This is partly in reponse to a compadres blog, and partly in response to thoughts that I have expressed over the past 6 years of Dubya's administration. First off, I am not a Democrat, I am not a Republican. I have been accused of being a "bleeding heart liberal", and even on occassion a Communist. I did not vote for Dubya, either time, and I did not vote for any independent candidates (even though some are very good). I am not even a huge Dubya hater, even though he is a brain dead zombie. I do at this point detest the Republican Party and everything it stands for. And if that is treason, you can come get me . . .
This country has taken so many steps backward. . . Rights, Creative Freedoms, Scientific Advances, Diplomatic Relations, since the beginning of the Dubya years, it makes me worry. I worry about the trillion dollar debt that this party feels it needs to run to keep the banks pockets lined. I worry that this country has stepped and squashed so many rights in this country, under the veil of the "War on Terror" and "Morality", that I sometimes wonder what kind of file the FBI has on me. I worry about this militaristic, if you not with us your terrorists attitude, in our highest offices. I worry that our dimplomatic relations are so bad with the rest of the world, that even Canada hates us. I worry that by the time Dubya is set out to pasture, that we will be involved in so many conflicts, with our troops streched so thin, that it will leave us defensless. I worry that our "all volunteer armies" recruitment is at an all time low, and if we are going to be fighting these conflicts, don't we need troops, and how do you think we are supposed to get them? I am worried that by the end, interest rates will be so high, that no one will be able to afford a mortgage. I worry about my entitlement to Social Security, which I have paid for, and will never get. I worry that we lose good jobs by the bucketful everyday. I worry that someone on minimum wage cannot afford a place to live. I worry you can be labeled as a terrorist and lose every right guaranteed to you by the Constitution. I worry that cures for AIDS, Cancer, Paralysis, are only a few years away, but the government won't fund the research based upon some twisted Christian ideal. AND I REALLY WORRY ABOUT THE FACT THAT IT SEEMS THAT PEOPLE OF MY GENERATION AND YOUNGER DON'T SEE THIS.
Don't you kids realize what is happening to this country? Can you not tell, we are no where close to where we were 6 years ago? Do you not realize, that this administration has no interest in you or your success?
I am scared; that if one doesn't prescribe to a certain Christain Moralistic outlook in this country, you are either a traitor, a bad parent, unamerican, a baby killer, etc, etc. You are black balled, and ostracized. Does anyone remeber Joe MaCarthy and the "red scare?" Last I looked, Jesus did not found this country (that is another blog). In fact, this country is so anti-religion, that some of the things going on in our government are boderline treasonous.
I tell you this now, Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate for president in 2008. Mitt is Dubya, only charming and well spoken. He charmed his way in to this state, and look where we are now. Keep an eye out for Mitt . . . Soon, Very Soon.
Dude, where's my country?!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:01 PM 8 comments
As a native New Englander, I am very used to Mother Nature's fickleness when it comes to New England weather. Nor'Easters, Blizzards in late April, 70 degress in December, beautiful one minute, hurricane the next. There is a old saying around here: "You don't like the weather, wait five minutes".
All cliches aside, this Weather is starting to PISS ME OFF. We have not had one day over 70 degrees since Spring began. Yesterday, May 25th, it is 45 degrees, pouring, high winds . . . a fuggin' Nor'Easter (for the uneducated that is New England for a ocean powered blizzard that spins and comes in from the North East). STOP IT! The average temp this time of year is 68 degrees, this months average, 50, if that. I have even sent threatening e-mails to local meteorologists.
Speaking of meteorologist, is that not the best job in the world? They pay you to guess. The only two jobs in the world, where you only have to be right 30% of the time and be considered one of the best in the indusrty: Meteorologist and Designated Hitter. I chose the wrong profession.
Which bring me to my next point; My beloved Boston Red Sox. I too stated . . ."I only want to live long enough to see the Red Sox (Patriots) win one". You would think I would be happy? Red Sox Nation is the largest subsection of depressed people in the world. IT ACTUALLY PUTS ME IS A BAD MOOD WHEN THEY LOSE (man the basball season is long). WTF is that all about. They are currently going through a bad stretch right now, and you should hear The Nation talk. Mark Bellhorn DIE! Bench Millar! Renterria = Rent- a - wreck! The gallows will be out soon. Anyone not from this region, go to, and sign up for their live webstreaming, and listen to how insane we all are. Wait until 6PM and listen to the Whiner Line. Man, if the F'n Yankees, were in 1st place, it would be 10 times worse. You would think the Witch Trials would start up again. Man, them damn, Yankees, they are the Nazi's to Red Sox Nation. Walk around here, and see young men wearing "Jeter is a Fag" and "GAY-rod" t- shirts . .
. You wanna know how bad it really is? I still have this saved on my computer:
No wonder A-rod needs therapy. This local punk group did this song called "Here We Go Patriots". The entire songs lyrics was the rest of the NFL teams followed by "They Suck!". The chorus, "Here We Go Patriots". The last line of the song goes, "New York Yankess, They Suck!" Yes, sad. The really sad part is, the Sox are only 1 game off of last years pace, their offense is the same (even though Manny's hitting like . .. oh pick a dead relative), their pitching is only slightly worse.
I can still remember crying when the ball went through Buckner's legs . . . A quote from Red Sox Nation, Public Enemy number 7, Grady Little: "In Boston there are not 162 games, there are 162 seasons". Perfect. Too bad he wasn't smart enough to take Pedro out of game 7 in 2003.
Luckily, Jerry Remy, the world's best announcer, does their games. If you have not heard the Rem-Dog, you do not know what you are missing.
Ok, catch my breath . . .
Dear God,
Please bring the summer soon. In exchange I will give you a co starring role in JesusMan.
Your Fresh Friend, with Mad Skillz,
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:01 AM 1 comments
I did not know my blog had such an influence
I saw Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith (to be referred to as Ep III) last night, and I must say, my faith in George Lucas, the Star Wars franchise, and CGI, has been some what renewed. While I would like to let this movie sink in a bit before I pass final judgement, I will say a few things. This movie was definitely much more in the vein of the old movies. The action, the high adventure, the mystification at the special effects, the spiritaulity of the Force, were all there. In fact, I can possible hold this up with the old movies. I was definitely better than Episodes I and II. It ties the whole thing together. And seeing this movies makes me understand why Lucas has fiddled around with the originals, and possible want to remake Epidsode IV - VI. Compare the lightsaber battles from this one to any of the originals you will see why.
The use of CGI, while overblown, was much more effective, and the use of models and live props, defintely fit in much better (thank you Peter Jacksom) and made the overall movie, much more effective. The CGI did not get in the way like in the other 2 movies.
There are some issues I have, that I will get out of the way now:
1. Over all the dialogue, was cheesy, clicheish, and pretty poor (but all the Star Wars movies had this problem.)
2. I don't know what it is, but the acting was pretty poor. It seems to me that Lucas is a one take director. Hayden Christiansen again is nauseating. But why do very good actors like Ewan MacGregor, and Natalie Portman deliver lines that are at points painful to watch . . . I guess I got to blame Lucas for this one.
3. General Greivous, was much more intimadating in Cartoon Network's Clone Wars. If you have not seen this, pick this up, you will be amazed, and it fills in the gap real nicely between II and III.
4. Lucas has some type of fetish with severing limbs, at least they don't bleed afterward like in Ep. I.
5. The whole Metchlorian (sp) thing is stupid, and the fact that the Emprorer eluded to himslef creating Anakin by influencing them, is as stupid as the Messianic creation of Anakin, through Metacholrians.
6. SOME MINI SPOILERS TO FOLLOW: The whole scene at the end, where Anakin is officially Vader, in the body armor and with the James Earl Jones voice, and he has this huge emotional outburst, is very painful to watch. Ultra Cheesy. Very 1950's monster movie (Frankenstien). Also one of the final scenes with the Emporer, Vader and a young Grand Moff Tarkin, looking at the Death Star being constructed, is not really set in time well, and makes the viewer think that I takes 20 years to build the thing.
Overall though, I would recommend this film, and even encourage Lucas to remake IV - VI.
UPDATE: I am about 50% done with The Next Wraith. Should be up soon. Thanks to those who bumped the Webcomicslist buttons, both comics are now in the Top 100. I have no idea what is going on with Buzzcomix, but this has been going on for over a week, and frankly, is disappointing and embarassing for the "Number 1 webcomics list on the net."
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:13 AM 4 comments
This relates a bit to my hatred toward George Lucas, but I will tie that later in these thoughts. First I would like to talk a bit about the "competition". Since I have been doing these webcomics, I have notced something about the large majority of popular webcomics. They tend to be very poorly written, but beautiful "imaged", or poorly "imaged" and extremely well written.
I used the word imaged, becuase many of these comics are not drawn, but done via computer. Maybe I am a bit old school, but all the images you see on RubberSuit Studios have been done by hand. I have flirted with computer graphics, but generally don't like them. Why? I find Computer Generated Images, or CGI, look very fake. They are so realistic, so perfect, they come off as unreal. Hand drawn images have defects, as does life. Even the best CGI, with intentional defects, still look hyper realistic.
The kids defintely seem to be into CGI. Who to blsme? Anime. Much of anime is CGI, but besides Ghost in the Shell none are as good as Akira. You even can see CGI in The Justice League, and The Batman, both extremely good series. What occurs is that the vehicles are CGI, and for some reason, don't fit in. You can also blame, Movies.
Now don't get me wrong, CGI can be very effective . . . take the Lord of the Rings movies, the difference that that and say Star Wars 1 - 3, is that Peter Jackson used a combo of models and CGI. This is where Lucas failed. Look at the early Star Wars; puppets and models. These films still can compete with any modern CGI. The models, because they are "real" have the properties if real objects, the weight, the defects, where the CGI, is so real, so realistic, they turn into a Thomas Kincaide paintings.
But it is popular, and I guess that is what the people like . . . of course the people like Clay Aiken the Anti-Christ also and voted for Dubya.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Happy Anniversary, Gay Marriage is 1 year old, [adult swim], JesusMan Update!
Today is the one year anniversary of the legalization of Gay Marriage in the State of MA. Not much has changed since then. The "moral minority"of this country, which is so outspoken (and tend to vote, which is a future blog), are more than determined in keeping homosexuals as second class citizens. WHY? Who does it hurt?
One of the big issues is bibilical tranlations in regards to homosexuality. All over the old testament are words and phrases calling homosexuals devils, and denouncing the gay lifestyle. Jesus Freaks love to quote some of the passage about "man not lying with man". Isn't that conveinet. Again this is another issue I have with the moral minority. They pick and choose what they want from the Bible, to denonce other groups. Now isn't that a good Christian ideal!
First, Jesus Christ never addressed homosexuality (and why did he only hang with men?). Second, you cannot pick things out of the Bible and say they are fact and discard others. Homosexuals are bad, Evolution is false, etc, etc. What about the parts of Leviticus, that go on to talk about how "slaves can only be taken from surround, non-Isrealite countries"? How about that the Bible calls women and blacks chattle? I don't see any of the cross wavers promoting that (at least openly).
Homosexuals hurt no one. They do not stalk heterosexuals to sexual attacks them covertly. There was a time in this country in which I can remember where "Gay Bashing" was common place.
Was it not Jesus who said;
"Love you fellow man, like you would love yourself?"
As a bit of an aside, I was posting a link to JesusMan, on the [adult swim] forums. I was attacked by two members as being a "lesbian blaspheming devil". Well, I am not a female (my avatar was), and do these doofuses even watch [adult swim]. Ever seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, or Family Guy? I'm blasphemous? The two idiots were also sporting Family Guy avatars.
Speaking of Jesus, the next JesusMan webcomic is 50% done. The plot thickens as Felix and John Paul II merge . . . and the world is in for a good reaming, by SUPER MEGA POPE - ATRON!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 1:42 PM 0 comments
George Lucas Must DIE!
Ok, so I go the trilogy for the ole' birthday and have been rewatching it with my 3 year old. Star Wars of course is near and dear to my heart as it was the first movie I ever saw in the theater (thanks Memere). Now we all know how Mr. Lucas has "revamped" the old series more to his liking, and pretty much destroyed it with Episode I and II (and yes Episode III looks good, and really how can your screw up Vader's origins, but I won't hold my breath).
Ok, so I am watching Return of the Jedi with the my young son. And of course in this new DVD offering there are some changes, mostly computer enhancement and such. They actually added a longer part for the Emperor and new graphics for when Vader in talking to him via the holocommunicator in Empire Strikes Back, but that did not bother me as much, as the Emporer looked much better than the original, and it tied the orginals with the lastest.
OK, back to the story. So the Empire is defeated, the new Death Star destroyed, and the Ewok celebration begins . . . of course there are those new computer graphics scenes they added some time ago of the people going into the streets of Mos Eisley, Corsrucant, et al, and celebrating like the Red Sox just won the World Series . . . at least the removed the scene with the crowd surfing Stormtrooper. So then Luke, the ever brooding person he is, steps out from the Ewok party to confront the apparitions of his father, Yoda, and Obi-Wan. Here the kick in the balls . . . they replaced the old Annakin, and the actor who played him, with the greasy haired Hayden Christainsen Annakin. I just about fell out the window.
George Lucas, what is you problem. Why take these classics and do this. It does not improve upon them? Georgie-poo, here's and idea. Remake the three of them, as you see fit. I am sure some studio will give you all the money you want to do this, and the brainwashed Star Wars masses, will sell the theaters out to see them (me included). WTF, why mess so much with the originals?
Now I won't go into the last two movies, do I really need to? My only comment is this, the Cartoon Network, Clone Wars, was so much better than these movies, should of had that team do them.
I am now sending Mind Bullets to Mr. Lucas as we speak . . ..
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 7:51 PM 0 comments
There might be some delay in the next few pages of JesusMan and The Wraith as I am currently contracted for 3 web design jobs, I will try to get some done during my free time. Thanks as always for your on going support.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Notched Blade
OK, I got inspired, Notched Blade is now uploaded.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Man people are up tight about religion
Beyond my own forum, I am the member of a few others, by far the one with the most membership is Cartoon Orbit: The Complete Guide. Now I am a web jerk, and like to do web experiments. The latest, is the last of a series of "Who Would Win in a Fight" threads. We this is my masterpiece: It pits, Jesus vs. Yhaweh vs. Buddha vs. Vishnu vs. Mohammed in a fight to the death.
It is fuggin' hilarious to watch the responses to this thread . . . Of course Jesus is winning, becuase of the glut of Jesus Freaks online. And of course I am trying to get people to think this through logically (why would Christ beat God?). I find it surprising that if I post a battle Gandalf vs. Superman, people can think that through logically, but the brainwashed Rapture Nuts, cannot think beyond Jesus is the Messiah. Please check this out have have the laugh of your life. And a post few thoughts also. It's funny, I even have two guys from India fighting about Vishnu.
So the other day I am on my forum Minimum Security, and this "Christian" joins bascially to attack me for Jesusman. Not only were they rude, profane, and very poor speaker, they ended up being banned (congratulations, you are the first). So after calling me an asshole, I responded "Well that was awfully Christian of you" . . . and there was no reaction to that.
I cannot wait for the day when were are visited by aliens so we can compare beliefs.
As an aside, the very first guest strip of Noched Blade, will be up tonight or tomorrow!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 9:58 AM 4 comments
Misc. Debris
I have added a new feature to Stool Sample Webcomics, MISC. DEBRIS. With MISC DEBRIS, we are hoping to do the following:
1. Display old stuff
2. Post designs and sketches
3. Host Guest Strips
4. Post 1 shots.
If you think you have a strip that you would like RubberSuit Studios to host, email it to us.
AND A BIG ANNOUCEMENT! Today we passed 100,000 hits. Thanks a bunch.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Russel the Love Muscle
Thanks a million to Russ for letting me borrow his digital camera, there is now a new Wraith and JesusMan uploaded!!! Thanks Again!!
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 11:19 PM 0 comments
JesusMan will RISE AGAIN! Or Chinese Cowboys
It's official the circuit board on the camera is fried, so while I have updates for both The Wraith and JesusMan, they will be delayed until the camera situation is fixed. This is very annoying since these comics have been on a roll. Even though there is nothing new, keep supporting this webcomics.
Well now for some happy thoughts. If you are ever in the New Bedford, MA area, check out a tex-mex restaurant called FRESH TORTILLAS (sorry no web site). Some of you from the NYC area will be familiar with this restaurant and FRESCO TORTILLAS (A top 10 eatery in NYC). Let me begin at the beginning. A young Chinese Immigrant who learned to cook Mexican in Mexico, opened a series of restaurants in NYC. So popular that he expanded to of all places New Bedford MA. Walk in this place and you would swear you are in a cheesy, fast, Chinese restaurant. THE FOOD IS AMAZING. CHEAP, HUGE PORTIONS, . . .1541 Purchase St., New Bedford MA. (508)979-5888 or (508)979-1238.
Now let me also talk about my punk compadres, who also do Mexican . . . NO PROBLEMO . .. these guys owned a skate shop, then made a hip Mexican restaurant. HUGE PORTIONS, GOOD FOOD, with a twist on the Tex Mex them. Purchase and William St., New Bedford, MA (508)984-1081. Check them out.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Bad news, my digital camera is currently busted, I will try and fix it, if not, I will be purchasing a new one this weekend as a combined Mothers/Fathers day gift. What does this mean? No webcomic updates until the camera is fixed/new one purchased! Hopefully Big Uncle Gorilla will send me some Notched Blade strips to tide you over. Keep bumping those webcomic buttons (speaking of that, Buzzcomix, has been down for 4 days this week . . . obviously they have not payed their hosting bill . . . kind of sad for one of the top webcomic listing sites on the net).
Since I put up the RSS feed, hits to this site have jumped 500%! This is only for the first couple of weeks, well see if this lasts. That is it for now, I will keep you updated on the camera.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:16 AM 0 comments
OK, my trip to NY was fun, and I got no work done on either webcomic. So be it. I did a bit of work today and The Wraith will be uploaded tomorrow. BuzzComix, evidently forgot to pay some type of bill, and their site has been offline for a few days, so I lost some votes there, GO VOTE THERE NOW THEY ARE BACK UP. As for the Webcomics List, both comics are in the top 150, a few more votes and they go into the top 100.
Since I added the RSS feed, hits per day have gone up about 200%. AWESOME. Keep at those Kanoodle ads.
Now for my trip. The wedding was over at 10PM?? So the a large part of the wedding went to a place called Poor Richards Pub, at the Ramada Inn, in New Hartford, New York. There, I saw the most amazing band . .. . There were so bad and cheesy, they were awesome. SOUL INJECTION MUSIC!!! If you are ever in Central NY, check them out.
Also, I noticed, driving back from NY into MA, there is a new sign right on the border. "Welcome to Massachusetts" and in HUGE letters, "HOME OF THE 2004 WORLD CHAMPION BOSTON RED SOX". I half expected to see "Yankees Suck" at the bottom.
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 10:03 PM 0 comments