Some quick updates and remiders.
1. I lied yesterday, I finished and loaded the latest Wraith last night. Episode 4.2 is up, enjoy.
2. The Chtulhu Chick Tract!
3. Name my latest Painting Contest
4. The 2006 ACS Winter Benefit Show.
Speaking of Jack Chick.
I spent some time on his site today, looking at some of his tracts. Two of them stuck with me. You think Islam is pissed at these cartoons? Wait until they get a load of this crap Jack Chick made in the 80's. There was even one that could be dedicated to the Angry Piper and his "satanic lifestyle", needless to say, I am starting to rethink Friday Night RPG's lest I burn in Hell.
You are listening too . . .
We are back to Soul Coughing, this one, Soundtrack To Mary, is off their second album Irresistible Bliss. Bliss contains perhaps their most popular song, Super Bon Bon, but the majority of the album is much softer, introspective songs, than their first album and that hit. I love Mary, this song absolutely reminds me of the Misses.
Gotta Love CNN.
Step by Step prison break instructions.
MySpace the Movie . .
Someday, even Fat Bug will destroy MySpace.
Excuse me
How about getting rid of your crappy ass search technology instead. BOYCOTT
Volcanic Eruptions.
I so want to go to Egypt someday.
But I am scared to get killed, being a dumb American. Look at all this cool stuff.
Malach's Quote of the Day
If I'm more of an influence to your son as a rapper than you are as a father…you got to look at yourself as a parent. - Ice Cube
I am Malach . . . Fall, fall, fall, fall, fall.
I hope you feel better later on!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:13 PM 9 comments
Take that you little brat!
That of course is dedicated to the Angry Piper.Watch out for Dead Popes!
I wonder what my fried over at has to say about that. Let see . . . Oh, the Popes are Satanist anyway. So they should have laser eyes.
A Quick update.
The Wraith is about 95% complete and will be finished tomorrow. Mr. Rubbersuitman showed me some sketches for the next Fat Bug, Fat Bug Destroys Boy On A Stick And Slither. All I can say is freakin's hilarious.
Don't leave me hanging out slumped over the wheel of my car!
So let me get this straight.
You can have a part time job as a judge in Utah (who full time is a truck driver), but if you have more than one wife, you disqualified. I wonder what has to say about this? Oh, I see . . .
Kennwick Man.
9000 years old, and found in North America. Hmm, that puts the remains as living at about 7000 BC. I wonder what has to say about this. And just for kick, the Heliocentric solar system, all a lie (middle of the page).
Dan Brown you Fraud!
Running around like he invented the Scion of Christ. Surprising my friend over at doesn't seem to have any opinion on this, or a least one I can find.
IDIOTS, let Malach explain this to you.
All the "morning after pill" is, is a very powerful birth control pill, and works in a simlar way. I really don't see what the problem is (besides any taking probably should be on the pill).
Not only have you commited grandlarceny and auto theft, but you did it for beer? Don't you know alchohol kills?
That's where I left my van.
You can drop it off at the following address.
So Bono's up for the Noble Peace Prize?
My question is for what? Putting the world to sleep with his god awful music of the past 10 - years?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"A Winchester Rifle should have a place of honor in every
[African-American] home." - Ida B. Wells-Barnett
I am Malach, and would like to personally thank for the all the material they give me for this blog. Nutty Christians are funny.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:55 PM 9 comments
Happy 1st Anniversary RubberSuit Studios
Malach the Statzi is back!
Well our first year at RubberSuit Studios has been a rounding success, we hope to double that success next year, but first some interesting tidbits. First, check out the webarchive on RubberSuit Studios from March 11 2005. Somewhat close, but you can see how far we have come.
We have had 30,433 unique vistors; that is average of 83 per day. Interestingly we have gone from 2500 in Nov of '05, to 3900 in December of '05, to 4900 in January of '06 to already 5600 in February of '06. So as you can see, we are gonna blow away '05.
The country of origin where the majority of our hits come from is by far at 89%, the United States of America, followed neck in neck by Canada, Germany, the UK, and Sweeden rounding out the top 5. Surprisingly China is in the next spot. Recently though the Aussies have made a run at that.
Within the US, most of our visitors hail from California, with 36.8%, followed by MA (my home state), and then of all places Oklahoma, followed by Virginia, NY, and NJ. The highest non US? Hamburg Germany, followed by Alberta Canada, England UK, and a number of Canadian provinces.
Our most requested page is our forum main page, followed by this blog, StoolSample Webcomics, JesusMan!, The Wraith , our links page, and my personal portfolio.
The most popular day of the week to visit here is Wednesday, the least popular Sunday. The most popular hour? 7AM EST. Least Popular 2AM EST.
We get the most referrals (not counting search engines) from Cartoon Orbit The Complete Guide, CZone Central, Myspace as whole, BuzzComix, and in that order. The most search hits from Google Images, Google itself, YAHOOO!, MSN, and of all places Google Denmark (lots of latex fetishes in Denmark). Our most hit keyword . . . you guessed it Rubbersuit, that make me laugh. Most hit upon phrase? Rubbersuit studios.
And the big one, in our first year we have had 1,579,933 hits . . . I want 2 millon by the end of May.
Check out the Hill-TV site redesign.
It seems Dr. Murk has bought Hill-TV from the Generalissimo(or something like that), and redesigned it. It still has the pre 2000 look . . . but is much more navigable. Kudos!
Check out the Round Table with Murk, Myself and Hobbs Von Whackamole.
It's over at Hill-TV, some secrets revealed!
You are listening too . . .
Possum Kingdom by the Toadies, and gulity pleasure of mine, plus it get's Mrs. Malach in the mood. . . .
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down, these women together ought to be able to turn it right side up again. - Sojourner Truth
I am Malach, and B internet celebrity.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:44 PM 3 comments
Perhaps Mr. Limpet!
RIP Don Knots, a Comic genius.
Notice something different about me?
I made a slight change to or main index page, you notice it? I like it, I like it alot, how about you?
Updates and Reminders.
1. My wife is abandoning me tonight, so I will put in some hours on The Wraith. Hope to have it finished by Tuesday or Wednesday.
2. The 2006 Winter ACS Show to benefit Tuck's Team. You may met Malach there.
3. Name my latest painting contest, already 18 entries.
4. New Angry Piper Book Review at Hill-TV.
5. Murk and I discussed our next podcast . . . St. Patrick's Day. Should be interesting.
6. The Angry Piper is back.
7. Malach only has 45 Myspace slaves, HE WANTS MORE!
8. RubberSuit is 1 year old. Malach the Statzi is back tomorrow.
Speaking or Ireland . .
Thanks to BUG for the 411 on this.
And thanks to Choas Dragoon . . .
For this pic, at left, of Tri Clown Ball . .. um . . checking out . . . you see where I am going with this. Dirty, Dirty Boy! (REMOVED PIC, FORGOT IT WAS FOR A CONTEST!)
Malach's Quote of the Day.
We can say 'Peace on Earth,' we can sing about it, preach about it or pray about it, but if we have not internalized the mythology to make it happen inside us, then it will not be.
— Betty Shabazz
I am Malach, and am where bad folks go when they die.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Somtimes you just gotta Funk the whole thing up!
You are listening too . .
B.O.B (Bombs over Baghdad), by the OutKast. Why? Cause I feel funky. BTW, OutKast is about the best thing happening in hip hop. Also it goes with todays top news story. Will Malach pull out the old Bob Dylan Civil War standard next?
Some quick reminders.
1. Name my latest painting contest! Already 9 entries!
2. Cthulhu Chick Tract
3. The 2006 ACS Winter Benefit Show.
So this morning, I was checking my site stats, and wow, 582 unique visitors yesterday. That is almost triple our normal traffic. I cannot figure out why. Not extensive links beyond the normal ones, my newspaper ad is not up until today, and I am still waiting for Gamer's Hell to approve my ad application for their site. No clue buckos, we'll have to see what tomorrow brings.
This is very interesting.
I alwasy found it strange that the Federal Government provids money for Abstinence faith based programing (The company I work for runs one), so now this lawsuit.
You said "Jurassic Beaver". HEHEHEHEHEEH!
You know, I wonder if is taken.
This was awesome.
As someone who works with Autistic children and adults I love this story, even though I am torn for the kid.
You can suspend a mayor?
Only in Europe!
THAT GIRAFFE IS GONNA BURN IN HELL! I wonder what Jesus Is has to say about this one.
Really got get MohammedMan! published.
So let me get this straight.
Drawing a picture of Mohammed will get you killed, diparaging the holocaust 10 years in jail, and painting on a image of Mao Zedong 17 years? What a country!
I again found something that is actually ironic, unlike your stupid song.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
As far as I knew white women were never lonely, except in books. White men adored them, Black men desired them and Black women worked for them. - Maya Angelou
I am Malach, and I am changing my name to Dr. Malachadocious.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:11 PM 6 comments
Malach is causing trouble again.
After a bit of a search, I found it. . .
We all know Malach is hosting the Mohammed Cartoons, but Malach has gone a step futher. First some back story. Anyone familiar with Jack Chick (by the way Jack, the porn industry would pay BIG BUCKS for you site: Well lets see. You know those little pamphlets you get on your windsheild at the mall, or occasionally door to door, well Chick is the Picasso of those. He most famous for his tracts as you can see by his website. You see Chick is of the same sort of "Christian" that the owner of Jesus Is is. He's got the Anti-Islam stuff, the Anti-Evolution stuff, the Anti-Catholic Stuff, the Apocalyptical Stuff, the Anti Homosexuality stuff; just go through those tracts. He's another person I really can't figure out his agenda or what he is trying to get across.
. . .So a couple of years ago Howard Hallis an artist/webdesigner made a pretty funny spoof of this stuff, called The Cthulhu Chick Tract. Well Chick was not too happy with that and sent him a silly letter threatening him with legal action. Mr. Hallis capitulated, though I am not sure why, as he had a good case for parody and spoof. Chick while correct in his claim he was using images that Chick created, Mr. Hallis still had the legal right of "fair use". After it came down it was discussed on several law sites for awhile and cooled down. Well Malach found the cartoon (not revealing where), and is posting it in our Political Cartoons Directory. It is located here (warning profanity). I am doing this for freedom of expression, for all those cut and paste/sprite webcomics, and becuase I seem to be the flag bearer for fighting fundamentalism. So, here's the deal, I will not capitilate in removing the piece unless, Mr. Hallis requests me to do so. I am in tight with the ACLU, and they would love to take this case on. See you in court.
Calling all Local Buckos (I now there is at least 15 of you).
The 2006 Winter ACS Benefit Show is occuring March 4th, at 9PM. Tickets are $5.00 and the show is 21+. It is being hosted by Bridge St. Station. If you are in the Southeastern MA area, come to the show, it is for a good cause, and you may even meet Malach. Some of the Bands being featured include:
Shipyard Wreck, who have gotten some national exposure, J. Kelley & Co., and the X-Tones. Should be fun, join us for some food, drink, and music all for a good cause.
Mother always know best.
Mama Malach got pretty close to the meaning of the painting I posted yesterday. She always been good at that. If you are into Cartoon Orbit, I am holding a contest to name the piece, information is here, prize is 100,000 Orbit Points.
Malach is Nostradamus.
I am going to have to try and pull up forum conversation from a few years ago, but these were Malach's thought after Iraq was "freed" (paraphrasing). "You'll see, in the next five years, there will be a major civil war there, Kurd vs. Shiite vs. Sunni, and might result in a Middle East war."
So today I read this.
More of your rights out the window.
How long before the American People fight back? We need another generation like the civil rights generation.
Ahh, Malach's plans fall right into place.
Soon I will be suing the post office for "emotional trauma" for delivering me bills.
Myspace is evil, why aren't you fundamentalists after that?
Man, better take the pics down I put up on mine.
OK, this is STUPID.
The price of the fatwa to kill Malach:
Oh George.
Them's fighting words! So what happens if they don't?
Not a good as the original,
but still good.
Drugs, no way!
Mary Jane, Codeine, Morphine and Valium? And he died of and "enlarged heart"?
So, will it dissapoint you too . .
if the next tell us fights were set up, and they are changing Gladiator to Sports Entertainer?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
MAN KNOW THYSELF For man to know himself is for him to feel that for him there is no human master. For him Nature is his servant, and whatsoever he wills in Nature, that shall be his reward. If he wills to be a pigmy, a serf or a slave, that shall he be. If he wills to be a real man in possession of the things... - Marcus Garvey
I am Malach and I am a Fundamentalism Fighter!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:53 PM 7 comments
Have I got stuff for your guys tonight.
Finished my latest painting.
This one is a bit dark and morose, but need to come out of me . One thing painting has always done for me is be cathatic. Some of you have noticed I have been a bit down recently, but now that this is done, I feel much more like myself.
The Painting has no name, I am taking suggestions.
As for what the painting is about, I perfer to hear what people read into it.
Accompanying the painting . . .
You are Listening too . . .
Falling To Pieces, Faith No More. Fits this painting well, methinks. Speaking of FNM, I am going to post a little more by them in future, mostly of one of the greatest albums of all time, Angel Dust.
Quick site update.
I am shocked none of you noticed I put the wrong phone number in the ad I put up last night. I did, but it was too late for this week's edition. Editor had pity on me though and is giving me a free week. Some kind of brain fart there.
Also Malach puchased some adspace for the next 30 days on Gamer's We gonna see what that does.
The Wraith is completely inked, and scanned, If I am diligent, maybe this weekend.
And just to show you Alexa rankings aren't all they are cracked up to be, mine dropped from about 34000 to 38000, but my traffic has essentially doubled.
I spent three hours at work today, roaming Jesus is Who ever made this site, it is a work of absolute brilliance. Thousand of tirades, on everything from Evolution to 911 conspiracies to how every religion in the world is evil to the Anti Christ slide show starring the Popes in Rome. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. I had to put it in my favorites just to spend the next few days exploring. This is absolutely psychotically brilliant. The greatest part is that I have no clue this persons or groups agenda. It goes on tirades about Feminism, rock music, pharmacology, and homesexuals. I cannot tell what kind of message this person is trying to get across, it's insane. Read on. I have already informed the Generalissmo how he should redo.
Don't forget . . .
Oh wait, they just found him, good job buckos.
So it continues.
This is going to be very interesting. I wonder what Jesus is would have to say about this.
So who wants to bet me . .
that they find this chick dead in some crack house in 5 years.
So let me get this straight.
If you disparage the Holocaust in France you get 10 years in prison and $1000's of dollars in fines, but you can take pictures of dead bodies in auto accidents for a $1.
Yeah right .. .
It was a "mistake".
So let me get this also straight.
You can't drain a liter of your own blood and reinject it in you own body, but you can get a sex change and compete?
Yeah . .
But can I run my automobile on this shit . . . haha a pun.
Malach is Nostrodamus.
Our next Pope . . . Sean O'Malley.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Let see, everyone reported except for idiot savant Manny Ramirez, who will report next week. Leeriness, lot of questions, but have the potential to be a very good team.
Malach's Quote of the Day
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mendela
I am Malach and I feel refreshed and renewed.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:39 PM 9 comments
Confusion among the Buckos ..
Ok, about yesterday's blog.
It seems a few were a bit confused by yesterday's blog, as it broken from traditional format. Well if you did not read the news page you might very well have been confused (and I am sure many of you did not, only about 15 users a day read it, while 250+ visit this blog).
I have always done quite a bit of art based upon mood and emotion, and I had been thinking about ways to do that with the digital medium. So I took a song, and some paintings, that have some emotional meaning to me, and covey certain emotions, and blended them together in the blog, adjusting the design here and there, and adding the title and the sign off. It was a bit of an experiment, and one I hope went over well, but there were few responses to it, so I am not sure how well it went . . . oh well.
So then. If you did not look up into the right hand corner to see what you were listening too . . .
You are listening too . . .
Super-Connected, Belly (wikipedia article). I have had some sort of weird connection to this song since the first time I had heard it. The is something about Heart Strings being Connected, and Super Connected that sits well with my soul. The song obviously by the lyrics is very symbolic, but I don't want to ruin my experiment by giving you my meaning. Belly was formed from the ashes of the Throwing Muses (wikipedia story), and absolutely amazing band if you have not hear of them. Check this stuff out buckos, it will blow your mind.
Back in Business.
After about a year, I have finally got back to painting. Between the move, young children, and previously crappy studio, and such, I cleaned by new studio today and 99% finished a painting I started just before XMas. 'Tis a bit dark this one. By the way, my new studios is former motocyle garage, 12' by 18', out building in the yard, with cable, electricty, and heat. Nice eh. Another reason for cleaning, is I put an ad in the local free news paper for the next month (15,000 suscribers) and advertised my business. I also focused the ad of "art lesson specializing in persons with disabilities of all ages." Actually, duh, why don't I just show you the ad.
See you learn something new everyday.
Evidently it is illegal to defame, or call the Holocaust a hoax, or claim it did not happen in much of the European Union. And there are some stict penalties (10 years in prison). Now this as nutty as those cartoon protests, and is going to make me rethink some of my opinions on supposed free press in Europe.
Ahh, the Death Penalty.
Now here's and interesting story. Honestly I don't really know how any Doctor could see it via his Hypocratic oath to execute someone any way. Now Malach is anti death penalty for the most part, but I am not a nut about it. Reason, having the death penalty does not statistically reduce crime nor ever has.
Ebony and Ivory . .
Live together in perfect harmony.
Ey Carlos . .
Eet blocks de sun!
To teach them how to Knife Fight!
Click me^
Why not use the claw hammer to clean out the rusty dirt star?
She's nothing without him.
Did this really shock anyone?
Stick with the Iron Chef gig.
How do rich people stay rich? $240 for veal? That's stupidity.
I'ma gunna build me a city under sea level, and right next to a large body of water.
Malach's Quote of the Day
If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a state has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his house, what books he may read or what films he may watch. - Thurgood Marshall
I am Malach, and Chairman Kaga is my hero.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:13 PM 7 comments
Are their heart strings connected?
On your third broken window,
Your hair full of glass,
Throw your clothes in the hallway,
Just a sheet on your back.
So you’re super-connected now?
All the freaks gather round,
And the crowd in your bedroom waits,
For a piece of your personal space.
Are there heart strings connected?
To the wings you’ve got slapped on your back?
Better climb in the window cause I’m closing the door.
On your third broken window,
With your hair full of glass,
Saw your clothes in the hallway,
Just a curtain on your back.
I laugh.
Are there heart strings connected?
To the wings you’ve got slapped on your back?
Better climb in the window cause I’m closing the door.
I’m spinning on a dime.
I’m spinning on a dime.
I’m spinning on a dime.Like you
claim to do,
Like now,
like now.
Are there heart strings connected?
To the poison coming out of your mouth?
Are you super-connected?
Are you super-connected now?
I’m spinning on a dime.
Throw your clothes in the hallway,
And I’m closing the door.
I am Malach, Are they Super-Connected Now?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:11 PM 3 comments
Malach the Redneck
Fun, Fun, Fun . . .
So Malach today went to a pancake breakfast fundraiser for MA Special Olympics at the New Bedford Rod and Gun Club in Dartmouth MA. Some highlights . . . period dressed gun afficianados for their weekly Sunday black power shoot, and a huge poster of Ronald Reagan, from the 80's which showed him in a cowboy hat, and said America is Reagan Country. More Republicans in one room than Malach has ever spent time with in his life . . . Good times.
You are listening too .. .
More Soul Coughing, this one is True Dreams of Witchita.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"Black Consciousness is an attitude of the mind and a way of life, the most positive call to emanate from the black world for a long time. Its essence is the realisation by the black man of the need to rally together with his brothers around the cause of their oppression - the blackness of their skin - and to operate as a group to rid themselves of the shackles that bind them to perpetual servitude." - Steven Biko
I am Malach, and I cannot do a crabwalk.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:43 PM 3 comments
Malach, Malach he's our man. . . .
Check out this site . . .
Zillow . . . awesome, find a quick value estimate on your home. Considering I just bought this one, VERY accurate.
Don't forget . . .
That Angry Piper, he's a bit of a Blue Eyed Devil too . . . offer him some Beef Low Mein, and you be in like Flynn.
And don't forget! Moolatta, the only coffee based drink with a hint of Crystal Meth!
Yeah Baby!
The Smoking Popes are now my MySpace friend. Had a nice convo about JesusMan! yesterday.
And we don't get pissed if you make cartoons about us.
And in Sad News . . .
Murk is on tour.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can't jail the Revolution. - Huey P. Newton.
I am Malach, hit you hard cuz I know you got soul!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:43 PM 8 comments
An Important Public Service Announcement.
Where's the oft skirted one?
Missing now, from the virtual world, The Angry Piper, last seen 2/2/06, at his blog. Have you seen this giant of man love? If so, post here. We miss him. I miss his lips . . .
You are listening too . . .
Blue Eyed Devil, by Soul Coughing. Another of my wifes theme songs.
If I had said it once, I have said it a million times . .
Old people are funny.
A million dollars?
Is that for each cartoonist? By the way, was Malach right, or what?
Man, I shoulds taken up hiking . .
Hiking in Greece. And who the hell turns these things in? Doofus.
Y'know . .
I am not really that excited to see Kid Rock have sex.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Grandad, you can't tame the white supremacist power structure with cheese! - Huey, Boondocks.
I am Malach, sitting on a park bench . . .
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:54 PM 3 comments
So much to share . . .
Where to start.
Well, no updates for Stool Sample Webcomics, beyond sketching out the latest Wraith episode. I also think I am going to start using The Wraith as a place to experiment with digital renderings and storytelling. Oh, almost forgot, Notched Blade has a new theme song (let the page load).
Our new religion has begun to develop, and we already have one who is anti our new religion, check it out.
Did some more updating to the Tuck's Team website, added a "about us" page, and a donations page, site is probably about 85% finished, just waiting for more stuff on their end. BTW, nice charity, if you got some spare funds lying around.
I also have a new potential client who is thinking big time web business, gonna meet with them soon.
Baseball season is upon us.
Many long time readers will now that I did a Mood of Red Sox Nation during the baseball season last year. Again I will do it this year, but change it a bit. For this, I will post results of the game the previous night, and then paraphrase the reaction of Red Sox Nation on the sports radio. Since many people who don't live in the New England area, don't understand Red Sox psychosis, this will attempt to explain it a bit.
Wow! I did not know Republicans wore T-shirts.
Check this place out, It made me scared. I especially like their models, all old white men.
Damn you Greenland.
Keep your damn ice to yourself!
We's at Gunatanmera, Guantana - what wrong place?
You can't make go in no more Fuggin' shows!
Screw you guys, I'm going home.
This scam would make Professor Scam proud. This one perhaps even prounder.
Really . . . who pays for these studies?
I am more than willing to do one.
Get ready Microsoft Slaves!
Daddies home.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. - Frederick Douglass
I am Malach and I have 10 toes.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:30 PM 5 comments
OK, what exactly is the purpose of this blog?
The question has been posed, it will be answered.
This blog is listed in a list of "Webcomic Blogs" and has been somewhat accused of not being a webcomic blog. Well as can be seen by it's description it is only seminally a webcomic blog. What is it's purpose? Well, lets see:
1. Entertainment: I think I got this one down pat, as this is the most popular page on the website. It has more regular followers than any of the webcomics here, and averages, get this 180 - 250 unique visitors per day. A big reason for this is the daily update, but another is that people like (or possibly hate) me.
2. Talk about and promote my website, webcomics, life, and opinions
3. Talk about other shiite that catches my fancy or rage, other webcomics included in that.
4. Generate tons of search hits (which it does extremely well I can't tell you how many people link here using the phrase The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy).
One reason I don't post a lot of reviews, is there ain't too much out there worth writing about. So, again, I post about webcomics, when I feel like it.
So guess what . . .
I feel like talking about webcomic related things.
I have read through all of The Weekly Webcomic Reviews, and like it very much, enough in fact that I am going to link to it. What do I like about it? It is well written, not overly verbose, does not critique just for the sake of critique, but provides helpful insights, and is informative. It will be part of my daily read (and not just cause the author comes here daily to read this drivel).
Now Websnark, the Megatokyo of webcomic blogs. Don't get wrong, well written and entertaining, but it has become Eric Burns personal rant, prose, bitch, space, where he seems to review the same webcomics over and over again.
And guess what, a webcomic review.
Fart Party. (Mature Content) Stumbled on this little gem while trolling This is in that same vein as those other primitive, R. Crumb, Keith Harring style comics, and similar to webcomics like Perry Bible Fellowship, and White Ninja. What do I like about this? The writing is in that deadpan, punny style, that gets me right here. Doesn't always hit, but at least gets a chuckle. Now the art. Most people will hate it, but listen to me, that ultra hip, but primitive style is not easy to do, and it works in this situation setting the mood. Check it out buckos, this one is getting a free link too.
Oh and JesusMan! . . . he is a trivia question.
You are listening too . . .
I was going to go back to Clutch, but I was distracted. You are listening to Bus to Beelzebub, by Soul Coughing. If you have never heard Soul Coughing or only heard their two hits, you are in for a MAJOR treat. Born in 1992 Soul Coughing was one of the only bands to successfully merge funk, jazz, hip-hop, rock, and beat, in an amazing other worldly, yet very accessible sound. They are noted for unusual samplings, ex. this songs main sample is from a Raymond Scott song. I will be posting quite a few songs from them in the coming week, and show you the range. They broke up in around 2000 after a major consolidation of radio stations dropped them from many playlist (interesting subject, hence the crappy state of modern music).
M. Doughty, their lead singer in currenlty a force in the under ground music scene, and you have not lived until you have heard his version of Jodi Whatley's Real Love. Enjoy this Buckos.
BTW, Soul Coughing is one of the only and I have never seen live and regret not doing so.
Guns don't kill people . .
Dick Cheney does. My name is, my name is, my name, Dicka Dick Cheney!
Oh Sweet Lyndie England.
If I was Mormon you would be my second wife . . Yeahaa
Say it ain't so!
Ok, let me get this straight Wal Mart.
You sell guns, but won't sell music with objectional lyrics.
You sell contraception, but not the Morning After Pill?
There has to be a better way to embarass your boss doofus.
Oh Willie Nelson
YOU FUGGIN' ROCK (seriously)
Malach's Quote of the Day.
America was violent before rap. - KRS-One
I am Malach, and I can eat a whole block of cheese.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:06 PM 5 comments
Happy Valentines Day (for real) Super Star.
Yeah, I know, hopeless romantic.
I wish you a happy Valentine's Day, on the official day of Valentine. I love you very much. This song always reminds me of you, so it is yours for today. Classic Girl, Jane's Addiction.
Several weird things have occured on Valentine's Day. First, the latest JesusMan! has been loaded, episode 4.4. And it seems John Paul II propositions Felix of Budge, we'll have to see where this puppy goes. Also Dubya makes a "Gollumesque" appearance, and this technically is by far the best webcomic work I have done to date. I am slowly but surely learning me the webcomics, web design, and the internet!
Even weirder, the Valentine's story, Star Crossed Lovers (SCL), was reviewed by The Weekly Webcomic Review (2/9 under the heading A Few Short Things), not a particularly good review, but not bad either, too bad SCL is not really a webcomic. The major complaint ". . but the pictures were too big for me to comfortably get through. It’s not worth loading a picture, scrolling across, back, down, across, and sometimes back again for a comic that I’m not even sure what it’s about." Ok, that is fair, but boys, what you are reviewing is a art piece/illustrated story, I created in 1998. It was not designed with the web in mind. It was published here as an experiment in web imaging, and unfortunately, the pieces had to be that size, or you would lose the detail and the font. It has not digitally altered. What surprises me more, is that of all the comics, under our banner, they picked the one of the most obscure ones. I mean why not some of the more "normal" webcomics, especially JesusMan!, Fat Bug, TheWraith, Notched Blade, or even Palmer's World, which are the most popular and longest running on the site. Perhaps part of it is my fault, I may have misrepresented SCL as an webcomic. The other thing that kind of annoys me, is that this is the first review for any of our webcomics, and we have a pretty popular site based upon traffic (as high a alexa rating as some more popular webcomics). That rat bastard Eric Burns, promised he would review something months ago, perhaps I need to bribe him with a hooker.
OK, Malach, why are you complaining . . . easy . . . I WANT THE NEW TRAFFIC. And especially JesusMan!, I believe is on the cusp of greatness. So hopefully they will follow the link back, and give me some more lovin'.
BTW, The Weekly Webcomic Review, does a pretty good job; much less pretentious than the Websnark (hah that should get some attention).
Where's Oliver Stone when you need him.
Jesus H. Christ!
You Muslims still going nutty over these stupid cartoons? Don't forget, we are starting a new religion . . . they'll be Kool Aid.
Looks like some new interesting creatures for The Wraith.
Mr. Heffner?
Are they going to reposses the Grotto?
Yeah . .
and by medication do you mean crystal meth?
You would not like me when I am angry . .
( . . .the closing theme from The Incredible Hulk plays here.)
Malach's Quote of the Day.
There are too many leaders anointed because they have a public voice - television, radio, or record, or whatever. That even includes myself. In the past, I'd say, 'Don't anoint me when you can anoint yourself. - Chuck D.
I am Malach, and parents love me, girls adore me, even the ones that never saw me like, the way that I rhyme at a show, the reason why man, I don't know.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:54 PM 21 comments
Happy Valentine's Day, Super Star
Yes, I like to get it in before the clock hits midnight.
Happy Valentines Day. I love you more and more each day. The song posted today for "You are Listening too . ." is a special song that would have been my wife and mines wedding song, if not for the profanity at the end. It describes our early relationship, and how we came together. It is a good accompanyment to Star Crossed Lovers, which is similar subject matter. The song is Star Stuck One, by the Smoking Popes. If you are not familiar with the Smoking Popes, they will be a featured band here in the future. Wonderful pop punk stuff. Typical early to late 90's power cord punk, with a lounge singer, Morrisey-esque vocal style. They released 2 major label releases (Born to Quit, and Destination Failure), and broke up in 1998. They have done some reunion shows here and there, as they have a huge cult following, and have recently gotten back together. Awesome stuff. And they are a Myspace friend of mine.
Speaking of Smoking Popes:
Ahh, John Paul II . . . you are so sexy . . . another quick JesusMan! preview for the masses. That Pope, he is a smooth talker no?
That should get the wife in the mood.
So had the day off from work . .
Cause of the blizzard, the wife, kids and I went sledding! Besides Malach hip checking a cement wall, no major calamities, and that wall will never be the same again.
Blogger sucks, but MySpace is 1000 times suckier.
Man, the fuggin thing take 20 minutes to load, and constatly has errors, I don't know how the slaves stand it.
I'd put up a link to MySpace, but I can't get it loaded.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I also say that if there isn't a response to what's been happening to the people out there, there's going to be a great explosion one of these days, and this will not be one of the nicest places to live. - Richard Pryor
I am Malach, and I think my wife is the coolest chick I ever met.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:03 PM 9 comments
The Winter Gods are pissed.
Remember I mentioned a it has been a real mild winter.
Well Winter returned to this corner of the Northeast with a bit of a fury today. We got 24" of snow, 60+ mph winds, and wind chills minus 0. This after months of 45 - 50 degree weather and little snow to speak (btw for first time readers of this blog, here is SouthEastern MA). My buddy Unknown Series from NYC told me they got close to 30". Here is the latest from CNN.
This one was not as impressive as last years, but I should get the day off from work tomorrow.
RIP, Peter Benchly.
You scared the feces out of me when I was 8.
JesusMan! will be published mid week. Murk got a sneak of it today, hasn't reponded.
You are listening too . . .
Back to Clutch, with a song entitled Tight Like That. Still off their second album . . .
Are we sure this was a accident?
Or perhaps a chance to get rid of someone. Actually it was only bird shot. You could take a point blank shot with birdshot and be out clubbing the next day.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. - Booker T. Washington
I am Malach, and I love to shovel snow.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:42 PM 9 comments
Happy Birthday Dr. Robert J. Murk!
Presents for the Doctor!
I have a special birthday card for you . . and a special birthday song . . . So wish the Dr. a Happy 1529th! Here in the comments, and in the forum, if you know what is good for you.
Party time, of course we supposed to get a HUGE blizzard tonight, post some pics if it is any good tomorrow.
The latest chapter, Chapter One: Meeting of Lying . . . is up.
I was out all day with the wife and kids, so I got no further on JesusMan!. Might do some tonight, we will see.
Keep hitting the ImageSlash add at the top of the Stool Sample Webcomics page, and thanks.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. - Jackie Robinson
I am Malach, the giver of Birthday Surprises.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:35 PM 4 comments
OK, who wants to start a new religion with me?
The religions of the world have screwed this world up at one time or another (except maybe the Buddhists, I will have to look into this one), so I propose this. The world is in need of a new religion, lets start one. Go into our forums and leave a post in this thread, if you would like to join us, or just add you 2 cents.
As for the continuing saga of the Mohammed Cartoons, I found this interesting site today.
After a brief hiatus, Necromancer Ned has returned with Episode Ned 14. Looks like Daredevil gonna kick his ass.
One of our new sponsors has begun advertising in the top banner of this page. They are called Image Slash. Bump their ad a few times, and check 'em out.
JESUSMAN! About 60% done with this one. Might be done by the end of the weekend, we'll see, but since you are good Buckos, here a quick peek.
You may notice I learned a few more tricks with the graphics software. Hey give me a break, I am teaching this to myself. When I graduated art school, very few people used computers to do art, never mind the internet. And yes, there is a African American man in the panel, just for Black History Month. Might add a Muslim next time.
Also, Twisted Darkness just sent me the next Chapter of Lying . . . . It will be up tomorrow . . he aplogizes for it "being late", evidently he does not realize we have any deadlines here . . yet.
You are Listening too . . .
Still on Clutch. Off their self titled second album, 1995. Not as hard core as the first album, and not one of their best, couple interesting tune, where you can see where they are heading musically. This one's called I Have the Body of John Wilkes Booth.
This is a bit entertaining. I am sorry to inform this guy, but historical there is enough evidence that a man named Jesus did exist around 6BC to 35 AD. I would also like to inform Rev. Righi, that the city of Nazareth, was not formed until about 65 AD.
We represent, the Lollypop Kids.
OK, too many jokes here . . I won't even get into the sex part.
Those Spelling Bee Mom's is nasty.
No, your one of my favorite History Channel personas!
We will see how this one turns out before I comment.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
“Funk is fun. And it's also a state of mind, ... But it's all the ramifications of that state of mind. Once you've done the best you can, funk it!” - George Clinton
I am Malach and I am a Blasphemer!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:46 PM 250 comments
Mohammed is rolling over in his grave.
Yeah you heard me right.
Why is he rolling over in his grave? Check out these news stories. Here. Another. And Another. The last is most interesting in how modern technology made this explode.
Mohammed himself was a man who practiced and taught peace. He would have laughed at these cartoons. One of the problems with Islam, and the Middle East, has become this ultra fundamentalism that worriess more about the dogma, than the actual teachings. This is the same problem Christainity had in the Middle Ages, and something I tried to point out in my most recent political cartoon. This has brought about suicide bombings, misuse of Jihad, and hatred for Israel. I really fear this will start some type of war, some excuse to attack Israel, and Israel is the only one in the region with nuclear bombs.
I have had a number of very interesting debates about this, most notable here. What surprises me most is how many young people think that we should limit what we are allowed to say as to not insult anyone. Where did these kids learn this bullshit? If no one spoke up we would still be a vassal of the English Empire. The beauty of Freedom of Speech is that any idiot can say what ever comes to mind, no matter the message, and thought and debate can ensue from it. I absolutely support the right of say Iran, to say the Holocaust was a myth, but in turn the rest of the world has the right to tell them they are wrong.
These cartoons, are not even really that good, the two best are the bomb turban and the virgins at the gate of Heaven, but over all, they don't really make a statement. What would Mohammed say about some of the modern Muslim sects? Same thing Jesus would say about some of the modern Christain sects. You missed the message . . . and are bitching about some pictures for fear of idolatry. Perhaps, you should consider the Idolatry you are currently doing, worshiping the rules of being a good Muslim instead of Allah.
Don't forget.
The New Podcast is up. It a long one so download it when got time. Some highlights. A few phone calls from Space Farmer, and interview with Mr. George Lucas, and Murk/Malach duet of a Bon Jovi song, and some sidetracked discussion about Black Culture. Good Times.
A favor for Malach.
Starting tomorrow, we will have a new sponsor. At the top of the Stool Sample Webcomics page, a new banner will appear. Click it a couple time over the next month. They are paying a flat rate, but we want to encourage resubscribing, and new advertisers. Thanks.
Another new feature.
There is a search box to your right, sponsored by Technocrati. I also added some new avatars in the schwag page . . . check out the new Fat Bug ones.
Your are Listening too .. .
More Clutch, 12 Once Epilogue. Good song for the mood of the world.
Oh Barry . .
You came and you took over number one,
like it was '78,
Oh Barry!
Your in Jail!
Sneaky Google ..
Big Brother are you home?
I really want to visit Egypt.
But I am too scared too, so this will have to do.
Stay away from pussy.
She's a NARC.
Ok, what really happened. Tell Uncle Malach.
Oh Yeah, Ken.
Your gonna win her back looking all Metrosexual.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other. - Harriet Tubman
I am Malach, and I can't stand potatos au gratin.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:55 PM 5 comments
Warning! Rant! With Ranting Music!
Now you got Malach going.
Ok, the crap over these cartoons has got me pissed. Read some of the rediculous things going on over these cartoons. Malach has a new purpose. I want anyone whose everyone, with some webspace, take these cartoons and post them. Why? WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE BULLIED OUT OF OUR FREEDOMS. This is not about the cartoons, which are all pretty crappy cartoons anyway. This is about Islam, not stuffing their dogma down our throats. I AM NOT ISLAMIC. I COULD GIVE A SHIITE ABOUT IMAGES OF MOHAMMED. IT IS NOT MY BELIEFS. I support freedom of speech and expression, whether it is bad, is for the world to decide, but I support your right to speak it. I don't care if it is blasphemous, racist, pornographic, right wing, left wing, communist, it sucks, I DON'T CARE, post it, and if people don't like it, you will soon find that out. I don't have any issues with protesting said speech, burning flags or effigies, or demonstrating, you are free to do that. But to burn down buildings, and kill people you are not free to do, and I think Mohammed would agree with me. To bully people into your religious dogma and ideal sucks. Muslims, remember the Crusades? That was done for religious zeal.
I have been inspired by the whole mess, I have posted another political cartoon entitled "The More Things Change . . ." . . .
Another less controversial update.
New Super Ned. 2.6 is up. Actually now that I think about it, it is controversial. Watch out Islam.
AND, the new Murk and Malach Show podcast is up, in both MP3 and Real Media versions. Long one, and funny! Interview with George Lucas, a Notched Blade commercial, another duet.
You are listening too . . .
Some kick ass rant music, Murk has already commented on it. I have one word for you . . .CLUTCH. The song is A Shogun Named Marcus off the album TRANSNATIONAL SPEEDWAY LEAGUE: ANTHEMS, ANECDOTES, AND UNDENIABLE TRUTHS. This is their first full length album from 1993. This album will leave you breathless. I will play a few from this album, and well as some of their later albums.
Lemmiwinks, lemmiwinks.
Crazy Chinese ShipCaptains.
Blow my cock . .
and bring it back to life.
Palmer! The Monkeys!
It has started, you better hide.
So from Seekonk to Wareham MA.
Is about 50 miles. In that stretch there are at least 10 Wal Marts.
When White Trash get famous.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
When our thoughts - which bring actions - are filled with hate against anyone, Negro or white, we are in a living hell. That is as real as hell will ever be. - George Washington Carver
I am Malach and I am pissed.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:10 PM 2 comments
The End.
And just in time for Valentine's Day.
Star Crossed Lovers published it final four pages today (28, 29, 30, and Fini). The webcomic has ended. I hope you enjoyed it as this book is very important to me, and a big part of my life. As always it is dedicated to Superstar. Thanks to all the people who have read it, and all the readers of Stool Sample Webcomics, for making us a hit is so little time. If you would like to discuss anything about this comic, especially it's technical aspects, drop me a line, or contact me in the forums.
I think I am going to enter it though, gotta find a link. Anyone know where to enter it, I want to raise the Iranian Bounty on my head . . . Perhaps a new political cartoon about the Crusades being fake? I don't know I was just on Gooya, can't find nothing. BTW, you can still see all these contoversial cartoons right here at RubberSuit Studios.
You might be a red neck . .
If you find yourself on the other end of burning down black churches . . . maybe that too kind, You might be a asshole . . .
Talk about soaking a buck out of your product.
Another new IPOD.
So have they found the Yeti yet?
This should be overrun by loggers any day now. Check out the slide show.
Hey you nutty Muslims.
You think this guys bad, check me out.
I am Malach the rap professor
And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.
Let see that just raised the Fatwa requiring Malach's execution to $15.78.
Google's at it again.
So how much you think they eventually gonna charge for this?
Malach's quote of the Day.
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” - Frederick Douglass
I am Malach and I want to enter that contest!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:31 PM 3 comments
I know, why I, like you . . .
Malach has a new article up . . .
At the Bristol MA Free Press, about Jacob Robida, and the recent events in the City of New Bedford. I like it, I hope you do too.
You are listening too . . .
Some more BnL, the song, I Know. Listen to the lyrics, great lyrics.
Many of you commented that we had no webcomic updates yesturday, yes, we went about 2 1/2 weeks with everday updates. Well we made it up today. REAL WARS! 1.9 is up and two new updates of Sprite Worlds That Combine And Stuff are up: Intermission 2 and 5.
Malach's public service annoucement. Webcomic Creators, great resource, I get 200+ visitors per month from here.
OK, a bit about the Big Game.
Super Bowl XL. The whole thing was a fiasco, and probably the worst Super Bowl I have ever seen. Both team showed incompetance offensively and defensively, the coaching was bad, and officiating was one of the worst ever, and the entertainment sucked. Tell me this, how does a team win any football game, when they have less yard, first downs, lose the time of possesion battle, have more turnovers than their opponent, and their QB has a 22.9 rating? Neither team deserved to win, and if I owned the Seahawks, Jeremy Stevens would be cut, and Holmgren fired.
As for the entertainment . . . Aaron Neville is just bad to begin with, Aretha (sorry darling) looked as if she should be playing o-line, and the Stevie Wonder tribute was a mess. The Stones who are older than my father showed it, and thanks to Janet Jackson, had some lyrics censored. What is this, the Ed Sullivan Show?
Imagine what she looked like before!
Good luck Isabelle.
Don't worry, were all ok!
They are just boycotting my website and burning the Malach flag. Actually I have had almost no hits from Middle Eastern Countries since posting these, in all honesty I did not get a ton of them previously. Hey guys, I am on your side, I do the JesusMan! webcomic!
Interesting . .
Only a matter of time before these charges are levied on you. Don't thinks it true, look what's happening to Cragslist.
More Irony for Ms. Morrsette.
You need to rewrite that song, now that I have given you all these examples of "ironic".
A sad day in history . .
This just makes me want to cry.
Yeah cool, but,
How about some pics of the drawings?
Those Damn Wiki Nazis!
What's next, editing the constitution?
And their worried about the monkeys.
Wait until these guys invade land.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. - Malcolm X
I am Malach and you should all know that the virtual world is not real, read a book or something.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:30 PM 2 comments
Congrats Pittsburgh
Now the new question.
Can Pitt do it going through New England? I hate the Steelers, but I am glad for Jerome Bettis (did you know he's from Detroit? *sarcasm*). And John Madden, man . . . "Pittsburgh's gotta come out and score to take momentum at the beginning of this half, and Seattle they want to play defense to stop them". NO SHIT. Someone get rid of this guy.
Well he's dead.
That probably what he wanted in the first place.
Your are listening too . .
Too lazy to change the song, will do it tomorrow.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to. - Chris Rock
I am Malach, and I am a Patriots fan.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:07 PM 2 comments
The Latest Fat Bug, she is up.
Fat Bug has been updated with episode 1.3: Fat Bug Destroys 8 1/2 by Eleven. And as always . . . WARNING MATURE CONTENT. Very good reviews so far, only one dissenting reviewer who stated he want Fat Bug to be having sex with Nillian once he revived from his fainting spell. I will mention it to Mr. Rubbersuitman. This one is chockful of nudity, profanity, and violence, which the kids love; has several jokes about Canadians, and a one specifically aimed at Quebec. There is also a reference to Alpha Flight for you geeks out there. Fat Bug even adresses the Buckos. Next up for Fat Bug. Boy on a Stick with Slither. That one should be interesting. Don't forget, you got a bad review, editorial, or revenge cartoon against Fat Bug, keep me informed, and I will link and possibly republish it. In fact, inform me of any reviews for any of the Stool Sample Webcomics family.
The Podcast?
Murk is working in it tonight and hopes to publish on Monday. This one has the awesome new them song for Notched Blade on it.
WTF Blogger.
It seems any comments posted yesturday got deleted by people posting after them, which should not happen, I think I fixed so leave a comment to make sure.
Busy, busy, busy.
I am working friday nights all this month, giving art workshops, so there might be some delay in the next few webcomic done by me. Also I will be mostly completing the Tuck's Team website this week and doing some updating and redesign on I also have a couple of potential clients, we'll see.
Grizzly Man.
I watched it yesterday, it is being replayed tonight on the Discover Channel at 8AM and 11PM. Was really good. Worth a watch.
Breaking News.
MSNBC is reporting Jacob Robida, the Puzzles Gay Bar attacker is now in custody after killing a woman and an AK police officer in a shoot out. To his idiot friends . . . what do you think now? Morons.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I think it's a trap every black artist is faced with-anytime you do a role or write a novel where some black people aren't 100 percent angelic, people want to scream that you're holding the race back. I try not to get into that debate. - Spike Lee
I am Malach and I drink funky cold medina.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:35 PM 5 comments
Ah, New Beige.
Hey we was the top story on CNN last night!
Many of you know I write articles for the Bristol MA Free Press, mainly having to do with the city of New Bedford, MA. You can read several there so I won't rehash them here.
Well, in this fair city, this occured Thursday night. I could go on a rant about this, but I will save it for the Bristol MA Free Press. I will say this. New Bedford is a very diverse city. Someone like me, white, is a minority there. How does a kid become a white supremacist living in a city like this, especially the section of the city he lived (very Portugese and Cape Verdean). I have been to Puzzles (I went to art school), this is not your typical meat market, gay bar. It is a very classy place, probably one of the classiest bars in the city. And who the hell gay bashes? When I was a teen, that was the range. Jerks would go out get drunk and beat up gays? Haven't we come beyond that.
I would doubt the asshole coward would still be around here, but here's a pic. Considered very dangerous, call the cops if you see him.
A Rant.
Buzzcomix, the biggest webcomic top list service on the web. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER. Stop blaming you hosting service, get rid of them if they are that bad. I am sick of the down time and the crappy vote buttons. Fix it.
The final of the 6 days in a row of Notched Blade is up. Episode 2.6 finalizes it for this week. Good job BUG, despite your early onset of Alzheimers.
And just off the Fat Bug main page, you can access our new feature. REVENGE is so sweet. I will be posting revenge webcomics, attacks, editorial, and reviews of Fat Bug there I find on the net. The first is the 8 1/2 by Eleven. I must also add it was awfully nice for Tedzsee to publish it before the Fat Bug episode, as I could incoporate some new stuff into the comic.
As for Fat Bug. I have 8 panels left to finish. Cross my fingers maybe tomorrow it will be loaded!
You are listening too. . . .
Malach is going to surprise you again. He likes the Barenaked Ladies (BnL). BnL are very very good song writers, and musicians. I will be posting some of their less popular stuff in the coming days, but today, one of my faves . . .Brian Wilson. GREAT SONG.
I am still keep them up.
Fury continues over those Muslim cartoons (which you can see here). It has sparked intersting conversation among my friends. While I have the right to post them, Muslim have the right to protest my posting of them. As long as no one is killed.
Hey Alabama.
The year is 2006. It is no longer the 50's and 60's. Black's do have all the rights that everyone else has now. Fuggin' red states. Methnks our friend from the top of this blog has found a place to live.
Just so you know.
Ahh Myspace.
So is actually face to face socialization no longer occuring? Hey Myspace I have new advertising campaign for you: Myspace, the new Meat Market. BTW the way I did some decorating to the RubberSuit Studios Myspace.
Orthodox and Hasdic Jews are weird. I mean seriously!
Those crazy Full House kids.
I bet it's all Uncle Joey's fault.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. - Steven Biko
I am Malach and I am quite ranty today.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:30 PM 4 comments