My goodness, is this the face of Modern Terrorism?Kudos to [adult swim] for scaring the bejesus out of Boston, the FBI, the CIA and whatever. And know the rest of the world knows what Aqua Teen Hunger Force is. Man, if you guys wanted publicity, I don't care what it is going to cost you, you got it, especially with a ATHF movie coming out this year.
Turner is of course embarassed, but also gleeful at the amount of money this will pull in, read their statement.
In the famous words of Ignignokt: Using a key to gouge expletives on another's vehicle is a sign of trust, and friendship.
8 1/2 by Eleven updated.
You are Listening too . . .
A continuation of our depressing songs about breaking up and unrequited love, this one falls into both categories. Within Your Reach, by The Replacements, a very underated and influential band. They are is a simialr category to bands like The Velet Underground, and Sonic Youth, bands who never really made it big, but were extremely influential. This song also appears on the Say Anything . . soundtrack a very good soundtrack album.
Al Franken for Senate?
This should be VERY interesting.
Yeah sure it was wrestling . . . and you were just having a towel fight.
Interent Explorer 7.0.
Just downloaded it, pretty impressed so far.
Women's Football.
Interesting article, I have a friend who plays in RI. I can still kick her ass.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach and I will rock your face.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:53 PM 7 comments
I think you owe me a great big apology
The plugs.
8 1/2 by Eleven was updated. Also Life Lessons was updated with perhaps Mr. Tooserious's weirdest life lesson. So #5 is up.
Also over at the WoW, Malach posted three sneak previews of upcoming 2007 movies one of his Hollywood friends gave him. Also Murk went on some tirade about the "New Socialist Agenda". Yeah whatever Derby Boy, where's the fuggin' podcast?
And I am very close to completing JesusMan! 5:2, for a little forshadowing, yes, Pope Benedict will make an appearance in this one.
US no longer selling F14 parts.
Don't worry buckos, Malach will be selling them on Ebay next week.
Self Mutilation in the name of God.
This goes back to a old comparison I made about modern Islam being akin to Middle Ages Christianity. Let me explain it again. If you take the three Abrhamic Religions (Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam) and compare their histories. Judiasm began about 2000BCE. Their early history was of scattered ideals and tribes, eventually joining up into several sects, and a 1000 to 1500 or so years later proceeded to wipe out other religions and blasphemy, and then settled into a fairly peaceful religious ideal. Christianity began about 10BCE, was a bunch of scattered ideals, eventually joining up into several sects, and a 1000-1500 or so years later proceeded to wipe out other religions and blasphemy, and then settled into a fairly peaceful religious ideal. Islam began in 700CE was a bunch of scattered ideals, eventually joining up into several sects, and a 1000-1500 or so years later proceeded to wipe out other religions and blasphemy . . . . yeah, that is the point Islam is at. Sooner or later they will move into a more peaceful ideal, hopefully sooner.
Can't you just die already? I need my Carribean Las Vegas back!
I am and Opera singer!
I am an opera singer
I will sing when youre all dead
I sing the mountains crumbling apart
I sing what cant be said
It will be interesing to see what this turn out to be.
I thought David Koresh was dead?
Malach's Quote of the Day
These people remain here because I have thoroughly opened to them the seven seals. - David Koresh
I am Malach and I am not amused.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:10 PM 8 comments
Two today, 8 1/2 by Eleven Published and Fetus X also updated. Expect some more this week, maybe a lot.
Yeah, they put him to sleep today. But what is the big deal? IT'S A FUGGIN' HORSE! And you know what else? The owners had a $2 Million Dollar insurance policy on the thing.
You are listening too . . .
A old school Nine Inch Nails song, called Terrible Lie (off the 1989 album Pretty Hate Machine which is one of the best album names of all time). As you may recall, we are exploring songs about broken relationships, unrequited love, and such. Yeah, I painted my signature pic in about 5 hours listening to this album over and over, pissed off at an ex-girlfreind (yeah painting is also called Pretty Hate Machine). This album while not the first industrial album, really solidified the genre.
Okay Mickey D.
What about the fat in the rest of your food?
Ahh, the scenic beauty of Alaska . .
My next vacation!
You guys looking to support a starving artists?
Gay parades Satanic?
See you give people freedom of religion and they start to hate, or maybe it is the old communist talking.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If, as you believe there is an Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient God, who created the earth or universe, please let me know, first of all, as to why he created this world. This world which is full of woe and grief, and countless miseries, where not even one person lives in peace....Where is God? What is He doing? Is He getting a diseased pleasure out of it? A Nero! A Genghis Khan! Down with Him! - Bhagat Singh
I am Malach, and Bungalow Bill, what did you kill, Bungalow Bill?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:19 PM 6 comments
JesusMan! soon.
A plug.
Check out Malach's rant on Wikipedia, the modern failing socialist system via the WoW.
As for JesusMan!
I know I promised a new JesusMan! by the end of the week. Unfortunately I got busy with business, but I did get it about 75% done. Here is a sneak.
Without giving too much away, that is Poper Benedict on the crapper (yeah we need a true matter pope since the last one was killed). This is gonna be a funny one, since most of you know how Hex and I feel about Ratzy. Your even going to see some pope buttocks in this one, can't wait.
Yeah . .
She ain't got nothing on Howard the Duck.
Talk about the Man keeping you down. Dude, I bet you could sell it on EBay for half a milion.
Hey give me the money. Check out Malach's YouTube account. Well looks like I got to get to animaton JesusMan!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach, and never blame Billy, you will be the first one he kills on his bloody rampage. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Ana Ng?
Plugs me friends.
Some fiction uploaded today. First, Twisted Darkness submitted a very cool short story, that has a interesting Twillight Zone feel to it. So, From the Mind of Twisted Darkness presents: SAMSON. Trust me on this one, very cool. For those writers out there, Piper, Murk, you will be impressed.
Also, Tainted Love Erotic Stories (TLES) also updated with a new one called Hush. Also very cool, this one is a bit more subtle than The Many of First to Cumm . . and if you are into bondage, there is some of that in there. As always, TLES is 18+.
Also 8 1/2 by Eleven updated, and Nillian gets all cowboy in this one. I left Lucas a message that the only thing this one is missing is a huge Deadwood style handlebar moustache.
You are listening too . . .
Sticking with the Songs for the Dumped theme, and adding a bit of Unrequited Love, we have Ana Ng, by They Might Be Giants. Now just to show how old Malach is, this song was first released and popular when Malach was a sophmore in high school. This song has two of the greatest lines in pissed off at women songs ever.
"Her voice is a backward record"
"I don't want the world, I just want your half"
Yeah, how many of us have been in relationships where those two phrases perfectly descibe your partner? I also did a painting based upon this song. Tell you more about that tomorrow. I think I am going to continue this them until Valentines Day.
Last night is Bangkok.
Bangkok, isn't that the silly name for a city? I know I would feel uncomfortable flying into Bangkok. Joey Polanski leave your painful pun below.
Ok, NASCAR joke.
So, you think this guys name is Tony Stewart? Thus end the NASCAR portion of DMDSS.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Holy Crap! Oh and welcoms to Boston again, JD Drew. So picture this:
Julio Lugo, Ortiz, Manny, Helton, Drew in the heart of your lineup!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The valuable lesson is that you can get what you want and still not be very happy... - Cerebus the Aardvark
I am Malach and I come to you, with open arms.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:06 PM 2 comments
Malach the smut peddler?
First I gave you Britney's Naked Crotch.
Now, The Stool Sample Reading Room is proud to present Tainted Love Erotic Stories. Yes, they are 18+, and the writing contains profanity, depictions of sex, and sex acts, and also contain a erotic image or two (I will not be posting anything too pornographic in the way of pictures. There is currently the first story up there. Also, the authors are both women, so hopefully this will appeal to the ladies, as well as the men.
Speaking of Britney's crotch, I found this today. It is interesting that AB (after Britney) there are listing my site in the same category as Interesting graphs (while not completely accurate), check them out.
I also have been meaning to show you this. Now I have been getting a TON of link from this site, and since my site is not in German (I think it is German), I spent some time trying to figure it out. Best I could come up with it is some kind of remodeling/idea site. Well, I found the link in the ton of links on the page. The link is this:
Ideen für die Wandgestaltung
Idee 1
Now, if I could only figure out what it says.
Perhaps, they should shutter all the windows?
Imagine working here?
YouTube vs. Hollywood
It is very interesting, how Hollywood is going to have to evolve because of site like YouTube. Much like what Napster and MP3's have done to the music industry.
How Bad Ass is Samuel L. Jackson?
Well, check it out. By the way, AFRO Samurai rocks too.
Tom Christ.
All hail the new Messiah!
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach and I just got Dr. Murk addicted to AFRO Samurai.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:06 PM 2 comments
Next Musical Exploration . .
Songs for the dumped but first a plug.
Chapter Two of The Stone, by Elias Dolon is now published.
You are listening too . . .
Perhaps the best getting dumped song ever, Song for the Dumped, by Ben Folds Five. Malach is gonna explore a few of these songs over the next few days . . . why? Becuase it's fun, and everyone needs a good song when they get dumped.
Universal Health Care!
I am in total agreement with Senator Obama, Clinton, and John Edwards, and fully support it. Why is it the US is the only major country in the world without Universal Health Care? Why is the US so far behind in health care? I will tell you why. The Insurance and Pharmaceutical lobbies (as well as a lot of other lobbies) have too much power in the country. Universal Health Care will get spiraling costs of Health Care under control. It will bring the cost of insuring employees way down. That will bring employers costs down, the cost of goods down, give more people jobs, who in turn will pay more taxes. The time is now. Demand this of you Congressmen.
I have said this before. MA, has a sort of universal health care. It is more like health coverage for the un-insured, and poor. Malach has figured out he could quit his full time job, just do art and webdesign, go on the states health insurance, take the kids out of daycare, and net just as much money as I am making now.
Oh please, give me the vomit bucket.
Don't encourage this.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Giving me a new idea is like handing a cretin a loaded gun, but I do thank you anyhow, bang, bang. - Phillip K. Dick
I am Malach your dirty little secret
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:06 PM 1 comments
The Dead Possum
One Plug.
8 1/2 by Eleven has updated, as Lucas is maniac. Also some updates, I am about 50% done with the latest JesusMan! installment, would of got more done, but one of my website clients is going to be on ABC Primetime so he needed some site updates. Also, perhaps against my better judgement, I am going to start hosting some erotic/borderline pornographic fiction for a friend of mine, we will see how that goes.
So some of you wanted to know about the dead possum.
So Malach has about 2/3 or so of an acre of land. Behind the house is a small swamplike area, and the the highway. Needless to say we get a bit of the New England wildlife. Rabbits, possum, skunks, coyotes, bats, raccoons, and such. The other day, the kids went outside can back in to tell me there was a dead possum in the middle the yard. So Malach goes out there in 30 degree weather, and yes, not just a possum, but a POSSUM. A huge one, larger than my 15lb cat. Heavy too and frozen solid. One the plus side though, nothing been rooting through my garbage since then.
The Forum.
I am experimenting with a .php based RPG is our forums. If you link there look at the top right hand corner for a button that says RPG Inferno. Play around with it, tell me how you like it.
Stop Whining!
OK Malach is a huge Patriots fan, but he can't stand the whining any more. This is for you.
My name is, my name is, my name is . .
Dickadick Cheney.
Damn your Ray Gun.
It ain't got nothing on Malach's Mind Bullets!
Ain't Mother Nature Grand?
I found a dead one of these in my yard too. The video is interesting.
The Interent War, part 2025.
Microsoft vs. the WikiNazis.
Take that Jesus!
You not the only one born to a virgin! ALL HAIL THE REPTILE MESSIAHS!
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Bizarro Malach
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:19 PM 2 comments
One Plug . .
8 1/2 by Eleven updated today! Evidently Nillian is showing off his tough guy persona. Too bad it did not come out for Fat Bug.
Happy Birthday Superstar.
Today is Superstar (and her twin's) birthday! Happy Birthday. I love you. I hope you enjoy your The Tick vs. Season One (world's greatest birthday gift). She is also feeling quite a bit better, she is on a steroid therapy. This song is also dedicated to her, a popular anthem of hers going back to when we first started dating.
You are Listening too . . .
Kate, by Ben Folds Five, who kick ass. By the way, if you have yet to hear Ben Folds remake of Bitches Ain't Shit (a Dr. Dre cover), you can hear it here.
Bush's State of the Union.
Comments on this tomorrow.
So when they buried the car?
Did they drain all the hazardous waste out of it?
World's dumbest crooks.
OK, this is a local story, Rehoboth is like 20 minutes away. A few questions. How does one get away with embezzeling almost 7 million dollars over 6 years, before they are caught? On top of that how do you not catch them writing checks to themselves? I could possibly understand if say the money was laudered through off shore accounts. You should see some of the cars this woman bought, she bought one, that was chopped up like the Green Goblin.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it's a sure sign you're getting old." - Mark Twain
I am Malach on a subway to Venus.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:00 PM 1 comments
There goes my hero . . .
Some plugs (and we actually have some today).
8 1/2 by Eleven updated, Fetus-X also updated, and Life Lessons updated with a funny episode that made me rip my pants. This one is #4. Murk is sorry, he has procrastinated on the latest podcast. I suppose, we are going to have to take a break after this one. Look for a new one the end of February after this late one.
Started up again today, with a new interesting mystery, and Battlestar Galactica starts back up this Sunday at 10PM (NEW TIME). For those idiots glued to watch the Republican hero Jack Bauer, stop wasting your life.
SuperStar's Birthday.
Is tomorrow. You can leave her well wishes here today or tomorrow, and I will show them to her.
Now that's hot!
Ahh Paris . . .
Well we are now getting or most significant snowfall of the winter here in New England, maybe about 2". At least it is not as bitterly cold as it has been.
Hey Leonardo DiCaprio.
I wanted to quit watching movies after Titanic. My heart will go on, and on, and on . .
Parcells has retired . .
Holy Deja Vu Batman!
Did we already go throught this crap with Iraq? So, if we take Iran too, let just call the whole region Afgiranastiraq.
Good Job MySpace!
There are going to distribute Amber Alerts, nice. Now they will not only create them, they will tell you who too look out for from their friends list!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and there was a dead possum in my yard yesterday, a big one.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:42 PM 3 comments
Congrats to the Colts
Well at least this one didn't make me cry like '86 Sox did.
And Colts fans, you are going to destroy Chicago, so congrats on your Super Bowl. I suppose this is how the Yankees have felt for the past 8 year or so no? So Malach's Super Bowl prediction? Colts 38 Bear 10 . . . and another year of getting that yokel Manning stuffed down their throat. By the way, this song is dedicated to the Indy Fans. Go Cows . . . I mean Colts.
No Plugs Today.
But this week, you will be getting new 8 1/2 by Elevens, probably a new REAL WARS, the next chapter in The Stone, and a new JesusMan! (Now that the Dining Room is done). Perhaps a few other surprises, including a new title, some new artwork, and new music.
Go to Hell Gringos!
Yeah, go to Hell. Wow, people still use the word gringo? How about Honkey?
Nevermind Hell . . .
How about Hades?
Begin agains tomorrow. So get rid of your crappy 24 addiction.
Some people got balls.
But this guy, he's got BALLS!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and GO COWS!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:29 PM 7 comments
No Plugs, a new dining room, and Arkham Horror.
Yeah you heard me
No plugs tonight, feel blessed?
The New Dining Room.
I guess this is sort of a plug, the article is up at the WoW. Piper and Murk saw it in person today and loved it.
Arkham Horror.
Piper brought by his new baby, Arkham Horror by Fantasy Flight Games. Two thumbs way up. Very interesting, very challeging board game, of course set in the world of HP Lovecraft and the almighty Cthluhu. This is a stragety game, where the player take on the roles of 1920's persons inhabiting Arkham, MA. Of course battling the evil forces of the outer gods. You basically pick a well fleshed out character, and adventure on the game board, which is town Arkham, and other dimensions, battling monsters, closing portals, and prevent whatever nasty foul Outer God from ravaging the Earth. Well thought out game (it has been in production since 1987) very intricate, with tons of pieces, and awesome replayability. If you are into this stuff, an must buy.
Also played Heroscape, another game I cannot stress to you how much fun it is. Buy it!
I got a interesting letter today.
From Ryan Jones. I might reprint some of it at a later date.
Guess what the wife is getting for her birthday.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to the first men, who formed a cult which had never died. This was that cult, and the prisoners said it had always existed and always would exist, hidden in distant wastes and dark places all over the world until the time when the great priest Cthulhu, from his dark house in the mighty city of R'lyeh under the waters, should rise and bring the earth again beneath his sway. Some day he would call, when the stars were ready, and the secret cult would always be waiting to liberate him. - HP Lovecraft
I am Malach and when I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide, where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride, till I get to the bottom and I see you again.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:19 PM 1 comments
Malach Defending Murderers Again?
But first, the all present plug.
The only plug today, 8 1/2 By Eleven has updated. And, you might see a new Friday Night RPG Cartoons, Sunday. Also check out Murk's lastest examintion of Dad's Email.
And next.
My Dining Room, the room I am know calling "The room that should have only taken three days to paint if my wife weren't paralyzed room" is almost done, all I have left is the scrolling.
OK, let's defend a murderer.
Very similar to my blog post about Ryan Jones, though this time I do not know personally the parties involved. Today in a school in a affluent suburd of Boston, 16 year old, John Odgren stabbed 15 year old James Alenson to death. You can read the story here. Here's the issues. Mr. Odgren has Asperger Syndrome. Asperger's is a "mild" version of Autism to the lay man. This is a bit suplistic, but think someone like Napoleon Dynamite. In addition he is described has having some "serious psychological diagnosis".
Again, I am not familiar with any of the parties, nor do I have inside information like the Ryan Jones case, but I am 99% sure this is a case of a person picking on Mr. Odgren, Mr. Odgren feeling threatened, and then not having the proper communication skills to tell this to someone.
RIP Denny Doherty.
Mamas and the Papas, very underated in this day and age. Their catchy infectious tune are well known to this day, and their amzing harmonies still blow me away. RIP Denny Doherty.
Don't you love to watch?
Crazy Divorces!
Hell has frozen over.
Ron Borges picked the Pats.
Hey Cam Cameron.
Welcome to the AFC East. Hope you brought a hard hat.
Malach 's Quote of the Day
"A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's because she changes it more often." - Mark Twain
I am Malach hopelessly devoted to you.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:17 PM 2 comments
Why Micheal Vick is the biggest moron on Earth.
Some plugs of course.
1. Find out 10 things you might not have known about Malach.
2. And after a bit of a hiatus, the latest Life Lessond is up with #3. Read it, it might save your life.
You are listening too . . .
Back to Fugazi. This one is Glue Man, and around the same time as the previous songs I have played. You can hear the mixxing of style with this one.
Micheal Vick.
Ok so moron today attempeted to bring a water bottle with a secret compartment on to a plane today. In this compartment was a substance the smelled like marijuana.
Now here's why the most overrated QB is the NFL is stupid. First, there is a ban on bringing liquids on airlines, perhaps Mr. Vick you have heard of terrorism? Evidently he was heading onto the plane with the waterbottle in hand, he was asked to get rid of it, and hesitated, and then refused. Of course that raised immediate suspicion. So now Micheal Vick, you are a $160 million dollar NFL QB. You mean to tell me you could just not buy another water bottle with a secret compartment? And pots not that expensive, you couldn't just dump the pot. And to top it off moron, why are you even bringing it on the plane. It's not like pot is hard to get where ever you go.
Crazy evil China is back?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach, and I've been to the desert on a horse with no name.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:25 PM 3 comments
A Father's Responsibilty
No plugs today.
But, some big news. I recieved two new Life Lessons webcomics today, and I am psyched, the first will be up by Friday.
Actually I was wrong. Read the Piper's latest blog, and cheer his lazy ass up. Also, send Dr. Murk a e-mail asking him where the Hell the new podcast is.
New song tomorrow.
So, Dad, sent me an email today.
It reads as follows.
A Father's Responsibilty:
As life goes on some things are a givens. The sun will come up in the east and set in the west. We don't have to see that it happens to know that it will happen today, tomorrow and the day after that. It is also a given that a father is obligated to share the secrets of the universe with his offspring.
How does Bill Belichick win the crucial games, that we as fans have been blessed to witness, over and over again? What is the secret of taking a team with only 1 pro bowl player and beating a team with 9 players going that same pro bowl. How is he able to take good athletes and turn them into Super Bowl Champions? Superior intellect? Possibly but not necessarily the answer. Apart of the equation for sure but only a part I think.
I studied last Sunday's game and after three days it finally came to me. I will share this insight with you,as is my duty, so that you may clearly understand this secret of life that can be applied to your daily lives. It comes down to one word. HUBRIS.
See if you can see how this could possibly be the case. How it can all be distilled down this one word. When you find how hubris applies to this phenomenal success for Belichick you will have truly learned a most important secret of life.
I leave you to ponder this for now. I await your analysis. Dad
Hubris. Cofindence to the point of over cofidence. I agree Belichick has covinced his team, they will win, and they can win any situation. That is a big part of it. And yes, this team is very confident, they are confident they will impose their will on their oppenent and slit their throat at the right time. This left San Diego in the trap many team has fallen into. They overlook the Pats. The Pats had really no right to win that game, but they did.
What else did the Pats (what do they always do) that allows them to win. The will change up their style of play to win. A 2 back double tight end set wasn't working? They went to three wides. That is the problem with the rest of the NFL. They are set in their ways. They are too easy too scheme against. This year alone we have seen the Pats use both the 3 - 4 and 4 - 3 defense and switch during a game to suit their needs. We have smash mouth 250 yard rushing games, games where they rushed 12 times and put up 400 yard passing. They do what they need to do to win, and have enough Hubris to do it.
The Pats also do some that no else in the league does. They shun idiots. You will never see a guy like TO on the Pats. You would never see a guy like a Shaun Merriman, Chad Jackson, etc. Even thought they are great players, they are "me" players. Belichick only wants "us" players. Players who will walk throught a mine field to win. Players who will do anything the coaching staff asks them to do. They like minded.
So, when the Pats beat the Colts this weekend, and go on to win their 4th Superbowl in 6 years, you will know why . . . Hubris.
By the way, us Pats fans, most of us have Hubris too . . . though the Fatalistic Boston Fan still exists.
The Dining Room.
Close to done, a few more coats on the moulding and a the scrolling; feel free to come by and see it.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Check out this video.
I am Malach and knowing Belichick, the little slip was intentional. HUBRIS. Dad told you.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:16 PM 2 comments
Cisco, the pain, the pleasure and the lost memories
But first . . .
8 1/2 by Eleven updated.
So cruising the net today . .
Looking to link a WoW article I posted to Cisco Wine. So Malach found a most entertaining site. It seems the gentlemen at Bumwines went about trying all the cheap, high alchohol content wines, and reviewed them. As their tagline says:
Call them bum wines, street wines, fortified wines, wino wines, or twist-cap wines. Whatever you call these beverages for the economical drunkard, this page explores the top five. So curl up on a heating duct and enjoy...
Nice. They explore all your favorites, Night Train, Mad Dog 20/20, Cisco, Thunderbird, Wild Irish Rose. It seems their requirement was these wine have to be cheap and high in alcohol content. It was all very interesting reading. Malach has tried, Mad Dog, Cisco, and Night Train, along with their honorable mention Buckfast Tonic Wine.
But back to why I was posting; so I once got particulary wasted on Cisco and Tanqueray (Yeah I paid for it, bad combo) and haven't done or even seen Cisco since. Cisco is strange, and knocks you for a loop and a half. It was always called liquid crack and after doing it I can see why (not that Malach has ever done any cocaine based drug). To me it was cough syrup with a high alcohol content and some type of hallucinagenic in it. Here what I remember of that night. I went to someones apartment, but don't remeber who's. Me and this guy from Uganda named Pete spent the night downing glasses of Cisco and shots of Tanqueray. Pete was cool; black man with cool dreads; two weeks into the US and loving it. I can't remember what was discussed, but I know we solved all the worlds problems. Not only were we wasted, that stupor that only Cisco can give you, we were also watching The Last Temptation of Christ. It was all pretty psychedelic.
Of course I passed out, Pete was nowhere to be found (was he even real?) the next day, and had a NASTY 2 day hangover . . . ahh college.
Now after reading Bumwines review of Cisco, I absolutely agree. So kids, look for Cisco, it will make you cool like Malach.
The Dining Room.
Many of you have seen the recent kitchen remodel me and the wife did. In that article I pointed out that the kitchen is on the end of a large 28' by 12' room, that begins with the front door foyer, enters the dining area, and then ends in the kitchen. I have been doing the dining area for the past week. It is looking nice and about 85% done. The wife is not helping becuase of her back injury, but she likes it alot so far. We are doing it in a Kashmiri/Indian style, and I will be doing a scrolling pattern toward the top of the wall. All I have left to do (well beyond replacing the light fixture and the floor for the entire area) is the molding and the scrolling. By the way, did I mention this room will have 4 colors? Pictures and article when done.
Naomi Campbell.
Wow, rich famous people are all really nuts. Naomi just needs a few glasses of Cisco, or maybe not.
Get Ready World.
For the return of Hedonistic CUBA! ARRIBA!
This is very interesting.
I will be interesting to see if Netflix, can protect it's content.
Bare Bottom Crooks
You make the rockin' world go round. I am sure you can find the uncensored video somewhere.
Don't let them take away . . .
YOU FREEDOM! Right Angry Piper?
Even the NFL.
That showed live boobies in a Superbowl, don't want Britney Spears.
I told you all.
Cell Phones are evil.
The String Theory.
Theoretical Astrophysics is all very interesting. So is mans need to have a God.
Bilbo Baggins, greatest little hobbit of them all!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
All the heretics I have known have been virtuous men. - Benjamin Franklin
I am Malach and everybody wants a million bucks, but Id rather have a million days with you.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:18 PM 5 comments
April 4th,1968
First a plug.
8 1/2 by Eleven was updated today.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Today is Martin Luther King Day, a day that celebrates one of the most amazing men of the past 100 years. His "I have a Dream" speech still gives me chills, and you can see all 20 minutes of it, as I posted a video of it at the WoW. You can find it here.
It is interesting to look at what Dr. King fought for, and where Black America finds itself today. It is also interesting how long it took for MLK Day to become and official federal holiday. 1983 it was signed into federal. It was opposed vehemently by that idiot Jesse Helms and it was even opposed by Reagan, until Congress passed it with a veto proof majority 338 to 90. Even after that, it was not officially observed until 1986, and even then it was not until 2000, that all 50 states observed it.
Dr. King was a great man, one of the greatest leaders this coutry ever had. He was a very eloquent speaker, again one of the best of all time. Very intelligent, and could be color blund when he needed to be.
Malach is not black, though Malach lives in a fairly racially deverse part of the country; he has Black friends, and Black co-workers. Something we discuss quite a bit is "the Dream" 40 years later. Yes, Blacks defintely have more rights and freedoms than they did, but there is still and inherit racism and bigotry in this country that a Black man or woman will have to face. Jobs, schooling, places to live, are still not completely equal, and those living below the poverty line still tend to be mostly minorities. It is better though, and seems to get better with each generation.
We also discuss Black culture quite a bit and it's embrace of fools, gangsters, hip hop artist, professional athletes, drug dealers. Much if what is labeled as "Black Entertainment" seems to promote violence, mysogyny, and ingnorance. We discuss that for many black men, their heroes are not men like Dr. King, but guys like 50 cent (and a lot of white kids for that matter). I have often wondered if Dr. King would be proud of his people . . . black music, black television and movies if he were alive today.
I am a big fan of Aaron McGruder, more specifically his cartoon strip The Boondocks. I love that McGruder is not afraid to show some of what is wrong with Black America and America in general. The Boondocks has been made into a "cartoon" on [adult swim], and is one of the best shows on television. The Boondocks did a show last year, the premise of the show was that Dr. King, was not killed, but put into a coma and woke up in the year 2000. The show is of course funny, and poignant, and goes through the next couple of years of King's life, where he experiences how far his people have come, events like 911 and his reaction to them, and other things like that. It also shows how King is not nessecarly confortable with what his people have done with their freedom. The end of the show, King goes to a rally of the first black political party, to give a speech, it is in the YouTube video below. One warning, the n-word is prevalent in it.
The whole episode in very powerful, and one of the best things I have ever seen on TV.
Peace and keep the dream alive.
You Are Listening too . . .
By The Time I Get To Arizona, by Public Enemy (1991). It is fairly obvious why I put it here.
Goodbye to Saddam's half brother.
So, Barzan Hassan and a few other were hanged today. Evidently they miscalculated the hanging and decapitated Hassan. There is also a video, which has not been leaked, and security was ultra tight, so no cell phones caught the action. There have be requests to post this video at the WoW. Sorry none of my sources have the video. And I ask again, how are the Kurds supposed to help this?
The Confederate Flag.
Honestly I really don't know what a state organization would display it. Isn't it akin to a local German province decided to display the Nazi flag as "part of their heritage?" I mean, slavery is part of the heritage of the US, but we don't celebrate it, at least most of us.
The last word.
So, Ladanian Tomlinson was upset with the Patriots they were disrespectful after won a very hard fought and emotional game, becuase the mimick an idiotic dance the steroid freak Shaun Merriman does, which is just as disrespectful, everytime he sacks a quarterback. This is what the NFL has become. Thanks TO.
You mean it is acutally going to get colder than 50 degrees around here?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
I am Malach and I have a dream.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:23 PM 3 comments
I am not here to gloat
No Plugs Today Buckos.
Well, isn't this fitting . .
So the Patriots once again beat a team they have no business beating, and get to go into Indy, to once again try and knock Peyton Manning out of the playoffs, and we all get to see the "Peyton Manning Face". So, either Peyton finally gets the Belichick curse off his back, or he once again becomes the modern version of Dan Marino.
While I am on the NFL, Malach has been harping on Micheal Vick and the next Kordell Stewart. Well, it seems that is coming true, Vick might not even be the #1 QB in Atlanta next year, imagine that.
Some news about Alzheimer Disease.
This is one disease I would love to see eradicated in my lifetime.
Wee! Well I supposed this is one way to reduce the increased population.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and Lobster sounds good right now.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:02 PM 3 comments
Howz it goin'?
A plug.
REAL WARS! has updated with episode 2.2. So far Bradley is keeping his updating promises. Some good news on the JesusMan! front, got a lot of work done on it today and that will definitely be done sometime next week.
You are listening too . . .
Got a request or two from a buckos asking me to post lyrics to Fugazi's Suggestion. Even though I am not Google, I aim to please. One of the most powerful things about this song, and why it influenced emo so much is that it is a song, that delves into serious issues about women, done by an all male punk group. One of the first of it's kind.
Why can't i walk down a street
free of suggestion?
Is my body the only trait
in the eye's of men?
I've got some skin
You want to look in
There lays no reward
in what you discover
You spent yourself
watching me suffer
Suffer you words,
suffer your eyes,
suffer your hands
Suffer your interpretation
of what it is
to be a man
I've got some skin
You want to look in
She does nothing to deserve it
He only wants to observe it
We sit back
like they taught us
We keep quiet
like they taught us
He just wants to prove it
She does nothing to remove it
We don't want anyone to mind us
So we play the roles that they assigned us
She does nothing to conceal it
He touches her 'cause he wants to feel it
We blame her
for being there
But we are all
So you haven't yet heard from the Kurds.
Well, the are getting ready to move in. This ain't gonna be good.
Paula Abdul.
Is she a drunky? Figure it your for yourself.
Holy Crap!
Malach's Quote of the Day
Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed. I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying.Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd. - Robert Anton Wilson
I am Malach and RAW had a good attitude toward death.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:01 PM 2 comments
Is my body my only trait?
In the eyes of men?
No plugs today, tomorrow, there will be some, if your lucky.
You are Listening too . ..
Suggestion, by Fugazi. Suggestion is circa 1988, and you can see the difinitive inlfluence a song like this has had on emo. Especially lyrically.
First a Beluga Whale . .
and now a whale shark named Ralph. IDK, if I was a shark named Ralph, I might die of embarassment.
Damn times have changed.
It used to be Malach alone against the president, 5 years ago.
The Black Hole Triplets.
Malach has decided to name them, Lindsey, Paris, and Britney.
The deficit.
Wow, this shocked the crap out of me.
Malach's Quote of the Day
Suicide is a person's privilege. I don't believe it's a sin or a crime. It's your right if you want to, though it doesn't get you anywhere. - Norma Jean Mortenson
I am Malach and why can't I walk down a street free of suggestion?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:06 PM 3 comments
Nothing brings a smile to a child's face like a toy store going out of business.
If you are in the Greater New Bedford Area in the next few weeks . . .
Stop by the K*B Toy Works on King's Highway. They have been going out of business since before X-Mas and I got some good deals there for the X-Mas Season. They are getting down to their last couple of weeks being open and they are 50 to 80% off. In addition they have some toys that are 50% plus and additional 50% off. So Malach took the kiddos there tonight and check this out.
Bat Cave: $6.95
The Teen Titans T-Sub - $3.95
Matchbox: Mummy's Gold - $5.00
3 of those Jurrasic Park Large Dinos - $7.00
2 Barbies - $8.00
Some Pom Poms and a Gymnastic Ribbon - $3.00
And a few other odds and ends.
Grand Total $32.95 with tax.
My wife's mouth dropped open seeing the bag, thinking I had spent at least $150.00.
Some Plugs?
Lucas has left you a message at the 8 1/2 by Eleven Tooncast. Also I requested he add comic numbers, as he updates so much making it easier for you to follow the comic, which he has agreed to do.
Fred VanDoo has added the nest book to his Killing All That Hold You fiction series. The new one, which has 11 chapters is The End of All Things to Come. I have yet to read it so I am not sure if this is the last.
Also, too lazy to load a new song today, deal with it.
RIP Robert Anton Wilson.
Robert Anton Wilson died this morning just before his 75th birthday. His site has been a been busy with well wishers, if you cannot get there try his blog, which is hosted by blogger. Close to 400 already leaving him well wishes in his next life.
Wilson was a pioneering modern ear author, most famous for The Illuminatus Trilogy and Schroedinger's Cat Trilogy
. He was a philosopher, novelist, anarchist, and futurologist. If you are not familiar with his writing he is one part William Gibson, another part Vonnegut, and toss in some Timothy Leary. We wish you well as you journey into the unkown, you will be missed.
Barry Bonds.
So Barry. Malach is going to send you this needle with this brownish substance in it. I want you to take it just before a game.
I don't know . .
Sounds funny to me.
Damn Canadians.
Declare War now Dubya.
Hell really has frozen over.
The Ashley Treatment.
I for one am on the side of the people who think Ashley's parents commited an abomnable act. I too have met a disabled person or two, who cannot walk of talk, but communicate via writing.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and hey ya fungu.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Hey San Deigo Charger's Fans!
Turn up your speakers
and go here. I love playoff season. No seriously, this is gonna be a tough one for the Pats. The only thing I can compare this game to is the challenge the Rams presented in the first Super Bowl. We will see.
Once again, Lucas is the Man, there is another new 8 1/2 by Eleven. Also Chapter One of The Stone is also loaded. Spoke with Elias today and he has begun work or Chapter 4.
I also spoke with Mr. Tooserious and he informed me he has a couple more Life Lessons he will be sending me, which I am damn excited about.
Another plug. I need to plug LeapFrog. My son recieved a Leapster L-Max for his birthday in November which he loves. About 2 weeks ago it started acting up. I emailed them, they sent me a bunch of troubleshooting ideas to try and correct it, none of which worked. They then emailed me to call them. I did, they were extremely nice, and they are replacing his L-Max for free.
The Anti-Plug.
Dartmouth Motor Inn sucks. I have a client,I am dealing with who is Traumatic Brain Injured and homeless. While I am in process of getting him services (another long blog post), I reserved a room for him at the Dartmouth Motor Inn for the next two weeks. He makes enough on disability to be able to afford this, and I would provide him with the other services for the time being while he is there. I called them, specifically asked them if they would take a check, and check for two weeks. They said "Yes, no problem". Great, so I drove 30 miles to pick up a check from this man's rep payee, drove back, then to the Inn, and when I got there, they would not take the check. "We don't take checks", so of course Malach argued with them, that one of their idiot employees told me they did. And it is not like this was a personal check, it was a business check, and they could of easily called the bank and got info on it whether it would bounce. But no. So they did not want $500? Dicks.
So, don't frequent the Dartmoth Motor Inn, nor associates with the assholes who run it. They like to make the disabled sleep out in the cold.
The wife update.
Disc swelling, with slight compression on the spinal cords. She sees a specialist next week.
Dubya: Hey yeah, Iraq was a mistake.
By the way, you need to get there tomorrow soldier. Oh and uh, welcome back (for the third time).
Minumum WAGE!
Nice, now can you raise my hour rate by 40%.
Some health advice.
This is what is now being taught. Malach's effort to head off a flu pandemic. Do not sneeze or cough in your hands, do it in your sleeve.
Teddy Kennedy.
I am with you on this one Ted. If I could reduce my Medical Insurance by half, I would be rich. It's sad, here in MA. I could quit my full time job, work doing web design, go on the states universal health care, and make as much money as I am now.
More like revenge for hundred of years of whaling.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding... - William Gibson
I am Malach and according to my daughter I have two Pokeballs.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:53 PM 5 comments
More Updates
Gonna have a lot of plugs for you this week.
Well Malach found it. As he was telling you yesterday, there is a new Saddam camera phone video. This one is post hanging and feature Saddam dead, on a gurney, panning his body up to his head and torso. The video is not long, and is graphic, even more than the hanging one. Saddam's head is twisted unnaturally, his neck is broken, and there is a gaping bloody wound in his neck, obvious some of his vertebrae in broke the skin of his neck. It is at the WoW. You can access it here. Again it is graphic.
8 1/2 By Eleven updated yet again. Also, there is an update in Space Ghost Comix. The new one is 6. Hulk Loves Ice Cream, I also found and older comic Space Ghost sent me awhile ago today, and will put that one up at a later date. Also Space Ghost's Gallery updated. There are some nice animated .gifs in this updated, here's one of my faves.
There will be more updates tomorrow. So hold onto your hats. Murk also apologizes, he has still been sick, but wants to get the next Podcast out by Monday. Favor? Review it for us.
You are Listening too.
In our further exploration of the roots of emo, we move away from Minor Threat, to their next evolution, Fugazi. Now Fugazi is one of the most important bands, not just to modern emo, but modern music is the past 20 years. Fugazi is responsible for creating the very first "emotional" punk music, evolving hardcore punk. Fugazi is also best known for refusing to sign a multiple major label deals, and keep their creative freedom, relentlessly touring, and garnering a huge following with out mainstream radio play. They have influenced many bands that have come after them. You are listening to one of their most popular songs, Waiting Room.
The Baseball Hall of Fame.
Congrats to Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr. It is good to see Maguire snubbed. Expect a WoW article soon on why Jim Rice should be a hall of famer.
What did Malach tell you yesterday.
So there a mystery odor in Manhatten. #1 on my list of reasons, and I quote: It was New Jersey. See, Malach knows all.
RIP Iwao Takamoto or Rut Roh!
Takamoto was the secret man behind the Hanna-Barbera name. RIP
Oh PLEASE Pete Carrol
Take the job. Patriots Nation is begging you.
Hey Bill.
We still love you.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and I am an afternoon delight.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:06 PM 3 comments
Lots of new stuff.
And more coming later!
After no plugs yesterday, we got you some plugs. First 8 1/2 by Eleven was updated. In addtion Fetus-X was updated with perhaps the best Eric Millikin comic in a while. It is a twisted Dr. Suessian comic about Kittens.
And is some BIG news. REAL WARS! has returned with a new chapter and new episode. Episode 2.1 is now loaded, and it reuturn to form, with it's insane leftist philosophies, misspellings, and overall kookiness. And Dr. Murk Approved.
And there will be more. Coming this week, hopefully the Murk and Malach Show, XMas Special, a new JesusMan!, the next chapter in Fred Van Doo's Killing All That Holds You.
A new Saddam Video?
It seems a new Saddam Post Hanging Video has been leaked. I am looking for it now, and will post it to the WoW when I get it.
Speaking of Saddam, it begins already.
The Wife
Is getting better. Little improvements everyday.
War in Somalia next?
Several US gunships have attacked supposed Al-Qaeda strongholds. You think the Middle East is fugged up? Wait until Africa.
OK, I am going for the easy jokes here.
1. It was New Jersey
2. It was the Italian and the lack of Deordorant
3. It was the New York (Jets, Giants, Knicks)
4. It was Randy Johnsons time with the Yankees coming to and end.
Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Inductees 2007:
Van Halen, REM, The Ronettes, Patti Smith, Grandmaster Flash, all pretty deserving.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
It is perhaps my greatest hope, Mr. President, that some day we'll consider tax and spending measures with no one else in mind but future generations of American taxpayers. We're tying a millstone of debt around their necks, and it is a grave mistake. - John McCain
I am Malach and I have been talking to some old college friends of at MySpace.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:50 PM 3 comments
It's in my eyes.
No Plugs today.
And on the 7th day, Malach rested.
The Wife.
Is doing quite a bit better. The pain is still there, though not as intense, she is ambulating much better and starting to do more of it without help.
You are listening too . . .
In My Eyes, Minor Threat. In this you can hear some of the angst that became a hallmark of emo. In addition, Minor Threat started the straight edge movement, which is also a precursor to emo.
Dead USC Kicker.
You did not hear this from me, but it probably involved some hardcore partying with Pete Carrol.
I don't know about you . .
But Malach could kick Tigger's ass.
Man killing life.
Where ever we go.
The NFL playoffs.
Well, the Pats won, that makes Malach happy. But after watching all 4 games, man does the NFC SUCKS this year.
Stems Cells.
Well this might be a good compromise. I need a new elbow someday you know.
Mapping Dark Matter.
This is pretty interesting.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Dumb is just not knowing. Ditzy is having the courage to ask! Ditzy is not editing yourself. - Jessica Simpson.
I am Malach and in that case I am ditzy
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:37 PM 0 comments
The Stone
Some new stuff for you.
I have loaded one of my favorite web based fiction novels. Elias Dolon has given me permission to reprint The Stone. Currently loaded in the Prologue. I love this so far as unfinished story from Elias. I am really hoping it gets published some day.
How's the wife.
She is doing better. Still has pain, and still has some mobility issues. The meds help quite a bit. Thanks for all the well wishers. Had her MRI today. Malach has never witnessed an MRI, except for on TV (even with his elbow). Man those things are noisy. We will know more the middle of the week.
A follower of Farrakhan . . .
Don't tell me that you understand until you hear the man.
Send me the tapes, I will publish them.
Victoria's Secret.
It's made from kevlar.
Barak Obama.
So recently he recieved some flak that might effect his presidential aspirations. He admitted to trying Cocaine years ago. OK, big whoop. Dubya, was a coke fiend, and drunk. The people in political office now, lived throught the 60's and 70's, and you mean to tell me none of them did drugs, teen drinking, or pre-marital sex? And when my generation and younger gets up there, are we going to be able to find a political candidate who has not tired drugs in the past. Anyone my age or younger, raise your hand if you have never tried and illegal drug.
These are always fun.
Everyone's afraid to get sued, check out some of these warning labels. My wife's new flat iron had the following:
1. Do not use while bathing or showering
2. Do not cook with flat iron.
Just what the world needs.
Advice from Drew Barrymore.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and I am not sure why the new podcast is not up yet.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:06 PM 0 comments
I don't . ..
Just one plug today.
Once again Lucas is a machine and has updated 8 1/2 by Eleven. As for JesusMan! I have gotten no work on it in the past 2 days cause of the wife's injury. I have barely had time to update some client websites. Also, Murk and I usually do a Playoff Preview Podcast, but since his pnuemonia, and my wife . .. sorry.
The Wife's injury.
Well she feels a bit better today, still pain, and still issues with weakness in the legs and some ambulation issues. She did get up the stair today and take a hot bath. She has an MRI tomorrow, and then we will see. If I am out of work for an extended period of time, we just might get ALOT of webcomics.
You are listening too . .
Went back in time for this one. Out of Step, by Minor Threat. This song in the mid 80's. Still focusing on the forefathers of emo here. Ian McKaye's first real band before Fugazi. As you can hear, this pre-emo was pretty hard core, but shows where some of the early subject that seperated this from straight out punk. Boy do I wish emo was still like this.
Yeah, there's no racism left in the US.
Yeah sure.
It took YouTube 3 days to approve The Dudes.
NFL Playoffs tomorrow!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Creativity takes courage. - Matisse
I am Malach and I am Creative
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:58 PM 2 comments
Eventful day.
But first the plugs.
There were two 8 1/2 by Eleven updates. Hit the link and then click to comic for the previous. Also a couple of WoW plugs. First, WoW member Horatios and myself are going at it about Mitt Romney and Gay Marriage. First, I read this diatribe by Horatio on his blog, which in turn brought about this rant from Malach, which is turn brought about this counter rant and subsequent debate initiated by Horatio. What fun. And after a bit of a dissappearance Hobbs returned with this interesting piece of information.
Malach's Day.
So, by a previous post, you know my wife threw out her back. So, I get a call at work today about noon, she cannot get out of bed, too much pain, and numbness. So I head home, and to make a long story short, we had to ambulance her to the hospital. Well several pain killers later, were home, and scheduled for an MRI on Sat. I got good practice for 50 years from now.
This is pretty shocking.
How do you even find a Doctor who would do something like this? Oh yeah I forgot. The Disabled are second class citizen to most in the medical profession.
Malach has a good arm.
Yeah, it was me. I threw it from MA to NJ.
Yeah, tell me about it.
So, we had no snow here in Southeastern MA since one day in October. For the most part it has been in the 50's everyday except for a 3 period when it was under 30. Today it was 58, tomorrow supposed to be 63, and Satuday, close to 68. Yeah and it January in New England.
Goodbye Bill Cowher.
Not a PIT fan, but the man was a heck of a coach. And dude, are your sure you are not related to Sgt. Slaughter? Art Shell on the other hand . ..
Malach's Quote of the Day.
~ POPE ~
So please Treat Him Right
GOOD FOREVER - The Pope Card, Principia Discordia
I am Malach, and I am a Aries.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:46 PM 4 comments
RubberSuit Studios Year 2006
Yes, Malach the Statzi is back.
This time with year end site stats. This if by far our most successful year to date. We had more hits and visitors by almost 600% than our first year. I also made more money from this site this year, than I have in a while doing art and websites and also advertising. Some final totals. We had 121,554 unique visitors for the year. There was a exponential increase over the course of the year. For Jan of '06, we had 5,508 unique visitors . . by December, that went up to 24,536; which is by far our best month ever. Some top numbers?
Vistors by Country
1. The US
2. Canada
3. Germany
4. The UK
5. The Netherlands
Vistors by Region
1. California
2. Oklahoma
3. British Columbia, Canada
4. New Jersey
5. New York
Most Requested Pages
1. This Blog
2. Naked Britney Spears
3. My Illustration Galleries
4. The RubberSuit Studios home page
5. My Fine Art Galleries
6. Stool Sample Index
7. JesusMan!
8. Fat Bug
9. The Wraith
10. My links page
Most Referrals
1. MySpace
2. Invisionfree (multiple forums)
3. Google Image Search
4. Buzzcomix
5. Yahoo Search
6. Third Option Media
7. Google Search
8. Drunk Comic Reviews (only up for about 3 months but tons of hits, too bad I took the site over when they cancelled it).
9. C Box
10. The Internet Infidels
And total hits? 3,037,598 using up a 167,000MB of bandwidth. Not bad. Thanks buckos.
You are listening too . .
The last from Samiam, She's a Part of Me.
So, I started remodeling the Dining Room.
So some interesting stuff. This house was built around 1900 - 1910. So, I started pulling down wall paper. First layer was obviously done in the past 5 years. Second layer, was more of a vinyl style from perhaps the late 60's early 70's. All cool. So we get down to the final layer. Defintely orginal when the house was first built. Real paper, with the standard victorian plantation images. So, to my surprise underneath is not the standard lath and horsehair plaster that is so common in New England houses up until the 60's. It is one of the earliest form of drywall ever made (drywall was first invented in about 1895). A couple sheet of paper, then some type of hard gypsum, them backed by the same paper. Unlike modern drywall it is very hard and rather inflexible. Needless to say, I was estactic . . if you have ever had to deal with lath and plaster, what a pain in the ass. Just watch This Old House a couple of times or move to the area.
Unfortunately the wife threw out her back, so I have been doing the tedious wall paper removal on my own (the old stuff need to be scraped). Picture when done. If you thought the kitchen was good, wait until you see this one. Wife and I are going with an Indian/Kashimiri look.
Nice to see the got everything under control in Miami.
So Nick Saban resigned today and man, did anyone else hear or see the Wayne Huizenga press conference? He actually told media and fans that he was seeking suggestions . . . Hey Wayne, make Cordell Stewart your franchise quarterback . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and I suppose you could also state that about IM's
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:40 PM 2 comments