Another Short Blog.
Gettinh ready for a party at the Malach abode, so this will be a quick one. Happy New Year for those of you reading this after midnight. I will post Malach's resolution tomorrow. By the way, all you Buckos are invited!
I am almost done the next JesusMan!, but because of the holidays it will be the middle of next week. Don't forget to vote for the webcomics on this blog.
The Third Option Radio Program.
Was recorded yesterday at the Palatial estate of Dr. Murk. This will not be the next Murk and Malach show, but a new more experimental podcast. The next Murk and Malach Show will be recorded next week. Murk says it will be up by Friday.
As for the Third Option, Murk has quite a load of editing work to do. SpaceFarmer was hepped up on goofballs, and Mr. TooSerious did so much blow, he lost his German Accent. I can't wait to hear the sloppiness.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition).
Isn't sad buckos? This is our last holiday sing until next year? Well it's a good one. Baby It's Cold Outside by Johnny Mercer and Margaret Whiting. Imagine the stir this song caused in 1949!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"What's your zip code baby? You ever let a Cowboy sit on your lap?" -Beck
I am Malach, and you ever let a Demi God sit on your lap?
A quick Happy New Year to the Buckos.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 3:00 PM 15 comments
We have won a major battle in Wiki War I
We have taken some territory Buckos!
Because of your efforts on in the Wiki War front we have taken control of the Wiki Page, Bad Jokes and Deleted Nonsense. Check out our entry to be forever entombed in the annals of Wikipedia. Take that Wiki Nazis!
You are listening to (Xmas Edition). . .
Joy To The World, by Aretha Franklin. What can I say about Aretha? One of the top female voices of ALL TIME. It is a veritable tie between Aretha, Ella,and Joplin. The voice of a goddess. These supposed Divas nowadays don't even come close.
What is wrong with todays youth?
Play some video games or somthing!
You crazy mofos!
You can not close the Gay Jail!
Banned Cookies?
Are these the kind you get in Amsterdam? Or maybe they just sell them in Texas. Gonna have to visit those sites, I wonder is they have forums?
Yeah wait and see "Going Ugeth Urbina on you ass" will be big time slang.
Ohhh Alanis . .
I found you some more irony.
First Apes?
Now Guppies?
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Just because your paranoid, don't mean their not after you - Kurt Cobain.
I am Malach, and I am after you.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:32 PM 6 comments
The Hills are alive with the sound of WIKIBOMBS!
We having some fun,
At the expense of Wikipedia, with our long term offensive campaign of Wikibombs. After our initial offensive we have retreated a bit and now will begin to engage in a bit more subterfuge. Anrachy is fun. You can even type in Wiki Bomb in a search engine and lo and behold our forum in numbah three.
Someone likes us out there.
In addition to a email I recieved today from a homey who lives 2 miles away, we got our first piece of fan art, so that right you guessed it, we have a new fan art page! It is located right off the main Stool Sample Webcomics page is the left side navigation bar. If you click on the thumbnail the image will enlarge. I LOVE THE FIRST ONE, my type of psuedo corny, dry humor.
And yes, I receieved an email today from a stalk - I mean person who live down the street from me. Ah the internet is a wonderful place.
What a mess this is gonna be.
Evidently, myself, Murk, Spacefarmer, and Angry Piper are doing a new podcast tomorrow, whcih will be the Third Option Radio Show. Should be interesting. Also The Murk and Malach Show will be recording sometime next week, we will be doing our NFL playoff preview.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . .
The Twelve Days of Christmas, by John Denver and The Muppets. Gotta love the Muppets, and John Denver, he's dead. Listen to the whole thing, that Hot Mamacita Piggy gets a little nutty at the end.
Time to rethink your choice of babysitter?
That what you get when you higher the local train jumper as a babysitter. I'd make a comment about him probably being Canadian, but that was yesterday, and it is time to move on.
Well Lucky for both men and women . .
There is Stool Sample Webcomics and Hill TV. The both can equally hate that.
GTA, NFL style ..
C'mon you know you'll buy it.
Well if you ain't gonna buy it . . .
I am sure she will.
Yeah wait until 2006 . .
The Wiki Bomb will be synonymous with Spam.
Well why wouldn't they.
Midgets are funny people.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I don't know, Davey..." - Goliath, David and Goliath, bought to you in living color by the Evangelical Lutheran Church!
I am Malach and I have a pet platypus.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:17 PM 9 comments
Megatokyo never new what hit 'em.
Tossing another 4500 extra hits over the past 3 days. Well Fat Bug has made a bit of a splash in the world of webcomics, by going after Megatokyo. Check out some of the reactions, funny as all hell. Join in if you would like.
Also, our Wikibomb program has also been doing well, keep at it.
You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . . .
One Last Christmas, by one of Malach's all time favorite bands, The Amazing (Royal) Crowns. They broke up in early 2001. I will be playing some of their stuff after Xmas, but picture Elvis, Morrisey, Jimmy Cash, and The Sex Pistols all rolled into one. Their 2 albums are available at Amazon.
Well . .
The Garbage men did pick up this mess. YAY!
Oh Yeah . .
Well I blame you Damn Cannucks for Hockey! EH! (This looks like it is going to be a blog that makes fun of Canada)
The whore's taken. Sorry Palmer.
Besides Fred Kalisz,
The only other man in the world who can (or could) get away with a Hitler mustache. "Time to feed the worms"
A Short RubberSuit Studios Play.
Ahnold: You Stinkin Krauts remove my name from the stadium!
Austria: Heil Govinator!
Ahnold: You Fairy Nazi's take me off you website!
Austria: Hail Govinator
Ahnold: I'll be back.
Thank you thank you! Mail me my Oscar, or Tony.
Time to break out my marble sack.
Nothing sexier than Malach in a speedo!
Cheese and Rice!
Stay away from Milwaukee! I wonder how Laverne and Shirley are doing? Give us any chance we'll make it, give us any skull we'll break it! You know, I blame the Canadian import of Hockey on this.
Guy . .
Did you really need to commit suicide?
An interesting Debate ..
This should spark some controversy.
C'mon, can you take this man seriously anymore?
Look at that hat! He's like Santa Palpatine with Demetia.
Hey India, get a life!
This I blame directly on Iran with some help from our neighbors to the North.
The Iranian Bounty on Malach head as of 12/28:
I got a elusive multi colored pecker to show you.
OH God, NO!
Piper, your skeleton, it will liquify!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
You always make it a special day for me. You know how, don't you? By just your being you. Whether you're in kindergarten or third grade or no grade at all or ANY grade at all, I like you just the way you are. I'll be back tomorrow. Bye. - Mr. Rogers.
I am Malach, and am I the only one who thinks Dubya and Fred Rogers are long lost brothers?
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:52 PM 11 comments
What the Heck is that?
What is this picture you ask? Is there a garbage strike going on? Is this some type of tent city? Is there some type of protective wall being built up? No, this is garbage night for the Malach household, the first garbage collection day since Xmas . . . Scary huh? I would guesstimate that 75% of this 5' high, by 25' long wall of trash is packaging from kids toys. I feel sorry for ABC Disposal.
What did Malach get for Xmas you ask?
Well some of the thing off the top of my head:
A Wheelbarrow Thanks Ma and Pa
Heroscape (this was a bit of a whim, anyone got some reviews on this?)
This Multi-Tool Thanks Nana
Star Wars, Clone Wars Vol. II
Some clothes
Some CD's
Tons of Best Buy Gift Certificates
and a few other things that slipped my mind.
You are Listening to (Xmas Edition)
There seems to be some confusion. I will be playing one Xmas song everyday until 12/30, then the format will switch back. Today offering is Yule Shoot Yer Eye Out, by Fall Out Boy, off the album Santa Cause (yeah super corny name, but a "punk" xmas album). Perhaps my wifes favorite Xmas song. Holy crap, I have a higher Alexa Rating than Fall Out Boy!
Don't Forget!
Destroy MegaTokyo!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Ah ha-ha, chess. The ancient contest of wits. Two opponents: mano a mano. Braino a braino. And look: magnets for ease of travel. You could play chess on the moon. - The Tick.
I am Malach, and I have magnets for the ease of travel.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:01 PM 13 comments
Another Short blog, it's the holidays Goddammit!
A special Xmas JesusMan!
I have thrown together a special Xmas JesusMan! for all the buckos out there. It is entitled Xmas Interlude. Enjoy. Special thanks to Mrs. Malach for the gift of Magnetic Dress Up Christmas Jesus, which I used to make the episode. And I suppose I should thank Normal Bob for such a fine product.
Necromancer Ned.
A new Necromancer Ned Hannukah episode is also up. Episode Ned 13, is up for all my Buddhaheebs.
You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . .
Christmas is Going to the Dogs, by the Eels. It is off the How the Grich Stole Christmas, not a great sound track but two or three interesting songs on it.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. - FDR
A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel. - Robert Frost
I am Malach and I am a Communist
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:54 PM 13 comments
Merry Fuggin Xmas/Hannukah pt. 2
To all my Heebs.
Short blog tonight, buckos, tired, headache, and gotta clean up a bit. There will be a new episode of Necromancer Ned, tomorrow.
But again Malach wishes you a Merry Xmas, and for my Hebrew friends, Happy Hannukah a few hours early.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
The Lonely Jew on Christmas. Another South Park classic, and the last off the album I will play. This is playing partly for Xmas and big time for the fact Hannukah begins tonight at Midnight. I make fun of the Heebs, but I love you guys. Cheers (holding up the Manischevitz).
What did Malach get for Xmas?
I will tell you tomorrow, as I need to take stock of the crap piled up in my living room.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. - Dr. Murk, after opening his gift from Santa.
I am Malach, King of the Jews.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:40 PM 3 comments
Merry Fuggin' Christmas Part 1
Presents for the Buckos.
That's right, the new Fat Bug is up. Fat Bug Destroys MegaTokyo! It has already gotten rave reviews in the MegaTokyo forums. We have now started an offensive against MegaTokyo. Check our forums for information. Spread the word buckos. Mr. Rubbersuitman has also chosen his next target. 8 1/2 by Eleven. I hope Lucas TDS doesn't hate me after this one.Also, a special present for Just Me at the end of the Fat Bug episode, and something to can share with your friends. I saved the panel just for you. Might be a good blog decoration.
There is a new Friday Night RPG Cartoons up, episode 1.3. How's that for a stocking stuffer.
Also Buckos, the Pope has put up a Xmas message for the Masses on his secret blog, check it out.
Palmer emailed me a new Necromancer Ned also, but I will save that until after Xmas.
You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . . .
A special song for my Christian friends, sing along. Merry F*cking Christmas. This will be up tonight and tomorrow.
Merry Xmas.
Let me wish you an early one.
I got tons of crap to do for tomorrow, so I am signing off.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I will call Santa Claus right now and tell him not to bring any presents! - Malach to the extra hyper Rubbersuitchildren.
I am Malach, and I am not Santa Claus.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 3:55 PM 6 comments
Fat Bug.
The new Fat Bug would be up right now, 'cept my comp crashed and I lost 75% of the panel. This means I need to put the images back together. I would do it right now, but I am too pissed to look at it. Perhaps I will burn the midnight oil . . . it will defintely be up tomorrow. For being so patient, here is a sneak preview. As most of you know, Fat Bug will be after Mega Tokyo. This is the next attack in the War against the establishment. I have left a brief new mission in the forum, and as soon as the new episode is up, there will be an all out blitzkreig. Stay tuned to the forums. Down with MegaTokyo!
On the plus side.
I am going to do some RPGing tonight after about a month off, so you will see a new Friday Night RPG Cartoons soon.
You are listening too (Xmas Edition) . .
Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo, no need to say more.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! - Malach, after his computer crashed.
I am Malach, and I can make you a Xmas Poo.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:57 PM 3 comments
WWI (Wiki War I)
David vs. Goliath!
RubberSuit Studios/Hill TV have started our first series of offensives at that Nazi power, Wikipedia, as ordered by the Generalissmo yesterday. This is the first leg in our plan to take control of the Internet world. You can see all the action that occured today here. The highlight of the early morning afternoon offensive was a self destructing spy drone, I left on the Wikipedia Pope Benedict page. Choas Dragoon and Hobbs VonWhackamole, went to town today.
We need more recruits, and another attack on a web institution will be starting soon as I will have Fat Bug finished soon. Join us, or be left in the wasteland that will become of the internet. WE HAVE JESUSMAN ON OUR SIDE.
The Marvel Parody.
The first real episode of the Marvel Parody is loaded, Palmer has begun us with episode 1.2 (yes he starts slow).
You are Listening too (Xmas Edition) . .
Swiss Colony Beef Log, by Eric Cartman, off the album Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics . If you don't own this album, do your self a favor and buy one now.
I hate the Colts.
But I would not wish this on anyone. My deepest condolences to the Dungee family.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"And they come into Bethany. And a certain woman whose brother had died was there. And, coming, she prostrated herself before Jesus and says to him, 'Son of David, have mercy on me.' But the disciples rebuked her. And Jesus, being angered, went off with her into the garden where the tomb was, and straightway a great cry was heard from the tomb. And going near Jesus rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb. And straightway, going in where the youth was, he stretched forth his hand and raised him, seizing his hand. But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb they came into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus told him what to do and in the evening the youth comes to him, wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the kingdom of God. And thence, arising, he returned to the other side of the Jordan." Passage, deleted from the Gospel of Mark, at the request of Pope Clement I.
I am Malach, and Xmas isn't Xmas without a Swiss Colony Beef Log!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:43 PM 7 comments
Daddy is it true . .
that everytime you Wiki-bomb, Wikipedia, an Angel gets it's rubbersuit?
Congratulation to Choas Dragoon, who successfully bombed Wikipedia today all in the name of the War! They have already deleted the page as nonsense, but was smart enough to take a screen shot which you can see here.
The original screen shot can be seen here. Choas has earned his Rubbersuit and a Medal of Bravery from the Buckos Brigade!
Forum RPG's.
I have opened the begining threads of the Minimum Security RPG's, sign up here.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition).
You know, I realized the other day, I have not really had an Jesus songs. So I added one today, a remake of an older church song. Jesus Christ, by Kristin Hersch of Throwing Muses fame. I love the Throwing Muses, and their members incarnations over the years.
What a clusterf*ck this is going to be.
Stay away from NYC! Hey Uknown Series, are you still alive?
ELTON JOHN IS GAY! NO WAY! WHY DIDN'T I GET THE MEMO? Next thing you'll tell me is that Freddy Mercury was gay too.
Yes, but they have yet to face Dr. Murk.
The Idiot Savant of Chessticles.
And I need to know this, why again?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
If you listen to sport radio? The world is coming to and end. Johnny is a great player, but I must give the passing shot as he leaves. So Johnny, how's the arm?
Hey Alanis Morrsette
Yes, I have picked on your stupid song Ironic for a few weeks. But check this . . . that's ironic. And this is also ironic.
Ahh, they kill each other off slowly.
Ahh, global warming . .
No really, I wouldn't mind if it were 80 all year round.
But if you look at Ma and Pa, you can see where it came from.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
"It isn't pollution that is hurting the environment,it's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." - Dan Quayle.
I am Malach, and I am not a menopausal gorilla.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:47 PM 7 comments
It's Christmas Time Pretty Baby!
There is a new Notched Blade, and thanks to BUG for stemming the tide for the ultra late Fat Bug. The latest episode is 1.10, and "guest stars" Necromancer Ned.
As for Fat Bug, here's the deal. There are 26 Panels of the next webcomic. That is basically like 4 episode of any other normal webcomic, I have completely finished 11 of them. I am going to try my darndest to get it up for Xmas.
The Forum is still going strong, and I am going to start some of my world famous Forum RPGS after the holidays there. Stay tuned for that.
The Murk and Malach Show, Xmas special is also doing real well. Murk and I have decided that our next podcast will be an NFL playoff preview.
Yesterday's Blog.
Was a bit morose, and for those of you who contacted me concerned, I am fine (People who know Malach were surprised at his mood, which is rare for him). I have never done a blog about my aunt, but will after the holidays.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . ..
Santa's Back in Town, by Elvis Presley, off the Album White Christmas. Now this is the album with Blue Christmas, which is an Awesome Xmas song, but this one's even better. Elvis can be a bit of a joke, but he did contribute a lot to modern rock and roll. This is some of his early stuff, and if you have not heard his Sun Recordings, do yourself a favor.
Loss number one for the EC's.
I really don't understand how one can justify teaching "Intelligent Design" in Science Class, and I guess the courts agreed with me.
Welcome to NYC.
Man, avoid this if you can.
Malach is gonna try this.
And then 5 years from now we can review.
They could be circling Uranus.
Space is so much fun. The more we know, the more mystery develops.
Umm . . .
This was strange . .
Not that I agree with the holocaust, but if this guy was found guilty, you would probably be doing a favor to him by putting him to death. Euthanasia anyone?
My friend, the President of Iran.
Now he is outlawing KENNY G! Let's get him Dubya! By the way President Ahmadinejad, don't forget the Crusades were fake. All a myth made up and propogated by the Middle East and Muslim countries.
Iran's Bounty of Malach's Head for 12/20/05:
I want one, and I want to name him Stompy!
Really now.
Man split from chimps, I really don't see it. I mean it is more likely chimps split from man.
Hey Mrs. Malach.
We can do this at home.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very low crime rate. - DC Mayor Marion Barry.
I am Malach, the Ghost of Christmas Future.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:01 PM 4 comments
August 2, 196X to December 18th, 2005
In Memory . . .
This blog is dedicated to a internet friend of mine, Voltei, who's mother passed away yesterday. The image above, is an image I created 10 years ago at the untimely death of my Aunt to cancer. The Song is I Can't Fight It, by Bob Mould. The song is about the loss someone very close to Bob from the AIDS virus.
I have never met Voltei and his family in real life, but I feel I know his mother from Voltei himself, and his stories. Voltei is a very caring, thoughtful, and intelligent young man. Very talented, and someone who can make a huge difference in the world. I have no question he recieved a lot of that from his parents, but especially his mother.
Voltei has also had quite a bit of tragedy in his life, but has become a better person for it. There is nothing I can really do or say to take the hurt away, but offer my spiritual thoughts, condolences, and this blog. And always, don't hesitate to contact me via, Skype, e-mail, or phone (even collect) if you need to talk, or need anything.
This blog will return to it's normal format tomorrow. Thanks for listening buckos, and caring.
I am Malach, and a bit morose.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:34 AM 5 comments
I can't stop laughing!
The Murk and Malach Radio Show, XMAS SPECIAL is up, and man, this is easily the funniest one. Piper was so damn drunk during this recording, we had to tape him to a chair. This one is also rather insulting, so you should enjoy it, some caroling, gift giving, drinking, and we interview SANTA CLAUS. Enjoy this puppy.
You are listening to (Xmas edition) . . .
A Song for a Winter's Night, by Sara McLachlan, off the Album, Ultimate Christmas. You may be surprised to find that Malach is a huge Sara MaLachlan fan.
Poor little Peyton . . .
Malach still predicts first round playoff loss for the Colts.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
We got so caught up in the little things of Christmas, like Love and Family, that we almost forgot it's buying things that makes our economy thrive. - Miss Choksondik, South Park
I am Malach, the master of mayhem
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:17 PM 5 comments
All I want for Xmas is one more SuperBowl.
If you watched the game today, this is the real Patriots, they are healthy, and together, watch out.
You are listening to Xmas Edition.
What Christmas Means to Me, Stevie Wonder, off the album, Someday at Christmas. Those of you only familar with 1980's and 90's Stevie Wonder, need to look further back. He has some awesome stuff.
Short one tonight.
Off to an Xmas party soon.
Malach's Quote of the Day!
Bears are Crazy. They'll bite your head if you're wearing a steak on it. - Space Ghost.
I am Malach, and I have to go take the Cosby kids for a swim in the pool.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:39 PM 6 comments
Feather that Mullet it is XMAS TIME!
You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
Christmas is a Time to Say "I Love You", Billy Squier . . . 'nuff said. This is dedicated to the Angry Piper. Big early MTV hit.
Important Annoucement!
I am sorry buckos.
So I got a email today . .
From the creators of Injustice Clown, more specifically Sam Baker. They expressed their love for JesusMan! as I love The Clown. Very happy that he appeared in the latest JesusMan! But sad that he was not the once taken over by the Iscarot. Perhaps some collaborations in the future. Keep up the good work guys, and you are welcome to use our forum.
I wanna see my file.
So you think they know about my secret project?
I should of left my car unlocked.
Stupid things people fund.
This. Honestly who cares.
What are people thinking?
And soon . .
JesusMan! will be one.
And the first one . . .
Good for you Bucko.
Cause the Beatles need that much more money.
This is interesting . .
and might spell the end of Saturday Morning Cartoons. Sad.
Thank God.
Now hopefully they will put on something worth watching.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Billy: Why, Grim? Why do the good die young?
Grim: Well, usually because I get confused.
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
I am Malach, second cousin once removed to the Yellow King.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:37 PM 6 comments
Hey President of Iran!
Guess what I found out!
As most of you know, the President of Iran, Mahmood Almadinejad, stated yesterday that the Holocaust was a myth perpetrated by The US and Europe. Well, Mr, President, I just found something out. You see, the Crusades, there all a myth, perpertrated by the Middle Eastern and Muslims states . . . . Pass it on.
Let see the Iranian bounty on Malach head should be about $10 now. I wonder how many hits will come from the Middle East in the next few days?
You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
Santa's Beard, The Beach Boys, off the album, Christmas With The Beach Boys. Ah The Beach Boys, one of the greatest bands of all time . . . too bad what they have become. They do a mean Xmas album too.
Fat Bug is about 50% done, there are about 30 panel to digitize on this one, definitley finished by Wednesday of next week the latest.
Our Alexa rating is now 39,786. This is awesome, and puts us ahead of a number of popular sites.
As far as I know, the next podcast is still on track for this weekend. Hey Murk, I got a great idea for the next one, give me a call. I also found out we are ranked 985 out of 25,000 podcasts on Feedburner. That shocked me.
I am also finally beginning work of the Tuck's Team website, so that might also effect the webcomic schedule.
This should be most interesting . . .
Stay away from NYC for awhile.
Ok this is all well and good,
But gas has gone back up, not to mention the cost of heating you home.
This should make that transit strike even more pleasant.
I am praying for a snow day, help me Jebus.
I guess you not counting the article about the Kennedy Assassination?
Luckily, Edgar Renteria was not at the bottom.
This was cool, watch the video.
Man lawsuits in the country are out of hand!
Check this one out.
Wow, coaching has certainly changes.
But hey, with all the recent riots, now wonder he had to do this.
So they are good friends, eh?
Ya think they share steroid needles too? It would be entertaining though. 5 Years ago A-Rod, Jeter and Garciaparra were the three best shortstops in the league. The even funnier part, the best shortstop on the Yankees would still not be playing short.
Tom Brady, whose been probable for 3 years is now questionable? Don't worry, he'll play.
I hate to comment on this type of stuff,
as I am not black, but the whole thing seems rediculous.
Dante, I thought you were above this garbage. No wonder your sucked earlier this year.
Welcome to Dropping My Daily Stool Samples version of SportsCenter.
Aaron Brooks, don't worry, your coach sucks.
Ahh, my wife gonna hate me for this comment.
Fall Out Boy. You went pop. You are a punk boy band. You went for the money. Don't blame them, tis the industry. EVERYTHING IS POP, or it does not get airplay.
You silly little red states.
DUH! Freedom of Speech huh? OK, lets take all the science books, and mark em all up with stickers about the theories in them, better yet, just turn them into the Bible.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
IV. 1 After that again he went through the village, and a child ran and dashed against his shoulder. And Jesus was provoked and said unto him: Thou shalt not finish thy course. And immediately he fell down and died. But certain when they saw what was done said: Whence was this young child born, for that every word of his is an accomplished work? And the parents of him that was dead came unto Joseph, and blamed him, saying: Thou that hast such a child canst not dwell with us in the village: or do thou teach him to bless and not to curse: for he slayeth our children. - The Infancy Gospel of Thomas.
I am Malach, I am the Sun and the Moon and the Stars, but I am not Uranus.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:21 PM 7 comments
Xmas Memories
You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . . .
Linus and Lucy, by the Vince Guaraldi Trio, from A Charlie Brown Christmas. This is one of my favorite All Time tunes, it get me all excited when I hear it. If I was a pro wrestler this would be my theme music. Vince is a very interesting man, with some very interesting jazz.
Snake Charmer this one.
Watch out world, as Malach has warned, Mitt Romney is running for president. This is the 9th sign of the Apocalypse. Here comes the Nutty Mormon!
Man, I know time have changed but . . . Well, maybe it was Oscar.
A kinder gentler Dubya.
This is kind of scary . . . Next he will be giving out vouchers for abortions, and using his presidential powers to marry gays in the Oval Office.
Why, people really need to take stock of their inane religious beliefs.
Iran. Hey Iran, maybe you should go to the prom with Venezula, or perhaps North Korea.
Here's another mission . . . go here and but up a RubberSuit Studios ad.
Them crackpot Amish.
Can't a old man buy a hooker in peace?
Hey Nitwits.
I am not sure why this should shock most people . . . (another black mark in the Malach file).
Hey you obnoxious idiot Alanis Morrsette.
But where is Jesus?
Don't those Mayans know anything?
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Sad. Bill Mueller is one of the most underated 3rd basemen in all of baseball. A great guy, and wonderful teammate. Good Luck Billy.
Take that Kansas!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Peter said to Mary, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of woman. - The Gospel of the Magdelana.
I am Malach, and Merovingian descendant.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:14 PM 4 comments
You are Listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
The Little Drum Machine Boy, by Beck, off of Just Say Noel. First if you have never heard of Beck, you need a slap. I figured I should toss in a Hannukah song for my Heebs and not the overplayed one by Adam Sandler. Wait a bit for this one buckos, the song is shade over 7 minutes long and take a bit to load.
It is safe now my fellow bloggers.
It seems as google has heeded the cry, and sploggers have all dissappeared. For once Google done something right.
Missions and Erratta.
The Missions are going real well. So far Murk, claims to have 2 entries, and I sent him a funny one today, that someone sent to me. Some bucko has been naughty in PA! As for the Murk and Malach Radio Show, expect the next one perhaps this weekend. A special Xmas version! And by special request, as he was so popular on the last podcast, the Angry Piper joins us for Xmas. Ooops, let the cat out of the bag . . . even more inebriated than the last podcast. The Eggnogg was killer.
Fat Bug. I have got some work in on this one. Maybe Sunday . .
Pilaf is missing.
Haven't seen him in a few days. Perhaps he's gone AWOL.
Hey Taz?
You joined the forum, but we have yet to hear from you.
I support the Death Penalty for telemarketers.
See, God does punish fornicators.
If you hadn't been engaging in pre marital sex, this wouldn't have happened. See I could be an EC (Evangelical Christian).
Man, certain parts of this country are just messed up.
See what you get in those Red states.
I worry about our youth.
They learn their social skills from the computer and look what happens.
I think they are just trying to make Stuart Little.
Again, people get paid for stuff like this.
Why do you need a study to figure this out? And does it really matter, the Big Earthquake gonna hit soon enough.
See, there was a reason for the Hannukah Pimp title beyond Beck.
See, my Heeb friends can live it up, this calls for some NOFX after Xmas. WE'RE THE BREWS, SPORTING ANTI-SWASTIKA TATTOOS, OY! OY!
Hey Ratzy!
I read your latest blog post. You gotta get a piece of this action.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
NOMAH! Yeah, Yanks, have fun with this one.
I was invited, but I had reality to do. Man TO, you really are mentally ill.
Scary stuff.
No more secret internet life.
Yeah, right.
Another Bush conspiracy!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
But it happened that after Jesus had risen from the dead he spent eleven years speaking with his disciples . And he taught them only as far as the places of the first ordinance and as far as the places of the First Mystery, which is within the veil which is within the first ordinance, which is the 24th mystery outside and below , these which are in the second space of the First Mystery, which is before all mysteries the Father in the form of a dove . And Jesus said to his disciples : "I have come forth from that First Mystery which is the last mystery, namely the 24th".. - The Pistis Sophia (Books of the Savior)
I am Malach, with vice I hold the Mic Device.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:00 PM 7 comments
Hello Boys and Girls.
The Missions are here!
Hill-TV and RubberSuit Studios are proud to annouce our missions. In our continuing war against the media, what is percieved as real, and the government, you can sign up for missions in our forum. Then complete the mission, send us pics or videos, and we will make you famous. A few entries have already been submitted. This is gonna be TONS OF FUN! They might even be prizes.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition). . . .
Santa Doesn't Cop Out on Dope, by Sonic Youth, of the album Just Say Noel . I believe this is a remake from a Martin Mull routine (BTW, Mr. Mull, you do not have your own website. Call me). If you want a strange and eclectic Xmas album, this is the one to buy. If you don't know who Sonic Youth is, breifly, they as well as The Velvet Underground are the two most influential bands, not known by the large majority of the world. I will post some more stuff by both bands after Xmas and get into it then.
As for the album, I will post several songs from it in the coming days, but it contains some nutty stuff. Be prepared.
Free Willy!
So, I bet Humans are the most polluted land animal.
Yes, it was a doozy of a storm . . .
though wouldn't know it right now.
Expect some more of this BS.
Especially as Dubya's time winds down.
I've got a new mission for the Buckos.
Check this out. Now go to Wikipedia, create a long intricate page about something having to do with Stool Sample Webcomics, and our Secret Society, take a screen shot and post it in the forums.
Happy Happy Joy Joy.
Need a lift?
Elvis has yet to leave the Building.
Hey Zues. How hard is it to find a large multi colored woodpecker. I mean I got one of DVD.
Crikey wouldya lookit that one. Shesa Beaute!
Something about Australians rioting just makes me laugh.
Hey Ratzy . .
Way to jump on the bandwagon. Doofus.
2 Gay Guys and a Jew . . . Great sitcom!
The Mood of Red Sox Nation . . .
So what is Theo Epstein gonna do when he comes back? And talk about a conflict of interest. Cherrington is married to local new Sport Reporting Sex Pot Wendy Nix.
ARGH! I have nanoparticles in my brain!
Malach Quote of the Day.
And the Lord cried out, saying, "My power, my power, you have forsaken me." And when he had said it, he was taken up. And in that hour the veil of the temple of Jerusalem was rent in two. - The Gospel of Peter.
I am Malach, I'm a Microphone Fiend!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:54 PM 3 comments
The Boogie Woogie Santa Claus
You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . .
The Boogie Woogie Santa Claus, by Lionel Hampton. Lionel Hampton is early Jazz pioneer, and if you have never heard his stuff, pick something up by him. He passed away in 2002 leaving a legacy of of fostering great Jazz Musicians (Quincy Jones, Charles Mingus, Illinois Jacquet, Betty Wilson, just a few who played in his orchestra. Boogie Woogie is a great indication of the World War II era jazz swing, and a marvelous Xmas song. Hampton was also black, and famous, which is 1930's and 40's America, wasn't too easy.
I have not got to work of Fat Bug, for most of yesterday and all of today, and needless to see WAY behond where I want to be. Sorry, defintely up by the end of this week.
The Forum is going swimmingly, with new members everday. So join if you dare. And Missions start tomorrow.
I will be putting up a fan art page in the next coming days. If you have any fan art for Stool Sample Webcomics, send to to me. Please include your name (psuedonyms are fine), age, and anthing you want us to link to.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
The road to stupidity is paved with good intentions - Mandy, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
I am Malach, come here you!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:30 PM 5 comments
RIP Richard Pryor
There are few like him.
Richard Pryor passed away today. I cannot write the words that would do justice to his genuis. Rest in Peace Brother.
You are listening to (Xmas Editon) .. .
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, by Jack Johnson, off the Album Maybe this Christmas. Best version since Burl Ives.
Short one tonight guys.
Went to Lincoln Park, did some Black Jack and Dog Racing, I'm tired. No quote today.
I am Malach and I am off to bed.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:50 PM 4 comments
I am ole' Kris Kringle
I'm the King of Ding-a-ling!
Sorry to BUG. I forgot to inform the Buckos via the blog that there is a new Notched Blade. This Episode is a "early Holiday gift for the Buckos" quoth the BUG. Episode 1.9 is the latest.
As for Fat Bug, RubbersuitMan sent me a long next episode, so this will be a little longer of a wait. The Episode is pretty funny though, as Fat Bug will take on MegaTokyo. For those MT fans, wait until you see of the way he disposes of Largo.
Minimum Security keeps growing, with fun and interesting members. Keep a special eye out on this thread, Dr. Murk has some missions planned for the Buckos, and wants to make you famous. I will also post results here.
You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) .. .
12/23/95, by Jimmy Eat World, off the album Maybe This Christmas.
Healthy Pop Tarts.
No, please don't say it is true!
Hey Goofus.
Jesus or God do not want you to win the lottery, then lose it to teach you a lesson. Just as God or Jesus does not want an athlete to win the big game. Just stop.
Stupid Poll of the Week.
Gays and the UK.
It is nice and all you guys can get married legally there, but what the hell is up with the Sailors outfits . . . I thought all gays had good fashion sense.
Interesting Debate.
While yes, I agree that immigrants coming to this country should have some command of English (If I moved to Mexico, I would learn Spanish), but suspending the kid? That smacks of discrimination.
One more reason I disagree with the death penalty.
People like this.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Bye Bye Northern Lights.
Well that should brighten up Siberia.
I am Malach, the Emprorer of Ding-a-ling.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:28 PM 7 comments
The End of the World
Most of you who know me, know that I think doomsday prognostication and bible codes based upon ancient holy text is a bunch of bullshit. That right, I swore, because I feel pretty strongly about this. This is why, and I will use Revelations as an example. Like Martin Luther, I think Revelation "was not inspired by the Holy Spirit" and as such, should not be included as part of the Holy Word. Why? Revelation is a enigmatic book, and purposefully written that way. It is written in extensive symbolism, riddle, and surrealism. The book did not make it's first appearance until hundred after the death of Christ, and was never even really included into the New Testament Canon until the 9th Century. When the original Canon was put together in the 4th century, it was argued not to be included"because of the difficulties of interpreting it and the danger for abuse". Why it was added in the 9th Century? It gave the Church a book to refer to to scare the masses, exactly the fear 500 years earlier.
Much of the book is based in part in the very similar Hebrew text, The Book of Enoch, which was left out of the Old Testament, way back when. Another book left out for similar reasons.
Now you have all sort of religious nuts running around using the book to predict the end of times is here. Well you know what, I can use any book written like Revelations is, to predict the end of the world. I can also take any time period you choose and use the symbolism in the book to show the end is near (religions have been doing this for centuries). I don't mean to pick on the Bible, as all the Holy Books have similar stories, but it is the one I am most familiar with.
Bible Codes. Everone thinks these are the greatest prognostication device ever. Do any of you realize that studies have been done, with War and Peace, converting into ancient Hebrew, and finding the exact same codes? It is all math. The way Ancient Hebrew breaks down is very similar is all long text.
This is what all this leads to. Check out this fruitcake. Trust, me, read this for a while. It will make you scratch your head.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
The Bizarre Christmas Incident, by Ben Folds, off the album Maybe This Christmas. For those of you unfamilar with Ben Folds and the Ben Folds Five, what kind of rock are you living under. Very Funny song, take a listen. As for the Album, the best of the Maybe This . . bunch. And I will play a few more off of it. Some on the playlist: Jack Johnson, Bare Naked Ladies and Sara McLaughlin, Jimmy Eat World, Cold Play and quite a few others. All doing mostly traditonal Xmas songs.
Stool Sample Webcomics Vol I.
Is almost complete, but I am debating on whether to release it after Xmas or not.
Give me your tired, your poor . . .
Hey guess what, the Patriot Act signed for 4 more years!
Ahh, the Grammys.
Lets see, nominees mostly suck as usual. And that Mariah Carey, she is a nut. Maybe we can get her and Tom Cruise together.
So who do you think she is marrying.
I bet a Cocaine Dealer.
Hey guys.
Send the tape to me or Hill Tv. We support your freedoms, and we will post it.
"Being good is not boring!"
So says Ratzy! He should say something about this on his blog.
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Edgar Renteria Gone. I am going to miss the nicknames: Rentawreck, Rentaerror . . . now we can call him Edgar Gone-eria. It was painful to watch him play. So far, I am very happy with the moves they have made. Prediction: Theo Epstein will be back as the Red Sox GM before Xmas.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. - Martin Luther
If I am not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don't want to go there. - Martin Luther (Big JesusMan! fan)
I am Malach, and I want candy.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:38 PM 4 comments
I NEED A SNOW DAY (might get one on Friday)
You are listening too (Xmas edtion)
Snow Day, by Bleu, off the Album, A Bing Bang Holiday. This is another good example of what Bleu is all about. I don't know about you but I would be singing this all winter as a kid, and if my kids dancing around the studio to this song are any indication, it still seems that way. I can picture this song at the beginning of one of those big budget holiday movies. I still sing it at work.
Ahh, celebrity marraiges.
Done: Eddie and Valerie
Remarrying: Marshall and Kim
Still Coo Coo: TOMKAT!
Ahh, don't they look insan-Happy?
And there is a little Tomkitten on the way!
Um, sorry, I meant Elian Gonzales. Our Lord and Messiah turns 12 today.
The Death Penalty.
I am not a supporter of Capital Punishment except in extreme circumstances. There are a number of reasons: Cost, It does not actually reduce crime, etc. It is a waste to kill this man. I don't care he claims to be innocent, and yes, he should be punished for his crime. But killing him now, when he can be a inspiration for others . . .
My two favorite people are getting married!
And I hope the choke on their money. Perhaps Google will have an affair with one of them and then there will be some type of double murder suicide.
Hey nutbags, get a life. Look Dubya, I am actually defending you!
Charlie Brown.
There is not enough appreciation in the world for Charles Schulz and the Peanut franchise. You kids, doing webcomics, do some research. Cynical, politcal, and smart, Charlie Brown is one of the best Comic Strip characters ever created.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
How come I kill everthing I touch? - Charlie Brown
I am Malach, and I can kill with touch.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 6:35 PM 4 comments
Interesting Observation
Let's Compare.
What you see above is comparison panels from the first couple of Wraith webcomics as compared to the Wraith episode I loaded last night. I find it interesting the difference 9 months make.
You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
Mele KalikiMaka, by Bleu, of the Album A Bing Bang Holiday (which surprisingly is not available at Amazon, but is through his website and Newbury Comics). Bleu is a Boston based musician, who is very popular among other Boston musicians. He is one part Fat Boy Slim, one part gay night club crooner, and one part Bob Dylan. Bleu mixes crafty pop lyrics, with funky electonica, and an almost Liberace type flair. Fun music, good shows, very interactive. This album contains a number of remakes (including Mele), all done in a strange electronic sample mix. Jingle Bells, Silent Night, Carol of the Bells, Twelve Day of Christmas (called Boston All Star 12 Dayz, features such artist as Dropkick Murphys, Buffalo Tom, Kaye Hanely, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Amazing Royal Crowns, Expanding Man, and Guster to name a few), are just a few traditional Xmas songs given this treatment. There are also a number of originals including one I will play tomorrow.
Fat Bug.
I am working on it right now. This is a long episode, side splittingly funny, and should be done if your are lucky by the end of the weekend.
So, I was crusing around the internet . .
and I stumbled upon this rabid Billy Boyd (Pippin from Lord of the Rings) fanbase. Check out some of these sites.
And that is just the tip of the iceburg. HEY GENERALISSIMO! I think I have discovered a new thing to wage war on!
Run my little precious!
Don't let the evil humans catch you, the plans have not reached fruition! Run, run like the wind.
I think Wiki killed Kennedy!
Hey anyone want some porn?
I think this is an awesome idea, wish I thought of it first.
As a parent of two young kids,
I totally agree with this guy.
OK . .
there is something a bit wrong about this, beyond the outfit the girl is wearing in the pic.
Leave it to those Limey Bastards . . .
I wonder if they have one that will sing F*ck the Police.
It was King Kong Day in the Big Apple . . . that must of been a helluva a time!
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Today... is Christmas! There will be a magic show at zero-nine-thirty! Chaplain Charlie will tell you about how the free world will conquer Communism with the aid of God and a few marines! God has a hard-on for marines because we kill everything we see! He plays His games, we play ours! To show our appreciation for so much power, we keep heaven packed with fresh souls! God was here before the Marine Corps! So you can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the Corps! Do you ladies understand? - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket
I am Malach and I am merciless
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 5:46 PM 9 comments
Minimum Security Upgrade
Fun time.
I have upgraded the forum and put on a new skin. There are quite a few skins to choose from, and I will be posting images of a few of them this week, so we can vote upon a final skin. Join the fun, you can reach Minimum Security here.
You are listening too (Xmas Edition) . . .
Indian Giver, The Squirrel Nut Zippers, Christmas Caravan.
And he did it in Record Time!
I could beat him I bet.
And now for something a bit serious.
I have been following this case since it's beginnings, and even though the kids were killed, it is nice to see there is finally some closure in this case, which does not often happen. Rest In Peace little angels.
When White Trash wins the lottery.
If my girlfriend dies, of a drug overdose . . I think I would have at least found a better way to dispose of the body. Remember kids, don't do drugs, unless you want to be cool.
No really, Steven Jobs has done a helluva job trying to compete.
Those kooky Ruttan Boys.
Hey, where's my inexpensive space flight?
Home Schooled freaks.
Yeah so, I bet he's all fugged up in the head.
The Hell's Angels.
Nice to see they have learned a thing or two about the US Court System. What, you expected a smart ass comment, I ain't that stupid.
All right.
I have been following this story for awhile. Some of the tech they are putting into this paint is amazing.
Crouching Spongebob Hidden Patrick.
Ahh, I see he is off to covert Asia into a land of homosexual sodomites also.
Is it just me or has he been more entertaining off the field than on. If the Eagles were smart they would make a Reality Show out of it.
This is Shocking . . .
Unless it is a Typical Vince McMahon swerve, it is nice to see this.
I can see this working for a lot of sports.
The Neil Armstrong Biography.
So is this the book they reveal the moon landing was all a big hoax?
Pyramids in Bosnia?
I bet they find a statue of Bruce Lee inside (if you are a long time follower of this blog, you will get this).
Tom Cruise . . . .
Wow, what a guy. I think once he gets wind of Murk and My latest podcast, he goes nutty with the ultra sound.
Speaking of Murk.
He has missions planned, to be posted soon. This is gonna be FUN! Just like the Church is the Middle Ages.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
I've always wondered if there was a god. And now I know there is -- and it's me. - Homer Simpson
I am Malach, and I am wearing boxer briefs.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:22 PM 3 comments
Best name for a band since Cherry Poppin' Daddies
Your are listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
Carolina Christmas, by the Squirrel Nut Zippers, off the album Christmas Caravan. Do you remember when you were a kid, and there was this album you always associated with Christmas, this could be one of them. Mostly originals, there are some orginal classics (Sleigh Ride, Winter Weather, Hanging Up My Stockings), but some really awesome originals. I will post a few of them for the next few days.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Zippers, there music is definitely worth a listen to. They have that Big Band/Swing sound, with a mix of punkiness thrown in, and unlike some of the modern swing, they are much more "alternative". If you like a good party, the Zippers are for you.
The Wraith.
I might be able to finish tonight, as the wife will not be home. The art in this series has taken another leap forward for me, and it all looks pretty freakin' awesome, and dare I say it, professional. I really think I want to take The Wraith into a very realistic direction art wise, as I become more confortable with all the things the digital imaging can do.
Thanks to all the supporters.
Last night, we reached 1,000,000 hits. AWESOME. This is almost a year ahead of what I was hoping to reach that point. 10 months and the visitors and hit increase daily. I would especially like to thanks some of those Buckos who have been there since day one. The COTCG community and CZone Central Community have been instrumental in not only visiting the site, but spreading the word. THANK YOU, I owe you guys a great deal.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
May the fleas from your cow inflame your Rhubarb. - Rolf: Ed, Edd, and Eddy
I am Malach, and yes I did quote Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 4:31 PM 8 comments