Past Shtuff


Here are reprints of the blog from my last site, enjoy:

3/11/05, 12:23PM.

I though it might be entertaining and perhaps educational if I kept a BLOG, of my experience with The Wraith, and JesusMan. First some house keeping. The first episode of The Wraith is finished and should be uploaded tonight or tomorrow . . .Jesus man is in progress, I am waiting for the script from Hex, which should arrive this weekend.

The Wraith will be interesting. I have never done a professional comic or comic strip. I am not completley comfortable with the style I am using. I am not yet comfortable with the materials. I have not even picked up a comic book since the late 80's. With that being said, I am fairly happy with the result. The strip has obviously influences of R. Crumb, Dave Sim, Frank Miller, and Bill Sienkiewicz. The style will change as I become more comfortable with the process. In this first episode it is all done with markers, but I have gone out and will switch to brush. I will comment on the direction of style in later posts and you can observe the change. Enjoy, and as always we welcome your comments.

3/11/05, 8:24PM.

Unfortunately The Wraith, is experiencing a unintended delay. My wife went away for the weekend, and TOOK THE DIGITAL CAMERA WITH HER! What does this mean for you? Unless I can find another, The Wraith will appear on Sunday

3/13/05, 7:01PM.

The Wraith, is about to go live. The camera is back, you can expect it soon. As this series begins, I want to give you a bit of background. The Wraith, and many of the characters who will appear in this series have been on and off fun for myslef since High School, from silly comic strips, to RPG characters The Wraith has always been around in some form.

New Bedford, MA (NB) is a real city, it is my place of residence. NB in way is very similar to many other small cities of 100,000. Yet it is very different. NB is famous for being the number one fishing fleet in the US; being the home sity of Ishmael in Moby Dick. NB is steeped in the early history of this country, and at one time was the richest city in the US. NB was the capital of the world for whaling.

That is NB to a tee. Leader of dying industries. NB has been in economic depression since the 1970's, it is better, but still sports 10% unemployment. NB has beautiful downtown, that could rival Newport, RI. NB is also littered with Tenements, Projects, Homeless, and the Mentally Ill. You can go 5 block and this city and see multi-million dollar 300 year old whaling mansions, and burned out crack houses. It is the black sheep of Massachussetts, ingnored by lawmakers in Boston. NB has the potential to be an amazing place, but first you must get the $4.00 bags of heroin off the street, and break the cycle of fear that the gangs hold on parts of this city.

It is into this city, Bob DeTerra, The Wraith comes into being.

3/15/05, 8:19PM.

Recieved the script for JesusMan, and to use a word you will hear a bit in this series . . .It's Fuggin' Hilarious . . Expect some JesusMan action soon.

3/17/05, 8:47PM.

I am 95% done with the second page of The Wraith, and you can already begin to see a bold change in style and materials. Admittedly, black and white inking is not my forte', but I am learning.

Three words . . . Eastman and Laird. I have pulled out my old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics (you young'uns won't remember their early series). The inking style is exactly what I want. So I have begun to play with the style pretty extensively, and I am much happier with the result.

The next page of the Wraith should be uploaded in the next few days. If you like these series (JesusMan and the Wraith) do me a favor and click on my ads . . . the pay form them helps to keep this site updated.

You may have noticed, I removed the blue on this page. It seems several MAC users have had trouble here. I hope it is fixed.