The Grand Re-Opening of . . .
Stool Sample Webcomics. So, here's the deal. Stool Sample Webcomics, will know be expanded and known as Stool Sample (same web adress as the original). We specialize in Webcomics (Stool Sample Webcomics), hosted art galleries and writing, and music (RubberSuit Records). I have just finished the first page of a major website overhaul. Stool Sample Webcomics is now located here, with a new main page. Hopefully this is a bit easier navigate that the old page. My next step is to redo the Misc Debris page, which will only contain weird one shots, and art from our webcomics artists. I will then make a new section, RubberSuit Records. There we will be hosting music, and bands, even stuff beyond Crap Vacuum. I actually have 2 bands waiting in the wings. And finally, I am redoing our fiction and art galleries page (anyone got a good name for this?). Our guest art gallery is getting pretty big.
We are definitely focusing on submissions, I need to also redo this page, but this is our submission policy. I am also waiting for several promised new webcomics (hint, hint). While Stool Sample will focus mainly on Music, Writing, Art, and Webcomics, Murk and I have decided to use Third Option to focus on videos, podcasts, music, and writing also. All of the stuff, beyond Murk's personal stuff will be moving from The Hill to TOM or Stool Sample. RubberSuit Studios will remain the host for Stool Sample, but will be my official art/website business (which by the way, at the rate I am going will be doing that exclusively as a job in three years). There will be some other changes, some new stuff too. So stay tuned.
Another Deja WoW!
This one based on a Angry Piper request, check this puppy out.
In all honesty,
this is a waste of money and lives. I will post more on that in the future.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program. - Dubya (there's a hole at the bottom of that sea). Yeah I know cheap shot, I was at a loss for who to quote.
I am Malach and I raise ostriches
Some progress, a little progress but some progress.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:51 PM 60 comments
Happy Birthday Toyi!
31 years young!
For you special day, you requested a song that you could stand, well this one here is for you.
You are Listening too . . .
Midlife Crisis, Faith No More. Faith No More was a pretty amazing band (one of the best names ever for a band) especially after the addition of Mike Patton. Everyone is familiar with The Real Thing, and how much ground it broke. This song is off their forth album (second with Patton) Angel Dust, arguably one of the best albums of ALL TIME. What makes this album amazing is this album had a lot of influence from Patton, by the rest of FNM. The album is a chaotic fight, so beautifully done. It shows the definite pull of Patton to a more avant gard area, Bottum pulling back with his pop sensibilities, Martin with his titanic arena rock guitar. Amazing stuff. It is a must buy for anyone. I am going to play a few off of this one.
I also saw this tour, Helmet opened up for them. Probably the scariest show I have ever been too (1500 no seats). Loudest too. The bass was so loud it jiggled the internal organs so much it made me vomit. Amazing show. Easily in my top 3.
Your So Vain.
So Malach gave you his rant on Alanis Morrisette's song Ironic yesterday, today my friends, we are going to explore another of my pet peeves, the song Your So Vain, by Carly Simon. Now I am not going to get into who the song is about, I really don't care. What I do want to talk about though is the song itself.
Your so vain, you'd probably think this song is about you.
Nice, line even after all these years. Here's the problem. If you made a song with those lyrics, you made a song about. Just because he is that vain, that he would think the song is about him, makes the song about him. So you are stuck in a catch 22 if you will. You don't want to the song to be about him, but it is.
Some more Deja Vu.
Malach put up a couple more videos of Electric Company skits at the WoW. Mom you will love the second one as we used to sing that when we were young. The kids were singing it today. I am going to post quite a few more Deja Vu clips there in the coming weeks. I got some good one lined up.
Help out a friend of Malach.
Tedszee, the brain behind 8 1/2 by Eleven, whose webcomic was so memorably killed in Fat Bug 1.3 (warning mature content in link), and who in turn ripped Fat Bug. Is holding a contest of sorts. Punchline 3. The basic concepts is to go to his forum, and leave a phrase, which he will use as a punchline in an upcoming comic. Here's a link to the contest and where you can leave the phrase. Methinks Tedszee needs some buckos influence on this one.
Stool Sample Webcomics.
I am almost done the main page there. Hopefully by Sunday. After that I will be rolling out some new feature for Stool Sample. And Drix's Gallery has updated yet again. My new website client got in touch with me today, and he loves the direction I am taking his site in. So I will be working on that dilligently next week, I will also try to finish up the new Fat Bug.
Dr. Murk and his journey to Sobriety.
Began today. I spoke with him over the phone and he is doing good. Follow his blog, he is going to update it regularly on this.
In sports.
Trust me on this one: Patriots 20 Cincinatti 7. This is way too much like The Rams in the first Superbowl, and the holding of the Colts a few years ago at RCA to 3 points.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children." - George Bernard Shaw
I am Malach, and look how vain I am, I write a daily blog, like anyone cares what I am thinking.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:51 PM 10 comments
Crumbface; expanding the mind of Malach
You all know how much I hate the song Ironic by Alanis Morrisette . .
Or, how I just generally detest Alanis. Why do I hate Ironic? My argument is that Ms. Morrisette has no clue irony is. Just check the song lyrics.
An old man,
turned 98
He one the lottery,
and died the next day
It's a black fly in your chardonnay
It's a death row pardon,
two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic?
Don't you think?
It's like rain,
on your wedding day
It's a free ride,
when you've already paid
It's the good advice,
that you just didn't take
And who would've thought?
It figures
Mr. Play-It-Safe,
was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase,
and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life,
to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought,
"Well isn't this nice"?
And isn't it ironic?
Don't you think?
It's like rain, on your wedding day
It's a free ride,
when you've already paid
It's the good advice,
that you just didn't take And who would've thought?
It figures
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out
When you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up in your face
A traffic jam,
when you're already late
A no smoking sign,
on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons,
when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of your dreams,
and then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic?
Now this is more bad luck than irony. Rain on you wedding day? Black Fly in your Chardonnay? The Definition or irony is. None of the above is irony.
Now along comes Crumbface, he asks me today in Dear Malach:
Dear Malach,
Is making a song about Irony and utterly missing the point ironic?
NOW THAT IS IRONIC. So Alanis made this song about irony, and the song has nothing to do with irony, but that makes the song ironic. I am sure this was not Morrisettes intention either. Crumb gets a raise.
So those of you older than thirty.
Want a serious case of Deja Vu? Check this out. By the way, The Electric Company, arguable the best kids show ever made.
Pop up (under) ads.
I am not one to go totally nuts about these things. Granted websites need to make money. My ads more than cover the costs associated with this site. There are some I like. Orbitz makes the best pop up ads. And now they have put together a site of their famous pop up ads. Hey Orbitz, you can advertise with me anytime.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"STOP STEAMIN' UP MY TAIL!...what are ya tryin to do, wrinkle it?" - Bugs Bunny
We are Malach, and we are gonna turn it on.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:25 PM 7 comments
"Terrel has 25 Million reasons why he should be alive"
What did Malach tell you. Would not the Dallas Cowboys be the ultimate reality show this year? Mike "the Drunken Kicker" Vanderjact, you been much too quiet, and frighteningly Terry Glenn has been a model of stabilty. He TO, fire your moron of Publicist for the comment in the title. Read all about the circus, it's coming to Philly this weekend. Oh and NFL, I want a piece if you make this a reality show.
So who's the biggest attention whore? TO, John Mark Karr, Captain Spacefarmer, or Malach?
Check it out.
The NEW Stool Sample Webcomics is coming together real nicely.
Hey Angry Piper.
So does you Gaydar go nuts when you see this?
Dr. Murk
Good luck, all my love, and I will be there if you need me.
The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia. This is a good sign from the Saudis though, and perhaps, just perhaps the Saudis, Egyptians, Turks, and Jordanians can begin to lead by example to their Muslim bretheren.
Ahh, quick update on my best bud, Mahmoud.
I am going to miss my favorite Muppet when he is gone. Actually Malach today went on a bit of a tirade about the Middle East and Islam at the WoW today. Take a look.
Well, well.
Halo's pretty cool, Halo with Peter Jackson? Very interesting.
Snakes on a Plane, and in the sink, and on my bed, etc, etc.
Uhh, wow. Make a movie of this lady.
The mystery gets more complex.
Anna Nicole, are you trying to join the Attention Whore Club?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I know I said I was done, but I owe someone an apology. Matt Clement. All of us in Red Sox nation questioned his toughness, his mentality, and the veracity of his injuries. We all had names for him. Well it was discovered after exploratory surgery (No previous testing revealed this) that Clement had a torn rotator cuff and labrum. Amazing he tried to come back with that. I am sorry Matt Clement.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I'm smart enough to know when I've done something wrong, but I don't understand this. Guys are beating their wives, getting DUIs and doing drugs, and I get national attention for a Sharpie? People are personally attacking me, calling me a classless asshole because I did something creative during a game. Why? - TO (who knew his middle name was Eldorado?)
I am Malach and I TO and Malach have something in common, we like to refer to ourselves in the third person.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:17 PM 5 comments
Malach the Matchmaker
I found the Angry Piper soulmate!
Check it out. Do the Cindy Salsa! Man, what the internet can provide you! I had a bucko email me a midget porn link too. No, I wont be posting that here.
Drix is a busy boy!
He has updated his gallery yet again! Speaking of Updates, I am still plodding along on a double sized Fat Bug.
Interesting E-Mail.
I got an e-mail of the creator of the webcomic Masq. Very interesting thought process, best can be described as a "choose your own adventure" webcomic. I am in discussion right now to see if they will joy my little insane asylum. The creator wanted to know if he was classified as a webcomic, cause you me, I am expert. I said yes.
Quick review, first it is a bit mature. Overall, the drawing is clean, and the story, was fairly interesting. I do want to see where this goes.
You are Listening too . . .
The Unorthodox, Mr. Lif.
My Feed.
Since I have adjusted some of my pages, my feed subscriptions have gone nuts. They went from, 15 to 47 in about a week. Nice.
Well . ..
It was awfully nice of Dubya to declassify the happy stuff.
Paddington Bear . . .
YOU BASTARD. PETA will be on your ass now.
70's and 80's Rock Stars.
Should all be tested for Hepatitus, and HIV.
Very Interesting.
The Wife, my Father and I were just discussing a similar scenario this weekend.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
A year here and he still dreamed of cyberspace, hope fading nightly. All the speed he took, all the turns he'd taken and the corners he'd cut in Night City, and he'd still see the matrix in his sleep, bright lattices of logic unfolding across that colorless void.... - William Gibson, Neuromancer.
I am Malach and I saw you, walking in the rain.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:58 PM 8 comments
It's getting there
Stool Sample Webcomics.
The basic layout of the new main page is coming together. Check it out, you can see where it is heading. All the links work so play around with it. Also I got a lot of pencilling and inking done on the new Fat Bug today.
EPIC 2015.
I have never seen this until today. Very impressed. Dad you will like this one too. Check it out over at the WoW.
As some of you know, Malach's daytime job is working for a large non-profit as Director for Disabilty Services. This non-profit is actually a Catholic Charities based organization, under the wing of a diocese (yeah shocking I know). Overall, religion is not pushed, many of our employees are not Catholic, etc, etc. We do have a once a month, voluntary mass, I also work with several nuns and a priest (who is a wierd non diocese priest, really cool, another story though). So, needless to say Malach is sometimes bombarded with these silly e-mails and mail of a religious nature. Well this one chapped my ass. This was left in everyones box, it is a prayer by Fr. John Corapi, SOLT (check out his official website). SOLT is a very interesting organization. This prayer was entitled The Blessed Mother and Islam. It dates from 9/11/06.
As we watch the spectacle of the world seeming to self-destruct before our eyes, we can’t help but be saddened and even frightened by so much evil run rampant. Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Somalia, North Korea—It is all a disaster of epic proportions displayed in living color on our television screens.
These are not ordinary times and this is not business as usual. We are at a crossroads in human history and the time for Catholics and all Christians to act is now. All evil can ultimately be traced to its origin, which is moral evil. All of the political action, peace talks, international peacekeeping forces, etc. will avail nothing if the underlying sickness is not addressed. This is sin. One person at a time hearts and minds must be moved from evil to good, from lies to truth, from violence to peace.
Islam, an Arabic word that has often been defined as “to make peace,” seems like a living contradiction today. Although it is supposed to be a religion of peace, Islam has been hijacked by Satan and now operates in the dark space of international terrorism.
I am proposing that each one of us pray the Rosary for peace. Prayer is what must precede all other activity if that activity is to have any chance of success. Pray for peace, pray the Rosary every day without fail.
There is a great love for Mary among Muslim people. It is not a coincidence that a little village named Fatima is where God chose to have His Mother appear in the twentieth century. Our Lady’s name appears no less than thirty times in the Koran. No other woman’s name is mentioned, not even that of Mohammed’s daughter, Fatima. In the Koran Our Lady is described as “Virgin, ever Virgin.”
Archbishop Fulton Sheen prophetically spoke of the resurgence of Islam in our day. He said it would be through the Blessed Virgin Mary that Islam would be converted. We must pray for this to happen quickly if we are to avert a horrible time of suffering for this poor, sinful world. Turn to our Mother in this time of great peril. Pray the Rosary every day. Then, and only then will there be peace, when the hearts and minds of men are changed from the inside. Talk is weak. Prayer is strong. Pray!
Makes feel all warm and fuzzy inside don't it?
Monday Night Football.
Damn, Morten Anderson is still playing?
Man, I should taken up smoking.
Now there's a company with DEEP Pockets I can sue.
The Carter Boys (When White Trash Becomes Famous Part 75).
So let me get this straight. 18 year old bubblegum boy Aaron Carter asked his 22 year old girlfriend (who happens to be a Playboy Playmate) on stage last week to marry him and then broke it off a week later. This is the same girl that was dating his older brother Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys). OK, this is wierd, gross, and strange.
I am assuming this is a huge closet? Hey Aaron Carter, Britney Spears, this could your life.
Malach bucking the trends.
I only have 2 TV's in my house.
I want a prothstetic tail too!
No Fair!
I want a free computer from the Commerce Department too!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Und you mess with the girl, you get the Hitler! - Girl Hitler (perhaps the best villian ever created)
I am Malach and I love to stir it up!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:02 PM 0 comments
A Quick Allo!
Gotta run, Pats game coming on!
I have had a lot of emails and messages regarding our last podcast and the Wand of Wonder. A lot of them were praise. Thanks. I answered a number of them personally, and the rest were similar so I will answer them here.
1. JonBenet Ramsey in a jar: Yes, look for her to appear in future Murk and Malach Shows
2. Wanna be a guest? Contact me or Murk.
3. Yes, the WoW is hectic, and I am trying to figure out a way to get some good articles to the forefront. Murk and I are discussing reviving our forum, Minimum Security, stay tuned.
4. Want to join the WoW. I need a email, that is how Blogger will send you the invite. Contact me or Murk at the same links above.
5. The Wand of Wonder is just that, like the Dungeons and Dragons item, the Wand of Wonder. We do have some rules. 99% of the time, we will delete links to porn, weapons making, terrorist sites, and stuff like that. Now I say 99% of the time cause there are always exceptions. Try to stick to the PG13 - R rating. Additionally, we don't my you plug your stuff, as long as it is kept to a minimum, and please, watch the SPAM. If you not sure what that is read most of Cap'n Flack Paperpants posts.
6. Yes, we are going to start to do legitimate interviews over at WoW. Again contact me or Murk. Good opportunity to leech off us while we leech off you
Mr. Lif.
I have had a couple of people ask for the lyric to this song playing now. What am I Google?
Here you go:
Now let's talk about self expression, true expression
Open your minds without question
No doubt,
tell me what you're thinking about
Let's try to set aside pride and clout
Can you believe I feel the same exact way you do?
You truly do believe these modern ways have fooled you
Systems exist so we never meet each other
Pretty soon from now that I'll long the word "brother"
And that's true if they see you walking with a crew
If you don't know,
that means more than two
I'll tell you what they'll do
They'll pull over, hunt you over
Kick your ass, nightstick to your shoulder
I know it's unjust, as if it wasn't enough
If you try to fight back they're locking your ass up
And Chuck already told you that a cell is hell
But I'm waiting for the phone so I'll sit for a spell
Call the guard,
tell him I'm a piece of God
With no beliefs in his streets or his boulevards
I eat, read so my mental is hard
And the heat from my anger just melted the bars
They reach for their guns so I put them to sleep
Break the chains and put the shoes back on my feet
He's on the loose with no discernible scars or marks
Just the mind of Mandela and the heart of Rosa Parks
So I dip,
time to see the governor and mayor
Tell them life ain't fair and see if they care
Well they do, but only if they are the heir
So they appear to have a heart and make a flair
But they haven't done shit for us and that's a fact
Their only function is to keep the funny money where it's at
And it causes pain, stress
Ask me if we need a different way of life (yes)
Headline: Bush steals the presidency
He needs the backing of the media what could the remedy be?
The country's headed for recession reminiscent of the Great Depression
Are lives worth a world of power?Easy question
Planes hit the towers and the Pentagon
Killing those the government wasn't dependant on
It's easy to control the scared so they keep us in fear
With their favorite Middle Eastern demon named Bin Laden this year
Bush disguises blood lust as patriotism
Convincing the living to love "Operation Let's Get 'Em"
But when he realized we don't support their attacks
They needed something to distract,
hmm, anthrax
This further demonizes Afghanis
So Americans cheer while we kill their innocent families
And what better place to start a war
To build a pipeline to get the oil that they had wanted before
America supported the Taliban
To get Russia out of Afghanistan
That's how they got the arms in
They're in a war against the Northern Alliance
And we can't build a pipeline in hostile environments
Here's what your history books won't show:
You're a dead man for fucking with American dough
They killed several birds with one stone
While you're at home with anti-terrorism up in your dome
But my eyes are wide open and my TV is off
'cause I save on my electricity cost
And you can wave that piece of shit flag if you dare
But they killed us because we've been killing them for years
Malach's Quote of the Day.
We do not seek a Christ whom we have invented, for only in the real communion of the Church do we encounter the real Christ. - Ratzy
I am Malach and I score 5 touchdowns today.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Emergency Rations
First, I am in process of redesigning Stool Sample Webcomics.
And for my loyal blog readers, here is a sneak. Basically you have a cork board, and I will post a image of a comic pinned to the chalk board for each comic, that will link to the comic archive. Should be done in about a week. I think I am also going to turn the background from black to a brick wall.
You are listening too. . .
One of the best rap artists out the now, Mr. Lif. This song is entitled Home of the Brave and I think is the only song in the world that samples Ted Kennedy. Malach and Mr. Lif have had a few conversations with each other via MySpace, Malach is huge Lif fan, Lif likes my political cartoons and JesusMan!. Very cool guy. Murk will like everything about this guy but his politics. Lif is what modern hip hop needs. A guy who can put together a message and coherrant thought. Lif runs the gamut of influences, you immediately see his influence from Rakim, Public Enemy, the Beastie Boys, and such. He is set to explode someday. Help him get there.
Could it be?
Bin Laden, dead? You think they would want to save this until closer to election time. Again, as Murk and I stressed in the latest podcast, Bin Laden should have been the pilot at 9/11. He would have been the next Mohammed. But you see, guys like this, are not out for a cause.
Hey Clay Aiken
When you talk to God, what does he say about you being gay? Cause he tells the Angry Piper to cut it out and put some pants on.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Officially eliminated from the playoffs, The Mood of will return next year.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Dear brothers and sisters after the great Pope, John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble worker in the Lord's vineyard. The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers. In the joy of the resurrected Lord, we go on with his help. He is going to help us and Mary will be on our side. Thank you" - Ratzy.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Updates for you people!
Some minor updates.
First, Aleague's Gallery has updated. Got some nice user bars in there. If you want to use them, two things.
1. Contact him and ask.
2. Don't steal my bandwidth, host them yourself.
Also, Stickyboy Bob sent me some awesome fan art.
Coming along real nicely on my new clients website. Should be mostly finished next week. I am also comtemplating a new cut and paste webcomic (Like I don't have enough of them). It will be based upon the WoW personalities, mostly based on the Angry Piper biographical posts. Also, the FNRPG Crew will be starting up again soon (but not on Fridays) which means, FNRPG Cartoons will be back. These I am also going to do slightly differently.
Speaking of the WoW.
2 Post over there today. I got a hold of the video for Steve Irwins death, and against my better judgement posted it. Also a bucko who will remain anonymous sent me a film that I posted of their mission, Operation Stingray.
Damn Louis Farrakhan!
An Anal Ulcer?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Hey, the Yankees could all die in a plane crash . . . You did not hear that from me.
Malach's (Ratzy) Quote of the Day!
"A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate's permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate's stand in favor of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons." - Ratzy (I think you over thought this one)
I am Malach and I am voting for Murk and Malach in '08!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:24 PM 3 comments
The Murk and Malach Show.
Everyone loves the new episode.
So go get it now. This one is a couple minutes over 2 hours, and the interview at the end might insult some sensibilities (you should hear what got cut out). Show 11 is up, in both MP3 and Real Media, enjoy!
Drix Gallery.
Has been updated. Evidently he is using my site as part of a school project. Enjoy that.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Congrats Big Papi, a bright spot in an otherwise disamal season.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
It is good, that you enlighten people about Harry Potter, because those are subtle seductions, which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly. - Ratzy (Letter to Gabriele Kuby author of Harry Potter- good or evil? signed by Ratzinger, but which he now claims was written by a subordinate, March 7, 2003 )
I am Malach and I am hooked on a feeling.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:46 PM 4 comments
Everything you ever wanted to know about Malach.
The WoW True Hollywood Story.
It seems the Angry Piper is doing expose' on all the WoW members. Malach was first. And I must say, it is all true.
The Podcast.
Murk is VERY close to finishing it, might be ready tonight, might be ready tomorrow. We will see.
Fat Bug.
Is moving along and I have it 50% pen and inked. It will be until at least next weekend when it gets finished.
You are Listening too . . .
One more ditty from Cake . .
The West Warwick Fire.
Well the criminal part is resolved, we will see where civil litigation goes. As an aside, Micheal Derderian used to be a beat reporter for Channel 7 . I met him once, he is REALLY short.
Not bad for 3.3 million years old.
What, she was 3? Whoops.
RIP, Dr. Phillip Melanson
Phillip Melanson, and professor of mine, and a person who opened my eyes to the great conspiracies of the US government (along with my father), passed away today. I will miss you on the History Channel! If you ever take a visit to the campus of UMASS Dartmouth, take a look at the RFK Assassination archives. Their stuff is amazing.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
At least Schilling is pitching tonight!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Rock" [music]. . . is the expression of elemental passions, and at rock festivals it assumes a cultic character, a form of worship, in fact, in opposition to Christian worship. People are, so to speak, released from themselves by the experience of being part of a crowd and by the emotional shock of rhythm, noise, and special lighting effects. However, in the ecstasy of having all their defenses torn down, the participants sink, as it were, beneath the elemental force of the universe." - Ratzy!
I am Malach and I know for a fact that Ratzy is a huge fan of the 2 Live Crew. Me Love You Long Time.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:26 PM 4 comments
The MA Governor's Race
Thank God Mitt Romney is gone!
The Democratic primary was today (yes Malach voted) and as of right now Deval Patrick has a huge lead with 1% of the precincts reporting. Deval Patrick is a interesting candidate. He is what the Democratic Party is missing. It will be interesting to see his political future.
Some Changes Upcoming.
Look for some major changes in the direction of Third Option Media. More updates soon.
The Space Shuttle Program.
Yeah, time to retire these Dinosaurs.
Last Night in Bangkok.
Heheheh you said bang cock!
I like the new Dubya.
He's like a tree hugging peace hippie now.
Well, look like I am off to beat the rush.
The kids will love TMX Elmo. I wonder if he says, "Ut-Oh, who wants to die?"
On the Road Again?
Hey, there are some smart cops in Louisiana. Just pull over Willie Nelson's Tour bus. I am ready Willie . . . . FREE WILLIE NELSON!
PSA's on YouTube.
Man that Dubya is so smart. What I wanted was a "How to Grow Pot Video"! Hey Willie, you need to put up some YouTube Videos.
Ahh, modern technology . . .
It gives the world so many good things, like Virtual Jihad.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Who are the Red Sox?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The obscuring of the difference or duality of the sexes has enormous consequences on a variety of levels. This theory of the human person, intended to promote prospects for equality of women through liberation from biological determinism, has in reality inspired ideologies which, for example, call into question the family, in its natural two-parent structure of mother and father, and make homosexuality and heterosexuality virtually equivalent, in a new model of polymorphous sexuality. - Ratzy
I am Malach but I defer to Rick James.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:39 PM 2 comments
I dug deep.
And found the greatest barbed wire match ever, Sabu and Terry Funk. You want see it? It's on the WoW. Better hurry before the WWE makes us take it down.
You are listening too . .
I wasn't gonna play more Cake, but then I did. Meanwhile, Rick James.
Ahh Ratzy.
Stuck your foot in your mouth . . . I wonder in anyone in the Middle East has the balls to kill him?
Space Elevators?
Sign me up!
Walking Sharks?
Piper's worst nightmare!
Christopher Tolkein and/or for that matter Brian Hebert.
It's nice that you are living off you family and putting out more crappy . . . um . . . unfinished works you edited together.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Hey, they sweep the Twins, they are only like 3 games out.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Wherever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment. Such attraction fades quickly - it cannot compete in the market of leisure pursuits, incorporating as it increasingly does various forms of religious titillation." - Ratzy
I am Malach and don't make me titillate you.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:39 PM 10 comments
How 'bout them Raiders
After only two weeks, I am ready to declare the Raiders the worst team in football.
Some Updates.
We have a new webcomic, part of the Stool Sample Webcomics Family, Color Me Stupid, by Sticky Bob. In addition the galleries of Aleague and Drix have been updated.
You haven't seen stats in a while .. .
So here we go. The site is up to 3,399,927 hit since opening in Feb of 05. There have beem 99,336 unique visitors. The majority of them come from the United States, more specifically California. The Top 5 Countries are:
1. The US
2. Canada
3. Germany
4. The UK
5. Netherlands
The Top 5 Regions are:
1. California
2. Oklahoma
3. British Columbia Canada
4. Massachusetts
5. New York
The most requested page is this blog, the top 5:
1. Dropping My Daily Stool Sample
2. Stool Sample
3. My Illustration Galleries
4. JesusMan!
5. My Fine Art Galleries
Where does my traffic come from? MySpace. The top 5:
1. MySpace, the MySpacer I get the most traffic from? Guess!
2. Cartoon Orbit: The Complete Guide
3. CZone Central
4. BuzzComix
5. Google
The Murk and Malach Show Podcast.
I have had a lot of comments and questions about the upcoming podcast. First, thanks for all the compliments, and request for new shows. There will be one out sometime this week. You can subscribe to the show via it's RSS Feed or e-mail subscription (on the main page).
Warning, this new show is a shade over 2 hours long, and is a bit more serious than past ones. Is is still funny though. Also, some of you might be highly insulted by our interviewed guest. If you want to be involved with the podcast, you can send me an email.
So, my new client.
I whipped together a new main page, you can view it here. Is is in a bit of a rough state right now, but you can compare to his site I am replacing.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Now they choose to start winning. The Pats are looking scary. When they finally get Gabriel and Jackson in sync . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If Buddhism is attractive, it is because it appears as a possibility of touching the infinite and obtaining happiness without having any concrete religious obligations. A spiritual auto-eroticism of some sort. Someone had rightly predicted in the 1950s that the challenge to the Church in the twentieth century would not be Marxism, but Buddhism. - Pope Benedict XVI
I am Malach your Pope with the Most.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:05 PM 3 comments
When I kiss your lips I want to sink down to the bottom of the sea.
Stool Sample Webcomics is doing a bit of a shift. As you can see by the main page, I am making the main page, just now known and Stool Sample, with three seperate directories, Stool Sample Webcomics, Stool Sample Art and Writing, and RubberSuit Records.
Stool Sample Webcomics of course will be webcomics, and types. I am working with someone who contacted me yesturday to add another title to the family. Perhaps tomorrow.
Stool Sample Art and Writing will be hosting of art galleries, animations, and various forms of writing. Got a few writers who have contacted about hosting, those will also be up soon.
RubberSuit Records will be a music hosting area, for bands, musicians, singers. I have someone who has already sent me his stuff, we are just working out the details.
So, if you want to submit some stuff, contact me. We can go over the details. Also if you want to join the nuttiness at WoW, email me also.
You are listening too . .. .
Love You Madly, Cake.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Went real well. It is very interesting. Murk tells me it might be up tomorrow. Some warnings. This one is about 2 hours long. Our interview is going to insult alot of sensibilities. Murk went on a bit of a tirade, this podcast is a bit serious.
I'm Popeye the Sailor man!
I'm Popeye the Sailor . . .
And it seem Sweet Pea
is shit out of luck too.
There wuz people in the New World, writing, even before some of the events of the early Middle East!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Playing the Yankees, I don't care, rained out tonight.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Don't you ever, EVER compare me to 'Family Guy,' you hear me Kyle? Compare me to 'Family Guy' again and so help me, I will kill you where you stand! Do you have any idea what it's like? Everywhere I go: 'Hey Cartman you must like 'Family Guy,' right?' 'Hey, your sense of humor reminds me of "Family Guy" Cartman!' I am nothing like Family Guy! When I make jokes they are inherent to a story! Deep situational and emotional jokes based on what is relevant and has a point, not just one random interchangable joke after another! - Cartman
I am Malach and don't you ever, EVER compare JesusMan! to Friends!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:47 PM 2 comments
Early Blog Tonight
Heading over to Dr. Murk's Estate.
To finish the podcast! While we are doing this check out some of these plugs. Malach has posted a bunch of funny Lord of the Rings parodies at the WoW. The LOTR Orgy still makes me laugh. And if you have not read Ben Byrd's latest, it is MUST READ. Good Stuff.
What the Hell is CBS thinking?
A return to pre Civil Rights times? 1936 Olympic games from Munich? A relaunch of Negro League Baseball?
Stupid Yuppies.
Hey Piper.
My boys are getting him out of the way, now is your chance!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Hey their Magic Number is like 35!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Pee-wee Herman: Shhhhh! I'M TRYING TO USE THE PHONE!!
Biker 1: Did anybody tell you that this is the private club of the Satan's Helpers?
Pee-wee Herman: Nobody hipped me to that, dude. - Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
I am Malach, HAIL SATAN!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:07 PM 4 comments
Pro Wrestling.
Check out my latest WoW post.
A long post of Malach's mememories and opinions about pro wrestling including some of the more modern federations (warning some intense death match videos).
Murk and I could only record half the podcast tonight. We will finish tomorrow. You still have time to call or send us questions.
It get's weirder and weirder.
Suspicious? Yeah Master Detective Malach told you that 3 days ago.
Hey Britney Spears.
This will be you in a few years. Hey Piper, there someone else for you to get a piece of!
Hear that Beautymist.
I told you you were fat.
Yeah, Yeah.
Boring fake reality show shit. Been talking about it on some of the forums. Wait until you see Murk and Malach take off on this.
I am not a proponent for war.
But if the Taliban had the opportunity they would take the shot. Perhaps this is the new and cuddlier Dubya Administration? And for Rules of War? You are at war with terrorism, and I can assure, terrorrist don't follow the Geneva Conventions.
See, we can run a less pollition free society.
And surprisingly, my wife's and kids allergies were non existent most of the summer. Some fast facts. Air Pollution decreased by 20% the week after 9/11, no planes in the air. The Big Dig in Boston has reduced air pollutions 15%.
Remember you heard it here first.
Rothlesberger dead by week ten. I predict during a game, the goal post will collaspe crushing him. Hey Ben, you could always become a Christian!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Pats-Jets, fun rivalry!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"You don't throw rocks at a man with a machine gun!" - Rowdy Roddy Piper
I am Malach, your Internet Friend
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:45 PM 3 comments
The Murk and Malach Podcast.
Recording tomorrow.
Send us your emails. This show is gonna be fly. Murk has a sneak preview. Murk is also hosting a new fiction piece by Ben Byrd. And yes Malach has a new website job.
More Plugs.
Malach new 9/11 theory. Hamburger recipes.
You are listening too . .
The theme of Malach the Merciless . . . Opera Singer, Cake.
Stranger and Stranger.
Again Anna Nicole's son's death.
This should go over well.
Girls Gone Wild.
I wonder how much this guy is worth?
If I get hit by one of these things . .
NASA, expect a lawsuit.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Who are the Red Sox?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Are you an angel fallen from heaven? Cause you got nice cans. - Bender
I am Malach and I have nice cans.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:33 PM 3 comments
A Day that will live in Infamy.
I pretty much said what I wanted to say most of the day at forums and at WoW. Speaking of WoW, there are a number of heartfelt posts and comments on 9/11, check them out. Interestingly while delveing the 9/11 stories at website I found this story. My how the attitude of this country has changed since that awful day. Many people wonder why, I can tell you why in one word: Iraq.
In addition, the sooner they get his built the better.
Speaking of Infamy
The Murk and Malach Show will be recording on Wednesday. Contact me or Murk with question for our Mailbag.
Hosting another Art Gallery.
Drix's Gallery.
Steve Irwin.
His private funeral was today, and sounded pretty cool. Evidently they are planning some type of large memorial service later in the month. We miss you Steve.
Strange Story.
Anna Nicole Smith's son died today. Seems rather fishy . . . I hope he wasn't snorkeling with the Stingrays . . . it's war you know, but that is another story.
I want Bill Gates's Life.
Fun stuff to do with billions of dollars.
So you think these tree trees . .
Pick on the smaller trees?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Nice, Pats traded Deion Branch for a 1st rounder in 2007. We will miss you Deion . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you've got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read. Forget I mentioned it. This song has no message. Rise for the flag salute. - Frank Zappa
I am Malach, and people like me.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:28 PM 2 comments
Thus begins the NFL Season!
A few surprises.
First, the Detriot Seattle game, 9 - 6? What was up with that? And Michael Vick finally took my advice and stopped trying to be the second coming of Kordell Stewart. St. Louis over Denver? Yeah, Jake the Snake returned to form. Baltimore dominating the Bucs, and the greatest reality show on turf, Dallas losing, and Chad Pennington is not dead (but playing Tennesee helps). I hated the Pink song for "Sunday Night Football in America" or what ever it is. Should be a interesting season, things will begin to settle down in the next coming weeks.
And is it just me? Or am I the only one who cannot stand Shannon Sharpe as a announcer? It is like he's got a lisp and cotton in his mouth at the same time. Shaq and him should so a sitcom. Boston's Mayor Menino could be their landlord.
Malach posted a bit something about Football at the WoW today, check it out.
You are listening too . .
Comfort Eagle, by Cake. Cake is absolutely amazing, and this is their best album, and one of Malach's theme songs. Another band I have never seen live, but really want to.
Jack Johnson.
Not the singer, the early 20th century boxer, the first black heavyweight boxing champion. I watch a really interesting PBS documentary on him and his life. Very interesting man. Look him up, watch it if you can find it.
A very tough time for this country, Malach wishes the victims of this tragedy Godspeed.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Who cares, FOOTBALL! Oh wow they won.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Eat jellied eels and think distant thoughts." - Jack Johnson (this quote is in reference to a reporter who saw women streaming out of his locker room, and asked him how he could go through so many in a hour)
I am Malach and I think deep thoughts.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:06 PM 5 comments
Quick Blog tonight.
Wifey and I are going to watch a movie.
Rent. We saw Rent a number of years ago at the PPAC (OOOHH I see Chicago is playing there . . .). I loved the play, I found it to be a artistic epiphany for myself, well see how the movie is . . I will post a review of it at WoW.
Gotta go too . . .
Gonna watch Fantastic Four with the kids. I will review it too.
New Hosting Gallery.
Aleague's Gallery. Another coming too.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Pats game tomorrow!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Television, the drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation... - Michael Franti
I am Malach and I am a Junkie.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:52 PM 4 comments
Normally, I would save a post like this for the WoW.
But tonight, I saw a must see show; you all should watch. World War III, Beyond Lebanon. Unlike most of these shows, it was not slanted one way or the other. The left (George Mitchell and the like) had as much airtime as the right (Newt Gingrich). Muslim leaders, both part of the problem, and part of the solution, and experts were interviewed. The basic question of the show is how close we are to World War III, especially with recent events in the Middle East; and if there was a WWIII, what would bring it about and who were the sides. The Shiite, Sunni split is fascinating; the stance of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, and Egypt are also key; along with a potential powder keg of Hebrew nationalism, anti-Zionism. Most everyone agreed that Iran, was most likely to start something with a Nuclear Weapons, and within the next 5 years. Many compared it to the 5 year build up pre WWII. I have said before, the only solution is turning most of the Middle East to a nuclear wasteland (yeah I am embarassed by that stance), but from what came out of the show, their might not be any choice in the matter. With the situation in Iraq, and the potential for a major conflict there in the coming years, this seems to be a real possibilty, and trust me, a change at the top ain't going to help.
You are listening too . . .
Stars, by HUM. This was a hit back in 1996 toward the end of the "Alternative Outbreak" of the late 80' early 90'. Very interesting song, also a very interesting band. The album, I suggest a listen, you can probably find it cheap ($4 through the Amazon link). HUM is in that big sound Sonic Youth influenced (see also Dinosaur Jr. and most of the stuff done by Lou Barlow), pre Radiohead, space rock, drug addled, wall of sound. This album was pretty good, and I still listen to it. Interesting lyrics also.
This song itself, reminds me of my sister-in-law, who is Autistic. Also reminds me of my wife (her twin). It fits her to a personality. Lyrics reprinted below, A painting she did is on the left.
She thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out backcounting stars
She's not at work, she's not at school, She's not in bed, i think i finally broke her I bring her home everything i want, nothing that she needs
I thought she'd be there holding daisies, she always waits for me
She thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out back counting stars
I found her out back sitting naked looking up and looking dead
a crumpled yellow piece of paper, seven nines and tens
I thought she'd be there holding daisies, she always waits for me
She thinks she missed the train to mars, she's out back counting stars
I thought you'd be there holding daisies, you always wait for me
She thinks she missed the train to mars, she's out back counting stars
Might get busy again.
I negotiations to redo another website. It will be interesting to do a site for someone I might not ever meet.
My Last Comission.
The client sent me a pic today of the thing hanging. Check it out.
Man, not Kansas City, we can't beat them! Their are up though. So, now to the NFL? So, you think there's gonna be a QB controversy in Pittsburgh?
Malach's Quote of the Day
...many questions about the phenomenon of Israel... Students are saying that sixty years ago such a country did not exist... I tell them to study the history of WWI and WWII. One of my students told me that during WWII, which more than tens of millions of people perished in, news about the war, was quickly disseminated by the warring parties. Each touted their victories and the most recent battlefront defeat of the other party. After the war they claimed that six million Jews had been killed. Six million people that were surely related to at least two million families. Again let us assume that these events are true. Does that logically translate into the establishment of the state of Israel in the Middle East or support for such a state? How can this phenomenon be rationalized or explained? - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
I am Malach, Mahmoud, buddy, you haven't made big news recently. Suggestion: I Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I killed JonBenet Ramsey, in the name of Allah! Or you could always try out for American Idol. (That should put the fatwa on my head up to about $71.23)
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:56 PM 5 comments
All I can say . . .
Is the next Fat Bug . . .
Is going to rock your socks off. Funny, strange, and weird are three superlatives I have heard from fans who have seen the sketches. It will be very different than the usual format. Don't worry, excessive sex and violence will still be included. If of course I ever get it finished, back to being busy again.
David Cunningham
You just trying to piss off the whole world aren't you. In one way I admire that. Speaking of 9- 11, Malach has a new theory to go with his Flight 77 theory. I will debut soon.
Steve Irwin again.
Steve Irwin death has shut down parts of the internet. Again I stress to you that don't understand. Steven Irwin was a nice, down earth, straight shooter, much like the masses of humanity, that why we like him. And Germaine Greer . . . just read this.
Ahh Paris Hilton.
Were the Stars Blind for this?
Ok, honestly . . .
I really don't mind if it gets Florida like in the Northeast here, and Dinosaurs were fuggin' cool. Seriously though, are there still people who say global warming is a figment of our imagination? And I wonder how many of the worlds most dangerous animals would be wiped out?
How low can gasoline go?
Well it is down to $2.49 a gallon in the cheapest place around here (BJ's Wholesale Club in Dartmouth for the local yokels.)
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Ahh, football. Game tonight pretty good. It's early but neither team looked too impressive.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. - Vince Lombardi
I am Malach, and I fear the one known as Beautimist!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:19 PM 3 comments
Gonna Do You Right . . .
So, how's it going?
Busy, but I started the latest Fat Bug (at least Penciling). Also Palmer is playing around and trying to get peoplet to figure out who Rubbersuitman is in the lastest Necromancer Ned. I have already guessed a number of people including L. Ron Hubbard, but alas I am wrong.
Malach put up a new Wikipedia article today, this one a serious one. Let's see if it stays up.
And the Pope had some interesting comments of Revelations.
Speaking of L. Ron.
So you seen the pic of the TOMKAT's supposed kid? Yeah the kid is what a couple months old? Yeah the kid look 1. Submit to your Thetan kid.
You are Listening too . . .
Do You Right, by 311. This is before they went all soft like the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Steve Irwin
It is pretty amazing people are still talking about it, and many media outlets are wondering why. I will tell you why. He was real, he was a bloke just like you and me. He cared. Look at some of the video tributes out there and you will see why.
What? Secret Prisons?
SHOCK! AND OUTRAGE! (yeah that is sarcastic)
I always hear sounds when I paint . . .
or maybe voices?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Ahh Football! TOMORROW!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right. - Howard Cosell
I am Malach, on a mission to kill Stingrays . . . (BTW check out the Wikipedia link to Stingray, it is locked cause of recent vandalism).
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:03 PM 7 comments
A Reminder to the Stupid.
Chuck Norris is the most powerful force in the Universe.
But is he more powerful than the one knows as K-Fed? I do know this, a Sting Ray would not dare touch Chuck for fear of a round house kick to the face!
So can we go back to the days of $1.00 per gallon?
It is kind of nice how the GOP held this one secret until election time.
So what?
Malach can send minds bullets over the phone
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
What the Hell, this is old school Red Sox, play with the emotions type stuff.
Malach's Quote of the Day
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is, "Probably because of something you did." - Jack Handey
I am Malach and I love to do that to the Catholic School Kids.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:06 PM 4 comments
Steve Irwin 1962 - 2006
The Crocodile Hunter.Many of you already know that Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, passed away today from freak attack from a sting ray. Ironically, the way he was hit (Skewered through the chest) is about the only way these creatures can cause a fatality, and there has only been 3 fatalities in Australia since 1946 from a stingray. His site has been really hard to get onto today becuase of traffic, but you can try.
Beyond his over the top personality, Steve Irwin was a rare breed of celebrity: down to Earth, caring of people and animals, and real champion of animal rights (Not like those PETA nutcases). I have always enjoyed him and his shows. You will be missed Mate.
Necromancer Ned
Has been updated with episode Ned 19. First apperance of Rubbersuitman and a continued muddling of continuity.
You are Listening too . . .
In My Life, by The Beatles. If you have never heard of The Beatles, what planet are you from?
Tiger Woods.
Has won yet again. So do you all get the feeling too, watching him, that when he screws up, just so the rest of the field can catch up and give himself a challenge? I don't mean conciously. Like somewhere in his subconcious mind, he gets to a Tee, and shoots it off into this thick rough in the middle of 75 trees, just so he can line it up, wrap it around some trees, and still make par?
This is a very interesting study.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I can't wait for Sept call ups.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it. - Steve Irwin
I am Malach, and yes that is irony Alanis Morrisette.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:43 PM 3 comments
Short blog tonight
Got some work to do.
Have a nice Labor Day Buckos.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So, has this been a year for Ben Roethlisberger or what? Welcome back Papi.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"It's like a gold mine, but with fur." - Patrick Star
I am Malach and this has been the shortest blog ever.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:49 PM 2 comments
Joining the RubberSuit Studios Family.
Tri Clown Ball's Sports GFX.
You can view it here. Some more interesting stuff in the digital medium. In addition, the Brontosaurus and Butterfly have update their galleries. I am going to have to watch out for these two, their 4 and 3 years old and have some awesome stuff. They have already asked me when they can have my website.
You are listening too . . .
21st Century (Digital Boy), by Bad Religion. I was not going to play another for a while by Bad Religion but a forum conversation got me thinking about this song. Check the lyrics.
I can't believe it,
the way you look sometimes
Like a trampled flag on a city street, oh yeah
And I don't want it,
the things you're offering me
Symbolized bar code, quick ID,
oh yeah
Cuz I'm a 21st century digital boy
I don't know how to live but I've got a lot of toys
My daddy's a lazy middle class intellectual
My mommy's on valium, so ineffectual
Ain't life a mystery?
I can't explain it,
the things you're saying to me
It's going yayayayayayaya, oh yeah
Cuz I'm a 21st century digital boy
I don't know how to read but I've got a lot of toys
My daddy's a lazy middle class intellectual
My mommy's on valium, so ineffectual
Ain't life a mystery?
Tried to tell you about no control
But now I really don't know
And then you told me how bad you had to suffer
Is that really all you have to offer?
Cuz I'm a 21st century digital boy
I don't know how to live but I've got a lot of toys
My daddy's a lazy middle class intellectual
My mommy's on valium, so ineffectual
Ain't life a mystery?
What is most interesting about it, is the song was written 1992 - 93, before the real advent of the digital age, and the War on Terror.
So, Internet, get ready for the Revenge of Malach.
Malach got his new toys in the mail today:
Flash Pro
Cold Fusion
So, redesign some websites, animate JesusMan!. Make a billion dollars.
Check out Piper's latest WoW post, good stuff there.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Had my Fantasy Football draft today (the one that is big time $$). Here's who I ended up with:
Eli Manning
Jake Delhomme
Shaun Alexander
Clinton Portis
Julius Jones
Derrick Mason
Donte Stallworth
Eric Moulds
Todd Heap
Not bad, not bad at all.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I tell you we will cut off his head with the crown upon it. - Oliver Cromwell
I am Malach and I am a 21st Century Digital Boy.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:08 PM 1 comments
First and Foremost
You are on Notice!
11 More Things You May Or May Not Know About Malach
1. I am rather fond of Ben 10. Many people find that strange, but I like the show alot.
2. I was previously engaged to someone before he got married.
3. I like to shop, for anything. Groceries, clothes, computer crap, anything.
4. I like to shovel snow, and finds it very relaxing.
5. Malach's interent persona is very close to who he acutally is.
6. I own and enjoyed a hard back copy of this book.
7. I gets nervous sometimes around his wife.
8. My first job was pumping gas (old enough to remeber leaded gasoline).
9. I actually don't hate anyone at the Wand of Wonder.
10. Loves the artwork of Antonios Tapies.
11. I sneeze hard. I one time sneezed so hard in AP english, that I projectile snotted all over my desk in floor. The Angy Piper was a witness to this.
There will be a quiz soon.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Good Luck John Lester.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I don't paint things. I only paint the difference between things. - Matisse
I am Malach and I will paint your mother.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:54 PM 4 comments