Lotsa of Plugs Today.
Ben Byrd has a new piece of fiction up called Eighty Six, a dreamy sort of fantasy piece, with a little bit of eroticism, and sexual content so take care. Also I loaded a Twisted Darkness piece, a kind of poetic essay entitled "Rose Petal Tears".
Also there are some really good posts over at the WoW. A post about the HPV Vaccine, from ~Shimmer Love~, a post about my frustration with a recent clients case, a Cap'n post exposing Mrs. Dr. Murk, and a post from Murk himself regarding the '08 presidential race.
You are Listening too . .
We being our Beatles exploration with their first release in 1962 (not nessecarily their first US hit and didn't hit in the US until 1964), Love Me Do. Interesting song. Yes very simple, but also very erotic in a way. The Beatles, and later the Jackson 5 created the boy band archetype, but The Beatles definitely fit it in a strange way. This song is again simply structured, but it is unlike most of the stuff that was released at that time. For example, some of the hits for 62, 63. Dream Baby, Roy Orbison; He's So Fine, the Chiffons; Surf City, Jan And Dean; Be My Baby, The Ronettes; Da Do Run Run, The Crystals; Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Neal Sedaka; Can't Help Falling In Love, Elvis; Let's Twist Again, Chubby Checker.
So you a kid, mainly what you are hearing on the radio is doo wop, girl bands, slow love ballads, and suddenly you hear Love Me Do. So different than anything else out there, the harmonica, the bluesy guitar, yet not way out there yet . . . exploring early American Blues, and a garage band sound that was popular in the London clubs . . In three more years, they got a bit edgier with Ticket To Ride, Day Tripper, and in 67, the completely changed music (even more than the already did) with Rubber Soul. This is going to be fun, come pretend with me to be alive back then. Perhaps my dad will post here and shed some insight.
Stephen Hawking is the man.
He's going into space, awesome!
Their gonna put Ana Nicole's body in the ground. And MSNBC has a map of where.
Now this is interesting.
Very interesting way to skirt around Freedom of Speech, a voluntary law.
750,000 Homeless in the US.
and about 500,000 of them are clients of Malach.
So how sad am I?
That I would enjoy this?
Rap's Decline.
And perhaps it is the fact that 99% of what they release in crap nowadays. And this doesn't just go for rap music either.
Steroids, steroids, and more steroids.
It will just keep getting bigger and more pervasive.
Mixed Martial Arts.
Malach has been saying for years, MMA is the sport of the future, well the UFC ppv rate now exceed boxings and is even with the WWE. Check it out sport of the future.
The Race is getting a bit more interesting.
John McCain would kill Mitt Romney and eat his eyes.
Ahh . .
There nothing like going to Middle School in sleepy Bethelhem PA, and buying Meth from the principal.
What did we do without it?
Ahh, the beauty of the Internet.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
So Einstein was wrong when he said "God does not play dice". Consideration of black holes suggests, not only that God does play dice, but that He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can't be seen. - Stephen Hawking
I am Malach and PLEASE love me do.
Love Me Do?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:26 PM 13 comments
Episode 504 of 8 1/2 By Eleven is now published. That skank Jessica is trying to convince that hot mama Cinn she needs a man. Slut. Also, Lucas has been having some errors with the carrier of his tooncast, if that occurs, you can always just go to his site.
Malach is very frustrated.
So at his full time job, Malach is dealing with a client, and he is one of those clients that fall through the cracks. About the most frustrating case I have ever had. I am going to vent on the WoW.
Hey, it had a longer hiatus that the podcast.
The Angry Piper has a new book review! I also called him at work today, and I always like to say something silly when he answers the phone, today I said . . ."Hello Breast Buds."
Come join my little game.
TCG werewolf, it is a very entertaining forum based game. Sign ups for game 4 are going on now.
You Baby Bottle.
Maybe poisoning you kid.
Another WoW article.
Why I hate Asians. I'm gonna assign that one to Palmer.
But do they cover the devil worship, multiple wives, and baby eating?
I know a lot of people who can even get on disability.
We got our first super villain right here. Pigeon man, robbing banks with remote control pigeons, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
So let me get this straight.
So you go over to Romania, have sex with a 13 year old, get senteced to jail for 7 years, but get out 2 years early cause you wrote a book about Vlad Dracul, and that is considered community service? Does MySpace know about this?
Let me also get this straight.
So you being sent off to Iraq as a green soldeir, and they skip desert training to get you there faster?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
A whole is that which has beginning, middle and end. - Αριστοτέλης
I am Malach with yet another philisophic quote for Mr. Polanski.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:19 PM 6 comments
Congrats Martin Scorsese
But first the plugs.
First I must apologize to the creator of Big Boy Thompkins, I was so excited to publish his stuff, I posted his first name as Dave, and not Dan. I stand corrected.
Now what do vampire, Banarama, zombie arms, and dreamlands all have in common? The new Fetus - X. Number 503 of 8 1/2 by Eleven is now loaded, once again a convo between that tramp Jessica, and the hot mama, Cinn about men and feminism.
Also, Malach loaded a really cool video over at the WoW, something that really made him think, and was very well done. Also, I am gonna plug something over at Albino Black Sheep. Now ABS has been around a long time, and has given some real classic, but over the past year, the guy who runs it basically just loads whatever crap comes his way. A lot of it is hit or miss, this one was a hit.
He make the best films.
Martin Scorsese FINALLY won a best director Oscar. Methinks it is at least 20 year too late. Scorsese has brought us some AMAZING movies and a number of my faves. Get this, he did not win for:
Mean Streets
Taxi Driver - A Malach fave
Raging Bull - Another fave, considered one of the best movies of all time
The King of Comedy
The Last Temptation of Christ - another Malach fave, and the best Jesus movie until JesusMan! hits the big screen.
The Age of Innocence
Bringing out the Dead
and so on . .
Truly an oversight.
You are listening too . ..
Of course, Martin Scorsese, by King Missile. King Missle is most famous for their strange hit in the 90's, Detachable Penis. If you forgot that little ditty, you can see the video here.
You knew Ana Nicole, or her kin, couldn't stay out of the news for long.
VW Recalls!
It's my, it's my, it's my . .
It's my perogative, I can do what I wanna do!
What did I tell you!
I bet you their related! I am gonna win that bet!
There are benefits to global warming, the Al Gore, he got an Oscar, but no clue.
The Tomb of Christ.
Y'know, I would be more pissed of at James Cameron, for that crap Titanic, he made a few years ago . . Best Film my ass.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
The Potato skin pizza in just SOO GOOD!
So, who wants to run down to the post office and buy all their stamps? This UPS is slick, now they can charge what ever the hell they want for new stamps, and you'll never know the difference.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach, and that is Bobby Brown before he discovered crack.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:28 PM 3 comments
Making Bets, all comers.
Yes, the new webcomic is up.
Big Boy Thompkins has been added to the Stool Sample Webcomics lineup. Big Boy is a from a bucko, who has been following in particular, JesusMan! and Fat Bug for about a year. The mind behind it is Dave Schumm (I know nothing more about this guy except the name, I am working on more). Big Boy is interesting, crude, and kind of surreal. It will be interesting to see where this one goes.
No other new things today, you should get a lot this week though, workng on a bunch of things.
The Oscars are tonight.
Let's make a bet.
I am taking, he been poisoned.Let's make another bet.
That Rev. Al and Strom Thurmond are related by blood. Can't you see the likeness? Just add the moustache to Strom, and the liver spots to Al, lighten, or darken their skin, I'm telling you. Vishnu works in strange ways. Now that Alanis Morrisette is very ironic, not you stupid song.
One more bet.
Who wants to bet that next year, Curt Schilling will be a Yankee, and Mariano Rivera a Red Sox?
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach and I am being filmed tommorrow . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:18 PM 9 comments
Some stuff coming down the pipe.
A couple of plugs.
Malach is experimenting with his Comixpedia blog. I posted something today that is a bit of an experiment. While as a whole it is kind of cool, there is something I don't like about the blogs over there (I am hoping Xerxes reads this so hit the link so he can trace it back). There seems to be some type of bug with the coding, that did not allow me to structure the words the way I wanted to, and they ended up jammed up with the picture, I tried of ton of things to try and fix that, even working it up in Dreamweaver and reposting the HTML. No luck. Maybe I did someything wrong.
Also, Tainted Love Erotic Stories (TLES) updated today. Part two of Sevan and Miss Dawn is up. Again TLES is 18+. You've been warned.
And some news. First, there will be at least 2 - 3 more Life Lessons coming down the pike, also, after more than a year on hiatus, you will see some more of this, though is a different format. Also, supposedly, there will also be some ChickenHead coming this way too, along with Amazing Office Battles (yes 2 new titles) if their creators ever get me some stuff.
But even bigger news, another new webcomic title. It will be called Big Boy Thompkins. I received the first episode yesterday, and will be putting together a archive for it this week. It creator describes it as follows: about a fat kid by the name of Big Boy Thompkins who spends most of his time eating food, singing about food, hanging out with friends, dealing with pedophiliac neighbors, and so much more. There's no real linear story to this comic; just pointless low-brow entertainment. Sounds fun no? It is rather bizzarre, and will be interesting to see where it goes.
Also expect more Ben Byrd, and Twisted Darkness this week.
The Vomit Child.
Felt much better today, occassionally nauseous, but no vomiting. Memere and Pepere I am sure wanted to know. How I knew she was really feeling better is when she showed me her Karate kick and shattered my Tibia.
You are Listening too . .
The last of my songs of break up and unrequited love, for now. Get it Faster, by Jimmy Eat World. Many of you may be surprised I am a JEW fan, but my feeling is what an modern emo bad should be. Part punk, part Fugazi/Minor Threat, Part Bad Religion/Samiam, and part mature pop.
So Virgina is sorry for slavery. And an Alabama college is having a conference about the N word. Malach now, he still makes fun of the darkness of his friend Vinny's skin, and walks into him when it is night time (even indoors under full light, yeah sometimes I get a beat down for that). You all just need to watch a little more Boondocks.
What the Hell is going on in Denver?
Perhaps the Curse of Rothlesberger has left the Pitt QB and traveled to the Rockies?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
You gotta love Terry Francona, he is perfect for this job. I guess he missed yesturday's work out suffering from Flu like symptoms. He told the media today that he basically spent the day in bed watching the Ana Nicole court proceedings, and then said: "I wanted to see if Manny [Ramirez] would show up there." Tito your the man.
What did I tell you, there is a curse in Denver.
Just ask this guy, oh wait, you can't
My name is, my name is, my name is . .
Dicka, Dick Cheney! Too bad he's not getting diverted to Denver.
And Iran.
Iran so far away.
Another Reason not to want to live in Indiana.
OK, what so shocking about this?
When me and my friends were there age we played Red Dawn, and Cold War Commandos, and Rambo.
I lost my keys.
Anyone seen my keys?
How shocking is it that there is now new Ana Nicole or Britney news? I guess they got the weekend off too . . . (Well Ana got a lot more than the weekend off).
Malach's Quote of the Day
"That shit wasn't about race... that shit was about fame. If O.J. wasn't famous he'd be in jail right now. If O.J. drove a bus, he wouldn't even be O.J. He'd be Orenthal the bus driving murderer." - Chris Rock
I am Malach and you make me feel a little higher.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:29 PM 5 comments
GASP! My three year old has bulemia!
But first, the plugs.
Stool Sample's Reading Room is proud to annouce the addition of the fiction of C.J. Owen. His first short story of many too come is up, the Fantasy Drama, The Burden.
In addition, Dr. Murk returns with a scathing attack at the WoW. Evidently he did not like all that much, Malach's and fans badgering of loading the XMas podcast. In addition, I guess there was a loading error with the Real Media version of the podcast, and Murk supposedly fixed that.
Swimming in vomit.
So the three year old was up at 3:30AM vomiting, sees she got that killer 24 vomiting bug that goes around, and after vomiting in her bed, then my bed, she got hang of driving the porcelin bus. So she basically vomitted most of the day, only once getting a little on the couch. You she see her hug porcelin god, she would do most college students proud.
Oh, great, now there goes the cat . . . well thank goodness that was on the kitchen floor and not the living room rug.
Al Gore.
If the man runs, he's got my vote. Period. Should of won in 2000.
So, your living on the Internation Space Station.
A Cosmonaut Nikita get a Dear John e-mail and goes nuts, what do you do? Well it seems NASA has already thought of that. Duct Tape, one of mans greatest invention. Right up there with Baby Wipes and the Swiffer Wet Jet.
Only in NY?
Next I am in NYC, I am dancing in the streets. It will be filmed and posted to YouTube as Malach is arrested.
So tell me this . .
Who long before these new airport x-rays appear on some porn site?
Bronx Beaver!
Check it out right here . . ..
Made you look.
So yeah, Britney.
She's nuts. Just look into here eyes. The pics are fun and yes there's video!
Oh, Britney, I don't even think the Angry Piper can tame you. Mother of the Year! And isn't she supposed to be in rehab anyway?
Malach's Quote of the Day
By means of beauty all beautiful things become beautiful. For this appears to me the safest answer to give both to myself and others; and adhering to this, I think that I shall never fall, but that it is a safe answer both for me and any one else to give — that by means of beauty beautiful things become beautiful. - Σωκράτης
I am Malach and today's quote is dedicated to Mr. Polanski, he will appreciate this one.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:44 PM 3 comments
Plugs quite a few, but none for my site.
Where to start. First I suppose you must read the exclusive interview with Mitt Romney over at the WoW. Good interviews, you get to see a surprising side on Mr. Romney. Also Malach opened a new blog over at Comixpedia, just promote stuff and annoy webcomic creators, he put first blog today about Hydrogen Fuel, and the future of Web and Print Comics. Feel free to read and comment.
Also, check out C.Rag's blog. Warning, she can get a little profane, but it is fun stuff and interesting. Some personal, a lot of opinion, Malach is probably going to start hanging there. I even subscribed to her feed. A few other place Malach has been hanging recently? Joey Polanski and AngryMan flat.
You are listening too . . .
One, originally by U2, done much better by the man. Every want get really depressed pick up any of Cash's American Recordings, and listen. You don't even have to know he recorded most of this right after his wife died, was practically blind, and crippled.
RIP Dennis Johnson.
Dennis Johnson, the all star point gaurd for the Celtics during their 80's hey days. Perhaps one of the most underratted players to ever play the postion, and should be in the hall of fame. Perhaps one of the greatest plays ever which Johnson was involved in with the late great Johnny Most calling.
Some more Ana Nicole
Evidenty this was filmed within the last month or two.
So when you see Britney dressed as such, you will know the warning signs. Oh yeah, and they are giving the body to her baby, and she's getting buried in the Bahamas, and man you got to see the judges ruling, he's nuts too.
This was not me. And from what I know, there were no Mooninites involved either.
Collossal Squid!
Hey calarmari the size of a tire works for Malach.
Is she in or is she out?
So I guess Britney's back in Rehab, but no clown makeup . . Hit me Baby One More time
"Now I feel stupid."
Well, that is perhaps Malach's quote of the year. AHH the mental pictures!
Dammit AXL!
You know, even if this is the biggest piece of crap ever made, it still sell 20 million copies, if it ever get's released.
Malach's Quote of the Day:
Good morning. I just woke up, I've been taking a nap for about eight years. - Axl Rose
I am Malach and I've been dancing with Mr. Brownstone.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:56 PM 6 comments
Kudos to Gerber Legendary Blades
Malach tells it like it is.
Malach loves his multi-tools, and has owned a few over the years. He especially loves his Gerber Multi-tools and have owned a number of them. Malach recieved this one from his mother-in-law a few X-Mases ago. Easily the best, and most expensive I have ever owned. Over the past year, it started to fall apart, eventually, the welding came apart at the plier end. I went to Gerber's website sending their support an email about the problem. They responded that same day, telling me to return it and they would see what they could do. I did, and about a week later they sent me a brand new one, and little note apologizing for the defect.
I love companies like this, and I love their products even more now. Kudos, Gerber. Too bad they don't make a Kukris . . I would be so bad ass with one of those.
Strip 502 of 8 1/2 by Eleven is now up. I also got Lucas all worried, my tooncast shows up #2 on google for an "8 1/2 by Eleven" search just under his site, gonna try to take over the top spot!
Also, Ben Byrd's fiction archive was updated. He has a interesting little spoof interview, Anderson Cooper interviewing Satan. It is called, appropriately Interview. Very funny.
Also, I am negotiating with yet another author to publish his work here (doing better than my lazy ass webcomic contributers), it is all worked, it is just working on the details. Perhaps something tomorrow.
A little more about yesterdays (and todays song).
Someone at work was dissappointed that I did not talk more about Rubber Soul, the Album Michelle is off of. I promised them I would tonight as they wanted to hear my opinions on it. Rubber Soul is arguably the best Beatles album, again arguably. Rubber Soul marks a departure from the bubble gum mop top, to a more artistic, ecletic, and amazing musically vision that really defined rock and roll. Rubber Soul, followed by Revolver, followed by Sgt. Pepper . . I don't know is any other band can lay claim to the kinds of music released in a three year period like the Beatles did. Of those three albums, two always appear in top 10 best album of all time list, sometimes all three. Rubber Soul also directly influenced Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys, another frighteningly amazing album, easily Brian Wilson's best stuff. Wilson is quoted as say after hearing Rubber Soul, he went right out and made Pet Sounds.
My favorite of that bunch is actually Revolver, and "the White Album" is my favorite Beatles album. Perhaps it is worth a tangent to explore the Beatles music? Many of you youg fans are only familar with their hits. I can play you some stuff that you would swear would blow your mind.
Ok, so maybe Malach is obsessed.
I actually watched some of this today, is it getting rather OJ -esque. This is gonna be fun . . . all this with Phil Spector trial coming up too . . .
Was my wife there?
Some one find out where my wife was when this happened! Also my site has been getting hit for the phrase Naked Kate . . . hehe it makes her uncomfortable. SHH don't tell here about the secret archive!
And of course, gotta get the daily Britney.
So she left rehab again, next move? Either death, Playboy, or another 55 hour marriage.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Hey, IT'S JUST MANNY BEING MANNY! Won't shock me if next week, Manny shows up with Britney Spears on his arm.
Only in Rhode Island.
Yeah RI has a bunch of silly laws, so this comes as no surprise. Some other nutty stuff?
1. There is no helmet law, except for motocycle passengers, drivers do not have to wear one
2. It is perfectly legal to own fireworks, but illegal to transport them by including by foot.
3. Every dog track in the state (there are three of them) has floors and floors of slot machines, and gaming, but the do not allow a full fledged Casinos.
Biggest little state in the Union!
This is interesing.
So Tom Brady impregnation and subsequent break up with Bridgette Monyahan is national news, but Bill Belichick's 20 year extra marital affair is barely a blip on the radar.
Malach's Quote of the Day
It is what it is - Bill Belichick
I am Malach and no wonder I am getting listed as "gossip/celebrity blogs".
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:16 PM 9 comments
Michelle, ma belle . . .
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble.Très bien ensemble.
501 of 8 1/2 by Eleven in up. Also, I listened to the entire podcast at work today, and it might be our best one yet. FUNNY. Highlights? The Jacko interview, JonBenet new jarmate, and Murk imitating the Angry Veteran having sex. Check it out.
You are Listening too . . .
The Beatles were extremely good song crafters, and this song, is very complicated while being very straightforward, they did a number of emotional confusing songs like this, Mockingbird, and Hide Your Love Away are two that come right to mind. This song, Michelle is a song of longing, perhaps of unrequited love, and other word play. Very beautiful and sad song.
Song also has a bit of special meaning. My Aunt was named Michelle. She passed away more than 10 years ago, from cancer, about my age when she died. The painting at left was made after her death. It is interesting how music makes you think of things.
Even Tony Blair is abandoning Bush.
Reducing troops, as we send more. Unfortunately, we are going to pull out by the latest the first year of our next president, and Iraq will be a HUGE mess.
Ana Nicole not to be outdone by Britney.
Back in the news, thanks to mom.
And of course, the Britster fights back.
Finally in rehab, or maybe an institution.
Mitt Beelzebub Romney wants you to meet him.
And the crazy cultist is the first to the gate with an Ad.
Yahya Jemmeh.
Hey buddy, with shiite like this, you moving your way up into Malach's top 5 Insane world leaders list. And you will be the first black to get there . . a groundbreaker like Tony Dungy.
Shaun of The Dead.
So Malach finally got to sit down and watch the whole thing in one sitting (I have seen most of it in pieces, and not the first 20 minutes). Two thumbs WAY UP!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach, and I knew it too.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:07 PM 8 comments
Early Blog Tonight.
It's a Holiday and me got a date.
So, one big plug, the latest in The Murk and Malach Show podcast is now up. This is our long lost XMas show, which Murk calls the biggest piece of crap he has ever heard. I don't know about that, I have listened to the first 15 minutes of it and laughed my ass off. Listen to the rest of it at work tomorrow. It is show number 13, fun stuff, Interview Jacko, give out presents, have a nauseating egg nog drinking contest, and find JonBenet a new playmate.
President's Day.
Anyone really take this holiday seriously, I mean besides a day off from work, for some? Seems even this country has no idea how to react to it.
Prince Harry is off to Iraq.
So what will be the reaction of England, Europe, Canada if he is killed?
This is gonna be interesting. We'll see if we get a monopoloy out of this, or the option to bring down terrestrial radio.
Lets see.
So a bunch of these appear on E-Bay in what, maybe 2 days? Ok since Malach told a tasteless dead baby joke yesterday, against his better judgement, here is a tasteless Holocaust one. Hey I am a equal opportunity jerk!
What is the difference between a Jew and a Pizza . . .
A Pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven
Oh man there goes my Hebrew demographic.
So this guy in trying to make Revelations seem right?
So let's see, Malach will be 64 by then? I wanted to live a bit longer. I do agree though, the UN should take much more responsibity in world affairs . . . of course the US hasn't paid their full UN dues since 1995 and owes about $1.3 Billion is dues.
Check it out.
MSN got the Britney Spears head shaving gallery! We'll at least she is getting the publicity she craves.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach, Cowabunga Dude.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:02 PM 5 comments
Lucas did it.
After two years of comic, Lucas finally hit strip number 500 of 8 1/2 by Eleven. Congrats! I am defnitely going have to do something for him, I just gotta put it together!
The Murk and Malach Show.
Will be either up tonight late, or tomorrow. Murk is going on a little vaca, and after he get back, we will begin work on the next podcast.
You are Listening too . ..
I Can't Wait, by The White Stripes. The Stripes are pretty amazing, The Nirvana of the modern music scene. They do some pretty amazing things considering they are mostly Jack White (with a little of Meg's Johnringokeith Moonstarrbonham nasty drumming). Incorporating some of the big sound of the 1970's Beatles, and Led Zeppelin, incorporating the blues masters and punk, taking stuff from Sonic Youth and the Pixies, and throwing in some of the best stuff of the post Nirvana era, like Beck, Johnny Cash, and much of the Seattle sound. Fuggin' Amazing shiite.
Malach is not a huge NASCAR fan.
But I will watch it, and must say, the end of today's Daytona 500 was pretty awesome. I know I have never seen someone finish any NASCAR race, never mind place in the top 20, coming in sliding on his roof while on fire, like Clint Boyer (Finished 18th) did.
Yeah so I am a closet redneck . . get it from mom.
Lead for lunch junior.
No seriously, how does this go unnoticed for so long?
Oh, Oh, Oh.
Let's see if this one works . . . It will benefit the entire US workforce.
So this reminds of a joke . .
What is the difference between an Aston Martin and a bag of dead babies?
I don't have an Aston Martin in my garage.
Holy Crap!
No new Ana Nicole news today!
So it seems Micheal Irvin is no longer with ESPN.
Well, kind of hard to smoke crack all day long when you have a TV show to do. So, who's gonna wear those crazy outfits? My money is on Ron Jaworski.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well, the new Roush-Fenway team only did like 5th today, man does John Henry have a lot on money or what?
Oh Britney.
Wow, Britney, you making Lindsay sane here. I love it!
That dirty little whore Bridget Moynahan is trying to ruin Tom Brady's good name!
Malach's Quote of the Day
The doors of heaven and hell are adjacent and identical. - Nikos Kazantzakis
I am Malach, and Britney, let me remodel your website!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:20 PM 4 comments
OK, what is up with Britney Spears now?
One plug.
Ben Byrd's fiction archive has been updated with a new short story called Pledge.
So you seen the latest pics of Britney.Yeah, she shaved but not her crotch. She shaved her head, a couple of days out of a supposed one day Rehab, was seen at a tattoo parlor . . . So, I guess she has joined a cult? Maybe she's a Scientologist?
I don't know there Britney, there has been a lot of talk about turning you recent behavior around. I am not sure about this one. Of course it worked rather well for Sinead O'Connor.
Of course, will Malach feel guilty if he just found out she went through extensive chemo and has cancer? Probably not.
Bush's Moles.
Benign huh? The ones in my yard are fresh.
And just cause we can't leave the Ana Nicole circus alone.
That right, front page CNN.com news, her body was emballed today!
I wish I had four legs, or arms, or even fingers.
Some Pats News.
Charlie Weis and his stomach reduction surgery. I rember him almost dying, the cart he used to get around with for about 6 months, it was a mess. And as Malach stated, the Pats will put up the $$ to sign Samuel, this is just a step to show they are serious, they will have him signed by the draft.
Remind me never to die in Hampton Bays, New York.
Malach's "Quote" of the Day.
I am Malach, nothing but a gold digger.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:40 PM 6 comments
No Plugs for today, just a favor.
So this morning, looking at my webstats, I have noticed my site got hit once for the phrase world's most dangerous bug. Of course I assumed it was Fat Bug, and looking at Google, Fat Bug shows up in like the 3rd page for that phrase.
So here is the favor. Anywhere you possibly can, forums, blogs, whatever, type the phrase world's most dangerous bug and link it directly to the Fat Bug main page. This page right here. Hopefully give it a month or so, and I am hoping that if you type world's most dangerous bug, or even dangerous bug and hit I'm Feeling Lucky, you will go right to Fat Bug.
Quite a few people have already done, this and thanks.
You are listening too . ..
Back to the song of depression and anger, stuck with The Cure, and their psuedo love song, Lovesong.
Fun and Addictive.
Try this out, Malach has beaten it, but it took me a while to do.
Ahh, Ana Nicole.
You just made this even more fun without even knowing it!
Gonna buy me a nice lakeside cottage there.
Ahh, the dream of every pre teen boy.
Sex with an older woman!
More fun with Wikipedia.
Now this is stupid to put it mildly.
Ahh, nothing like a speedy investigation . .
Didn't this happen like 4 years ago?
They were so smart back in the 70's
Should just burned 'em all, no? That would have been a much quicker environmental disaster.
So Britney, Paris, and Lyndsay.
Are more Dana Plato than any of can handle no? One just keeps the bed warm for the other.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and Brock Samson is my hero.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:11 PM 2 comments
DMDSS is back
For better or worse this blog has left the world of romance, and come back to what it usually is.
Of course, I have no clue what that is.
A couple. Fetus-X published a late Valentine's comic, and ony Fetus-X can do.
Also loaded a new one from Ben Byrd, entitled Pop. Many of my readers will love this story, as it deals mainly with the modern entertainment industry, the internet/cell phone era, and the idiocy of youth.
What to do with Ana Body?
Well using it for sex is defintely necrophilia. I suppose you could have it taxidermied, I doubt anyone would know the difference. And of course Malach provides you with all the Ana Nicole dirt.
Paternity suit by Zsa Zsa's husband!
DNA test that would make Maury Povich Jealous.
Strippers are sad!
Tim Hardaway.
So if you think Tim Hardaway is gay, raise your hand? Have you heard his comments, basically advocating genocide. My favorite line of the whole rant:
"I'm homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States."
So, Timmy, you do realize the US is not the world? Yeah, he's an ass-pirate.
OK, so which is it?
Now they say fish is good for preggers? I guess a little murcury poisoning never hurt no one.
Hey Baby, Googe me.So, Google had this up on their site yesturday. Even the mighty Google makes a error here or there? Or was it intentional? Google is not talking.
IDK, Googing sounds fun, I think.
Live Earth.
Brought to you by Al Gore, the same guy who's married of paranoid music censor Tipper Gore . . . interesting.
Of course there is water on Mars!
How else do you think the little green men quench their thirst.
In a way you go to love a sport where so much cheating goes on, but my god Micheal Waltrip, jet fuel? BTW, anyone else wondering when he comes out of the closet like me?
Don't give me this crap!
Fool around with my genes you bastards!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
Thats all I put in my belly!
Malach has said this a million times.
You can paint feces pink and put a bow on it, but in the end, it's still only feces. I love you WalMart.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I'm sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don't think there's any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock. - Howard Stern
I am Malach sitting on my angry chair.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:04 PM 7 comments
Happy Valentines Day SuperStar
I love you always.
So, since Malach is a sappy romantic, you get to see him once again express his love to his wife on Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day, I love you very much.
And since Malach is sappy and reminiscing of the 80's and 90's, your stuck with a sappy song by The Cure and this video that awesomely decribes two of my favorite sappy movies. The song by the way is my wife to a T.
Sonnet XVIII - Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
Thou are more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Oh, and if you are not in a diabetic coma yet from this sugary sweet sappiness, check this out.
I am Malach and I am very lucky.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:07 PM 2 comments
Happy VD!
Valentine's Day = VD?
Yeah, always found it strange, it's tomorrow you know, and I already got my shopping done, for my three valentines . . if you live around Malach, we might get snowed in tomorrow (hearing snow totals anywhere from dusting to 12 inches, that is the problem with Southeastern MA), how romantic.
Lucas steadily inches closer to strip number 500. He loaded strip number 498, of 8 1/2 by Eleven today.
In some big news, after some intense negotiation, I have obtained the rights to publish the web versions of Ben Byrd's short stories and fiction pieces. The first of many to come is up, this one is called Purpose, enjoy.
Of course we got some more of Ana Nicole.
Yeah, pretty strange 911 call, remind never to have a heart attack in Florida.
You darn sharks.
Man you guys are so friggin' dull. Hey PETA, sharks don't like you either.
I mean check Revelations!
I am sure Mitt Romney's name is in there somewhere! Or perhaps it was something by Lovecraft, or even Mein Kampf.
Uhh, yeah Cuba . .
good luck with that.
So you like the paranormal?
You like Bridgewater MA, and it surrounding communities. You like to listen to the Captain's Ramblings and LSD flashbacks?
Remember my blog a few days ago about masturbating to a picture of Ana Nicole and weather that was necrophilia? Well this is just kind of borderline beastiality is it not?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and I am animated to explode.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:01 PM 6 comments
Kinda always knew . .
New stuff from The Mind of Twisted Darkness, a psuedo fiction essay called Let's. Twisted is a young man, exploring his talent of writing, some of his stuff is real good, some of it, so so. Enjoy his journey.
You are listening too . ..
A slight complaint that my songs of break up and unrequited love, did not really have any girly songs, well here's one. Ex-Girlfriend, by No Doubt. While I hate to say bad stuff about Gwen Stefani, especially since she is one of my site advertisers, hey lady, you done with your Goddamn midlife crisis and getting back to some of you kick ass music? C'mon, you almost 40, and you've turned into gangsta bitch pop whore.
Seriously though, No Doubt first 4 albums are some pretty awesome music, and some powerful lyrics.
Ahh yes, Ana Nicole . . .
More boyfriends than I can count.
So you think . .
Bill Cosby treats the dog better than he does his kids? Yeah I know low blow.
Chinese Space Potatoes . .
I was a Chimpanzee and I had a hammer.
I'd a hammer in the morning, I'd a hammer in the evening, all over this land. So Palmer has a phobia about monkeys with knives . . . IDK, a warhammer scares me more.
Ok, this would not have been a shock a month ago.
But know, dude, you shoulda done it a month ago. STAY CLASSY SAN DIEGO!
Take that PETA.
See you love the animals, they hate you. In fact, the chimp with the hammer in my den says you guys are nuts.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I wonder if it's possible to be a Republican and a Christian at the same time. - Hillary Clinton
I am Malach, and of course the same could be said about being a Democrat, Mrs. President.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:43 PM 4 comments
What? Plugs?
After a few days with none, we have two today. First and foremost, Elias Dolon's awesome novel, The Stone, has been updated, and Chapter Three added. Unfortunatley Elias is now putting it on hiatus, as he looks for a publisher for the book. If your interested in publishing it, contact Elias directly. It's really too bad, The Stone is one of my favorite things on this site. Good Luck Elias.
Also, Lucas is back to publishing and strip 497 of 8 1/2 by Eleven is now up.
Dr. Murk.
It is the Murkster Birthday today, go over to his blog and wish him a good one. Also he assured me the podcast would be out this week. So eh, Happy Birfday. I hope you loved you card.
Malach has said it a million times.
He misses the Cold War too.
Man, I hate large water rodents too.
If you going to be accidently shot is the head, a .22 is the way to go. So you think the guy that was shot was really hairy?
Look at the white in that goatee . . . at least you can't see my bald head! Yeah, shaved that puppy right off two days ago. Speaking of Male Pattern Baldness, where the hell is my gene therapy and stem cell research? I want to grow my hair LONG again.
Yeah, the hot mama is the wife . . Oh and yeah, no drinking was involved in this picture. Sad huh?
So when the world ends?
Y'all know where to go. First one there is emperor.
We need more uses for feces.
Furniture, cool, floors, nice, keep it coming.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach, Happy Birthday, Dr. Murky.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:00 PM 7 comments
Here I am, my anger and me . ..
Temper makes it hard to see . .
Plugs? Busy weekend, none for my site, but a couple for others. Wish a happy birthday to some of your favorite WoW members. Especially Dr. Murk, who's birthday is on the 11th.
Also, one of the reasons I am busy. I am in the process of producing a new podcast for a client. The Community Autism Resources Podcast (yet to be officially named). This podcast will have it's premeire in April of 07. It will feature topics concerning Autism and related disabilities, issues, services, interviews with experts and persons with Autism, and other things of that nature. You can get ahead of the curve and sign up for their feed. So what does this have to do with Malach? Well one part of my business, which has just begun to take off, is consulting on things like podcasts, and producing/engineering them.
You are Listening too . .
Threw another in their by GLU. All Wrong.
Enter Obama.
Surprise he's running for president.
Hey Vladimir Putin.
You mean like the Soviet Union did from 1948 to 1999? Go molest another young boys tummy.
OK . .
How many love interests did Anna Nicole have in the past 5 years, and do I really want to know? Yeah, this case is probably going to be more fun than the nutjob Phil Spectors. Oh by the way, she screwed a ghost too.
Ahh, the scapegoat . .
CN exec resigns after the ATHF bomb scare . . . Quoth his resignation letter:
allows us to put this chapter behind us and get back to our mission of delivering unrivaled original animated entertainment for consumers of all ages
Dude, you guys thought Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi was a good idea, don't give yourself that much credit.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Even if we accept, as the basic tenet of true democracy, that one moron is equal to one genius, is it necessary to go a further step and hold that two morons are better than one genius? - Leó Szilárd
I am Malach, and I rescue the people.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:06 PM 9 comments
Malach takes care of the buckos
None, I know your sad.
Now to help the buckos.
So, the question posed to the all powerful Malach is as follows.
Is self gratifying yourself to a picture of Anna Nicole Smith a form of Necorphilia?
Well first we must define Necrophilia, and of course, we can use our friends at Wikipedia for that, cause we all know, that if you want information on deviant sex practices, turn to Wiki (yeah I am trademarking that). So, Necrophilia is: is a paraphilia characterized by a sexual attraction to corpses. The word is artificially derived from Ancient Greek: νεκρός (nekros; "corpse," or "dead") and φιλία (philia; "love"). The term appears to have originated from Krafft-Ebing's 1886 work Psychopathia Sexualis.
Figuratively, the term "necrophilia" describes an inordinate desire to control another person, usually in the interpersonally controlling as to be better-suited to relationships with nonresponsive people.
Yeah, wiki also has a sub article on consesual sex with a corpse, but JesusMan! is not worth their time.
So, basicall, unless you are whacking it off to a picture of her corpse, or imaging her dead whilst pulling your pud, it is not necrophilia. Hell, people still rub one out the Marilyn Monroe and Mama Cass don't they (Mama Cass comment was for the Angry Piper).
But, I supposed there is another side to this, whacking off while looking at her actual corpse (I mean like live), but I also suppose it depends on the thought. I mean supposed she look really hot at the wake, and you thinking about here being alive, not necrophilia. But say your a morgue worker, and do it right next to her naked corpse, that pretty borderline, even if you weren't fantasy about her dead. Well, always wear a condom.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
A ghost, hung like a horse, an f-in HUGE horse, would crawl up my leg and have sex with me at an apartment a long time ago in Texas...I was freaked out about it, but then I was like, Well, you know what? He's never hurt me and he just gave me some amazing sex, so I have no problem. - Anna Nicole Smith.
Now this bring a different debate. Having sexual intercourse with ghosts. Well, ghost are dead, so basically what I am saying here is that Anna Nicole was a nercophiliac.
I am Malach and I really like Regina Spektor.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:32 PM 4 comments
Goodbye Anna Nicole Smith . . .
No More Love.
But there are plugs! 496 of 8 1/2 by Eleven is up! Also Malach did a interesting post on post concussion syndrome and sports at The WoW. Also I loaded the entire Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Handbanana episode, for those of you who have wandered here via search engines to see what ATHF is all about. Funniest 10 minutes you will have tonight.
Anna Nicole Smith.
Well, she's dead. Malach was not a fan, dumb blondes aren't my type. But, she has a very tragic story over year, and before that a strange one . . . this in a ways reminds me of the Marilyn Monroe "Suicide". Unfortunately she leaves behind a young daughter . . Ohh and Malach's early speculation, Trimspa killed her, you heard it here first.
You are listening too . . .
No More Love by God Live Underwater. A very interesting band that came before similar bands like Tool, Incubus, Filter, Stabbing Westward, Korn, and (UGH) Linkin Park, who obvious influence from their sound. Unfortunately, founding member David Reilly died in 2005 of "complications of a coma brought on by a bleeding tooth". Nice angry album. They had a pretty decent sized hit with the Song From Your Mouth off their second album, you can hear that here. Thus continues songs of unrequited love and breaking up.
Autism rates in the US even higher than prevously thought.
Scary stuff . . . What is going to happen to these kids when they grow up?
Got some relatives living around there . .
and all I got to say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Borat part Duex?
Who would have guessed! And I haven't seen part one!
Another piece of prime advertising Real Estate.
Dude you want a free sticker?
Oh man . .
This is gonna be fun.
Malach's Quote of the Day
If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged. - Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu
I am Malach, and you'd make a great cop you pig.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:04 PM 5 comments
Speaking of Astro'nuts'
Stool Sample is now hosting the fiction of Captain Flak Paperpants in The Reading Room. The archive is known as Diagraemes, and the first piece is up, called Confrontation at the South Gate. Enjoy this one.
Also, we will be adding a new webcomic title sometime this week.
That right folks . .
Psych Evals for Astronauts!
So you could spend $30,000 a year ..
and go to Harvard, or you can let Malach educate you hear for on pennies a day!
The Gay ole' NBA.
WooHoo join the 1990's, not impressed, we got a bunch of homosexuals doing the local Celtics broadcast.
Sing along if you know the words . . .
Pre-historic-looovers, yeah,
that what we are
We died to together
Embraced, Buried by lava
Cause love each otherah!
Malach's Quote of the Day
"Getting sued by your record company for making 'uncommercial records' after twenty years in the business, that's even better than receiving a Grammy" - Neil Young.
I am Malach, hey, hey, my, my . . . Rock and Roll will never die.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:38 PM 5 comments
Deliverance just ain't the same censored!
So, yeah, it's on AMC tonight. Squeal like a piggie.
So, some plugs. 8 1/2 by Eleven updated with strip number 495. I got to do something special for Lucas when he hits 500 . . . don't know what yet though . . ..
Also, the Tales of WoW have been updated. A very funny peice by the Piper, this one called Sailing the Murk-y Seas.
You are listening too . . .
Continuing our songs of break up and unrequited love, a live version of Kiss Off, by the Femmes. This song also shows the how good they are live (take it form me, I have seen them a few times). Check you the amazing bass work by Brian Ritchie.
Oh yeah, Astro'nuts' are so much fun.
This would make a good webcomic no?
The Evoluton Debate moves to Kenya.
So, yeah, perhaps the African People should also look into the Bible and what it says about our black brothers.
Does anyone else find it ironic and funny . .
that there is a city called Islamabad (Islamisbad), is a highly Islamic country like Pakistan?
OK . .
You tell yourself that Rev. Haggard.
Check your ovens, it might save your life!
What did you expect from Prince?
I knew this girl named Nikki, some say she was a sex fiend . . Yeah, coverted to Johovah Witness in 2004 my ass.
Malach's "Quote" of the Day.
I am Malach, and I went there. See what excessive concussion syndrome can do to you? WoW blog on that soon.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:14 PM 5 comments
There goes my hero . .
Man, you need to be watching Heroes.
If you are not watching Heroes, what the Hell is wrong with you. And don't give me that Jack Bauer, 24 crap. I mean seriously, who the Hell has the kind of life that Bauer does, plus the show is just propaganda for the extreme right.
Fetus X was updated with "Horrible Way Number 3". Millikin continues his fascination with his dead girlfriend. Also Dr. Mantodea has returned with a vengeance to the WoW. In addition you need to read Malach's post Super Bowl observations, including a seperated at birth moment.
In other intesting news, Malach was offered $$ to advertise for Gwen Stefani.com, and Dashboard Confessionals.com. So you see an ad from them, check it out (evidently they don't read my blog as I hate the modern Gwen, and emo).
How F*cked up is it in Iraq right now?
Well evidently some guy who looks like Prince, who should be dead for embassy bombings, sit on their parliament. Yeah, it's time to just let it go.
More on Prince, evidently he did Best of You by the Foo Fighters as a tribute to the Foo Fighters covering Darling Nikki and making it a hit. As for Darling Nikki . . . that is one of the songs that Tipper Gore and the PMRC went after in the early 80's. Man how times have changed.
So we can move onto . .
Iran. Of course having control of Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Iran, gives you three of the same color properties and you can start building hotels to get huge rent from other player.
Not as bad here as the Midwest but it is 14 right now with wind chill at about 5. Been really windy average gust of about 30mph today and right now still consistenly at 10 - 15mph.
More than worth it, made ATHF a household name.
Well no shit Sherlock.
Have you been on the internet? Just randomly troll blogger, you will find TONS of porn. And that ain't blockable. THAT IS WHY YOU NEED A .XXX DOMAIN.
It must be SPACE MADNESS! I don't see John Glenn doing this stuff. They just fake Moon landings.
You know, I am all for consciencious objection and such.
Malach's "Quote" of the Day.
I am Malach, and know if Tuner will pay me some scratch . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Well Prince can still kick some ass.
Best Half Time show in years.
Best part about the Super Bowl. Now I will have to deal with seeing Peyton Mannings ugly face over and over again, and invariably he will now be the "best quarterback of all time". UGH. At least the Colts are in salary cap hell next year. Also, it just shows how the Bear, the best NFC team all year, were pretty much destroyed and would have been destroyed by any of the top 4 AFC team. I also wonder if Lovie Smith has finally figured out how much Rex Grossman sucks.
As for Prince, the man is pushing 50 and can still rock out. Talking with my father (who never really been a Prince fan) even he was impressed. Prince has this Hendrix/70's funk/Little Richard/James Brown fusion going. Impressive song lineup with Let's Go Crazy, into an 1999, All Along The Watchtower, Best of You (Not sure if he wrote that song or just did a random Foo Fighters cover) mix and ended with the very appropriate Purple Rain (not sure if that was a last minute addition). Man still has the guitar chops, and according to Murk is the best guitarist alive. He also reminds quite of the man, Johnny Guitar Watson (in fact Rhapsody lists Prince as someone you would like if you like Watson).
You are listening too . .
Well, Purple Rain fits our category.
8 1/2 by Eleven updated with strip 494. And according to Murk, he is going to put the XMas Podcast up really soon. The reason it has been on hold, Murk thinks it sucks.
Ryan O'Neal Arrested.
Mugshot wasn't that good though.
And how much did this idiotic case cost the American People?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I believe in Spinoza's God, Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. - Einstein
I am Malach and Murk and I are writing a new Crap Vacuum song called The Peyton Manning Face.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:05 PM 5 comments
Come Again Some Other Day.
A Plug my friends.
Tainted Love Erotic Stories updated with the first of a two parter. Sevan and Miss Dawn Part One is now loaded. Sorry, haven't read it yet, so don't know how to describe it to you.
Any amount of money they have to pay,
is worth the buzz they generated.
I doubt it, would caved the guys head in.
The Presidential Race.
So Gulliani is entering the race, methinks 5 years too late. Right now if you look at the feild, the 4 strongest candidates are, Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama, Mitt "Fuggin" Romney, and John McCain. Out of those four, Clinton won't get elected cause she is a woman, Obama cause he is black, and Romney cause he is a member of fruit loop religion. Now McCain, I don't normally lean Republican, but I could vote for McCain . . . he is a old school Republican, in vein of Lincoln. It will be very interesting to see him choose a running mate choice. It would be interesting to see is he went with a moderate Democrat, or a psuedo Republican like Colin Powell.
2007 NFL Hall of Fame Nominees.
Why not Andre Tippet? The second most dominate LB of his era?
Yeah . .
This is like maybe 5 miles away, I heard nothing.
Maytag Dishwasher Recall.
Check the list, mines not on it, but yours might. If it is unplug it immediately and get in touch with them to get it fixed. Glad too, I could not live a week without a dishwasher.
What money will make people do . .
Reunite Van Halen with David Lee Roth. They should do a spit show, the Roth years and then the Sammy Hagar years. Might as well jump.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach, yeah that's right the ATHF Movies preview.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:25 PM 4 comments
Taste the Pain
Big Time Plug.
JesusMan! 5:2 is now published. This episode is exclusively Felix of Budge. It also reintroduces up to Moolatta addicted Vishnu, and features the first appearance of Pope Benedict. This one is a bit crude in subject matter, and rather funny in places. I also redid the main archive page for easier navigation. Enjoy.
Also I redid my links page, removed a lot of the broken links and crap. There are a few more things I will probably add, and if you want a link there, shoot me an e-mail and we can discuss it.
It also seems the Angry Veteran has crawled out from under his rock, and posted something at the WoW. An article about the closing of his favorite Chinese Resturant in Fall River, MA, Mark You's. The boy hasn't lived in Southeastern MA since about 1995. Gotta fo Wha May's buddy.
One more plug. Malach recent purchased this for his dining room. It fits perfect in that small corner as a hutch. Malach broke a hinge while assembling it and went to the Sauder website. Awesome. It was easy to order another hinge, also free of charge, and they shipped it in 3 days, AND sent two hinges.
You are Listening too . . . .
Taste the Pain, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, back when they made good music. Again as fitting with our recent them of depressing music about love, this one fits right in. You can also find this on the Say Anything . .. soundtrack.
More on the ATHF Bomb Scare.
Speaking with my father today, he is of the same opinion as me. Huge overreaction by the Boston PD. Pa is in his mid 50's and while familiar with the concept of ATHF, he has never seen an episode (but he knows them mainly from me).
Also interesting, I found a desenting opinion of someone in my age range, in none other than the Angry Piper. Read his blog about it.
The even more ironic part about the whole thing, if you take the chracters of the Mooninites, they would LOVING this right now.
Happy Groudhog day and Happy Black History Month.
The Super Bowl.
Yeah, I know I told you Colts 38 - 10. I have rethought a little bit. This SB reminds me of Tampa and Oakland, where Oakland was the Colts, and Tampa the Bears. Still think that Peyton Manning has to have a complete meltdown though for the Bears to win.
OK, this is gonna seem like a Homer.
But the Ted Johnson story. First, I have met Ted Johnson a few times, seems to be a really nice guy. Have not spoken to him since he retired, but since he done that his life has fallen apart a bit. I wonder how much of this is sour grapes, and an attempt at getting some cash.
Global Warming.
This whole argument is too much like the 60's, 70's, 80's argument about the health risks and addictiveness of cigarettes. The whole seems stupid now, no, but the cigarette companies did the same thing.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather. - Phil Connors
I am Malach and ebony and ivory living in perfect harmony.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:40 PM 0 comments