Love Malach.
More tomorrow.
Happy New Year
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:33 PM 52 comments
Goodbye Saddam?
So is he dead, let the conspiracy theorists begin.
So let's see, we have all pretty much seen the video of moments before hanging, and the tightening of the noose, and also the grainy cell phone film of his body lying in a shroud, but we have yet to see fairly definitive proof of his actually execution (which surprises me, Arab TV loves to show this stuff), or a nice clear photo of him clearly being dead, and it actually being Saddam. Now if he start turning up on video like Bin Laden, we know we have problem.
SLIGHT EDIT: OK, it took a little digging, but I found some full video of his execution, it is up at The Wand of Wonder. I must warn you, it is graphic, and looks very real.
You are listening too . . .
Since emo is so popular, I figured I might explore some of it's roots, back before these whiny psuedo gothic punk bands we have today known as emo. First, one of the real forefathers of emo, Samiam. This particular track is one of their more popular, Step Son. Sam took the early lessons of Bad Religion, Fugazi, and such and put a more emotional bent on their music.
More Music.
I bought the "new Beatles" album Love today. I must say, very impressive. Evidently the Cirque du Soleil is putting on a Beatles based show. So they hired Sir George Martin (the Beatles Producer) and his son Giles. They were issued original recordings of many Beatles classics from the living members of the Beatles and their family to kid of make a remix album. I must say, awesome. I love some of the remixing they did, the songs they used, and the blends. None of the originals lose their power either. From what I have read, the remaining Beatles and family love the album. I might put some up soon.
If I ever have twins at 67 . .
Just kill me.
This is kind of silly.
Of course, only in Texas.
Weird and Wacky Stats from the 2006 MLB Season.
Not a huge Jason Stark fan, but liked this one.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I would have made a good pope." - Richard M. Nixon
I am Malach brought to you by the Space Pope.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:21 PM 1 comments
I suppose you were good this year.
You got two 8 1/2 by Eleven updates today. As for the rest, look for a more regular updating schedule, and a new JesusMan! beginning next week.
Ahh Saddam. . .
We hardly knew ye. I assume that Al-Jazeera will do this thing live, so expect a YouTube vid soon.
Ahh, more signs of Global Warming.
So if you see this puppy floating down the Atlantic, you know what it is from.
Only you could get this distinction. Good/Bad Job!
Me? I am a rat?
Anyone out there a flourescent green pig?
Famous Last Words.
"It's going to be the best one yet". Hey George Lucas, did you now also say that about the last three Star Wars movies.
I got a name for this new generation . . .
Generation Stupid.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I will not return! I will not come to an unjust court! Go to hell! - Saddam Hussein
I am Malach and Saddam spelled backwards is almost Madass.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:19 PM 0 comments
The return of the plugs.
Ahh the holidays.
After a few days with no plugs, Malach has a couple for you today. First 8 1/2 by Eleven updated today. Part two, I finished the kitchen remodel today. Posted a nice article with pics on the WoW. You can see it here.
Also elbow seems back to normal, I am going to try lifting after this, we will see what happens.
You are Listening too . ..
Barely Legal by The Strokes. Cause somethings I need to hear them Strokes.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Murk has had pnuemonia, so the show never was completed before Xmas, so he is aiming for Jan 6.
When the Man Comes Around.
Well, I am not a big believer in capital punishment, but Saddam is a good case for that. We will see the reaction.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach, WhizzleTeats.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:44 PM 1 comments
The Wonders of the Body of Malach
So Malach, how's the elbow?
So in yesterday's blog I was telling you how I popped my elbow, and might have to see a Dr. about it. Well, the elbow was much better with sleep, and is close to 100% (or what is 100% for Malach's elbow). Since it is not as painful to type tonight, I will explain it better.
Malach's right elbow has some damage to it. Over the years of sports, there have developed minor tears and in all the cartilage and ligaments. Nothing ever major, just small ones here and there that required little more than rest and ice. Over the years, that damage has calcified, or turned to bone. It effects the majority of the tendons and ligaments in the elbow. What does this mean to me? Malach has about 95% range of motion on a good day. I cannot completely straighten my right arm, nor can I completely flatten it to my chest. It gets sore, occasionally painful, but I have found since I have renewed lifting with it, it doesn't tighten up to much and maintian it's strength well with out spasms. Malach is one of these persons that is naturally big, and strong. On bad days, It is very sore too extremely painful when moved to it's most extreme range of motion, and I may have as little as 60% range of motion. Doctors a leery to do surgery. Surgery involves, removing all the tendons and ligaments from the bone, cutting out the calcification, and reattaching the tendons and ligaments. It is a long recovery with no guarantees the arm will be any better. Physical Therapy only helped to a point.
Occasionally, the elbow "pops" (it is more like stumming of a tightened bungee cord). When that occurs I briefly lose feeling in the arm, range of motion drops to about 25%, and the joint become painful to move, and sort of freezes up. I can usually snap it back out of that by throwing a baseball, or simulating throwing one.
So yesterday we are remodeling the kitchen (Looks nice, pics perhaps tomorrow), and the elbow pops. But this time was different. The most painful pop I have ever had, and I could not get it to unfreeze and it remained painful and stiff, with about 25% range of motion. I tried stretching, heat, ice, nothing worked. I considered the ER, but decided to sleep on it and see how it was in the morning.
I will give my body some credit, I have a very high tolerance for pain, and I usually recover pretty quick. So I woke up this morning, and it felt pretty good, almost as good as normal. The relaxation of sleep I suppose. Although I think I will lay off the weightlifting at least tonight.
RIP Gerald Ford.
What can you say, the accidental president, also the clumsiest. Only president never to be elected.
My Weather Station.
So my wife got me this indoor outdoor thermometer for X-Mas. AWESOME Buckos. Does all the typical stuff, with some neat feature. Alarm goes off with the threat of ice, and one of the station has a animation of a guy, and what he suggest you wear to go outside, right now he says. Hat, gloves, scarf, coat, and boots.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I watch a lot of baseball on the radio. - Gerald Ford.
I am Malach and I am from the Planet Krypton
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:56 PM 10 comments
Happy Kwanzaa
Today is the First Day of Kwanzaa
Now I am not going to get into the whole Kwanzaa Debate. Yes it was created in the 1960's by a psuedo con-man/criminal/inspirational leader who was black. I will tell you this. Malach has a number of black friends, none of them celebrate Kwanzaa, and 90% think it is pretty stupid.
No plugs today.
Also, many of you know, Malach has some physical difficuties with his right elbow. It is accumlated injury and calcification from playing sports. Tonight, it popped, and is in rough shape. I can usually loosen it up after this by throwing a baseball. Did not work tonight. We will see in the morning, but it might be time for the big surgery (basically removing all tendons and ligaments, cutting off the calcifications and reattaching, long physical recovery).
So what did Malach get for X-Mas.
Well off the top of the head? Several gift certificates, not the least being a big one to Inflicting Ink from the wife (ulterior motive, she wants one). Several cds, a really cool weather station (more on that tomorrow), and few other things. I will dig through it and get back tomorrow.
Remodeling the kitchen tonight.
Reason for the elbow problems. Pics up when done.
You are listening too . . .
Fear of a Black Planet from PE. One of the greatest bands of all time. Nice Kwanzaa theme.
I thought the British PM would have his own version of Airforce One.
I feel good!
Goodbye once again James Brown.
Malach's Quote of the Day
Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal — that there is no human relationship between master and slave. - Tolstoy
I am Malach, put a little birdhouse in your soul.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:03 PM 3 comments
Merry Christmas
RIP James Brown.
Without the Godfather of Soul, you can kiss most modern hip hop, and R&B goodbye, you will be missed.
I am Malach and I got a gift certificate for tattoos.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Jesus was born, so I get presents.
Thank you Jesus for being born.
Some plugs. First and foremost, Dr. Murk Promised the new Murk and Malach Show would be ready before X-Mas, especially it being an X-Mas Special. Don't know what is going on with that, contact Murk for the skinny.
8 1/2 by Eleven updated with a special four episode in one panel for X-Mas special. Some Lucas's best work.
There is also a Christmas inspired poem over at Tales of WoW. This one is called, A WoW Christmas Eve.
The Power of Santa Claus.
Wow, hang Santa Claus over kids heads, and they will do just about anything.
You are listening too .. .
Appropriately for this most holy of nights, O Holy Night, by Eric Cartman. Unfortunately for Malach this is now the only way he can sing this song.
Congrat to the New England Patriots.
Lets win one more boys.
Now thats more like it, you feel down my top 5 crazy world leaders depth chart. The offer is still stand, free webspace here for your webcomic, or crazy rant.
Eet iz nut a tuma.
Eet iz a broken leg.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Merry Christamas to all and to all a good night. - Santa Claus.
I am Malach and it is the night where I get presents.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:28 PM 1 comments
Happy Christmas, but the War ain't over.
Some big time plugs today.
8 1/2 by Eleven tooncast updated three times today. To read them all, just click the latest comic on that page. The girls gallery also updated. She got her first pair of scissors today and then proceded to make this, she calls it a paper flower. She had no help from Mom or Dad, just help taping it together. Did I tell you she's only three? New fiction from Elias Dolon is up. This is a really cool short story called Under Boston. Also Short Blog still knee deep in X-mas doo doo.
You are listening too . ..
The John Lennon X-Mas classic, Happy Christmas (War is Over).
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I don't really think, I just walk. - Paris Hilton
I am Malach and I find it revealing that Paris middle name is Whitney.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:45 PM 4 comments
Christmas Wrapping Part Tres!
Another fairly short blog becuase of having to wrap gifts (Yeah I am a giver).
The boy's gallery has updated. Yeah the last two. Had some help from CN's Ben 10 Alien Maker and of course Dad with some coloring. Nice names.
Also you may notice a couple of interesting messages on the 8 1/2 by Eleven tooncast.
And if you go over to my YouTube page, you will notice a new video.
And finally Malach loaded a new X-Mas song on his MySpace. Fair warning, it is an "uncensored" version of The Most Offensive Song Ever from Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics. By uncensored I mean that Kenny's muffled lines are just being sung by Mr. Hankey, so it leave little to the imagination. This is also my revenge on the Virgin Mary for trying to knock me out the other day.
You Are Listening Too . .
Amazing Grace, Kristin Hersh.
Time to play the Kids.
Well bury Celtics now. This would be like the Pats losing Brady.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
To get you in the mood for Global Orgasm Day, which, by the way is today.
I am Malach and I am embarassed for Mr. Spock
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Some Plugs?
No plugs today, first time in awhile there have been none. I might get something up tonight, we'll see. I did load a new YouTube video though . . . rate it and comment.
You are listening too . . .
Your a Mean One, Mr. Grinch, sung by Thurl Ravenscrost and not like most people think Boris Karloff. Who is Ravenscroft, well for one, he was the voice of Tony the Tiger.
Oh the weather outside in frightful.
Well actually is sucks. New England, 55 degrees all day, right now it's 40. Now snow. Not like out in the Midwest. Global Warming sucks.
This is very interesting.
It seems police in Texas (of course it's Texas) obtained a search warrant to retrieve a bullet from some teens forehead. Of course this bullet will connect the teen to a crime he probably committed, but how far should police and investigators be allowed to go? And what is against the Constituion for unreasonable searches and seizures. Should be interesting.
Backpack, Backpack
New Bugee Backpack, to save the back of our kids.
Oh What a Feeling.
Toyota it seems is about to overtake Ford as the number 2 car in the US marketplace. Ford man, what do you expect? They make a better car, that is more economical, and they are getting into NASCAR next season.
Happy Festivus.
It's really kind of sad, that a pretend holiday (no I am not refering to Kwanzaa) can be more popular than other holidays this time of year. Ahh, what the Hell . . .SERENITY NOW!
The Donald vs. Rosie.
OK, this battle is kind of like two cartoon characters fighting one another. I hope there is a YouTube vid on this war soon.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am a witch, by which I mean that I am somebody who believes that the earth is sacred, and that women and women's bodies are one expression of that sacred being. - Starhawk
I am Malach and we are tigers . . . mighty, mighty tigers.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:23 PM 4 comments
The Revenge of Ratzy.
Can't forget the plugs . . .
RubberSuit Records is proud to announce the addition of Hip Hop artist DISCIPULO to our directory. DISCIPULO has a latin flavor and is sort of a hip hop/rock fusion somewhat like Evanescence. They are also on the Jesus tip. Interesting stuff, I like more than most of the Latin music I hear.
The WoW scavenger hunt, by the Cap'n. Seems kind of fun. If you are not a blog member, send me the pics.
Ratzy's Revenge.
So, many of you know Malach works for a large non profit. What many of you might not know is this non profit is Catholic based; fund in part by Catholic Charities.
So, we run this very larger gift giving X-Mas program, and Malach basically organizes, with a couple of others the New Bedford office. We services as a whole 1200+ families with clothing, toys, and food for the holiday, 450 or so out of this office alone. We end up having huge bags of gifts for each family, lining the walls of our office, conference rooms, and our unused chapel (it is a old convent).
With out getting into too many logistics, Malach is organizing the bags in the chapel into numerical order. He is walking along the side wall, looking down at these bags, making sure they are in the right order when . . .*WHACK* something slams Malach in the top of his head, send him reeling almost to the floor backward, seeing stars. I clear cobwebs from my head, and look up to see what almost knocked me unconsious. Evidently, there is a 4' statue of the Virgin Mary bolted about 5 1/2" up on the wall. I could swear she was laughing at me.
I suppose that teaches Malach a little lesson about his attacks on the Pope, debates about Jesus? Ahh probably not.
The FCC.
Needs to go back to regualting the price gouging of cable tv. Howard Stern has a point. He got find a number of years ago for saying penis on the air, when that same week Oprah used the same word and did not get fined.
Holy Crap.
Dubya making sense!
Of Course, he also sounds like a broken record too . . .
Um, how about "no". I pay taxes you know!
I supposed my little head bump could be worse.
I could bumped my head on this virgin mother.
Even I am not that much of a whore.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and Mary hit me with a pipe.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:18 PM 7 comments
Deck the Halls
Happy Birthday Mom!
Got give Props to Malach's Mom. Happy Birthday! I supposed today's song is somewhat appropriate?
Plugs you say?
8 1/2 by Eleven has updated. And evidently Lucas needs some .php help. My .php skills are not up to task yet, so if you have a idea, shoot him a message.
Official RIP Joseph Barbera at the WoW post
You are listening too . . .
The Closing of the Year, from Wendy and Lisa. Originally form the soundtrack to Toys. Some of us older folk will remember Wendy and Lisa and part of Prince and the Revolution.
Miss USA.
I wonder if I can get uncensored nude crotch shots of her.
Laura Bush got skin cancer . .
I get she killed the Russian spy . . . or perhaps and affair?
Party Time in Bolivia!
More cocaine!
2 Jack the Rippers 2k6?
Perhaps this will be as crazy as the first.
I miss the fat Rueben.
Malach is Practicing.
Soon you will see him fly.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons. - Winston Churchill
I am Malach riding a vixen the wrong way on a one way.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:25 PM 2 comments
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.
Like always, we got the plugs.
Both 8 1/2 by Eleven and Fetus-X updated today. 8 1/2 actually updated twice today, so click the comic and head over to Lucas site to see the previous comic. I also sent Lucas a greeting from all of you who have e-mailed me how much you like his comic. Support his site. I have never met Lucas, but have talked him via the internet and I like him a lot.
RIP, Joseph Barbera.
Joe Barbera of the famous Hanna and Barbera duo died today. From Tom and Jerry, to Yogi, to the Flintstones, The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, to the way they produce mass market cartooning. They were as influential as Disney. RIP Bucko.
Check out MySpace.
I guess this accused new style Jack the Ripper was a Myspacer. Too bad MySpace already deleted his account, Malach was gonna get some free advertising out this guy.
Holy Crap!
They Cloned Sara Jessica Parker!
He can't get voted out, I would lose half my material!
Whislt Cruising Wikipedia today.
I found this interesting theory.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
He who is punished is never he who performed the deed. He is always the scapegoat. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I am Malach, Ding Dong Merrily On High.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:37 PM 2 comments
X-Mas Wrapping Part Duece
Still Busy, but a longer blog tonight cause I love you guys.
What no plugs? No updates today, sorry. But I do have to thank our old readers, and our new readers (since Britney graced us with here nude crotch we have done any less than 700 unique visitors).
Happy Hanukkah.
Sorry I did not wish my Heeb Buckos a Happy Hanukah at the start (hey I am not Jewish and forgot all about it). I am wishing a Happy Hanukkah today. I also wished you one over at the WoW (oh wait that is a plug).
You are listening too . . .
Gloria, by Elastica. I must stess, I am not an Elastica fan, but I do like this Patty Smith style version of this holiday classic.
Of course Malach is Times Person of the Year.
What did you think they meant you?
Run, run as fast you can . .
You can't catch me I am the Nazi Gingerbread Man (New JesusMan! character?)
Interesting case bloggers should follow.
Celeb. basher Perez Hilton v. Tabloid News. Perez's blog is interesting, you can check it out here.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Maaa-alalalaaaaa-laalaala-lalalalach-lalach in Excelsis Deo
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:44 PM 16 comments
X-Mas Wrapping
Quick Blog.
Wrapping gifts tonight, way behind on that stuff, so a little hello, and plug or two. First and foremost, we are very excited to be publishing the fiction of Elias Dolon in The Reading Room. Elias stuff is located here. Elias is a very talented writer, and we have published a short story of his entitled The Homeless Problem. We will be publishing several more stories by him, including a novel he is working on. I love his stuff, I hope you do too. If you would like to contact Elias he is a bit shy, but you can contact me and I can get in touch with him.
Which brings me too our new contact page. In addition many of you may not know, Malach has a YouTube account with several original videos. You can see that here. Malach also has one of his favorite X-Mas song over at his myspace.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
9:13, Personal note: When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once when I was six, I did. At first the brightness was overwhelming, but I had seen that before. I kept looking, forcing myself not to blink, and then the brightness began to dissolve. My pupils shrunk to pinholes and everything came into focus and for a moment I understood. The doctors didn't know if my eyes would ever heal. I was terrified, alone in that darkness. Slowly daylight crept in through the bandages, and I could see, but something else had changed inside of me. That day I had my first headache. - Maximillian Cohen
I am Malach well bah humbug, but that's to strong as it's still my favorite holiday
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:14 PM 2 comments
Jesus v. Santa
Plugs again!
81/2 by Eleven tooncast updated once again. I know Lucas TdS follows my blog, dude, I love this story. I also have introduced a number of buckos to your webcomic via my site, and lot them like it. You are getting tons of hits, average 50+ unique veiws a day. Thanks for the tooncast code. Willing to tooncast other webcomics too. And lookee there, I am now on page 2 for Google Searches if you search "8 1/2 by Eleven". Gonna try to get into the top 10 at least.
Also did some jazzing up of the main page, redid my portfolio main page, and will probably do the contact page after I finish this blog.
You are listening too . ..
Jingle Bells, by Bleu. Interesting rendition of the Barry Manilow version. I know I kind of explained Bleu last year, but since my readership is up 1200%, I will give you a short lesson.
Take one part Dresden Dolls, one part Elentronica, one part gay lounge lizard, one part karoake sing along, you basically have Bleu. Very popular local musicians musician.
Capital Punishment
Can we just all agree that Capital Punishment is stupid. It does not reduce crime, it is barbaric, and the US is the only "civilized" country who practices it.
Your dangerous Wii controller.
Hey, they make nunchucks. And the Japanese did make it.
Oooohhh, this should be fun!
Nothing like a good Jesus Documentary!
Malach's Quote of the Day
A special X-Mas video just for you.
I am Malach and it is Christmas time in Hell.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:47 PM 3 comments
Last Christmas
Plugs as usually, and a kudos.
So lets see what we got going on. The 8 1/2 by Eleven Tooncast updated. I also put together a new info page for RubberSuit Studios. I have also been in serious discussions with a fairly well known author (at least in certain circles) about doing a website for her. We shall see after the holidays. Look for me to redo some more pages tomorrow, as well as add some new fiction to The Reading Room.
Oh and nice job whomever wrote this review of The Murk and Malach Show. Funny stuff (bottom of page). Write your own review!
Hey, I want a Matsuzaka jersey, and to think the gave him Johnny Damon's old number.
Nice . . .
Laura Mallory.
Youse a stupid lady.
Welcome to New Bedford.
The home of strip clubs, love triangles, and high powered rifles. Enjoy your stay, and come back real soon.
Talk about offbeat news.
Use number 42 for the tallest man in the world: Stomach Pump for dolphins.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and I taste just like burning.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:24 PM 1 comments
See, the power of Mind Bullets.
I told you Everybody loves Rayomond, except for Malach. One down, 5 or six more to go. Don't mess with me, I'm a BAD man.
A plug or two.
The Stool Sample Reading Room is proud to announce the addition or E.W. Harbor Grace to our fold. He has one short but awesome story entitled Phaeton's Lottery, and we are hoping for more. E.W. is a "refugee" from Hill-TV. Cap'n Flack also put up an awesome article about the most evil man in America, Mitt Romney over at the WoW.
You are listening too . . .
Yes, Malach is embarassed to say that he love Last Christmas by WHAM!. Perhaps the Angry Piper has more influence on me than I thought. So does it make me gay that I like this song? The wife says yes.
And Speaking of the Rominator.
Pretty soon he will give authorization for you to shoot suspected illegal aliens. DOWN WITH MITT ROMNEY!
Man, the hookers never get a break.
And how the Hell are your supposed to make a living as a hooker if the cops give you a 5pm curfew.
Who better to defend your morals than . . .
Paris Hilton? Piper, there both single, but they would have to put a bit of bulk on for you. Hopefully now Lindsay Hohan will also come and defend Miss Pantyless.
Warning, ethnic joke ahead.
Of course they went extinct . . .the Chinese probably ate them all.
Circumcision prevents HIV?
This is a very strange study, and I don't see how this is possible, but it is a very in depth study. It is going to be interesting to see the CDC try to explain this one. Of course this could just be the man trying to wipe out the black man. This open a whole can of worms also.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Welcome to Boston Daisuke Matsuzaka. I am very excited about this acquistion, as excited as when they signed Schilling, Pedro, and Manny. Being a pitcher, this kids has some NASTY stuff. He reminds me alot of Pedro Martinez. And then there's a Houston Writer reporting that the BoSox offered a can't refuse deal to Clemens. Interesting.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Look, Archie Bunker ain't bigoted! I'm always the first to say, "It ain't your fault you're colored!" - Archie Bunker
I am Malach and last Christmas I gave you my heart.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:28 PM 3 comments
Warning to Website Owners.
Central Registration Service.
So Malach, being on the interent gets a lot of spam email, most of it scams. Today, I got a new one, and this one was snail mail. I got an invoice from Central Registration Service, for a overdue balance on domain registration for for get this . . . $966.00. If not paid in 21 days, domian registration will be deleted! What immediately got my suspicion up (well beyond the outrageous price) was the price was typed in at 966,00$. Of course this immediatlely got me thinking of Nigerian Scammers. First thing I did was check out their website link they gave me and boom, got the dreaded http error page. So then I did a google search, and lo and behold. Got a whole bunch of links about the scam. Do people just blindly send $1k to places like this?
New Home Page.
Mostly finished, probably will jazz it up a bit more.
A Year Without A Santa Claus.
The NBC Live Action. My God, it was bad. It wasn't even one of those so bad it was good movies either, read my complete review at the WoW.
Speaking of reviews . .
If you get the chance, review our podcast.
And Welcome
Joey Polanski has lowered himslef to posting here. Thank Polish Power. Enjoy that Duya pic on his latest blog.
The UFC is having a fight night tomorrow on Spike TV. 8PM. Some pretty good fights for a non PPV. If you have not seen the UFC, check it out, you might be surprised.
Sure, it lingers in the US, but it gets better with every generation. Malach always says, a few generation from now, races are going to be so mixed no one will really know the difference anyway.
Lindsey "Dana Plato" Lohan.
"I haven't had a drink in a week". Nice Lindsey. What do you want a medal?
The Foxy Lady, New Bedford, MA.
Yeah this about a mile away. Personally never been.
My god.
Does Brad pit just suck the blood out of the broads he sleeps with? Look at Angelina Jolie. Where the hell did the rest of her go? That was taken yesterday. Didn't the same things happend to Aniston?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I want my audience to be able to watch my films as long as they can. And once I go do an older film I can't really go backward, so that's what I'm trying to stick with. - Lindsay Lohan
I am Malach and I will be many years with out the live action version of A Year Without A Santa Claus if I can help it.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:05 PM 6 comments
I-I-I am dreamin' of a
White . . Christmas . . .
Some plugs for you. 8 1/2 by Eleven and Fetus-X updated today. Enjoy. I am about 75% finished with a new look to the main page. Also I am about 75% finished penciling the latest JesusMan! Also you can check out my WoW article on egg nog overconsumption.
You are listening too . . .
The absolutely best version if White Christmas in the world, the funky version by The Drifters. (there are multiple Drifters sites and bands, I went with the original . . . it like the Beach Boys).
Don't forget.
Year Without a Santa Claus, live action tonight, NBC, 9PM. You know you like to watch.
Nicole Richie.
Oh what a feeling, when were dancing on the ceiling . . . c'mon children of the 80's sing along! Yeah see my quote at the bottom
Eric Rudolph.
Well, first of all Mr. Rudolph, you are in prison, but you bring up some good points. Yes, SuperMax sucks, but you did something to get there no. One of the problems with SuperMax, it is not designed to rehabilitate, of course, not too many people are ever leaving SuperMax.
Kofi Annan
Nice low blow to Dubya on his way out the door. Annan knew this well. The UN is powerless without the US, unfortunately.
Political Correctness.
It seams SEATAC in Seattle has taken down X-Mas trees in the wake of a Jewish complaint of insensitivity, and lawsuit threat unless the put up a Menorah. STUPID! First, X-Mas is about as secular a holiday now as Valentines Day, and X-Mas tree has NOTHING to do with Christ, unless of course the Romans nailed him to one. REDICULOUS!
This is also very interesting.
The Vatican and it properties have some amazing things. Imagine if you will that you liquidated the Vatican, all it's properties, art, gold, etc. How much would that be worth? Trillions of dollars?
Barbie is back.
You want know why? Parent like me are sick of these slutty ass BRATZ! dolls. Barbie for all here faults is pretty much the girl next door, with a 10" waist and a corvette.
Good news for them Celtics.
It was all the ball.
RIP Baby Huey.
You might be missed.
Malach's Quote of the Day
You love it.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:50 PM 5 comments
Murk and Malach Show 13
Yes, kids, the X-Mas Show is in the bag.
This one is going to be fun. It was recorded today and of course is our usual holiday show. Again the Angry Piper was a co host, and he came up with the silliest of ideas. Since this was a dry podcast, and last years, he pretty much was three sheets to the wind, Piper decided it would be funny to have us consume vast quantities of egg nog. Needless by the end, we were all feeling sick (basically went through a gallon of the stuff). So hours later, I can say this. I feel like I have a slight hangover, and egg nog, cleaned my large intestine right out.
This should be a funny show, in the vein of last months show. Lot of fun, some guests, and Christmas presents!
What this next week holds.
I am going to redo the main pages of RubberSuit Studios. I am going to start tranfering Hill TV's fiction section to here, and move the articles to the TOM. I also began work on the next installment of JesusMan!.
Christmas Time in Hell.
RIP Augusto Pinochet. Say hello to Hitler for me.
Large Intenstine is acting up again, be right back.
Ugh, now I gotta fill that new space I opened with something. DAMN YOU PIPER!
The Direction of the Catholic Church.
Malach was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, church, got all the sacrements. As I got older, I found myslef in opposition with much of the dogma of the Church (and Christianity as a whole) in things like abortion, stem cells, cloining, treatment of women, married preists, homosexuality, secrets etc. Even stranger now, Malach works for a Catholic Charities based organization. This to me is interesting, and shows a marked divide developing in the Church. There is a this large group of liberal (quite a few of them I work with) preists, who hate the fact a very conserative pope has been elected in a time of rampant HIV, and great social change. Malach has said this before. If Ratzy lives a while, see a new schism in the Church.
I actually can't wait to watch this train wreck.
Tommorrow at 9pm only on NBC. Same time Heroes is usually on.
Some advice.
Several people told me they have a hard time listening to YouTube videos I post while the music is playing. You can hit the stop button in you Internet Toolbar to stop the music anytime.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am Malach, and you'd better watch out.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:56 PM 5 comments
Thanks for Christmas
Lots of interesting stuff.
First lets get the plugs out of the way. Fred VanDoo's latest novella, the sequel to City of Evil is now loaded. Evil Empire is another 12 part novella in the comic book, heroic adventure style of it's predecessor. A nav bar is also on this one for ease of readability. In addtion the fiction from Hill TV is all permanently coming here over the next week, as Dr. Murk revamps the Hill.
Malach has gotten a couple invites recently from some website. The first is a interesting forum called TeenCafe. So far, nice forum, with interesting members. Also in a surprise move, Malach was invited to join Christian Interestingly, they still let me in after I told them I was a non-practicing Catholic who considers himself a Theistic/Spiritual Agnostic. They did not get back to me, but lo and behold got a bunch of links from there and they are now featuring my stuff. Check it out.
Also read the funny joke by Murk.
You are listening too . .
Thanks for Christmas, by XTC. If you are not familiar with XTC, then you should be shot. They were a very influential new wave band of the late 70's to mid 80's. Ironically they are most famous for the atheistic song Dear God. You can hear that and a few other hits at their Myspace.
My kids love Cartoon Network, which is good for me, as I like it too, and now have an excuse to watch it. CN, has recently premiered a film, Re-Animated. Honestly did not expect too much form it, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very funny, in the vein of movies like Better Off Dead. The basic premise of the movies is that 12 year old Jimmy Roberts, a loser who cannot say no to anyone, goes on a field trip to Golly World, where he is run over by a train. He gets an emergency brain trainplant of Golly World's founder, Milton Appleday, and then begins to see cartoons everywhere.
Like Better Off Dead, much of the plot is surreal, and many people abnormally werrd, and no one seems to notice but the protagonist. I had me laughing. Tons of spoof's on Disney, and WB cartoons, Disney World, Walt Disney, and Urban Legends. Good job CN for your first attempt.
My Christian friends.
Malach will be posting some of his religious veiwpoints in the next few days.
Rachael Ray.
What the Hell is the facination with Rachael Ray? She not particulalry a good cook, her voice is annoying, and she' cute, but my wife in a Hell of a lot hotter. I even checked out her FHM pics . . . not impressed.
Malach's Quote of the Day
Long is the way
And hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light. - Paradise Lost
I am Malach and your mean one, Mr. Grinch
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:43 PM 5 comments
More Tooncasts.
Now we are tooncasting a very popular webcomic.
Now in the Misc. Debris Directory, the webcomic from Hell, Fetus-X. That joins our previous tooncast of 8 1/2 by Eleven. Tooncasting to me is very interesting. I am probably going to triple my advertising dollars for casting them, in turn, they get more exposure. Don't expect me to tooncast any of mine. I am also doing an experiment. If you Google Fetus-X today. I am going to ReGoogle it in about a month, and see if I make the top 5. I think I will.
Also look for the sequel to City of Evil in the next few days.
Changes to this blog.
You will notice, I no longer allow Anonymous posts on this blog. I have been inudated with Spammers, especially since posting the Britney pics, a few days ago (still over 1000 unique per day). Now, to comment you need to register with Blogger.
Malach is spreading Holiday Cheer.
He sent his first interweb card to Miss Wertz over at the Fart Party. I hope she put it up so you can see it. Of course, being Christmas, JesusMan! is the theme.
I am on the hate IMing side.
Rockstar Games.
This might spell trouble for you. But hey, you guys do have a defense. Who selling these rated Mature Games to kids walmart?
Books for the kids.
Pretty good list here. A few I would add: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Goodnight Gorilla
, There are Wolves in the Walls
Speaking of Good Books.
Malach saw The Polar Express for the first time today. The book was excellent, Chris Van Allsburg was an occasional professor of mine, and the film did the book a ton of justice, was fun, and all the stuff added was cool.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Man, Wu and Swearengen would be the best comedy routine! Murk will love this one.
I am Ma-lalalala-la-la-la-lach.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:22 PM 1 comments
Dead, Dead, Dead
Someday we'll be dead . . .
An interesting development here at Stool Sample Webcomics. Malach is tooncasting 8 1/2 by Eleven. Sorry Tedszee. You can find it in the Misc. Debris Directory. The main link is here. Not only will you get Lucas great comic, but also his comments, rants, and whatever. He publishes 95% every Monday through Friday. Enjoy this buckos, I also think I am going to do Fetus X.
I will be working on this site, and am probably going to update most of the RubberSuit Studios portion of this site tomorrow, I also have some big client updates to do.
You are Listening too .. .
A very funny X-Mas song, of the South Park X-Mas album: Dead, Dead, Dead. This song is credited completely to Marc Shaiman, who is a big time, behind the scenes Hollywood composer, musician, extrodinaire.
Tornados over London?
Man global warming is a bitch.
A Moon Base?
Hey, I got Deed for an acre up there. Remember the lessons of Space: 1999!
Man, I should bought property in Manhatten.
I could use the 1.5 Billion.
Hey Britney, can you explaing this white trash redneck action to me?
Well, Roethlisberger's still alive.
He outlasted my week 10 perdiction, but will he survive with the amount of sacks Pitt is giving up?
Britney went too far.
Hey, Brit, thanks for all the web traffic you sent me.
Damn, woman.
Giving away all my silly string secrets! Don't tell the about the super secret secret though OK.
Malach's Quote of the Day
They gotta take out her colon, give her a semicolon. - Christopher Moltisanti
I am Malach, swing lo sweet chariot.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:16 PM 0 comments
It's story time.
As many of you know . .
Malach works with the disabled, of all ages, some are homeless, some need help with things like school, vocational services, help with Social Security, food, bills, whatever. On occasion, Malach helps clients move. Well sometimes more than on an occasion.
Malach has this recent case of a client who was injured at work. Malach helped him with his Workman's Comp, find the right doctors and Physical Therapy, and such, and also with housing court when his landlord, decided he did not want to put up with late rent payments (kind of hard to pay your rent when you lose all income for a couple months) and evicted him, and helphim find a new cheaper apartment. Of course the guys only family is his 85 year old father, so Malach and a co-worker decided to help him move.
That is all well and good, me and this co-worker have done this plenty of times, and at least this wasn't one of these 3rd floor across the city to another 3rd floor move. Also this client had packed and moved most of the small stuff, and just needed help with stuff like the fridge, and furniture.
Did I also mention this client had a lot of animals. 2 beautiful parrots, several reptiles, perhaps 40 or so other birds, and 2 fish tanks. The tanks he had empty, and had sold all the rest of the animals, except for the two large birds. Now, these were large fish tanks. One was a 55 gallon, fine, Malach used own a 55 gallon. The other was a 110 gallon. Interesting, never picked one up.
So, we move the 55 gallon, and head back into his cellar for the 110. So Malach and his co worker, go to lift the big tank . . . . I did not realize, these tanks weigh about 300lbs EMPTY. Now Malach is not a small guy, and he lifts 6 days a week, and is above average in strength. My co-worker, while short is a strong guy too. This was a struggle. Imagine this thing, about 4' long and 3' high. The glass alone was an 1 1/2" thick. So now you add water to these things . . . 8lbs per gallon. That pushing 1200lbs. HOLY SHIT.
So not only did we move it up 10 stairs and out of his house to a flatbed truck, we brought it back to my workplace and down 15 stairs, and then helped someone who he gave it away too load it in their truck after climbing 15 more stairs at work with the sucker.
Needless to say I am a little physically drained. World's Strongest Man here I come. Man, Santa's gotta bring me some good stuff now!
What the Hell?
Where my name on this report? You took all the crap in this book from my blog.
Hey, I wanna live on Mars.
I want to get there before property goes through the roof.
More Parent should do this to some of their kids.
Did I ever tell you I work with a lot of kids just like this.
My name is, my name is, my name is
Well Yeah!
You should see my search engine hits. britney spears naked crotch britney spears naked crotch britney spears naked crotch britney spears naked crotch britney spears naked crotch britney spears naked crotch britney spears naked crotch britney spears naked crotch
and so on and so on.
Yeah, no biggie,
I saw this at a porn site the other day.
Speaking of Porn.
Yet another fun Wiki page from a random search. Not is fun as this page though . . help decorate it!
No, they can't break up! I have lost all faith in celebrity marriage and relationships. I still have TomKat though!
Ahh Andy Dick.
He just apologized for using the N-Word . . . he should just really apologize for being Andy Dick.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
This one's for all you Star Trek fans.
Shatner's face is priceless.
I am Malach and if I had a Million Dollars . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:25 PM 6 comments
X-Mas Gifts your little rugrats will love.
Before that a few plugs.
As promised we have a new fiction writer, Fred VanDoo. We are hosting Fred's stuff under the Killing All That Holds You directory. The first is City of Evil, a 12 part novella, in a comic bookish, RPG, dark heroic fantasy style. I have added a nav key to the top for ease of navigation, and becuase the story is longish; you can read it in chapters (Malach is up to chapter 5). Fred also has a sequel, Evil Empire which will get up in the next few days. Fred is young, so don't be over critical.
Ever wanted to know the typical day at the Wand of Wonder? Dr. Murk explains all. Very funny.
I don't know how many of you follow 81/2 by Eleven. But it is taking a very interesting turn. I am also interested in seeing if the tension between Leyla and Nillian from their summer seperation eventually plays out.You are listening too . . .
Always got to get my Heeb friends in. Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel by Kyle Broflovski. Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics is very funny. Also, this is interesting. At left is a realistic drawing of the South Park kids, done by the South Park Studios. From left to right: Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny. This song also happens to be a Murk Favorite.
OK, you need some Ideas for the rugrats for X-Mas.
Whether they are yours, or someone elses, Malach has some answers for you. What makes Malach an expert? Well 2 kids; a boy (age 5) and a girl (age 3). Malach also works with kids, and Malach himself in pretty much a kid. So, here's some ideas.
Imaginext T-Rex Mountain: If your kids like Dinosaurs, they will love this. Tons of fun. A large playset, that comes apart and creates more playsets. Overall the Imaginext Dinosaurs (for that matter all the Imaginext stuff rocks. My son has had this set for a year now, and constantly plays with it. the daughter too. The big issues with it? Very small parts, and the pieces come apart kind of like large legos, the 5 year old has trouble putting it back together, but I do it for him rather easily.
Heroscape: Now what I like about Heroscape, is the ease in which you can create grandiose adventures, yes, my 5 year old plays with a lot of help, but many of the older kids (8 +) I play this with at work. They love it. Heroscape is basically a build a battle strategy game. No two games are a alike as players create each battlefield from scratch using various sized hexigonial tiles. Game play is mutatable. You can add and discard rules pretty easily, and create unique scenarios. Lots of fun. If you are a WarHammer or Dungeons and Dragons buff, you will love this game. And because every thing comes apart, it fits real easily into a nice sized rubbermaid tote. Battlefield creation is almost as much fun as battles. Easy rules to learn, not so easy to master the strategies. Issues, small pieces, need a good sized area for a very large games, plastic figures could get damaged.
Leapster L-Max: Not ready to buy the kids a Game System? Too young. Both mine love my sons L-Max. Very similar to a Nintendo DS in design, the L-Max caters to the pre-schoolers to age 8 crowd. Fun and educational games. Both kids love them all. And comes with a AV cable to play on the TV. Issues: Expense, $80 for the system, $30 a game, and tons of batteries. You can hook up to a DC outlet, and there is also a charger. Hell of a lot cheaper than a PlayStation though.
Polly Pocket: My three year old loves her Polly Pockets. Unlike the crapppy ones we had as kids, Polly has changed. Most of her clothes are soft vinyl (Mrs. RubberSuitman?). And unlike Barbie, or the dreaded Bratz, Polly doesn't seem to promote this "girls just want to have fun to teen age whore" vibe. Issues: Small Part, A lot of parts. Some clothing is hard for younger kids to manipulate.
Littlest Pet Shop: Son and Daughter love these things (yeah Malach tries not to promote the 'that's a "girl's/boy's" toy' stereotype, he can learn that at school). Cute figures, awesome fun playset (yeah I play with them). Also has nothing to do with the typical direction girl's toys tend to go (a bit asexual, probably why the boy likes them too). Issues: the dreaded small parts.
Fisher Price Little People: The Little People have been around in some form or another since 1950 (when my parents were kids, heck Daddy Malach was born in '49). They never go out of style, are tons of fun to play with, and every 5 years or so, get a slight update. My 5 year old still plays with them. Issues: I find them addictive. DON'T EVER BUY ONE OF THEIR ALBUMS IF YOU VALUE YOUR SANITY.
Piranha Panic : Finding games to play with your kids, that won't bore you out of your skull can be hard. There are of course the old standbys, Candyland, Mousetrap and others. Piranha Panic is one of those. Fun, can be played repeatedly, easy to learn, but has some good critical thinking. Plus its got piranha. Issues? Small pieces.
I hope this helps some of you in your persuit of the perfect gift.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation . . .
Welcome Boston JD Drew, I hope you don't regret it. We don't want another Rentanerror here. In addtion, I would like to congratulate John Lester for beating Cancer, We all here in Red Sox Nation hope to see you back on the mound soon. Godspeed.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am Malach and I love J*sse D*b*c from *ttleb*r*
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:16 PM 5 comments
How do you stop and Exploding Man?
Miscellaneous Stuffings.
Ok, thank you Britney Spears and your lack of underwear. This site had almost 3000 unique visitors yesterday. This makes me think I am going to have to start stalking celebrities, no?
We will be having a several new pieces of interesting fiction up starting tomorrow. Stay tuned.
The next taping of the Murk and Malach Show Podcast will be this weekend, get your mail in.
Once again, thanks to Hojo!
Evidently December 22nd is Global Orgasm day. Hey I am all for Orgasms.
Time for a change in Iraq?
Even Dubya thinks so. Too bad he did not think about this 2 years ago. And Rummy, too jumping on the bandwagon.
Is Hillary Electable?
Unsure. She has the Democrats behind her, but is this country ready to elect a woman president? I can assure you it will be very interesting.
Palmer is very disappointed.
His hero, John Bolton, is resigning.
I should make everyone give me money at work when they swear, I could retire in 2 years.
Kofi Anan, master of the Obvious.
Well No Shit Kofi. Life wasn't great under Saddam, but there was no terrorism in the country. And at least you had power and running water.
Ahh, Theoretical Scientists.
Some of them are as jaded and ridiculous as religious fundamentalists.
The best pro-gay marriage argument I have read.
If I wasn't so lazy, I would put together this argument, but then it would mean I would have to open a Bible and do research. Sorry no link, I pulled it off a forum.
An original piece by Lance Christie, in its entirety:
by Richard Lance Christie
U.S. religious fundamentalists argue
that homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and therefore
cannot be condoned under any circumstance. Many also argue that the Bible is the
literal revealed Word of God and advocate strict compliance with Biblical Law in
both personal behavior and public codes of law.
Reading the Old
Testament, I find the following requirements to stand alongside the condemnation
of homosexuality as an abomination in Leviticus 18:22:
Exodus 21:7
sanctions selling my daughter into slavery. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may
possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from
neighboring nations. Obviously the Amendment to our Constitution prohibiting
slavery is anti-Biblical. In an upright Bible-based theocracy, we should be able
to own Mexicans and Canadians.
Leviticus 15:19-24 allows me no contact
with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual cleanliness. The problem
is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
Exodus 35:2 prohibits working on the Sabbath and clearly states
offenders should be put to death. I'll see you and your sack of stones at the
local convenience store next Sunday! Or is that Saturday...
11:10 says that eating shellfish is an abomination. It is not clear whether
customers at Red Lobster eating clams are committing a lesser abomination than
Leviticus 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar
of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear corrective
lenses. Does my vision have to be 20/20 before I can attend church, or must I
limit attendance to churches which do not have altars in them?
19:27 prohibits men from getting their hair trimmed, including the hair around
their temples. How should the male customers emerging from Pete and Company Hair
Salon die?
Leviticus 11:6-8 states that touching the skin of a dead pig
makes me unclean. Obviously, the football players are engaging in abomination
unless they wear gloves on the field. Or have they gone from pigskin to vinyl
footballs these days?
Leviticus 19:19 prohibits planting two different
crops in the same field, or wearing garments made of two different kinds of
thread (e.g., cotton/polyester blend). Looks like we've got plenty of
abominations occurring there.
Leviticus 24: 10-16 obliges the community
to gather together and stone to death those who blaspheme the name of God with
curse words. All I ask is that you start with the rappers.
20:14 states we must burn to death those who have sex with their in-laws.
I will believe people's claims that God's revealed word in the Bible is
literal, eternal and unchanging when I see them down at the Wal-Mart or
convenience store stoning the employees who are working on the Sabbath,
punishing men who have had their hair cut, burning people who have had sex with
their in-laws to death, refusing to eat shellfish and picketing restaurants that
serve them, stoning to death people who utter curse words, advocating and
practicing slavery, and railing against anti-Biblical abominations such as the
USDA for advocating companion planting of crops and the garment industry for
producing clothes made out of fabric containing blends of threads. If they're
doing all that, then I will believe that their opposition to homosexuality as an
abomination is an expression of their devotion to strict compliance with literal
Biblical principles.
Speaking of literal Biblical principles, much of
the concern about homosexuals forming families and obtaining some or all of the
privileges of marital union through "civil union" or other state-recognized
institutional forms is based on the notion of defending Bible-based concepts of
marriage endorsed by God.
The Presidential Prayer Team is currently
urging us to: "Pray for the President as he seeks wisdom on how to legally
codify the definition of marriage. Pray that it will be according to Biblical
principles. With any forces insisting on variant definitions of marriage, pray
that God's Word and His standards will be honored by our government."
Any religious person believes prayer should be balanced by action. So
here, in support of the Prayer Team's admirable goals, is a proposed
Constitutional Amendment to codify marriage on the principles stated in the Old
Testament of the Bible. Except for Paul's remark that it is better to marry than
to burn, there are no principles concerning marriage in the New Testament and
Jesus did not speak on the matter:
A. Marriage in the United States
shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Genesis
29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)
B. Marriage shall not impede a man's right to
take concubines, in addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel 5:13; I Kings
11:3; II Chronicles 11:21)
C. A marriage shall be considered valid only
if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed.
(Deuteronomy 22:13-21)
D. Marriage of a believer and a non-believer
shall be forbidden. (Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)
E. Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the
constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to
permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)
F. If a married man dies
without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his
brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine
of one shoe. (Genesis 38:6-10; Deuteronomy 25:5-10)
The next time you
hear somebody fulminating in favor of a Bible-based theocratic government in the
United States, bear in mind that these are the literal Bible-based commandments
in question. If the advocate confronted with these principles denies they would
implement any one of them, then they are admitting that they will institute
principles according to their own human judgment - no doubt claiming divine
inspiration - rather than a literal adherence to Biblical rules and laws.
Nice job. You get an A.
So I got bored at work today waiting for some calls.
At that time I like to hit the random article button at Wikipedia. So today I landed on Batman which in turn led me to Superman. As some who collected comics from about 1984 to about 1990, I was around for the DC Multiverse and Crisis on Infinite Earths. Man, there is reason why I was never a big DC fan. They could not keep their continuity even in a somewhat straight path. So now I am reading, the have had to do two more Crisis type series to straighten it out again. Idiots.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Ando: It's genius. Do it again!
Hiro: No! It's cheating!
Ando: Is Peter Parker cheating when he sells pictures of Spiderman?
- Heroes
I am Malach and she's pretty in pink, isn't she?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:03 PM 5 comments
Britney Spear Nude Crotch Shots.
So the other day, I posted a censor pic of panty less Britney Spears and left a link so you could see the uncensored stuff. All I can say is . . . DAMN! The day after I posted them, this site got 1286 unique hits, that is more than double our best day and about 3 times the usual. 800 people partook of this blog. Man, I got either get into celebrity dirt, or comprising pics. Larry Flynt I am following in your footsteps! Hope I don't get shot.
Something for the Buckos.
Malach has redone his boring headlines page. All for you.
Did you miss yesturday's blog?
Well it was a short one. In addition Blogger was being might tempermental, so I did not get it up until late. Plus I forgot to update my feed until this morning. Here it is if you missed it.
Nice WoW article by the Hojo.
You are listening too .. .
The Good King Wensceslas, by the Butthole Surfers. It is actually off the album, Christmas in Your Ear, but could not find that at Amazon. Good King is a old XMas standard, which of course Butthole has taken to a new level.
As for the surfers, they are a old band, formed in 1981. They play a style kind of mixing the Flaming Lips, Ween, GWAR and a few other bands like that. They actually had a radio hit called Pepper back in 96, which you can hear here (live version).
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Might get some snow tonight, first of the season.
Mystery Meat.
This is also common in this area.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Woe to you, my Princess, when I come... you shall see who is the stronger, a gentle girl who doesn't eat enough or a big wild man who has cocaine in his body. - Sigmund Freud
I am Malach and it's a difficult responsibility!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:24 PM 2 comments