk Band nowadays make this really annoying style of music. Even Blink 182, and Green Day are pretty annoying. Get back to real punk. Punk was always anti-society, anti-normalcy, now punk or pro that.
The other part that is really annoying is that these modern bands don't even seem to know or acknowledge any music before 1990. Bands that don't follow this formula don't get signed, or get signed to small labels with little distribution. Open you musical ear, and stop listening to stuff on the radio and MTV are stuffing down your throats. A some other artist to check out that son't get a lot of radio time? Beck, Pj Harvey, Bjork, Miles Davis, Morphine, Johnny Gutar Watson, Coltrane, and Amazing Crowns.
And this might sound hypocritical, but the 60's and 70's are over. Led Zepplin were nice, but the world has moved on.
I am Malach you are not!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 12:41 PM 15 comments
Malach's To ELIMINATE list. (REVISED 6/20/05)
First, in honor of Father's Day at the request of my father this is not a "to kill" list but a list of people/things that need to be eliminated from this planet. Kill being a rather violent word, does not really promote world peace now does it. Happy Father's Day!
Second, this list is in no order of importance and it doesn't matter to me which of the listees is sent on to greener (redder and hotter) pastures first.
Here we go buckos:
Jessica Simpson/Britney Spears/Christina Agulliara: There has been an overall movement in the music industry over the past 15 years of making highly formuliac bubble gum, tenny bopper, crap. Well these three ladies (and a few less famous others) have taken this formula to a new level. Dumb, trashy, slutty blondes, who can barley "sing". Now I will give Christina a bit of credit, as she can sing, but is this what we want our teens looking up to? I mean if these ladies were 350lbs and black they would not even have seen the light of day . . . And the depths of their vapitude. Crap is crap even if you paint it red.
Ashlee Simpson/Avril Lavigne: Now these two, follow the formula above with a little punkiness and attitude. Simpson is even more annoying riding the coattails of her "more talented" and better looking sister. These chicks are o so fake while keeping it real.
Brendon Fraiser: What is the appeal of this doofus . . . he looks like your typically mentally challenged cousin who only comes out for family reunions. Women find him attractive . . . .? I can understand Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, but brain dead? *Malach Shakes head*
Creed/3 Doors Down/Nickelback/Bush/ et al: You know, I detested Stone Temple Pilots at one time, as a talented cover band. Trust me, listen to their first few albums and compare them to Alice in Chains, Nirvana, or Pearl Jam (in fact my pet name for STP was Stone Temple Pearl Jam). Now these bands, and that whole emo-hard rock genre is nauseating. They can all sing each other songs, and every song is the same thing. They all do a bad Nirvana impersonation. I can even now stomach STP somewhat.
Limp Biskit: Is this the worst band of the past 30 years? I mean, my three year old could write those songs.
I did it all for the nookie, so you can take that cookie
. . the talent cup overrunneth.
Clay Aiken: Why is this man adored. He tries this sexy crooner routine; who is really buying that. CLAY YOU ARE GAY (And there is nothing wrong with that)! He looks like if Richie Cunnigham, Conan O'Brien, and Howdy Doody, had a kid. And that voice, make him the lead for you local community theater or maybe drag club.
Jorge Posada/Isaiah Thomas: Ever just want to slap someone. I don't even really know why. They are/were good enough ball players, and it is not like Jorge is outspoken. I just see Isiah's smile, or Jorge Dumbo ears and I lose it.
Vin Deisel: So your telling me I can shave my head, take the juice and have the acting skills of a plank and be rich and famous? And his movies do really well. Ever see Fast and the Furious? I mean all at one time. Really? I'm impressed. Out acted by a duck too.
Steven Seagal/Jean Claude Van Damme: More just want to put these two out of their misery, than elimate him. We don't need more straight to video movies. It's only a matter of time before they are pushing excercise equipment on informercials.
Dubya: You know when you hit an animal with you car, and it is not yet dead, but twitching there in pain, and you should put it out of it's misery. . . .
Dick Cheney: The Anti-Christ, eliminating him would just make the world a better place. Do you trust that face . . . No, no, I mean really.
Bill O'Reily/Rush Limbaugh: You know if you are going to the the guy to measure the moral compass of the world . . . well people in glass houses. . . .
Paula Abdul: Her singing makes Britney look like Aretha Franklin. She is about the fakest person I have seen on TV in a while. But she is so nice! Don't you want to knock the teeth out of that smile.
Rupert Murdoch: Anyone who owns that much of the media, with that kind of political agenda has to be stopped.
Joel Schumacher: Mr. Scumacher, what happened, at one time you were a very good director Lost Boys, St. Elmo's Fire . . .then Batman Forever, Batman and Robin. You sir are responsible for setting the Batman franchise back 40 years. DIRTY DIRTY BOY!
Stan Lee: Does than man realize he is over. Fine you created some nice characters. Go retire. No one cares about your opinion anymore. Why are you on my TV. 'Nuff Said!
The National Basketball Association: With ratings way down and barely beating hockey, you need to get away from the thug, homeboy basketball, that Micheal Jordan helped usher in. Iverson, Shaq, and a few others are the worst thing to ever happen to the sport. I hope you get smacked around in the Olympics again. And you idiots that defend the NBA. "Defense is much better" Doofus, you can play zone, zone was illegal up until the late 1990's. "The rest of the world has caught up" Yeah and they know how to play the sport better than the NBA does. You have ostracized white middle class America. Now a lock out should do wonders for your woes.
George Lucas: I have already said enough about him with this blog. I'll let him get back up and dust himself off, before a large asteroid lands on his head. Maybe he won't die, and the asteroid will actually be an escape pod filled with Gungans.
Hollywood: Hey guys, I'd really like to see more remakes of old movies, especially bad ones. And you know, there are still a bunch crappy Oprah books you haven't made into movies. Oh and you have remade enough of those really good movies that shouldn't be remade from the past. Hey, I would love to see an updated version of Citizen Kane starring Ashton Kutcher! Or Taxi Driver starring Jimi Fallon . . . or perhaps Smokey and the Bandit starring Vin Deisel.
Reality TV: Most of it is unwatchable. And real; more formulaic than pop music. The worst show is American Idol. Really think about this. If someone was that talented, why would they need a show like this to be discovered. I think it is funny, that these hacks disappear after their first album.
PETA: I don't think I even have to explain this one.
Christianity: Now I am going to get a lot of flack for this, but generally Christianity is more hypocritcal than the Catholic Church. Most of the Christians I know are the Bible thumping kind, and they all intepret the Bible differently; even from other Christains, and they all think thre particualar version is right. I have even had Christian associates that have told me anyone not of their particualar sect of beliefs is going to the Hell. Think about that, wouldn't you rather go to Hell? If you want to spout, "What Would Jesus Do?", you need to apply it to your own life. By the way, the Bible Code does not exist, Revelations was a book added 300 years after the Bible was finalized by the ultra crooked Council of Trent. And Creationist dogma; man don't get me started on that, that will be another long blog..
Linkin Park/Dave Matthews Band: So overated. SO SO OVERATED. C'mon I know you can say it o - v - e - r - a - t - e - d. Good job, now toss those CD's off a bridge.
Alanis Morrisette: The creator of female angst rock . . . HAHAHAHAHAHA. Hey Alanis, ever hear of PJ Harvey? Ani Difranco? Liz Phair? Why do you pretend they don't exist?
FRIENDS: This show make me want to vomit. I hate the entire cast. I wanted to write the season finally, where they all die gruesome deaths . . . that would be funny.
Ray Romano: Again, what is the appeal. Everyone loves Raymond except for Malach.
Oprah: SHUT UP! Just shut up! And take that Dr. Phil train wreck with you.
Mitt Romney: When that scumbag is the next president you will know why. Dubya; only charming and well spoken. It will take MA 15 years to recover form the mess he has made.
Tito Ortiz: I enjoy watching him lose. For those of you not familar, Mixed Martial Artist, annoying whining attitude. I wanna fight him, even though he'd kick my ass.
NASA: A wonderful example of bureacracy gone wrong. Ever hear of Spaceship One? Your days are numbered, methinks. I will give you some slack though , it is not totally your fault. I mean, your budget is half of what it was in 1985. You are is dire need a major change. Americans though, do love a good disaster, and you have becomes the masters of it.
The UN: This joke of an organization needs to be dissolved. When all you can do it make proclamations and can't stand up to half you member countries (especially the US), there needs to be a major change. UN sanctions . . . try US sanctions.
Modern Hip Hop/Rap: Disco is dead? Nope. Check out most of modern rap. Disco, only with profanity, sex, and gats. Gone are the days of Public Enemy, NWA, Erik B., BDP, De La Soul. The only thing I have found worth listing to nowadays? OutKast, Kayne West, Mr. Lif.
BRATZ and those responsible for them: Look at this:
Turning young girls into sluts real early aren't we? Why is there no out cry against these trashy, trampy, dolls designed for 6 year olds? My god, these little floozies have a ski chalet play set with a hot tub, and boy band looking metrosexual boy toys. You might want to put condoms in the package. Or at least the morning after pill.
Wal-Mart/Microsoft/Time Warner/et al: These companies have more pull and power that some countries. Goddammit, I love Wal-Mart, no I hate them, but I need to buy some deordorant for $0.25. These large "monopolies" need to have more of a social concious and worry less about profits.
Pro Lifers: It is not about killing the unborn, it is about limiting the rights of women. Pro Lifers (and groups like PETA) should be listed as terrorist groups. How does the old joke go: "Son were conservatives, that is the only type of killing we don't condone".
Marvel and DC Comics: Guys the 80's and 90's is over. You know, I have always had this dream of taking one of these companies over, scrapping their entire history and rebuilding them form scratch.
The FCC: Any organization with that much power, under the direct influence of the presidential administration needs to be dismantled. Did you know there is no legal way to fight a FCC fine? Howard Stern did an experiment. On an Oprah show, they used the word "vagina". Oprah was not fined fro the show. Stern contended he would be fined for doping that exact type of show, so he replayed the Oprah's show that contained that word, and lo and behold Stern was fined for it. It is too subjective, and based upon the whims at the time of it's leader, and the influence of the government. Be on the air and be anti-Bush? Watch out for indecency fines.
Religion in general: If religion was eliminated from the world, 90% of the wars we have fought would have never occured. You guys need to follow the teachings, and not have religions and religious leaders intrepret them for you. This leads to Jihad, child molesting preists, and things like the Inquisitions and Crusades.
The Democratic Party: No identity. Idiots pick a stance. This party is not long for the world if it does not get some good leadership soon. Don't pander to the whole world, find your indentity and stick to it and DONT BE ASHAMED OF IT!
Modern Country Music: See entry about above Hip Hop. Gone are the Johnny Cashes, Willie Nelsons (in fact these guys couldn't get signed by country labels), and enter Shania Twain and Tim McGraw. Pop music with a banjo. I FEEL LIKE A WOMAN!!! WTF IS THAT?!
Deadheads, Phishhead, Parrotheads, etc: Now really, you guys are as bad as those that dress up and have lightsaber fights in the parking lot of the local theater during the premiere of Lucas's latest Star Wars fiasco. Honestly, this stuff ain't really that good, the drugs make it better, but the 60's ended 40 years ago.
US Public Schools: Good luck 2005 graduates!!!
There is something for the buckos to mull over, please leave me your list in comments, we can compare. I am sure I left some out, may there will be a part II or a revision.
I'm Malach and your not!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:09 PM 36 comments
Random shiznit
OK, random stuff this time . . . my first and favorite: Design your own Hell. FUN. Here's my Hell:
Circle I Limbo
Militant Vegans
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind
PETA Members
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow
NAMBLA Members
Circle IV Rolling Weights
Clay Aiken
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled
River Styx
Michael Jackson
Circle VI Buried for Eternity
River Phlegyas
George Bush
Circle VII Burning Sands
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement
Circle IX Frozen in Ice
Jacko's, been on the mind, so he is in there currently . . . the Yankees surprisingly are not, cause well, they suck this year. Did you like that, try and post yours in the comments.
Ok that contest I was telling you about, you can find it here If you are into Cartoon Orbit or Neopets, there are some good prizes. In addition some large donations will be added soon. While your are that board check out this, super hero nerds can get real worked up.
My wife is away for the weekend with the camera, so no comic updates on my end until Sunday night. Now If I can light a fire under Big Uncle Gorilla's ass, we might get some more Notched Blade action soon.
Now back to Michael Jackson . . . If I were only rich and famous, I could be a murdering pedophile and get away with it. Thought for the day . . . MJ's face . . . do you think he is trying to become an anime character look at this:
Another funny quiz: Which Nigerian Spammer are you: This is me
Which Nigerian spammer are You?
I love those e-mails, does anyone really fall for them?
If you would like to link to this site, you can use this:
And here is the source code to install it.
That is all for now . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:20 PM 4 comments
Dick's Sporting Goods that is!. I am not normally one to harp about retail business, but if I find one that meets a certain criteria, I gush about it.
I play alot of sports, and have always shopped at either Sports Authority or Olympia (a little side note, I at one time worked for Olympia for all of 3 months, worst job I have ever had, but that is another story). Well Dick's just recently moved into Southeastern MA. Not only is Dick's fun to say, but it blows away all other sporting goods stores.
I have saved at least $300 from shopping at the other two. There prices are unbelievable, generally 10% lower than any other sporting goods store.
The store is huge, and stocks everything from your major sports to camping, hunting, biking, most everthing, and a large selection. Sneakers, ice skates, guns, moutain climbing, all cheap. My kids loved the putting range. (Sorry for the commotion Dick's)
Helpful, but not overbearing and FRIENDLY!
Have I said how much fun it is to mention Dick is everyday conversation!
And now for something completely different.
There is new contact information for business calls to RubberSuit Studios. Additionally, we will be moving our offices at the end of the month.
Finally, and a bit of a surprise, RubberSuit Studios, and Cartoon Orbit: The Complete Guide are putting together a large contest . . . a create-a-comic contest . . . more details to follow.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 2:04 PM 4 comments
Dubya wants to "save" Social Security
In a effort to teach the young ones a bit more about the issues this country faces for the future, today I want to tackle the Bush Administration attempt at Social Security reform. First let me say, yes Social Security needs to be reformed. This country can no longer survive in the way Social Security has worked for the past 60 some odd years. The Bush plan is not the solution, and I will illustrate why. First let's discuss how Social Security works.
What is Social Security?
Social Security is a Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI), provided as a government social service, and is the primary source of income for most workers and their families upon retirement, death, or disability. One third of the beneficiaries of Social Security are not retirees. There are 4 different types of benefits: Retirement, Early Retirement, Disability, and Survivorship.
Currently to earn a full retirement benefit, one must have paid into the system for 10 years and work to the full retirement age (65 or 67 if born after 1959). Social Security pays a high percentage of your average wages for lower money earners than higher. It is a earned benefit (i.e., you can only receive benefit if you have put into it), and is guaranteed. Benefits are paid as long as a beneficiary needs the benefits (Social security is not a investment program but a social insurance program) . This is the benefit I will focus on for this entry.
How is Social Security financed?
Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system. Social Security taxes paid by you and your employer today, are used to pay for today's retirees and beneficiaries. Social security adjust based in wage Indexing to keep pace with cost of living.
Benefits are funded from three sources:
1) Payroll Taxes
2) Trust Fund Interests
3) Taxes Collected on some benefits.
The majority comes form payroll taxes (6.4% for both employer and employee) up to a ceiling of $90,000 per year. Earnings above that are not taxed (see it pays to be rich). In attain if you make enough money per year from Social Security that is also taxed (nice huh?). Social Security also invest monies paid into trust funds (managed by the treasury department), and to ensure monetary gain they are invested in bonds.
The Problem
As you can see the issue is this, the Baby Boomer Generation. It is twice the size of the generations that followed combined, in attain Baby Boomers will live much longer as the generation before it. At the regular rate of retirement, there will be a major funding shortfall, in 15 - 25 years, and bankruptcy of the system will soon follow(2041).
Dubya's Plan
First, I need to stress, that this is very scary. There is a lot of info about this out there, do your own research; but I will try to break this down as simply as possible. What Dubya wants to do is scrap the whole system for anyone under the age of 54.
First, they plan on indexing Social Security benefit growth with the price index, instead of wage index. Prices tend to increase much more slowly than wages, thus reducing the benefits, and the benefits increase much more slowly than the cost of living.
Secondly they will allow workers to place 2 - 4% of their Social Security benefits into private accounts, up to a certain capped amount. How this works is essentially, the government will give you the percentage up front to invest, then you will pay the government back (with interest) and anything left over is yours. Now get this, the taxpayer will be responsible for monitoring that account for solvency, paying what ever fee setup there is for these private accounts, and be ultimaltety responsible to make sure those accounts actually make money. In addition, there will be a limited choice of options available for those monies, mostly stock based. Upon retirement workers would receive there already reduced Social Security benefit, and a monthly benefit from these private accounts.
The Issues
Ok, think about the majority of people in the world . . . How many of them do you think are knowledgeable enough to invest correctly into this system. To come out ahead in this plan, one would have to earn 3% real rate of return on the investment per year (real means after inflation and brokers fees), anyone earning less than that will make less in retirement that they did in the regular Social Security system. In addition this would put ones financial future at risk for loss in the stock market, and if you hadn't noticed, the market has not been particularly good.
Upon retirement the government will cash out the private account in the form of an annuity, which will be effected by the volatility of the market. Example, if using this plan, a person who retired in March of 2000, would have third more of a nest egg, than someone retiring in March of 2001 using the exact same investment strategies. Again, how does one expect John Q. Public to invest properly when professional monet manangers usual underperform the indices of the market. How many of you know the difference between a growth stock and an income stock? How many people realize than went interest rates rise, bond prices go down? This is all simple stuff, imagine the stuff you will need to learn, or pay someone else to know?
It currently cost $0.06 per dollar to maintain Social Security, it will cost much more to maintain private accounts, further increasing the national debt and burden of the current Social Security System. In fact, under this system, Social Security will be bankrupt by 2030.
There are better solutions to this . . . The government still has yet to pay back the money it borrowed from the system to get into a arms race with the Soviet Union. Why is money over $90,000 not subject to the tax?
The government wants to mortgage your future. They want to line to pocket of the banks, brokers, and the rich. Call you representatives. This needs to be stopped.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:30 AM 1 comments
Affiliates and Allies.
This short blog is to recognize our worthy affiliates and allies to RubberSuit Studios. Please support them as you have this site, learn a few things, be entertained.
Cartoon Orbit: The Complete Guide. If you are into Neopets or Cartoon Orbit, this is the only place on the web to be. 1200+ members very active. The membership there is high quality, and fun, and the site caters to much more than just Neopets/Orbit. RPG's, a 713 page Dear Malach, lively debate, and general subjects. I am also a moderator there and can be found there quite often.
Dr. Murk's World. The good Dr. is in to answer your question to anything you might have to ask him. Very funny blog, a host of dedicated readers.
The Angry Piper. What do you get when you cross a liberal martial artist, with a fetish for large women, and bag pipes . . . need I say more. A very funny, well written, moralistic blog.
The Angry Veteran. Another blog from a veteran of Iraqi Freedom. A lot of truth, vehemence, and insight. The writer was a Lt. Colnel, and a high ranking Military Intelligence official. A very Good Read.
Palmer's Corner. A random rant from a teen anarchist. Also has something to do with the creation of Super Ned: Man or Psychotic Maniac.
You can meet all these people at the Minimum Security Forums, and fan forum for this site and a general discussion forum.
Thank you again for this site support, and spread the wealth.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:30 PM 3 comments
Equal Oppotunity Agonostics, or Really Looking for that One Way Ticket to Hell
Just to show you that myslef and Hex, are equal opportunity agonostics, we introduce in the next episode series of JesusMan (entitled Rapture), Vishnu. The next episode series is so funny, it makes the previous episodes seem as a dissertation of the mechanical function of a lever. There will be numerous guest appearances, in the next beyond Vishnu, but those will be surprises. Our hope is to piss off enough Gods, to guarantee us a one way ticket to eternal damnation.
Becuase of JesusMan, I have had a number of people question my religious beliefs. I will use this little forum to spread the Good News of Malacholism. First off, I am not an atheist, I do believe there is a God. I don't believe that God is a old man with a beard sitting up in heaven, but more of a spiritual being, not understandable by man.
Now we get to the tricky part . . . was Jesus the Son of Man? The Messiah? Honestly, does it really matter? I don't care who or what you worship: Yhaweh, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Vishnu, etc. All religions derive from the earliest religions. Look at Zoroastrianism, The Egyptain, and Greek/Roman relgions and see how similarJudao-Christain tradition is to them. One of my favorite sites on the net is Religious This site basically breaks down every religion in the world, from the common to the not-so-common, in a simply easy to understand format, and provides information, UNBIASED information. If you are unsure of your beliefs, or just want to explore, this is the place to go. I can spend hours at this site.
Remember this, all major religions, they teach us the same philosophies. In a nut shell:
1. Treat people as you want to be treated
2. Respect the Earth as it is a gift
3. Know there is something greater than you.
Nice huh? Now if only the world could follow it.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:44 PM 0 comments