Is Stranger Than Fiction.
I am redesigning Stool Sample Webcomics a bit. While the site will have the same web address, I am going to rename the main page Stool Sample. I am going to section it off into sections
1. Stool Sample Webcomics, with all the titles, no matter if they update anymore or not.
2. Stool Sample Art Galleries, featuring all our hosted art galleries (more on that below).
3. Stool Sample Records, local (perhaps beyond local)bands we feature.
4. Stool Sample Literature, Hosted fiction, non fiction.
It will be easier to navigate and have several central hubs. Again we will host just about anything you wish. Just read our submission guidelines and contact me.
Stool Sample Art Galleries
Presenting two new hosted artists. AutoArt, by Akshay, and Alex's gallery. Some nice digital work there. More stuff to come.
You are listening too . . .
Stranger Than Fiction, Bad Religion
McDonald's Hates Hedgehogs.
Take that you little spiny rats.
The Pope and Evolution.
Who says the Catholic Church is stuck in the 15th century!
You Honkey devils!
Back to the Moon?
Seems that way.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Papi is gonna be ok, Lester might have cancer, Bye Bye Boomer. Tavarez starting actually pitched pretty good. Please end this season.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Skuzz: You're Hell's Angels. . . What chapter are you from, then?
- Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
I am Malach, BURN THE WITCH!
Sometimes Truth . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:46 PM 50 comments
A Productive Vacation
So much done!
Finished the latest episode of The Wraith, finished a website for a client, halfway finished another website for a client, did extensive work on yet another website client, finished my latest commission, and finished up sketches for two more murals. All the while playing caring for the 4 and 3 year old, trying to clean the house, losing tonights softball game to end our season, putting together a Fantasy Football draft, and playing around with PHP. And the weeks only half over! I love doing this type of work, I'm begging for more so keep it coming.
The Internet makes the world small.
Got a couple of emails from one of my neighbors today. Found my site doing a websearch!
Another Interesting email.
Someone sent me one today telling me how much they enjoy reading my blog, and they send it to their friends to read, but have a hard time describing it, and asked if I could do so. So, here it goes:
Dropping My Daily Stool Sample is a blog that ruminates, rants, critiques and sometimes babbles about anything that catched the author fancy. It is one part advertising vehicle for the author's personal projects, one part wierd news commentary, one part critique on a just about anything, one part trivia game, and on part on going art/writing project.
Does that work? It is strange also. This blog has a lot of readers. It averages close to 200 unique readers a day. Not alot of comments though . . .
Nice job! Blame Canada!
Yeah, didn't see this coming.
How much more will the Big Dig cost you?
Rent a Preist?
Is this kind of like in the old days, when day would take John Boy to a Hooker to make him a man?
Low prices everyday, sometimes?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
OK here's the deal. I haven't seen a late season swoon like this in a long time. Basically you guys need to win like 24 of the next 26 to have a shot.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Bureau Official: Here is an example: A fifteen-year-old lad apprehended in the act of staging a holdup - fifteen years old and a marijuana addict. Here is a most tragic case.
Dr. Carroll: Yes. I remember. Just a young boy... under the influence of drugs... who killed his entire family with an axe. - Reefer Madness (This is a must see if you haven't seen it. Much better than Red Asphalt)
I am Malach and I am a notorious, exploitation film maker.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:12 PM 3 comments
OK Weird Night Tonight.
So the wife and one of my MySpace Stalkers . . .
Want me to take photos of them in the prom dresses . . . Yeah, I am thinking of opening some type of strange fetish porn MILF thing, we'll see. I'd link you over to their myspaces, but they always get pissed when I do that and get wierd messages and friend requests on their myspace. Perhaps some pics . . .
The Wraith
4.5 is now loaded.
You are listening too . . .
1965 GTO, by The AMAZING Royal Crowns.
Some WoW post for you perusal.
Malach latest collectible.
Words that need to be used more often.
Malach's Softball Team.
Malach team, the Kombucha Mushroom People, are playing tomorrow, if we win, we go to the championship. Wish us luck. We a tied 1 - 1 in a three game series with the number one ranked team in the league. You wanna be as good as us? Read this.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Concern for Big Papi.
Malach's Quote of the day.
"You take a team with twenty-five assholes and I'll show you a pennant. I'll show you the New York Yankees." - Spaceman Bill Lee
I am Malach and I love Bill Lee.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:37 PM 3 comments
Here's a huge shock!
Like no one saw this coming.
Damn, I should of paid him to wear a Stool Sample Webcomics Tshirt. So, either the man is mentall ill, starving for attention, or a media whore? Why not try and shoot the president? Well at least he is being extradited back to CA, where he faces some child porn charges.
Wow, the blog is filled with Nutjobs today . .
Katerine Harris, meet the founding fathers. No wonder the GOP dumped you off the ticket. So what's next, replace the president with a Holy Roman Emporer?
Malach has never owned a watch.
And the only thing he likes about cell phones is this.
Speaking of Nutjobs . .
It seems our friends Hobbs had a bit of a "Dear God moment."
In all honesty?
This might surprise you but Malach supports UNIFORMS in all Public Schools.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Are you ready for some Football?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
My pitching philosophy is simple; you gotta keep the ball off the fat part of the bat. - Satchel Page
I am Malach and I killed JonBenet Ramsey too!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:16 PM 5 comments
Third Degree Burns All Over The Place
When I Kiss Her Lips I Scald My Face!
Well, you are in for a treat tonight, for You are Listening too . .. a local fave of mine, who broke up way too soon, The Amazing Royal Crowns. Malach considers himself very lucky to have seen them live. They burned up the late 90's music scene with a fusion of punk, rockabilly, a bit of swing, and nasty swagger. They are best described as taking one part Iggy and Stooges, Jerry Lee Lewis, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Elvis, The Misfits, and Dropkick Murphys. They were high speed and AMAZING live. They sort of fell apart in early 2000 when their major label debut flopped, and then they all quit.
Dudes if you are reading this, there are a ton of fans waiting for a reunion! Still Loyal to the Royal, I wear my beat to crap concert shirt all the time. Blood, Sweat, and Grease man!
Oh, and this song is called Fireball Stomp. You ever mosh to punkabilly?
More Fun With Wikipedia
My fave, this page. I can spend hours there laughing, but my favorite entry?
Oy Vey!
Evidently our favorite old Hebrew comedian is suing. Jews for Jesus is his target. See, Pauline Christianity is not you only alternative!
I am not a huge golf fan.
But man Tiger Woods is amazing. I get the feeling he plays down to his competition to just to have something to shoot for.
The Patriots look scary this year.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Did I tell you the Pats look scary this year?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I guess it's not so much a time machine, as it is a dodgeball cannon." - Derek 'Stormy' Waters
I am Malach and "Look at me! I'm like an otter. A sexy little otter."
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:05 PM 5 comments
The Wraith
It's coming.
Got an email today asking me why The Wraith was not yet updated like promised. Sorry, but had to do an emergency c-section on one of my clients websites that took me a couple of days to complete. Knocked it behind schedule. But I have been working on it the past couple of days, and it might be finished mid week (not sure, I have another website to do). I will try. But in the meantime, here a sneak:
You might notice, I have been fooling around a bit with coloring and shading, tis and experiment (I am going to use the Wraith to experiment more), I like it so far. It will be interesting to see where this complete comic ends up and the changes through the one episode.
More Fun With Wikipedia
Fictional Weapons
LightSaber Combat
Weird of the Weird
The Pregnant Man?
Miss Futurama?
Well seems as if it is coming back. Hope it is better than the return of Family Guy.
American Gods.
Excellent Book, but don't take my word for it.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
This has been common, stellar starting pitching, the the whole thing collapses.
Malach's Quote of the day.
If anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry dome! - Professor Farnsworth
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Thanks Mom!
See, mom is always mom!
Even when you are 34. Mom got Malach Adobe Creative Suite 8 (don't worry buckos Mom got a huge discount on it cause she's a teacher)! Mom rocks. Malach is gonna have some fun! Flash . . . some animations in the future.
Talledega Nights.
Funny. Not as funny as Anchorman, but close. You like Will Ferrel, or NASCAR, you like this movie. Dad, you will love this movie, and I will bring Anchorman by in Sunday. Not to spoil anything but my favorite line of the movie. Will Ferrel plays top NASCAR driver Ricky Bobby, he is doing some commercial and doing one for a coffin company . . . the commercial begins:
"98% of all people will die in the their lifetime. . . "
They also showed a preview of Stranger Than Fiction. Looks very interesting, possible Ferrel's Truman Show.
Wanna be a great slow pitch softball pitcher?
Malach explains the secrets to you in a new article at Hill TV!
More fun with Wikipedia.
Cartoon Physics
Alien Races
You are Listening too . .
Folsom Prison Blues, by the Man, and the other Man.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation
Two in a row, and Manny's gonna be fine, will they make it interesting?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I'm disappointed that the Christian Churches have decided that capital punishment is wrong. Which is pretty hypocritical if you think about it, because they wouldn't even have a religion if it wasn't for capital punishment." - Stephen Colbert
I am Malach and I like to p(b)itch.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:10 PM 3 comments
Early blog
Got a Date Tonight!
Yay! The Wife and I have no kids tonight and are going out! I am excited.
It's a Sad Day at Disneyworld . .
Pluto is dead.
It is about time.
Plan B now available!
You know you have a gambling problem.
When you spend the $2.3M you stole from you employer on lottery tickets.
Spanish Cuisine!
I love Spanish food!
Take that you APPLE users!
Who has more power?
China or Wal-Mart?
Ahh, TO.
TO is now my most favorite player, he entertains me so.
What is it doing to my genitals?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
What they won last night? Well, Manny might need knee surgery, if that occurs, seasons over.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Having viewed slum clearance projects in most major cities of the world may I state that you have conceived and created in the Johannesburg townships what is probably the most impressive and adequate resettlement activity in existence." - L. Ron Hubbard, 1960
I am Malach and unlike Operating Thetans, I don't support Apartheid.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 3:35 PM 3 comments
Fun with Wikipedia.
I out together a thread to day at my favorite forum called fun with Wikipedia. The basic premise is to post links to interesting and weird page on Wikipedia. We all hate Wiki, becuase they allow pretty rediculous stuff, while not allow other stuff. Check some of this stuff out. I stumbled on the this one today, interesting reading: The List of World Military Nuclear Accidents. Wow, how many time de we come close to accidently setting of a nuclear device since 1942? Some others? The List of Comic Book Super Powers. A List of Fictional Martial Arts (sorry no Argrypiper Fu; My favorite of the bunch is of course the Weirding Way, I am just shocked the Jedi aren't listed in this list), and an attempt at tying the Marvel Universe togther. I will update this everyso often with new ones here and at WoW.
You are Listening too . .
Crazy, by Willie Nelson, check out the guitar work and how the Willie makes this song actually crazy. This off Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson Vh1 Storytellers good album. I will play a Cash tune off it next.
So check this out . .
This lovely Indonesian Hottie, using my Cobain painting on her Friendster background. You think I can sue her?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Hey, the Pat release Gramatica today, Stephen Gustkowski, welcome to Patroits Nation. Speaking of silly Wikipedia entries.
Malach's Quote of the Day
Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife — chopping off what's incomplete and saying: "Now it's complete because it's ended here." - The Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib
I am Malach and and all Harkonnns must die.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:00 PM 4 comments
Don't you love William Shatner?
Isn't he just the Bee's Knees.
Check out this WoW post on him, he rocks.
Bob Dylan hates modern music.
Right there with you Bob.
Can't you picture some type of crazy webcomic based on this?
I have seen a clip of this, was it meant to be a comedy? It will eventually get up on YouTube, I will post the whole thing then.
Mega Disasters.
Fun show, catch it if you can. Prepare you self for the real one.
John McCain is one Republican I could get behind.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Man the Pats look good.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I am sure that Senator Clinton would make a good President. I happen to be a Republican and would support, obviously, a Republican nominee, but I have no doubt that Senator Clinton would make a good President. - John McCain
I am Malach, ahh, Hillary Clinton, now that's another blog.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:02 PM 3 comments
Something Old, Something New. . . Yaddayaddayadda
Deja Vu?
Angry Piper is on a mini/psuedo hiatus/sabbatical. He will be on the internet, but not able to update his site for a bit. So Piper is looking for your help. He is looking for guest book reviewers for the next few weeks or so. If you like to give it a shot, here are the submission guidelines. You know Malach is gonna review something, something like Don't Let The Pigeon Drive the Bus.
Cue the Music (MNF Theme).
It is time for Malach pre-view of the upcoming NFL Season. Like last year, Malach will provide you all you need to know, and I only expect 10% of you gambling earnings (and if you look at last year, I was pretty damn close). I will reprint it tonight on my blog also. Teams are listed by division and order of finish. So here we go:
New England Patriots: The Pats have one of the weakest schedules in the NFL this year (for once). They are also, beyond Miami in a very weak division. Pats should win the division, and probably go 12 - 4. Deion Branch will play, and probably be signed soon. The Defense will play more like they did in the second half last year, especially with the return of Rodney Harrison. Junior Seau is a VERY interesting add. He should see 15 - 20 plays a game and provide another on field leader. The offense is scary. Brady is coming off his best statistical year. They are going to run some 3 - 4 tight end offensese (you heard me) with guys like Ben Watson lined up as your second reciever. Watson should have a huge year. Watch for the rookies, Jackson and Maroney, especially Maroney (who will be better than Reggies Bush) to have big years. The Combo of Dillion, Maroney and Kevin Faulk, could accumulate 2500 yards. They will miss Givens, but if Dave Thomas and Reche Caldwell can catch touchdowns, they should be fine. Also watch for a relative unknown like Bam Childress to take over the role of Troy Brown. In addition they have chip on their shoulder again. The Pats have a good shot to win their 4th Super Bowl.
Miami Dolphins: Miami needs another year, but they should give the Pats their only divisional competition this year. The defense is still good, albeit old. The biggest question mark the 'Fins have is Daunte Culpepper. Can Culpepper fit into to the AFC? Can he win with out Randy Moss? He has perhaps the best set of recievers ever in his career; can he adjust to the hard hitting, style of the AFC? Saban is not going to want him to run too often, which is probably good. Dolphins are good for at least 9 - 7 and at least one win vs. the Pats. Might sneak in as a wildcard, but might be tough to do in the AFC. They do have the benefit of playing the Jets and the Bills twice.
New York Jets: This is going to be a long year for Jets fans, though they should be better than the Bills. Best thing they did is dump that idiot Herm Edwards. It will be interesting to see if Pennington can get back to his form of 2003 - 2004, and whether or not Curtis Martin can even play. Acquiring Kevan Barlow is a bit interesting and at the very least they have a servicable running back. .500 will be a good season for this team.
Buffalo Bills: Scott Norwood still owes you a Super Bowl. Gonna be a LONG cold year in Buffalo. Hey, Peerless Price is back! 4 -12.
Indianapolis Colts: Sorry Indy, you were destined to win it last year and failed. As your team slowly succumbs to salary cap Hell, you'll make another run at it, but lose to NE or PITT in the playoffs. They are going to miss Edgerrin James, Addae is going to be pretty good, but he is no James. Again, they will score, but they still have no defense. Defense is good enough to beat most average NFL teams, but does not work against the top teams. Colts should finish 12 - 4 or so, but bounced out of the 1st of 2nd round of the playoffs. Peyton Manning, meet Dan Marino.
Jacksonville Jaguars: Jacksonville like last year will fight the Colts for the top spot. Excellent defense, improved offense the question as always is Byron Leftwich. Can he move to the next level? Evertime he does it seems the interception gods bring him back to Earth . . . but if Jake Plummer could do it . . 12 - 4?
Houston Texans: A lot of questions here. Can they build on last season? They did not really add anyone, nor did they really lose anyone . . . 8 - 8 would be an improvement from last year! This team is stuck in some weird tropor or space time continuim.
Tennesee Titans: Tennesee singed some interesting players. Tennesee could give some teams fits week to week. The Titans could be better than the Texans if the stars align properly. They are still rebuilding, and I can guarantee you Vince Young will be starting by the third week of the season. Anything is a improvement over 4 - 12 or last year. .500 season with luck.
Pittsburgh Steelers: Pitt is in a VERY interesting division this year, a division that could turn out to be the best in football. Pitt should be the top team out of this division, but Ben Roethlisberger needs to take the next step (yeah sound silly since they won it all). Ben has to become a better quarterback. He is going to have to throw more than 17 touchdowns. Shockingly it seems Duce Staley is the number one RB. Defense is still very good. Could they repeat, hat is now up to Rothlesberger, hopefully they keep him away from motrocycles. They should win the division but will 11 - 5 do it?
Cincinatti Bengals: This is what I wrote about them last year: The Colts of the AFC North, with a worse defense. They will score some points, but also give up a lot of them. If this team can have a halfway decent preformance from their defense, they will make the playoffs, if not, they will finish third in the division. It still holds true. This team might start slow . . but should blow out mediocrity.
Baltimore Ravens: This team fortunes rest with Steve McNair, if he still has it, they could be competing for a playoff spot and possibly send Cincy back to Earth. If not, they will finish at the bottom. Watch for Todd Heap to have a huge year with McNair.
Cleveland Browns: This team is going to be very good, not this year, but sooner than later. They absolutely need a Quarterback, but this is going to be one of those "bad" teams no one will want to play. .500 or just below will be a huge step for this team.
Denver Broncos: Yet another new running back star in the making (something in the water in CO), but again, are we just waiting for Jake Plummer to implode? Both New England and Pitt exposed Denver last year in the playoffs. Denver should win this division which might be the weakest in AFC. But get bounced in the first round of the playoffs.
San Digo Chargers/Kansas City Chiefs: Let see, Chargers have Shotenheimer and the Cheifs Edwards, both are meidocre coaches. KC has no recievers beyond Tony Gonzales, San Deigo no one beyond Gates. Tomlinson vs Johnson? Trent Green is a servicable quarterback, Rivers is going to have a LONG year. SD defense in pretty good, KC's not so much . . .
Their both better than the Raiders.
Oakland Raiders: So do you think Al Davis is jealous of Dan Snyder? Time to put away the black and silver gear for another year. Randy Moss should hey traded to Dallas, now that would be entertaining.
Dallas Cowboys: This will be a fun year in big D. The Tuna already won't talk to or address TO by name, their "drunken kicker" can't do kick offs, Terry Glenn is the voice of reason. They are even talking about adding Freddy Mitchell. Dallas should win the division, if they don't kill one another first. This division is going to be rough, and you might see someone win it with a 9 - 7 record. I just can't wait form Bledsoe's inevitable implosion, and TO reaction, halfway through the season. NFL, your got a reality show right here!
The New York Giants: I might eat these words, but Eli Manning might turn out to be the more succesful Manning brother. The Giants are a very solid team, and Manning continues to improve. They might take the top spot in the division. They are close and have the talent to do it.
Washington Redskins: Dan Snyder, tell me one thing. Why did you pay Randel El, as a 1st string WR, when he has never been more that a 4th stringer and kickoff returner? Gibbs has finally let go of the reins of the the offensive play calling. Again good division with abover average teams, they might all end up log jammed at the top with 9 - 7 records.
Philadelphia Eagles: Philly, you have no running back, or any any wide receivers (there is a reason he is called Todd Stinkston), you got a good tight end, you are the worst team in this division. 7 - 9 at best.
Carolina Panthers: The analysts darling, and you wonder why? Look at this crappy division. One of two good teams in the NFC that might get into the Super Bowl, still can't compete with any AFC playoff team. Keyshawn Johnson is a very interesting addition to this team. Makes their offense less one dimensional. They shoul finish with 11+ wins.
Atlana Falcons: Unless Michael Vick changes his playing style, the Falcons will do nothing, and Vick will continue to be the next Kordell Stewart. This division is bad and they might sneak into the playoffs.
Tampa Bay: TB is a real enigma to me. They should be bad, but they might not be. How's that for decisive.
New Orleans Saints: Hey Drew Brees, Welcome to N'orleans, the Black Hole of the NFL.
Chicago Bears: This is a AWFUL division. Chicago is guaranteed 6 wins just from playing the rest of the division. Extremely good defense. No offense. Might go a few rounds in the playoffs but any team scoring 20 will beat them. With this division they might win 12.
Detrot Lions: Can the Lions finally get it together behind John 'Superchristian' Kitna? Or will it be Josh McOwn lead them to a winning season? Hell, they might have the best bunch of receivers in the league, they got a halfway decent running back and a decent defense. Perhaps the curse of Barry Sanders? They are better than the rest of the divsion, but not Chicago. They should do better than 5 - 11 of last year, but this is the Lions.
Minnesota Vikings: This is a rebuilding year, and still they might be better than the Packers.
Green Bay Packers: In statis while making their way to Pleaseretire Planet in the Brett Favre system.
Seattle Seahawks: Still the best team in the NFC, but you saw last year how bad the NFC still is. You cannot beat Pittsburgh with Roethelisberger throwing up a 22 QB rating? Expect more of the same out of Seattle. They might go 14 - 2 in the NFC but lose in the Big Game.
St. Louis Rams: The best Mediocre team in the NFL.
Arizona: Might be the most improved team. Well see how long Warner lasts at the helm. Leinart for all his faults, can play the pro version of the game (at least in college). Edgerrin James will give this team and interesting wrinkle. Might finish second in the division, perhaps a 8 - 8 record.
San Francisco 49ers: Hey you still have 6 Super Bowl Titles.
If you have read this before, I posted it earlier on the WoW.
You are Listening too . . .
My last Ween song, The Grobe.
John Mark Karr.
This should be interesting. Wanna bet Karr's a bit of a media whore looking for attention? I wonder if I can get his to wear a Stool Samplew Webcomics Tshirt at his arraignment? Why to is everyone named John, and use their full names? John Mark Karr, JonBenet Ramsey? The Angry Veteran has interesting news on this case.
Steroids in Baseball.
So when do they start testing in Little League?
Quoth St. Paris Hilton: "I, LIKE, cry when I listen to it" (Her new CD).
Well Paris, so do I, and I have a very high tolerance for pain. So, have you heard this song? The song Murk describes as Britney Spears trying to sing like Madonna in a Jamaican toilet? Don't say I didn't warn you (play Stars are Blind). I left her a message let see how long it stays up!
The Freaks come out in court.
Wow. I really don't know what to say. Ok, if you gotta maturbate at work, why not use a private bathroom . . . and leave the pump at home?
Who can I sue?
When one of these things goes nuts and scratches my car?
Dude, haven't you seen Family Guy?
Why would you want to come to Rhode Island?
So . .
I was gonna make some racially insensitive joke about my friend Vinnie. But he not really on the internet, and I enjoy walking.
Damn you Ted Turner!
First you turned the Aunt Jemima house keeper into Oprah, and now Tom can't smoke to impress a chick? Next thing you'll tell me is Bugs Bunny can't make fun of Asian people anymore!
Hey Auto C . .
Uhh, why?
Samuel L. Jackson will do ANYTHING for money.
Met too. I honestly can't wait to see this movie. It looks so bad, I want to see if it can outdo Slithis, Xtro, or Orgy of the Dead. MORE GOLD!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Jeff Trent: Modern women. They've been like that all down through the ages.
Eros: It's because of men like you that all must be destroyed. - Plan 9 from Outer Space
I am Malach and I am a 21st Century Digital Boy.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:50 PM 7 comments
With little news or advertising
[adult swim] broadcast the premeir of Crayon Shin Chan last night.
For those unfamiliar with the series it is a long running, 15 year old anime/manga, that is kind of akin to the Japanese Simpsons. It is something I have wanted to at least check out for the past few years. I found it rather entertaining, especially in it's self parody of anime. According to Wikipedia (damn them!) Shin Chan is hard to translate completely for American audiences. While not side splittingly funny, I will watch it again, it kept my attention this week. Much of the humor is high brow, and the Family Guy audience might not like this series.
Someone at a forum I frequent posted this. I remember when this first came out, how strange it was. I am not a fan of Jim Davis, but his early Garfield, before the commercialization was very interesting. I had forgotten about this, and I wish Davis would occasional delve into this stuff more often. Davis actually talked about the strips in one compendium:
"During a writing session for Halloween week, I got the idea for this decidedly different series of strips. I wanted to scare people. And what do people fear most? Why, being alone. We carried out the concept to its logical conclusion and got a lot of responses from readers. Reaction ranged from 'Right on!' to 'This isn't a trend is it?' "
Malach's mom is a huge Garfield fan, I would be interesting to hear her thoughts on this. BTW, Ma thanks for the "the gift". Listening to it as I am writing this.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well here we are. Sox need a run starting tonight.
Malach's Quote of the day.
Jon says I have a surly attitude in the morning. Some people have to ease into the day. I feel better after I've killed something. - Garfield
I am Malach and some say I have a surly attitude in the morning, but I feel better after I raise the dead.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:55 PM 13 comments
Bananas and Blow
This is the Angry Piper's Life (bananas and blow)!
I am working dilligently on the Wraith, and the next episode should be up by the upcoming weekend. This will feature a bit of a plot twist and move this series along in a stranger. Also recently spoke with BUG and he say some new Notched Blade are along the way.I am also almost done with my Urban Exploring article for the Hill. Here's a pic from the recent trip at left. Did Malach go into the Central American jungles? The American SouthWest? Old Transylvania? We will see. You can also see another pic over at WoW. Yes that underground hallway was so dark I could not see my hand pressed up to my face.
You are listening too . . .
The theme song to Piper's life . . . Bananas and Blow, by Ween.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
It's over, but the Pats look awesome. Look for Malach's 2006 - 2007 NFL Preview, coming to this blog in the next few days.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Announcing your plans is a good way to hear god laugh. - Al Swearengen
I am Malach and Al Swearengen is my hero.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:57 PM 7 comments
Quick Blog Tonight Buckos
Got to get back to the Sox Game!
Sorry. A couple of things. Join the WoW. Quite a number of contributers are going in vacation, now is your chance to take over. Interested, email me, and I will send you an invite. I am also experimenting with a few new online stores, more to come soon.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Man, bring back Wakefield. Game 2 this evening tied 7 - 7 in the 5th.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the dirt! - Joan Crawford, Mommie Dearest
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:26 PM 0 comments
New Podcast up
Show 10 of the Murk and Malach Show now published.
Check it out, this is a classic. Topics include the upcoming NFL season, funny Portuguese songs, ethnic jokes and the mailbag. Plenty of fun commercials and an interview with Joe Lieberman. Co Hosted by Mr. Fingers. Available to you in both MP3 and Real Media.
A couple of more plugs.
Malach rants on road rage, Angry Piper has taken up drinking again. The Pope's blog is still cancelled.
Malach has a new theory.
I will post it at the WoW soon. It will be about this.
Your record is not impressive St. Louis Aquarium. Now the record for most alcohol consumed in one weekend? That's impressive. OBRIGADO!
Dirt Geysers?
Yeah right.
Define Planet.
I don't care as long as Uranus is still a planet.
Prehistoric Whales rule.
This thing would kick some tooshie.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
5 games. Red Sox/Yankees . . . Can you handle it?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Canada is like living in a loft, over the greatest party in the world. - Dr. Murk.
I am Malach and we won again, now in the second round of the playoffs.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:12 PM 1 comments
Look out weird blog.
Last Goodbye.This is our last goodbye
I hate to feel the love between us die.
But it's over
Just hear this and then I'll go:
You gave me more to live for,
More than you'll ever know.
Well, this is our last embrace,
Must I dream and always see your face?
Why can't we overcome this wall?
Baby, maybe it's just because I didn't know you at all.
Kiss me, please kiss me,
But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation.
Oh, you know it makes me so angry 'cause I know that in time
I'll only make you cry, this is our last goodbye.
Did you say,
"No, this can't happen to me"?
And did you rush to the phone to call?
Was there a voice unkind
in the back of your mind
saying, "Maybe,
you didn't know him at all,
you didn't know him at all,
oh, you didn't know"?Well, the bells out in the church tower chime,
Burning clues into this heart of mine.
Thinking so hard on her soft eyes,
and the memories
Offer signs that it's over, it's over.
I am Malach your platonic friend.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:09 PM 8 comments
Malach's YouTube Account
A new place to advertise.
Have fun with that. More stuff going up soon. Speaking of YouTube, added another Venture Bros. clip to the WoW. Everybodies free! Also our latest member posted a piece on waste collection.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Recorded tonight, this one's funny. Unfortunately no ButtSexMan calls.
Blame the Angry Veteran.
But it's back.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Grey day . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Monotheism is the primitive religion which centers human consciousness on Hive Authority. There is One God and His Name is ------- (substitute Hive-Label). If there is only One God then there is no choice, no option, no selection of reality. There is only Submission or Heresy. The word Islam means 'submission'. The basic posture of Christianity is kneeling. Thy will be done. - Timothy Leary
I am Malach and if this is a hive, I am your queen
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Like and Dancer who has lost her legs . .
So where was Malach this weekend?
Special Olympics MA, Unified Softball Tournament, facing off once again against my mortal enemy Gene Hackman. I gave a little preview of it at WoW, but now for a more complete story.
For those of you unfamiliar with Unified Sports the basic concepts is that you team up a "normal" adult (Partner) with a Special Olympian (Athlete). For softball, that is a 1 partner to 1 athlete ratio, 5 Partner and 5 Athletes on the field and batting as a team. There are several division (I believe 7 in MA) and teams are divisioned based upon the physical skils of their team. My team, Rick's Ranger's is a division 1 team. Most team in division 1 could be fairly competitive with most regular men's softball teams. So of you may recall we won the gold last year . . .
Different story this year. This year we lost our two best athletes. Both could play regular men's softball, and both have power bats. One is up on a Murder Rap. Luckily we added a pretty good athlete at least as good as the guys who left, but not a powerbat. So we thought we wouldn't do to well this year. Well we won the bronze. And knocked off one of the undefeated teams. We also played to a 8 inning 17 - 17 tie with another team, after one of our partner's broke a collarbone in the second inning, and we had no sub, so we played with 9. We almost beat the gold medal team (and would have won the gold) if not for a uncharacteristic bad baserunning play, losing the game by 1 run. It was a fun 2 day, 5 game tournament, and we were scrappy and held our own. I am going to try to recruit back one of the guys we lost this winter.
Gene Hackman, was Gene Hackman, and went 5 - 6 against me. He is my krytonite, I bow to his power.
To top it off, Malach's regular men's softball team had their first playoff game to day of 2006. We won 37 - 9.
You are listening too . . .
Back to Basom, Ween. This Ween album White Pepper is arguably their best, very Beatleesque.
The Murk and Malach Show.
Will be recording this Wednesday with a special guest host. Send us your questions via email or call.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So everyone jumped back on the band wagon after this weekend sweep. A damn, Laurence Maroney looks like the real deal for the Pats.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Let us glaze our asses to the queer old Dean" - William Archibald Spooner
I am Malach and I hit a home run today.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:28 PM 3 comments
I'm Back
And I have stories ..
to tired now, but will post some tomorrow.
I am Malach I am going to bed.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:31 PM 7 comments
Bye Guys
Malach will be MIA.
Until Sunday, so that means no blog, no webcomics, no art etc. Clients, Buckos, you may call me, I will have my phone, but I cannot do anything as I wont have a computer. See you Sunday.
'Tis a Shame . .
I loved to stand on her head.
Well I see the Brainpower in Brazil is about that of what it is in Georgia.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So when's the Pats season start?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident! - Brick Tamland
I am Malach, and I say Trident's are for wussies.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:21 PM 1 comments
Something that I find Interesting.
Go to Sarah and scroll down. Someone can't wait to die . . . Now go over to WoW and check this post. Frank Fuggin' Welker. Now go over to Drunken Comic Reviews - Whoops what happened there? It's called internet squatting.
You are Listening too . . .
She's Your Baby, off of arguably Ween's best album, White Pepper.
So . .
When does this develop into WWIII?
This is going to be VERY interesting.
You Senator Leiberman, brought this on youself. This going forward could get very interesting. Watch it.
The War in Iraq.
Another reason for the Leiberman ouster. People view him as in bed with the GOP, and this is going to be a oh so anti-GOP election.
Just imagine all the banks you could rob.
Uhh, China?
Aren't you supposed to be the next economic powerhouse? So you need to sell hunting licenses?
How the Mighty have fallen.
Hey Maurice Clarett! Why 4 guns? You only have two hands.
Hey Lindsey Lohan!
I guess it's ok, if you going to be a hooker for the troops. I can assured you, none of them want to hear you sing.
If you want to move to New Zealand . . .
Raise your hand.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Wrote a long post on this today. Plus as an added bonus a Venture Bros. Clip.
Malach's Quote of the Day
I am one of the sustaining pillars of the Primal Word of God. Whosoever hath recognized Me, hath known all that is true and right, and hath attained all that is good and seemly; and whosoever hath failed to recognize Me, hath turned away from all that is true and right and hath succumbed to everything evil and unseemly. - Báb
I am Malach and I will bring that Fatwa on my head down!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:45 PM 3 comments
If I am dead soon, you will all know why . .
Guess where I got 60+ links from?
The Muslimthai Forums. Now unfortunately I don't read Urdu (thank to Malach freind Auto C for telling me that). Now if I can just figure out the forum it comes from . . . perhaps there are some JesusMan! Fans there. So if I am dead soon . . .
Want some hear some crazy shiite?
The first 3rd Option Podcast. Funny stuff.
Speaking of Podcasts . .
I made some adjustments at TOM. There is a now a podcasts page, from there your can link to the new Murk and Malach Show page and The Third Option Podcast page.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Need a sweep of KC boys.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted. - Henri Matisse
I am Malach, and I have no internet secrets.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:00 PM 5 comments
That's right!
The latest JesusMan! is uploaded. Plot twist as this new pisode, The Death of JesusMan! begins with 5:1. As foreshadowed, the Christ Closet, and the Jesus Sheild come about. I also just found out, JesusMan! got a pretty good review . . . I guess I will change the font, but MS Comic sans seemed so easy. As for the change in rendering, digital rendering is SO MUCH EASIER, and I am too busy to go back. Sorry.
You are listening too . . .
Joppa Road, by Ween.
You people like Pats tickets?
Well come get some, now!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well, unless the pitching back on track, this might not be the year, but I am not disappointed. This team is set to dominate for the next half decade or so.
Malach' Quote of the Day.
Jeff the Spider: Well, it's nice... but he often forgets my birthday... and never pays the children support ... actually, he usually just pokes me with a stick.[Billy pokes him with the stick.]
Jeff the Spider: Why won't you love me, dad? I'll be anything you want me to be!
Billy: I want you to be dead!
- The Grim Advertures of Billy and Mandy
I am Malach and I just want some nachos.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:38 PM 1 comments
It's My Philosophy
Malach's new life philosophy.
Sometimes I will set a maximum.
Sometimes I will set a minimum.
Sometimes I will just carve the dimensions in stone.
Sometimes I will set broad ranges.
Sometimes I won't care at all.
Thanks to Malach's forum friend, Enigma Zero for that one.
Lots of new things to explore
Lots of fun stuff, where to being, how about a list, you all like lists.
1. There is a new Necromancer Ned up. Episode Ned 18. Palmer continues his excessive crossovers, and continuity twist all leading up to Crisis on the Infinite Palmer's Worlds.
2. There is a new Fumble Pit up, Episode 002. You can kid of see the direction this one is going in.
3. The Angry Piper has returned with anger. Check out some of his new features. The angry rants are funny. This is the Piper I love. And he posted a Bagpiping primer if any one you think you are Scottish.
4. DETHKLOK TONIGHT! This should be awesome.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I don't want to talk about it.
Ok I am Back.
Just Watching the Venture Bros. Fuggin' Funny.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Dr. Girlfriend: Sweetie isn't that the guy from Depeche Mode?
The Monarch: Oh no, wait, where? Holy crap, he's with a girl!
Dr. Girlfriend: Oh yeah, that guy is totally straight, I saw a whole thing about him on the VH1. The Monarch: But he's the guy from Depeche Mode. That's impossible!
Dr. Girlfriend: Straight!
The Monarch: Come on; He's in Depeche Mode!
- The Venture Bros.
I am Malach, and am a Internet whore.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Some More Changes.
Check out our main page.
Still playing with it a bit, but it has a new look. I also completed the main page of a clients website. I like this one, also designed the logo at the top. I will be working on the rest of the site this week. JesusMan! is about a day or two away from being complete. I have until Wednesday off, so hopefully I can get a ton of work done. Watch out for the WoW Pirates.
You are listening too . .
Mister Could You Please Help My Pony, by Ween. If this song doesn't make you cry, your a heartless bastard.
Happy Birthday Pilaf.
If not for you, there would be no Butt Sex Man.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Yanks lost, guys, lets pickup that game.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I need no bodyguard at all, for even the bravest men who approach me get weak at the knees and their hearts turn to water, whilst their heads become giddy and incapable of thinking as the sweat of fear paralyzes them. They know no other will except that of their King, who is something above, and below, this earth. - Shaka Zulu.
I am Malach and I am the King of Africa.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:18 PM 5 comments
Thank You.
3,000,000 Million Hits.
Yes, 3 Million. Not bad for 18 months on the web. Latest Fat Bug is very popular even without advertising it on the CAD forums, over 800 unique views in 2 days. For that matter Fumble Pit I believe has the best first episode views with over 50 uniques in one day.
JesusMan! The latest if about 50% done. I might work late and finish quite a bit tonight. There is some interesting forshadowing for the upcoming episode in this WoW post. I just got off the phone with Murk, no one's dead yet.
Some more Stats:
Total Unique Vistors: 78,441
Top 5 countries:
1. United States
2. Canada
3. Germany
4. United Kingdom
5. China
Top 5 Regions
1. California
2. Oklahoma
3. Massachusetts
4. British Columbia, Canada
5. New Jersey
5 Most Popular Pages:
1. This Blog
2. Stool Sample Webcomics
3. JesusMan!
4. My Fine Art Gallery
5. My Illustration Gallery
Top 5 Referrals
1. MySpace
2. InvisionFree
3. Buzzcomix
4. Third Option Media
5. Drunk Comic Reviews
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
3 against Tampa, 4 against KC. I won't be happy with anything less that 5 - 2. So far 1 - 0.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The rule of my life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure my business. - Aaron Burr
I am Malach the great white hope.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:31 PM 1 comments
Fumble Pit
New Webcomic.
That's right the Stool Sample Webcomics family is proud to annouce the addition of the title Fumble Pit. Episode 1.1 is loaded. Don't know much about it is but it looks to be a action comedy based upon Halo.
The Latest Fat Bug has had glowing reviews beside the one from Choas. But I must tell Choas since he is a CAD fan, he had the reaction every other fan of the webcomics the Fat Bug has destroyed had. In addition Malach was refused entry to the CAD forums . . . Now I hate them even more.
Now lets all give Hex a big cheer, submitted the new JesusMan! script and it is funny. I started on it today.
You are Listening too
Another silly Ween song, The H.I.V. Song. This is dedicated to the Angry Piper. I think you should use this song at work.
Larry Bird vs David Ortiz
Over at WoW.
Let see, Malach was talking Civil War a year ago, nice to see the Pentagon has caught up.
Ahnold! Help.
You aint nothing but a hound dog!
So don't be cruel.
Well, seems our heat wave is done for now.
But this looks refreshing.
Umm . .
Your logic eludes me.
The Mood of Red Sox nation.
Mark Loretta, the new Big Papi. Let's see if the can pull off tonights game!
Malach's Quote of the Day
Spending an extended time in female company can be mentally disorientating and physically confusing. - Ed (don't you know it buddy).
I am Malach and today I became a man.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:43 PM 6 comments
Fat Bug is back!
And you know he will never be wack!
Episode 1.6 of Fat Bug is now loaded! Fat Bug Destroys Ctrl+Alt+Del (CAD). So far I am very surprised how many people hate CAD. In addition Blue Guy from Gluemeat continues sidekick duties and there is a quick cameo from Sarah Zero. So far I got mostly good reviews except for one. I posted in my Fan Mail?. Now I have made a decision. Unless I get a script for JesusMan! from Hex in the next few days, I am skipping the Wraith update, and doing the next Fat Bug; the next episode is going to be really weird.
Also, Twisted is supposed to be sending me a the next episode of Lying . . ., and Choas and one of his buddies have submitted a new webcomic to me, we are just sorting out the details.
The trials and tribulations of web design.
So, I was doing a update to a new client site, when we had some type of power outage and his old main page (I am redesigning it) went poof. So, I took a half hour a threw together a temporary home page for him. Guess, I will have to get on to finishing his site ASAP. I got headache now.
Shark Week.
Is going on at the Discover Channel, and you know what I just figured out? Sharks are fuggin' scary animals. Cool, but scary.
And Something I forgot in the Initial Post.
Check out Hobbs latest post at Greater Good. Funny.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Lost Nixon, Lost Tech. We will see.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
There's no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going. There's no knowing where we're rowing, or which way the river's flowing. Is it raining? is it snowing? is a hurricane a-blowing? Not a speck of light is showing, so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of hell a-glowing? Is the grisly reaper mowing? YES! The danger must be growing, for the rowers keep on rowing and they're certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing! - Willy Wonka
I am Malach and Baby I'm a Star!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:34 PM 17 comments
A surprise
The latest Murk and Malach Show is up!
Murky out did himself, with a one day turnover on the latest Murk and Malach Show. This one is chock full of goodies including an round table discussion involving Mel Gibson, his arresting officer, Murk, and Malach; a phone in mailbag segment featuring on of Pilaf buddies who we have dubbed Buttsexman; and telemarketer; a big announcement; and Who wants to die Elmo. It is available as always in Real Media and MP3 format. Enjoy.
You are listening too . . .
Baby Bitch, by Ween. Many of my readers will enjoy this song immensely . . . sing along.
It's been a while since I've seen you smile
But now you've come back again
Came into the room and you saw my girl
And you asked her how long it's been
"A year" she said and you shook your head
Said "I'm surprised it's gone on that long"
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
For words I am at a loss
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
I'm better now please fuck off
What else you gonna say when while you're backon your stay
Maybe something, maybe nothing, we'll see
It's just too bad, you're beautiful I guess
I wasn't for you and you weren't for me
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
Please slip back into yourself
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
Go conquer someone else
People say, "How beautiful, how sweet, how kind"
You're perfect, you've got nothing to hide
But I, for one, have seen the sun
And the bitch that you've locked up inside
Got fat, got angry, started hating myself
Wrote "Birthday Boy" for you babe
Now I'm skinny and sick and paranoid
Without a cent to my name
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
Fuck you, you stinkin' ass ho
Most beauty I've seen
you come from a dream
But I can't close my eyes anymore
No, I can't close my eyes anymore
Now don't you feel better?
So Cuban TV says he's stable . .
2-1 odds he's dead. Man, I can't wait for Castro's reign to be ended, there gonna be a huge party there.
Mel Gibson.
Well Mel . . . I'm speechless. Check out the slide show, and his mugshot. Now take a look at the real mugshot the Sheriff's office did not doctor (swear to God)
He's a carazy man!
How's the Weather?
Well, it was about 100 today, worse tomorrow. I got central air though.
How quickly the GOP will distance themselves from Dubya.
Hi I am Katherine Harris, remember me? I stole the 2000 election for Dubya.
Interesting read. This will be the next national epidemic in 10 years.
Uhhh . .
OK, now Intelligent Design, Creationism, that not science. Of course you can get married at 14 in Kansas. And this is even funnier.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I would have sex David Ortiz if that what he wanted.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Pickles: What's all that racket?
Bob: The kids are drowning baby.
- The Oblongs
Oh and ah . .
I am Malach and I expose all the dirt.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:06 PM 8 comments